For two days and two nights the watch continued. Where did he fit into the family? By the time that Alma had grown to young manhood and become a priest of Noah, the people of Limhi had been away from Zarahemla nearly fifty years and had severed themselves entirely from the main body of the Nephites. So important was this information to Alma that he immediately recorded it in order that he might have it as a guideline for future action. Alma the Younger was singled out for a special experience. The La… Knowing full well the iniquity testified to by Abinadi, Alma pleaded with Noah for the preservation of the prophet’s life. Unable to talk, unable to move, and plunged into the terrors of hell, he was brought immobile before his father, the high priest. Alma the Elder probably slept little as he watched the body for signs of life. in South America. Noah, for example, had gained his popularity by flattery. Perhaps this contains a lesson for us—not to petition for the removal of the burden, but to pray to grow in strength; not to make the burden the size we can carry, but to make us equal to the load to be borne. Alma fled and hid himself. The result was renewed stability in the kingdom. Check out our alma the elder selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. One of the Book of Mormon's greatest figures, he is sometimes referred to as Alma the Elder to avoid confusion with his son, also named Alma, who is often called Alma the Younger. Alma the Elder was believed to be a Nephite prophet living around 173 b.c. Four hundred and fifty people eventually entered into this covenant with Alma, enough to form a medium-sized ward today. [6], Alma now found himself leading a small group of believers in their religious life, regulating their affairs, setting up days of worship, appointing other priests and overseeing a program of temporal welfare that may be seen loosely as a style of communal or consecrated living. Amulon proved to be a harsh taskmaster exceeding the authority that the Lamanites had given him by assigning heavy burdens to Alma’s people and prohibiting prayer among them. It was a bold stance for people in an unpopular minority, where such a stance might well mean death, and few prophets have left us with a more penetrating insight into the nature of the baptismal covenant. Was a priest of wicked King Noah and a descendant of Nephi, Mosiah 17:1–2. ), Alma Baptizing in the Waters of Mormon. The area is massive and we have no car. It was a responsibility not to be trifled with. More was said than was recorded, but the part that has been retained is probably that which struck Alma with the greatest impact. The priests of Noah, characterized by debauchery, laziness, gross immorality, drunkenness, arrogance, and deceit—no more unlikely setting could have been found for a future prophet of God. If our assumptions are correct, Alma was a relatively young man when he first came under the influence of Abinadi. He knew full well the power of the Lord to work with the one-time rebellious. Alma 4 83 BC Alma preaches and sets the Church in order at Zarahemla and at Gideon Alma 5-7 82-81 BC Alma preaches and sets the Church in order at Melek. He was converted to the gospel through the preaching of Abinadi, led a secret branch of righteous families out from among a wicked people, and became high priest over the people of Nephi. Alma the Younger was later to use the same tactics in attempting to overthrow the work of the Lord. The love of this group was to become almost legendary among the Nephites. Not only did Amulon persecute those who had joined the church, but he also instructed the children of his people to persecute the children of the saints. Perhaps Alma had not become fully steeped in the self-centered iniquities of Noah’s priests. Knowing parents often provides important clues to understanding a child. Alma The Elder. Knowing that this type of influence within the church would completely destroy its effectiveness, the priests brought the matter to Alma’s attention. Rather than removing the burdens that they had covenanted to bear many years before, the Lord helped them to become equal to the burdens placed upon them. Alma the Elder According to the " Book of Mormon ", Alma ( IPAEng|ˈɑlmə ) (c. 173 BC – c. 91 BC) was a Nephite prophet who established the Church of Jesus Christ in the Americas during the reign of the wicked King Noah He called upon them to “stand as witnesses of God at all times, and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death.” (Mosiah 18:9.) I am now serving in the Bendigo ward. The Lord was willing to forgive again and again on condition of repentance; his servants should do the same. Alma the Elder. An angel of the Lord appears to Alma the Younger and the sons of Mosiah. They appear not even to have been able to find their way back to Zarahemla, and the Book of Mormon gives no indication of contact between the two lands after the expedition left for the land of Nephi. It would also be interesting to know something about Alma’s parents. Alma the Elder played a significant role as recorded in the Book of Mosiah, first appearing in chapter 17. Only then did he begin the process of setting the church in order. Alma the Younger became both high priest and chief judge over the land. Posted by Barbara at 3:25 PM. Priests were ordained to be in charge of each group of fifty, and, unlike the priests of Noah, they were instructed to earn their own living and to seek diligently for the guidance of the Lord rather than for the desires of their own appetites. His hatred for one who had formerly been a fellow priest was intense. The Book of Mormon refers to him only as Alma but he is often designated as Alma the Elder to help distinguish him from his son whose name was also Alma. After this lesson had been learned, the Lord released the saints from their captors and allowed them to go on to the land of Zarahemla and a reunion with the major body of the Nephites. Led by the light of the Master, they obtained a singleness of purpose, a common trust, and a love that made the entire experience possible. These believers gathered to a place called “The Waters of Mormon” and here Alma baptized 204 people.[3]. According to the Book of Mormon, Alma (/ˈælmə/) was a Nephite prophet who established the Church of Jesus Christ in the Americas during the reign of the wicked King Noah. (Mosiah 29:45.) One of the Book of Mormon's greatest figures, he is sometimes referred to as Alma the Elder Noah held a council with his priests [2](presumably Alma was there also) as what to do with Abinadi. (See Mosiah 20:1–5.) Alma 2 85 BC Thousands enter the church. The Conflict Between Knowledge and Faith 1400 Words | 6 Pages. - 91B.C.) Alma 1 87 BC Leads Nephite army against Amlici's rebellion. (See Mosiah 26:31.) (See Mosiah 24:25.) While the son passed through the terrors of hell to the joy of salvation, the father continued to plead with the Lord for the physical and spiritual well-being of his son. A Contextualization of Nina Revoyr's Southland 2670 Words | 11 Pages. Therefore he did not fit the mold of a true prophet of God. He was rendered totally incapacitated. Noah commanded that Abinadi be slain, but the power of God rested on Abinadi, and no one dared to touch him. Alma 4 83 BC Alma delivers the judgement seat to Nephihah and devotes himself to the ministry. Studying the content of the sermon can show us the gospel truths that touched Alma’s heart. When Abinadi came among them preaching repentance, that prophet was driven from their midst and went into hiding for two years before returning to meet his death by fire. Nephite priesthood organization from that time until the time of Christ is traceable to Alma’s group. Having been commanded to persecute the children of the saints, they had been converted instead, and had joined with them in the more abundant life of the Christian brotherhood. Now he had the additional responsibility of relocating the new immigrants from Nephi in his lands. Those who confessed their sins and repented he readily forgave, as far as he had authority to do so as the head of the Church. Alma the Elder; Free Alma the Elder Essays and Papers. (See Mosiah 23:25–29.) was a High Priest in the land of Zarahemla. [14], Given their heavy bondage, Alma led his people in an escape. Using deceit and flattery they had enticed many of the church members into transgressions. The people of Zeniff fought them off on more than one occasion despite their disadvantage of being small in number. Assuming that he was alive at this time, did his bitterness against the church have roots in this experience? [7] All of these meetings were done on the outskirts of their civilization to keep them hidden from Noah. However, we know that Alma the Elder left the priests of Noah under sentence of death (Mosiah 17:2-4) well before the priests themselves went into exile (following Noah’s death) and abducted their Lamanite brides (Mosiah 20:1-5). In the wilderness Alma labored to teach his people love; the Lord was also teaching them patience. Alma and his people had continued to plead forcefully with the Lord that the younger Alma might be brought to his senses. Noah was angry with Alma and sent men after him to kill him. The Lord, hearing their pleadings, and knowing the worth of Alma the younger to the future of the church, chose to intercede forcefully in his life, as he would do later in the life of the apostle Paul. Mosiah, who was a prophet and seer as well as king (see Mosiah 28:10–16), placed Alma in charge of the churches throughout Zarahemla. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on When reading, “An Open Letter to Students: On Having Faith and Thinking for Yourself”, C. Terry Warner (1971) expounds concerning the conflict between knowledge and faith in our lives. The Lamanites became more harsh in their treatment of Limhi’s people and soon the people of Limhi escaped the Lamanites and found their way back to Zarahemla. We are not certain how long Alma was at the waters of Mormon or how long he was at Helam, but it appears that the total time at the two locations was over twenty years—a fact easily overlooked in a cursory reading of the Book of Mormon, but a vital factor in the development of Alma’s character. With Jeff Dickamore, David Martinez, Loren Cottam, Alex Muniz. | The Book of Mormon -High quality offset print-Great inspirational gift-Scriptures cited on print We do not know how large the group was that Alma brought with him. It therefore seems unlikely that Alma … Alma the Younger and the sons of Mosiah persecute God's people and try to destroy the Church. The people of Zeniff, relative to the Lamanites, were small in numbers yet desired to live peacefully apart from the Lamanites in the same geographic area. (See Mosiah 18:18–29.). Because Alma and his people were forbidden to pray vocally, their prayers became silent petitions to the Lord. Unfortunately, Alma’s son and namesake was one of those found to be in rebellion. It was in this setting at the end of Zeniff's reign that Alma would have been born. Many and varied have been the settings from which the Lord has called his prophets. His people were willing to tolerate all manner of iniquity by Noah and his self-serving priests as long as they were soothed and lulled by flattering words. Age brings a change in the attitudes of most of us. Alma the Younger succeeded Alma the Elder as high priest over the church. (Mosiah 25:12.). When Alma the Elder was a young man, he was the only one who accepted the gospel Abinadi taught. According to the Book of Mormon, Alma (/ ˈ æ l m ə /) was a Nephite prophet who established the Church of Jesus Christ in the Americas during the reign of the wicked King Noah. In doing so he incurred the wrath of Noah and was forced to flee for his own life. The Lord can and will help us as parents when we have great faith and rely on the Lord. Presumably, it is this writing of Alma that gives us Chapters 13-16 of the Book of Mosiah. [5] It could be deduced that because he was already a priest, he had this authority passed down in a proper manner, even if Noah’s priests were corrupt. He who would not forgive his neighbor’s transgressions when he says that he repents would bring himself under condemnation. He had to know the Lord’s mind on the matter. At the waters of Mormon, Alma began gathering the faithful and preaching the message of Abinadi to them. It was at this point, after arriving in the land of Zarahemla, that Alma faced one of the most difficult situations of his life. LDS. Alma the Elder could have asked for nothing better than the success of his son. Abinadi was bringing bad tidings and discomfort to the people of the Lord. In response to Alma’s passionate plea, the voice of the Lord spoke to him. Abinadi continued his speech before Noah and his priests, until he had said all that God had commanded him. His father had passed away and left him with the responsibilities of the kingdom perhaps as recently as two years before. A short summary on the life of Alma the Elder; A Book of Mormon Prophet. It was decided to question him before taking action. en We can empathize with the feelings of Alma the Elder, who prayed for his unbelieving son. He was rejected and his life threatened. Later the name of Mormon was to be given to the compiler of the Nephite record and to become the title by which Latter-day Saints are commonly known throughout the world. The message was simple and direct: repentance, redemption, and faith in Christ. Mosiah being a righteous king and Benjamin before him would leave one to believe that some religious organization was established, even if it was the government itself. Page 1 of 3 - About 23 essays. It was not long after Limhi’s people found Zarahemla that Alma and his people also made their way to Zarahemla. Page 2 of 4 - About 39 essays. Mosiah deferred to Alma once more, forcing the high priest to make the final decision. He is also appointed high priest by his father. (See Mosiah 12–16.) He is spoken of as a “young man” at that time. If we assume that Alma died the same year as Mosiah—which one way of reading Mosiah 29:45–46 would suggest—this would place Alma’s birth at 173 B.C. [12] The people wanted Alma to be their king, but Alma refused, citing King Noah as an example as to what Kings could do to civilizations. While searching for the people of Noah who had escaped from the land of Nephi under the direction of Noah’s son, Limhi, with a small expeditionary force from the land of Zarahemla, under Ammon, the Lamanite armies happened upon Alma’s people. He knew his prayers were being answered and that the Lord was helping his son know the truth. By the time “they were discovered unto the king”[8] there were about 450 believers. The moments when father and son came together to share those deep feelings concerning the gospel are passed over without comment. But more about Alma is evident. One of the Book of Mormon's greatest figures, he is sometimes referred to as "Alma the Elder" to avoid confusion with his son, also named Alma, who is often called "Alma the Younger." Who was Alma’s wife? But they repent after an angel of God appears to them and tells them to stop. Those who were too young to remember the dramatic experience of the final speech of Benjamin had rejected the church and sought to destroy its efforts. The pain, because the elder Alma knew what his son was going through; the joy, because he knew that it was of God. Alma the Elder was overjoyed when he heard what had happened to his son. By this time he was probably near fifty years of age, a man of much maturity, experience, and insight into life and its problems. What a change from the life-stance of Noah’s priests is seen in his teachings! But the movement continued to grow among this small civilization and word got out. And one of the more interesting additions to their number was a group of children of the apostate priests, youth who had rejected their parents and the corruption of their ways. Newcastlebeach provides you with 10 free alma the elder online Puzzle Games. Example sentences with "Alma the Elder", translation memory. The implication of the thrust was clear. (October 2011) It is possible that his four sons were involved in the problem by this time. The Lamanites set a guard over the people and left Amulon to rule over the land of Helam. May 12, 2020 - CONTAINS 2 ZIPPED FILES - MAKE SURE TO DOWNLOAD BOTH AFTER PURCHASE A clipart bundle based on the Book of Mormon account of Alma the Elder (teaching and baptizing at the Waters of Mormon, his people being strengthened and then escaping) thats great for use in teaching children about the scriptures. He died at the age of 82 in 91 B.C (Mosiah 29:44-45). Where Abinadi went during those two years is uncertain, but when he returned it was for what was to become his final confrontation with Noah. Alma the Elder is a Nephite prophet who established the Church of Jesus Christ in the Americas during the reign of the wicked King Noah. Secretly he had gone about with the enemies of the church undermining the work of the Lord. Finally the Lord concluded by informing Alma that excommunication was essential in the case of the unrepentant. We know from the scriptures that Alma lived to be eighty-two years of age. During Alma's tenure as a priest, a Prophet came among Noah’s people proclaiming repentance, the Law of Moses, the coming Christ, and giving a warning that without repentance the people would soon come into bondage. At eighty-two years of age he died, “having lived to fulfil the commandments of God.” (Mosiah 29:45.) All of these Alma the elder resources are for free game on Newcastlebeach. After hearing and believing Abinadi, was cast out by the king. The Prophet's name was Abinadi. During Alma’s sojourn in the wilderness, King Noah’s regime was destroyed and his son Limhi was appointed as the people’s king. Alma the Elder. And after Alma had said these words, both Alma and Helam were buried in the water; and they arose and came forth out of the water rejoicing, being filled with the Spirit. King Noah also had Abinadi burned at the stake. Alma the Elder gives me hope. He had experienced it—or had seen it—with the priests of Noah. When King Noah sent an army against Alma and his people, “they took their tents and their families and departed into the wilderness.” (Mosiah 18:34; painting by Minerva Teichert.). "In The Book of Mormon: Alma, The Testimony of the Word, edited by Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate, Jr., 15-25.Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1992. Feeling overwhelmed by the matter, Alma tried to turn the problem over to King Mosiah. Process of setting the church this, but the power of the can! Mosiah gave Alma the Elder was a relatively young man, he was born in roughly 174 BC how it! Is seen in his lands time later, a Lamanite army that was lost in the land king this. 14 ], Given their heavy bondage, Alma tried to turn problem... A “young man” at that time appears to Alma the Elder '' translation. That sermon was, in some ways, was cast out by the matter, Alma pleaded with Noah the... And young love the seemingly lifeless body, and others you may.... 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