Bible verses about serving and volunteering. To this I will appeal: Our dear Father is in the business of molding Kings and Priests that would bring His Kingdom here on earth, jugde angels, reign with Him, etc 1 Corinthians 6:3, Revelations 1:6; 20:6; 22:5, He therefore cannot afford to produce half-baked, immature children with diminished sensitive to His Holy Spirit. This Blog have really helped me, especially with how I actually need to give everything to God. Hi Nathan,thank u so much for this wonderful blog and bible verses am currently waiting for my bar finals result I heard dream where u failed I googled for exam success and ur blog appeared after reading this fear and anxiety disappeared am entrusting my result and faith in him and I know he will never failed cus that is wat he promised me, Hi Nathan thank u so much for this wonderful blog and bible verses currently waiting for my bar final result in the Nigerian law school I had a dream where I failed the exam fear and anxiety surrounded me but after reading ur blog I entrust my result in Gods hand cus he has promised he will never fail me thank you very much for this I promised I will still share the good news on your blog when the good result is out to share God mercies and kindness thank u so much God bless u, Writing all the way from India here. Hi Ivy, thanks so much for your comment. Thank you. Imagine….God by my side when I messed up so many times and promised so many things but He is still faithful. So I Google’d a bible verses for passing test. There are so many verses that I could pull from, however these seemed to be the ones that we used a lot to correct and encourage our children, and ourselves as we learned to walk our faith daily. I pray that the Lord continues to bless you abundantly…. Thank you so much for this. God Provides for the Faithful. I am glad I came across your blog. Reblogged this on Eden Caribbean and commented: Amen! I had to come back here and leave my thoughts. Am a Christian and from India but I did my medicine at Ukraine. So we must always look for that extra spiritual power to keep that beacon shining in the darkness. Really encouraging. x TYJ. But I just pray his will be done in my life, I am not looking at the things of this world but i look to God. I found your blog right before my finals while I was looking for inspiration through God’s word. I asked the shuttle driver if he could recommend a place to eat then pick me up after for a ride back to the hotel. Kind regards from Zambia,Africa. This is so inspiring and I picked some to send to my big brother who is writing his final MBBS exams. Thanks for this inspiring blog. I thank God for your life cause you are truly an inspiration to me. Wishing all the best to everyone preparing for finals in Universities, I would just like to remind us if God is with us and is for us let us rejoice, with him nothing is impossible. In Nursing school & stressed out not sure anymore if am on the right track.. Thanks! It was a Sunday and I had passed !     and keep them alive in famine. Here are 7 Bible verses that might prove beneficial to doctors. Thank you so much for reminding us of it. Hi Nathan. we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it. This is my God, and I will praise him—  my father’s God, and I will exalt him, No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Applying to Medical School this year and taking the MCAT in a month. They need the Lord to help them through the struggles of school and exams. 16 Therefore we do not lose heart. You have helped in resetting my academic compass and that is to seek FIRST his Kingdom. So with my final exams of medical school coming up in six days, I’ve decided to post a collection of my favourite Bible verses for exams (categorised by topic) that have helped me through every exam so far from the last five years. I’m often wonder why God chose me, but must say your Bible verses have given me loads of encouragement. Posted Mar 16,2016 3:30PM in Residents, Students by ajacoby 0 Comments. I just posted this to our CMA group website for all of the members to see. May it bring healing and direction to those in the same place…. Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Hi Nathan which featured two Bible verses on the lower part of the back covers. Check us out ( and pray for us and the Rutgers community! I really needed this.Thanks so much. As a med student 2 weeks away from finishing 2nd year this inspiring blog is exactly what I needed to read. // Days before this exam I have doubted myself and lost my self confidence. They have really helped me to realise that I need to spend more time building my relationship with Him rather than panicking and trying to get by on my own, Here are 50 of best Bible verses that nurses can use for devotional, bible study or to simply share with their friends and co-workers: Romans 15:1 : We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Keep praying for us all. I’m a first year medical student studying in India. Cell phones were not allowed and I didn’t think to write down the source verse and author. I know GOD will be with me throughout the exam. Psalm 27:13-14 He has just completed 2nd year on a 3 year course but his grades continue to drop .     and will keep your foot from being snared. I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME. Read with an open mind and an open heart! Change ). Sending a child off to college is a monumental step for both parent and student. :)). For additional encouraging Bible verses and Bible verse posts, check out these resources: 100+ Encouraging Bible Verses & Religious Quotes 16. wow wow wow am really happy for this blog because i want to discipline medicine before i came across this blog infact am really happy because they was a bible verses that really encourage me the more it said ! Tomorrow is my anatomy final. God bless you. Reblogged this on GIRL IN PROGRESS…. KJV study Bible for offline use is the best bible on the app store for free If you are searching for a way to have a copy of scriptures always available, a good KJV study Bible which is available for offline is a convenient method to be sure of your access. Matthew 25:14-21 I have my Comprehensive exams round the corner. I needed this as I am going into midterms this week and felt a bit anxious. I started to get discourage and second guess myself until I came across your blog.     in the land of the living. God bless. They will soar on wings like eagles; The Lord has been working with me patiently and I am learning to trust Him and be free of all the burdens of medicine and life. Philippians 4:6. Thank you, brother! When I came acrossed your blog I was able to find both of those in your readings. 21 Inspirational Bible Verses. Bible verses about healthcare Although Scripture does not directly talk about healthcare, there are definitely many biblical principles that we can follow regarding this topic. Bible Studies for Life: Students is designed to help students relate to God’s Word and connect with each other, no matter where they are on their spiritual journeys. I taught God want my failure because after all this years I could not practice medicine because I could not pass the boards. Health is important to the Lord and it is essential for a healthy walk with Christ. Also, I am completing my doctorate (DBA) this year and will be returning to your blog for daily manna! The best new study Bible on the market to help you understand the context of what was written in the Bible. It was such a humbling experience. If not, do I have permission to share this page with the students directly? You have no idea how many millions of lives you might have touched by this blog not to mention through your career ! 2 Corinthians 4:7-11 Pingback: bible verses exam dental school | calypso99. Found a nice extensive list by HanSolo: Here’s a list of encouraging Bible verses for college students and young adults. God Provides for the Faithful, Scriptures for your Studying – Enrika Creates, 75 Bible versed God has given you  – Frenzy works, Whatever happens, it’s always okay. Thank you so much for this amazing compilation of scripture. 3 talking about this. I am preparing to attempt a professional accounting paper a second time and I’ve been ‘threatend’ by my boss that failure is not an option or I lose my job and that has caused some fear in me even though I’ve been trusting God all the way… The scripture ‘the Lord is with me, I will not be afraid,what can mere mortal do to me’ has re-energized my faith in God’s ability to help me come out victorious. 12 Bible Verses for College Students . May he grant you with all the desires of your heart!!! I wondered if this web page can me made into a Word or PDF Doc which I can share with my group of students that I mentor? In the name of Jesus! Nothing. Glory to God for this list. I just want Him to take over. Heartfelt thank you for allowing the wonderful presence of God to rest upon you. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let's have a look at a few Bible verses, from which even the college students … I don’t know & i’m not going to worry about it now. This link was posted in my facebook timeline at a point when I wanted to quit and give up on my studies.     do not be dismayed, for I am your God. Jeremiah 29:11 I can dry my tears and stand tall and proud because I know, I have the mind of Christ. I walked right by His side, and I held on to Him tight as I fought my way through both parts of the exam. I feel much better now. The first time I experienced academic failure in my entire life was during the interim pre-clinical exams in medical school. I am also planning to proceed to medicine after this endeavor and Im sure this will also help me get through that chapter.     all experienced in battle, Fear not, for I am with you; 7 but you give us victory over our enemies, Exodus 35:30-32 6 in all your ways submit to him, Sometimes we take things for granted and esp to excel, we want things our way and put God aside to study. ❤. God is good, all the time! It’s not an intentional decision to turn from God… but an insidious process that happens when I lose my priorities in the face of looming barrier exams. I am a christian and I knew that God had brought me through those tough school years, however, I’d had a hard time becoming motivated to even start back studying. Without a solid foundation in the Word of God, many of our teenagers will walk out graduation day of high school and never look back. As a pre-med student who is currently having problems in my grades in my major subjects, I really need this kind of inspiration! So I thank you for taking the time to write out these verses. @ Chaitra, I pray for you right now in the name of Jesus Christ, to receive divine knowledge and intelligence as He gave Daniel. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? I have an offer for medicine in the UK and I’m about to do my final A Level exams. However, your blog helped me so much I cannot thank you enough for posting it. I am preparing for my comprehensive exams and research proposal for my doctorate and have been feeling so overwhelmed. But today I’ve realise God studies with you, sustains you, and gives you the peace that you need. They were all very agonizing realities and the Lord saw me through every one of them. Thank you once again for your post. We are confident, I say…we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it. Thanks so much! And I thank God for using you to post this kind of verses…I will pray the our Lord continue to bless you…. Psalm 44:5-7 2 Corinthians 6:2 i was looking for some prayers and some bible verses related to my stress my tension my worries regarding exams. I haven’t read through all of them but the ones I did read really blessed me. I got into a medical college which is good enough but not the best. What that tells me is that today, older adults are re-entering or just beginning their college journey. I will continue to look on these passages in the days ahead. I googled exams, anxiety and Bible verses. I have an exam this morning. I read through this post i am grateful for the testimonies here,i am starting my masters degree exams tomorrow,i am nervous,i tap into these testimonies. Like you, I wish glorify God with my work so that I can “…defend the rights of the poor and needy.” (Proverbs 31:9). It’s hard but I’m trying to look unto God and to trust Him. Nathan! I am part of an organisation called EMFI (Evangelical Medical Fellowship of India) which works with medical and dental students. Wondering… thinking this verse was not necessarily for me. Part 10 is the part of the sermon I was referring to but the first 9 parts are great too. Thanks a lot Nathan for this beautiful piece of encouragement. Hello Nathan. Exhausted from studying biochemistry and physiology, I started getting too tired to spend time with God unless it was Sunday. . Amen to your sharing and thanks for being a blessing! Thendral Kamal. I am a student at got rateng high school ,iam pleased with the verses,but I am sending a request can you pray for me so that I can leave sin of sexual lust and pass my exams. I would like to say may God bless you and keep you!! I read through your blog and it reminded me that God cares about every section of my life even exams). hi nathan, thank you for this… 99 days before my medical licensure exam and i get to see this… thank you, i really needed this. He will carry you! Pray that the Lord sees me through my current professional and royal college membership exams. Let God add some light in this difficult period of your life, when you spend a lot of time preparing for your exams. He has filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with. Thank you Nathan I’m not a student, but am to be licensed as a minister at the and of September 2020 and have felt a little over whelmed lately. Thanks for writing. ( Log Out /  Glad I found this. I really want to be able to pass all my classes this Spring semester. The bible doesn't talk much about online giving for churches or how to do church live streaming, but it's full of encouraging bible verses and scripture to help us in our faith!. Stop reading, start studying! Proverbs 2:6 I was researching the internet for scriptures on test taking and I came across your blog. Thank you so much for the inspiring post. I will have a test the day after tomorrow and I should say that I am in a state of super panic. I began to reprioritize my schedule and to be honest, reading my bible sometimes got pushed aside and daily prayer was skipped and promised to be visited later that night or tomorrow. But then I can lose all the confidence and faith in myself, as long as I don’t lose my trust in Him, because nothing is impossible with Him. I hope you’ll be able to shine the light of Jesus in your working field and draw your colleagues to Jesus. I made a concious effort to make this a norm in my life despite the chaos of med school. I came here looking for hope in peace. Bless you friend ~N, Reblogged this. In 7 hours, I am taking an industry certification exam for the 2nd time and am spiritually lifted up and blessed with the Word of God you have provided on this blog! As you wrote at the beginning, taking time for GOD sometimes goes out the window. 1 Timothy 5:3-16 ESV / 2 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. Published 6 Oct 2017 at × in Bible verses that got me through medical school It is so nice to know there are Medics who Believe in the Almighty God and seek His Presence and Help through the Medical School. Amen. I am also interested in doing MBBS and praying that God will open doors by going nigh to him.God Bless you and your career. Thanks so much and God Bless . Hallelujah to our God! Thankeww for dis…..actually I am a chemistry student and going through a very though situation……getting low grades because of lack of something…I dnt kno what it is…..I was never like …how I am now….I was a 1st ranker and always had the zeal to study but from the last 3 years I am laying back…….and recently my exam of MSC 1sem. Rarely put comments on random sites but this one would not be afraid ; when give. Year program he also reads through your blog was the first thing that came.... Me courage again cos I know it, my final exams! ) fear not, for I am medical! Can do all things easy steps 4:1 ESV / 45 Helpful votes not! Down and saw this in my special degree courses with him properly, guides class activities and helps students the! After 13 days of waiting, notice from the Philippines me, when. Here in England them in their education 2 days ago Physician and I staying behind for the rest after read. 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