Apparently I became immune to it b/c my taste and smell left and never came back. You will get better. Wtf is happening. 8 Ways to Clear Up Sinus Congestion. We suggest reaching out to your primary care provider who knows your medical history and current conditions. Its been 3 days since I lost my sense of smell and taste. I'm at wits's end. I am feeling the same. So sweetness and spicyness I get, but nothing in between. My nose is clear bit I cant smell or taste no headace no pain I have no sense of smell or taste! If you are having trouble with your smell, it often may go away once the illness is over. The CDC has a helpful COVID-19 self-checker on the following webpage:, I have lost my sense of smell and taste its been 6 days now…What home remedies or Medicines are there to help me gain it back.Im worried. •Sophie I’m glad it worked for you!!!! Visits to my Urologist for the last year have me at a normal state. Tested positive 4/16/20 and today is 9/8/20 still no taste or smell of anything. Hi! A couple days later I lost my sense of smell and a week later lost my taste! I am breathing and my sinuses do not feel blocked, but I have absolutely no sense of smell or taste. Also, i have a cold with a lot of mucus in chest and nose. You have to retrain the nerve cells to smell again. I just wanted to share this in case you've had a similar case, and if this would help. Never had a fever or chills or whatever else lol. And I have lost interest in eating due to all this. I think I had gotten Covid, and I see most folks get their sense of taste and or smell back within two weeks. But i do have a continual sinuses or drainage but it clears up and cones and goes but still no taste or smell, I mean NOTHING….im 62 and take low doses of thyroid, cholestrial, blood pressure meds but only because of preventitive, I evhad breast cancer chemo and radiation 10 yrs ago, so this has happened In the last 2 yrs…….what now…I'm healthy just no taste or smell. Talking of shots someone said gin worked for them on here but anyway in terms of taste most of taste is smell so if mine was congestion related to covid which I did have and then the spray helped makes sense to me, For a week now I have lost my taste and smell organ,what us going on because am so frustrated not covid 19. When did Lifehacker start advertising voodoo and woo. However, some viral infections can permanently damage the taste nerves. I started to feel weak. And no its not covid 19 either got tested a couple of weeks back cause i moved interstate in Australia. if not, what did you do? And I’m freaking out. Can’t smell or taste anything either just started like 3 days ago my sinuses be flaring up but this the first time in my life that I couldn’t smell or taste anything I need help, I had covid in March main symptom were loss of taste and smell I couldn’t taste or smell for 9 day’s . The reasoning benign taking the shot is : Alcohol activates the receptors in our nose and mouth , triggering nerve fibers connected to the brain. This is the first time I have ever experienced anything like this before. Lol.. I’m so freaked out by this.. never happen to me before for so long.. I’m started to think it was mild symptoms from the covid .. If you haven't got one of those try using a straw and sniffing up warm water. Tried cayenne pepper & honey tea (NOPE) and Castor oil drops in my nostrils- nothing. This sounds like covid19, everyone in Europe is reporting this as a symptom and look at the dates here. Likewise I lost them after treating fever…. I've been using this product for 3 days now twice a day and I lost my taste 10 days from now and it still hasn't recovered, I'm so worried I'm 23 y.o. Try cold foods, which may be easier to taste than hot foods. About a year ago i went to an ear Dr. for ringing in my ears. Anybody who's got a solution can please email me, Hi I'm having the same thing and I tried to drink and eat things but I can't really taste anything and I lost my scent. Thank you for reading Shine365. Your doctor doesn’t need to prescribe it you can buy it over the counter, I actually just got mine from amazon prime you can buy it online? How can I get my taste back… Plzzz help me plzzz. Hi! I can smell, but can not eat sweet treats. I know it has only been a week since you posted. I can taste salads quite well still, however, I cannot taste dry things like powders very well. We appreciate you reaching out. This is the exact same for me, I’m yet to regain anything. I can smell though. I cannot taste my food but i can smell it. Certain things have a faint smell but I can't taste anything. After slinging back the shot of gin , it was a miracle ! I am not sure how to get through over a month of waiting. I've been on a drinking/ drugging spree for 7 days non stop. After that i slowly started to have a hard time smelling things, my taste was still there. The best way, even though it may taste revolting, is to drink Apple Cider Vinegar. I really miss my 2 pleasures of life. Cause honestly that did it for me. Hot sauce can clean and stimulate the sinuses, and it's just as effective as cold remedies in decongestion. I was taking some paracetamol and also took a couple of antibiotics. I had same symptom that lasted for about 5 days. I wad recommend to have sinus surgery but I don't want to do that. Was it allergies? Try it! Your sharing is really offering us help and hope that we will recover. I lost my sense of smell and taste a few days ago and just got tested for COVID today . That is so similar to me and i felt relieved someone else had the same so long post virus . I kid you not . After my nose cleared up and I can breathe out my nose I slowly got my taste & smell back but over a week later I still feel like my taste is not 100% back like I can’t taste my food to it’s full capacity & strong smells I can only smell a little bit. I can taste fruits quite well still, but the bottom line is, any kind of moisture I can taste quite well, but I can't taste spices or anything dry very well. Dr. Boyle said. I only feel the sugary content or sourness in drinks and food. Are you better now? Required fields are marked *. Eat More Pineapple. Notify me via email when there is a reply to my comment. Hi. Best Foods To Clear Sinus Congestion Spicy Food. Have you gotten back your senses? I have been doing the sinus pressure points, steaming, saline nose spray and nothing helps. But there’s a clever acupressure trick that might help solve your problem in just 20 seconds. I'm sure it's allergies..I've never had them this bad before..I obviously think it's because I'm pregnant, that my hormones are just going crazy's a tad bit frustrating. Cheese tastes like saltless butter. Also, drinking tons of water doesn't mean drinking more often, it just means if you normally drank half a glass of water, you drink a full glass. Today is 11 October 2020, I still cant taste well, only vegetables I can taste sometimes. Capsaicin also produces mucus, so you may have a runny nose, but without the pressure of blockage and congestion. I do enjoy food I can taste it but it's not 100 yet. Then mix some lemon juice + salt + turmeric and gargle 3-5 times. My one is been like a month, I think I had corona because of the symptoms I had but is been a month now and I can’t taste my food ☹️. It has gone altogether since a bad virus I had end of January this year. Did you recovered from covid without being hospitalized ? You might have to blow your nose repeatedly while you eat in order to better taste all your food. I am 15 years old. I am having the exact same problem! Other than no smell and taste, I feel perfectly normal. You … It has gotten better bit by bit but when you can't go out to keep busy, even snacking is joyless. This is a symptom of the Coronavirus. Our blog is for educational purposes only, and we don't know enough about your current conditions, medications or medical history to responsibly give you medical advice. Hi, Rosena. Capsaicin, the compound found in chiles that gives them their heat, can help ease sinus pain, reduce inflammation and release blocked mucus. me too. It is frustrating but stay humble it will come back. Still a little stuffy and cannot taste or smell at all for 3 days now. Hi everyone, I think drinking might solve this, but cannot say for certain. (Not yet) Tried fresh ginger root & garlic tea with honey (NOPE). But you only it 3 times. Every day you’ll find helpful ideas and advice on a wide variety of health topics to help you and your family live well. It's now January 5th and I still have absolutely no taste or smell! Lost my taste and smell in March… that was my ONLY symptom, so I never got tested. the ear and tooth ache is the worst, Hey. No fever or sore throat just congested. I used a particular anti-biotic called CIPROTAB 500, I used it morning and night for 5 days, and it worked for me, I’ve regained my sense of smell and taste back. In the past with a common cold I’ve lost my sense of smell and taste for a day or so, but I’ve not experienced anything like this before. How long was your taste gone before you figured out it was iron? hey I'm having the same issue do u mind telling me what nasal spray brand u used? I've tried all kinds of sinus and allergy pills and different types of nasal sprays. Went to neurologist for scans. Actually my mom is suffering from cancer.. We are going through ayurvedic medicines.. N sugar n many more things are been restricted..So what i must do that she will like the food, Today is my 3rd day without smelling and tasting anything. And how long will it last. If that checks out fine, then check with a Neurologist. Dr. Boyle says about half of people who think they can’t taste anything actually can. two weeks later what I think what happened is that the irritation caused my eustachian tubes to be clogged and got a nasty ear infection which thankfully resolved by itself. Once I'm able to, I'm going to try to see an ear nose and throat doctor. Sorry about your symptoms! Thanks! This is the same thing that has happened to me! I lost my sense of smell and taste on June 21 one day after my first Covid-19 symptom. However, everyone is telling me it's an allergy. About 2 and a half weeks ago I had a rlly stuffed nose but no cough. Then lost my sense of taste after taking “valtrex” for shingled. Our rheumatology care team provides care for lupus: I find that using a neti pot or other type of sinus rinse 3 times a day rally helps with keeping my sense of taste working. It’s been 3 months and I’m only 30 yrs old. (treatment for COPD) Do you have GERD (acid reflux) Im having the same thing. I tested this with salt. Dr. Timothy Boyle, a Marshfield Clinic otolaryngologist, says the special sense organs in your nose and mouth, are complicated. My nose is slightly less stuffy but nothing I eat has a taste. Spit out whatever cough comes. All the other symptoms are gone just the smell and taste that im battling with. I had thought that the sense of taste came from the tongue, but it looks like to me that the tongue senses the taste of things and sends it up to whatever it's called up in the nose that then sends it to the brain. ability to taste and smell. Within that lining are microscopic nerves that detect smell. Here is is July 8 and I still cannot smell or taste anything. I took tomaxifen for 5 yrs and did have radiation over 20 years ago now. Acupressure is based on the fanciful and invalid notions found in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Hi. Loss of smell and taste can be triggered by sinus, respiratory conditions, aging, head trauma, dental issues like oral infection, placement of dental appliances (like dentures), and Bell’s palsy ().. Keeping the sinuses clear can also contribute to sinus issues prevention including potential diseases of the sinus cavity. Fats coat my mouth and prevent me from tasting anything. it all started 2 days ago when i started using some certain medication, i can't taste or smell anything except this strange weird sensation that sometimes come as pains in my head. On the next morning I’ve completely lost my sense of smell and taste. I've had cold for three days and i lost my taste and smell. I also feel like there's an alien living inside the front of my face from the top of the forehead down to my nose, which I guess is the sinus problem, feel very fuzzy headed and brain foggy. Sip hot tap water that is not hot enough to burn. tho i still suffer from stuffy ears and nose and those aches but i can smell and taste now….. n i haven't used any medications or treatments for this. Good luck! Use your finger or a toothbrush to try and dislodge something that is not dissolvable, such as meat. I'm worried that I may have covid, but i dont have the other symptoms. I quickly realized my sense of taste was gone after a few minutes of drinking . It’s not clear why these sensations occur. . you should NOT be having dairy products or liquids that aren't clear. thank you. Same issue. I understand they can take over a month to come back. Im also experiencing painful headaches i have done a COVID test and am currently waiting for the results. I have bad allergies so it could be due to the high pollen count here in Georgia. Cheerio.. Space cadet signing off, I home I'll be fine, it's 3 days no sense of smell and taste, I'm worried, Do you have you taste back now Jespar? Drink More Water. Today is ky third day aswell. To fix this, eat food with iron if your liver needs it. However, he still has me taking the same amount of medication. I haven't had a sinus infection for a while, but I have noticed a slight ear ache. Is yours back to normal has yet it’s been 3 weeks for me .. and it’s barely coming back… it had me freaking out.. started with head cold are something above my eyes was hurt.. but now I have no cold no pain no fever.. it’s just my taste and smell driving me nuts.. sounds like sinus infection there are sinuses above your eyes. But my taste and my smell has completely gone! My tongue burns and so does roof of my mouth should o go to er?? However, now i cannot taste anything. It usually affects the back of the nose, the throat or the sinuses (air-filled cavities in the bones of the face). My throat was still really bad the next day so I decided to make a hot toddy (warm lemon water with scotch) to try and soothe/numb my throat. Now on day 3 without it and it’s so depressing . I assume you can smell fragrances around you. I noticed I could not smell anything. Trust me do this you’ll be better very soon. I too have chest pains and breathing problems please help me out, And please I don't understand the ingredients you used please try and explain more better I really need this please, Have you gotten back your sense of taste because I lost mine 3days now please I need help. Sinusitis is a disease in which the sinus cavities which are located in head become inflamed. Greatly appreciate any suggestions. have you regained you sense of Small and taste back? Please please please update, because I am becoming more impatient by the day wondering when I will be able to taste my food again! In hospital I had no taste no smell. For my condition, my medication intake consists of 50.3mg of Bethanechol and 0.4mg of Tamsulosin per day. And diminished again 9nce done. I would like to share to you what Ive done to regain smell. Hey Alyssa, I am currently going through the exact same thing. Hth. My ears “crackle” when I shake my head. I can tell if the food is Sour,Sweet or Spicy however i cant tell the flavour…. I’m exactly the same… I’ve had the flu for 3 weeks and usually I just get a cold blocked nose for like 2 days. Normally, the nose and sinuses produce a quart of mucus secretions per day. I haven’t had any symptoms of COVID, only this. How much you took to recover??? I'm starting to shuffle around my meds because I cannot figure out what's causing this. It gets into ur upper palate and comes in mouth. Wishing everyone well! I'm so glad that there is a post site for people like us! I can’t see what else could do this to so many people at the same time.. it’s allergy season anyways but still I never lost my taste and smell.. I can smell just fine but cant taste anything for 3 weeks now went away gradually at first then nothing. Maybe it’s just taking longer to get my taste fully back. My nose does still feel stuffy, so this could be the case why it’s not returned. Also chew ginger once or twice a day. The causes for nasal congestion can range greatly, and you don’t have to be sick to be congested. Praying it is a sinus infection. To fight the virus, add antibacterial foods like garlic, ginger, … And do it for 3 days one a day and let me know how it does. Someone help. “People think it revolves around their taste buds, but it is a lot more than that.”. Were the same. One important question. I've also lost my taste a few days now, have had slight cold, driving me nuts. i can smell and taste properly without having problems. NB: you wanna feel all the ingredients while you drinking it means do not blind it too much. But, if you suffer from acid reflux, avoid spicy foods as they can trigger heartburn. I have a metallic minty taste… Has your taste/Smell returned ? I was scrolling through these comments starting to lose hope that it would be months before my taste and smell would come back . can someone help me on what to do please am really freaking out. Sunday, October 07, 2007, 12:21 PM Apples seem to lessen the severity of sinus infections My son's ENT told him to eat an apple when he felt a sinus problem beginning. It's really depressing not to be able to smell and tatse, it's horrible! Who knows if it is or not for real, but stay well and safe everyone x, I am 62 also I had another bad sinus Infection. My smell seems to be ok. 3/9/19, Would appreciate anything to get taste & smell back!!! I also lost my sense of taste and smell. Ask your doctor to recommend products that may help with dry mouth. Monday's Best Deals: Cyberpunk 2077, 55" TCL 4K TV, Nintendo Switch Games, and More. Cheers. HE IS THE MEDICAL DEGREE!!! My liver was telling my body it was low on iron. Sounds funny but helped me and a friend just from word of mouth. Just make sure you using the same thing to test and see if your getting your smell back. But it’s now July and I STILL don’t have them back. Praying I don’t have it! I’ll let you know! Please contact a nurse line or your doctor. In addition, I’m constantly blowing my nose as if I have an allergy. I too, am wondering if this is a mild version of COVID? I completely lost my appetite, sense of taste and desire for food; as well as 25 lbs in 2 months. Its the fear of it being p…….t.that is scary. I hope so. I did it once a day for 3 days. Hoping in time it comes back on its own . What is the name of the tea I can't smell or taste can u reply please and what is asprina? Thanks again. In a humidifier, try adding a few drops of peppermint oil, tea tree, lemon, rosemary, thyme, and eucalyptus. If you dont have a sore throat with loss of taste it could be more than likely covid than a other cold. Monday July 6th I called my employee covid hotline and the physician told me it was safe for me to go to work and to call back in two days to report my symptoms. Is there something arong with me? Hey Salina I'm just seeing this how often I use the spray I'm. Have you got your smell or taste back. Same!! I have lupus since I was 13. I had Covid19 and was sick for a couple of weeks with several symptoms. did you get your results?! Covid came back positive, I lost my sense of smell and teast after treating been 4days now but still haven't gotten it back. I tried a shot of gin last night, but nothing happened, what else can I do? 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