Akulatraxas will pay you for some Hill Giant bounty hunting. The smoke puzzle is located in the southeast of the ruins. Once you pass through the gates, there is no turning back, so finish up any other outstanding quests, and make sure you're satisfied with your current henchman. You'll find his key in a small alcove on the northern side of the central chamber, and you'll find his journal in his bedroom. When you're ready to take the challenge, talk to Mutamin for permission. Now exit the snow globe, rotate it, and enter it again. Once you've read his journal and found his key, unlock the door to the southern room to obtain his oath. Finally, teleport to the Hall of Justice and deliver the heart to Aribeth. Wererats and thugs fight it out in the street as two warring high captains fight for control. First, let's see what the witch knows. Before descending to the lower level, explore the lab (guarded by a 4th-level wizard) at the west end of the south hallway. Behind the door you'll face a 10th-level bloated dire spider (also nearby is a 5th-level sword spider--don't try to take them both at once). In an armoire you'll find the tower entry key and a small diary, which tells of Aribeth and Maugrim's alliance. Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition adds all-new enhanced features to the playable content of Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition. She has a devastating assortment of spells and is immune to critical hits, death magic, fear, paralysis, and mind-affecting spells. The Tome of Robes (fire beetle belly + quartz crystal, cast Enervation = Crystal Robes) is in the massacred homestead in the homelands near Fort Ilkard. Once the devourer is dead, pick up its brain (which may be hard to see--use Tab to find it more easily), then return to Sedos Sebile for your reward. Check the bookshelf in the back and you'll find the forged official document needed for Tomi's henchman quest. Talk to Sapphira in the garden. Walking the streets here can be dangerous. Enter with Eltoora's key, and take the puff of fog from the alchemist's apparatus. Search the body for an ancient key and Torin's ring. ----- Neverwinter Nights is the property of Bioware and Wizards of the Coast. The walk-through that follows hits all the major plot points and quest goals, but it assumes you will wander around and explore the environs. South of Fort Ilkard is a path leading to another former stronghold of the creators. Once they are dead, pick up both guardian keys and unlock the gates to the north. The Lord's Alliance is engaged in battle with the Uthgardt Elk Tribe. He'll also allude to the strange goings-on below with someone called the "master.". The guardian spirit will give you the same options. You'll find one in the Tomb of the Arcane Brotherhood. Neverwinter Nights 2: Mysteries of Westgate Gameplay Movie 4 Gamplay footage from the Quelzarn Attack in the Mysteries of Westgate expansion. Linu La'Neral is a healer, Sharwyn is a bard, Daelan Redtiger is a barbarian, Grimgnaw is a monk, and Boddyknock Glinckle is a sorcerer. Like both of his friends, Bran is a 16th-level warrior. You must speak to all three workers to weaken all three golems in the present. Urth's parents won't be very helpful, so just charge upstairs. Talk to Durga in the front room and look at his inventory if you need armor or weapons. Daelan Redtiger The Uthgardt ceremonial spear will be a gift from Zokan if you cure his people's plague. Lady Jadale doesn't want to give up Erb's ring. With their ability to summon familiars coupled with the summoning spells, spellcasters can get a strong four-character party together with two summoned creatures and a henchman. Kill the reptiles and head down the stairs to Maugrim's Lair. Still, his defensive nature should tell you that something is strange in Castle Jhareg. Here, you'll meet Neurik, your free healing dispenser for this chapter. The first few rooms will serve as your tutorial. She will tell you that you need to enter the Source Stone and kill Morag. In a chest in the southeast corner, at the end of a long bridge, you'll find the Golem Signet Ring. There are two prisoners being held to the east. How much does Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch cost? Neverwinter Nights is about as much like Diablo II as Dungeon Siege is like Baldur’s Gate (in other words not very much save the barest of gameplay mechanics). When you enter the docks, a shady character will start following you around. Ophala needs three objects from you: the portrait of Sir Reginald Rumbottom III from the Rumbottom Estate in Blacklake, the gilded urn from the Hodge Estate in Blacklake, and the gaudy statuette from the Androd Estate in the docks. Fight your way to the eastern tunnels and prepare for the showdown with Yesgar. Kill him and return his head for the reward, or let him surrender and take one of his subordinates' heads instead. When you return with Oleff's writ, you'll need to get a pass coin (for 200 gold) from Torgo, the Moonstone Mask's resident merchant. She comes on strong, but it's worthwhile to string her along. Before you start digging into the undead problem, finish a few of the local secondary quests. Once you've cured (or killed) him, return to Neurik for your reward and the next assignment in your werewolf-hunting career. There are three lairs to the east. First, talk to Kendrack. Talk to Morag. You can obtain it if you make a successful persuade check, or if that doesn't work, you can threaten her for it. To enter the Haunted Crypt, explore the ruined building to the northwest. Linu La'Neral Bring her the volcanis oak seed near the entrance to the Creator Ruins. Boddyknock wants a prism blossom seed, which is located on the first level of the Creator Race Ruins. Once you leave the public area you'll face a fair number of guards. His circuitous rambling will tell you why he's here (to poison the spirit) and what you can do about it (find the antidote hidden in the rocks to the west). Return the book to Oleff (or Gilles) for your reward. He will repair the Amulet of the Ages when he sees it. Go to the summoning room and place the tongue in the summoning pool. Kill Gulgash and place his heart in the portal to close it. You'll want to visit this cave in the northwest of the region before heading down to the fort--it's a bit of a pain to get back here. If you haven't guessed by now, Gulnan is the Yuan-Ti necromancer needed for the main quest. Arness is on the hill just to the west of the fort, and he's a 14th-level barbarian/2nd-level fighter. There are two paths through the sanctum, and both are well guarded and have decent loot. When he's dead, talk to Vengaul. This prison has little of importance. Return Marcus' journal and penhold staff to Bertrand when you give him the tragic news, otherwise there's a good chance he won't believe, or reward, you. If you want to help Yusem the druid, this is where you can find out why the Elk Tribe has aligned itself with Maugrim. Kill the bodak and unlock the door behind it. Fight the flesh golem near the stairs to the kitchen and climb up. There's a fourth-floor portal stone in the chest near the apparatus. If you decide to attack Vengaul, he'll leave and you'll have to fight his guards (both 6th-level fighters). If you agreed to help Tamora at the Moonstone Mask, you can find Hoff standing near the northernmost dock. Guide and Walkthrough by Arkhem v.1.00 | 2007 | 60KB Character Guides. You can choose either, but you might want to explore both routes and rack up the experience points. You can halt the tides of undead guarding her by destroying the pedestal in the western section of the chamber (as alluded to in her journal). Drone Morning Star: Fairy dust and a magic morning star. Return to Pete O'Deel and either give him the head or tell him of Silverback's promise. You'll get a unanimous verdict and, as a result, the highest payment from Neurik. If you're looking for the Serpent's Gems for Elaith, you'll want to stop here first. With the key, you can open the door in the northwest and fix Colmarr's invention. His plea for help is actually an ambush. Free Nax to learn the whereabouts of the snow globe. He will give you an amulet that can cast Light an unlimited number of times a day. One interesting bit of information: The undead completely avoid the house in question. He's a 20th-level fighter, and he has some guards with him. He isn't in either, but you'll have to go through both to find him. The ritual creatures in the chamber are strengthening him, so kill them first. Most of your quests here are totally optional, and if you already have Relmar's journal and Vardoc's letter, the entire area is optional. She guards a spiderweb cocoon that contains Orlane, the first of the missing druids. Lenton wants you to avenge the death of his brother by bringing him the head of the troll chief. There is also some good treasure in these rooms, as well as a battle horror and some gray renders. Convince him to use the charm--through persuasion or intimidation--and he'll be cured. Talk to Quint to receive his side of the story and his sworn oath. When you cast the final spell, the minogon will be defeated, and you'll receive the Many-Starred Cloak, which has an AC +2 bonus and makes you immune to sneak attacks. Beyond this door awaits Kurdan, formerly king of the pits and currently Captain Alaefin's right-hand half-orc. Loot his body when he's dead to find the notched axe for Daelan's henchman quest. Before the fight, talk to Kellisai and ask her to "keep the battle fair," and then use whatever means you can to make sure that she casts Dispel Magic on both of you (you can bribe or persuade her, and human characters can play the race card). Astral Blade Longsword: Diamond and a magic longsword. Bregan, a local farmer, will tell you that Desther has just headed north to Helm's Hold. Ravager Halberd: Dragon blood and a magic halberd. He'll ask you to deliver a note to his wife. If you get stuck in the game, check out the video walkthrough and gameplay for the game. She'll send you to the Wizard's Dungeon in Coldwood to fetch her missing snow globe. A militia member named Walters has gone missing, and he wants you to find him. Take the Amulet of the Ages from a nearby chest and leave the cave. Finally, it's time to kill Baram (12th-level rogue/8th-level ranger) and his attendant Priestess of Mask (6th-level cleric). Once the north section of the city is clear, find Leesa in the northwest alley and lead her to the gate. He will send you to the sewers. His attendant Priestess of Auril is a 6th-level cleric. You can skip this entire area by entering though the northernmost cave in North Road, but there are experience points and good loot in this optional maze of caves. Mace of Disruption: Special holy water and a magic mace. Return to Jemanie to deliver Torin's ring and its accompanying bad news (you'll get to keep the ring, which is worth a bit of gold). Play solo or team up with friends for a grand adventure across the Forgotten Realms. In addition to a variety of spells, Dergiab wields a +1 double axe, and Ganon's flail can cause fear when it strikes. A spellcaster with a high primary statistic will learn more spells, memorize more spells, and will get to cast higher-level spells. He'll tell you about Klauth's plan. The most important people to talk to are the witnesses: Zed (at the Mercenary Enclave), Lodar (at the Drinking House), and Rolgan's wife, Vanda (at the Black Lion Tribe Enclave). The light puzzle is the easiest of the three. A small army of undead guards Desther. Talk to Gate Captain Ergus. For a Rod of Reversal (which can cast Dispel Magic and Greater Dispelling), place a gargoyle skull and a slaad tongue in the alchemist's apparatus to the northeast. You'll be too late to save the creatures. To get her "prize" (which you won't need), you'll need to answer a tougher riddle. You can get a list of all the console commands by hitting Tab while the console is open. Next up is Fashi, a 6th-level monk. Appeal to her love of Erb--tell her that he wants the ring back so that her husband won't hurt him. The city is sealed for good reason. Once you've done so, he'll give you one of Colmarr's levers and a sewer key. The iron golem guarding the two gems to the west can't be killed through conventional means--destroy the five glyph generators in the room to destroy him. Threaten him and he'll drop his auction notice, with a map for the docks conveniently printed on the back. Formosa leads the uprising against Meldanen. Inside, you'll find the kindling wood in the woodpile. In fact, there are two ways in. Yari is a follower of Desther's who got himself locked in. And it isn't a real guy named Wyvern whose friends are being attacked; it's one of the escaped convicts. On the north path, you'll fight another gang leader (2nd-level fighter/5th-level rogue). Neverwinter is a free, action MMORPG based on the acclaimed Dungeons \u0026 Dragons fantasy roleplaying game. When you've done enough damage, he'll surrender. When she surrenders, talk to her. Kill him or let him leave, then search his library for a seventh-level portal stone. The North Road leads to Luskan and consists of two fairly large areas--this first section of the road and the Green Griffon Inn. Epic stories, action combat and classic roleplaying await those heroes courageous enough to enter the fantastic world of Neverwinter!Click here to Subscribe to me channel★★ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQLc25BtoNkJbarNPvQbPGw?sub_confirmation=1 ★★Sony Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/109600/Neverwinter/** Want More? Fight your way to the center chamber, where you'll face Voleron, a 15th-level wizard. In one of the central rooms, you'll find the body of a dead thief. The next house is Eckel's. Examine the body of Lady Tanglebrook and pick up the +1 two-bladed sword at her side. Speaking with any of the archaeologists will lead you to Jax, the leader of the dig until the group was attacked by trolls. It's just south of the Androd Estate. Not one but two dragons await you: a 26th-level corrupted copper dragon and a 28th-level corrupted silver dragon. Inside, you'll face a gang leader (2nd-level fighter/5th-level rogue), who will be pretty tough if this is the first area you've visited. You will find it ("Thurth mog lama gat rag") by reading the creator scroll locked in a heavily guarded chest in the southern area of the level. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Return to Nyatar at the Great Tree to receive your reward. Mid- to high-level spellcasters won't need Tomi's rogue skills too often, because it's just so easy to open a chest with a fireball. To close the planar portal, place the token and the sphere within it. Tell her they've been shipped to orphanages to save her feelings and to ensure you get her treasure key, which opens her husband's vault in the sewers. The third Word of Power is somewhere in the vicinity, but you're going to have to earn this one. Journey through dangerous cities, monster filled dungeons and deep into uncharted wilderness in search of the cure for a cursed plague ravaging the city of Neverwinter. As you wind your way through Moonwood, you'll pass a cave entrance to the west. He'll give you some leads, including some strange rumors about the Sword Coast Boys, a local gang (or considering their name, boy band), and about a mysterious cult working in the area. The final level has quite a few enemies. Place the ceremonial sword (from the peninsula excavation site) in the chest to open another tomb. Press any of the gems. Return to Mutamin for your reward. He's a 7th-level ranger with bow skills (including the point-blank shot feat) that earned him his nickname. Follow it and join in the battle with Rimardo (14th-level wizard) and his 18th-level iron golem. Take his ear to Kendrack for your reward. You must reactivate the debug mode every time you switch from one area to another. Kurdan guards the stairs to the final battle. When you head through the main gate, you won't be entering Blacklake proper. You can get a bigger hint by reading the answer: "12 trinkets, 5 girls.". Examine the bookshelf and say "Halueth," which will open the passageway to the tomb. Lodar will tell you the same thing if you buy him enough drinks. At first, you will want to head straight for the garden. See the "Journey to Luskan" section for details. You won't, however, be able to open the sealed doors easily. Show him the brooch, and either threaten him to stay away from her, or just attack him to issue a permanent restraining order. There are a few places to buy stuff. Once the spider is gone, head out of the crypt and into the graveyard. Fey Spear: Fairy dust and a magic spear. Talk to Fenthick and Desther after all the goblins are dead. Here you'll find Vaath (17th-level fighter), one of the orcs Rolkid asked you to hunt. Accept the quest, and then fight your way through the undead hordes to The Shining Serpent. Put your most important skills in the main hotkey group, then put secondary skills on the Shift and Ctrl hotkeys. Harbinger Kin Greatsword: Adamantite and a magic greatsword. He'll ask you to investigate the Elk Tribe's alliance with Maugrim's forces. Search the nearby chest for a ceremonial dagger, the Mirror of Vanity, and the Treatise on the Spirit of the Wood. She'll offer you a job if you play your cards right: Infiltrate the Hill Giant Lair and bring her the head of the Hill Giant chieftain. Kill the Luskan wizards to remove the golems from the streets. Take Klauth's head to Gorgotha, and take the final Word of Power to Aarin. Your first stop should be this brothel near the main gates. Storm Light Hammer: Diamond and a magic light hammer. It is possible to get a unanimous verdict without bribing any jurors. A member of the Black Lion Tribe has been accused of murder, and he needs a defense lawyer for the trial. The Neverwinter Nights series is a franchise of role-playing games with a third-person isometric perspective. Loxar is a 10th-level fighter and has a rabid dog with him as well. Here, you'll find the master of the pens, a 4th-level ranger. You can bribe some of the potential jurors, but not all. The only thing of note in this area of Coldwood is the orc camp in the southeast. She's a 20th-level paladin/18th-level cleric. If you just want to start exploring the hideout, talk to the chef. Your other option? If you need supplies, Eltoora at the Many-Starred Cloak Guild is open for business, as is Shining Knight Arms and Armor. This Henchman FAQ is written by me, however, and is therefore copyrighted 2002-2003, based on what I've noticed while playing the game. When he surrenders, he will tell you that you can have his gem (for Elaith's Serpent's Gems quest) if you'll help him out. In the keep, find Zokan in the central room. The path to Layenne's Tomb is guarded by several groups of powerful undead. Search the book piles near the entrance for Arwyl's journal and Hodd's journal. When Vardoc is dead, be sure to search his body for an informative letter. Ice Reaver Hand Axe: Dragon blood and a magic hand axe. Explore the room on the eastern side of the foyer, which was formerly home to Aribeth. Once the room is clear, head down into the aqueducts. They will give you the keys to Kurth's and Baram's compounds if you agree to kill them. Once they're dead, loot his body and take the head. She'll eventually surrender. Enter the second Wizard's Chantry, where you will face the same duo from the first. The second part will be more active training, because the Academy gets invaded and you must rush to save the creatures that will be used to cure the Wailing Death. The warehouse should n't be sorry say some cryptic things about the undead throughout the Hold: the! 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