Monuments commemorating the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood have been erected at Temple Square, Salt Lake City (1958), and in Harmony, Pennsylvania (1960). Those closely associated with the Prophet knew that the restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood by Peter, James, and John occurred before the “rise of the Church” (D&C 20:1). May 15th will mark the 185th anniversary of the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood, and it most certainly looks good for its age. I once heard a young man make the comment, “What’s so great about holding the Aaronic Priesthood?” At first, his remark upset me; then it caused me to have concern for him. He probably didn’t know much more than that deacons who pass the sacrament hold the Aaronic Priesthood. Even so, sufficient elements of the historical puzzle can be put together to give us a close approximation of the … Definitely a highlight! The exact date of the restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood is unknown, but it occurred several weeks after the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood in 1829 (see Doctrine and Covenants and Church History Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual [1999], 45). The Prophet recalled: “We still continued the work of translation, when, in the ensuing month (May, 1829), we on a certain day went into the woods to pray and inquire of the Lord respecting baptism for the remission of sins, that we found mentioned in the translation of the plates. And Just as the day Broke in the East Brother Oliver gave out Entirely and he[,] Br Joseph[,] leaned him against an Oake tree Just out side a field fenc[e] Br Oliver Crying out how long O Lord O how Long Br Joseph hav[e] we got to suffer these things[?] Our finding of unreliability is thus based on first, Miller’s well chronicled desire and efforts to create a narrative which would justify his change of heart as to which church held priesthood authority; second, the absence of mention of Oliver Cowdery’s priesthood restoration claims in any other account of the conference talks; third, the physical impossibility of Miller having provided a verbatim transcript … They were instructed to defer ordination of each other as elders within the Church until they could meet with their brethren and receive sanction by common consent as to whether their brethren accepted them as their spiritual leaders. John the Baptist’s procedure in ordaining Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery to the Aaronic Priesthood involved, first, his conferring the priesthood upon them, followed by their baptizing each other and then his instructing them to lay hands on each other and confer the priesthood that the angel had recently bestowed. Thus this remembrance, in company with all the other information we have examined, would correctly place the restoration of the keys of the Melchizedek Priesthood, the apostleship, and the keys of the dispensation of the fulness of times about 11 months before the organization of the Church on 6 April 1830. I will not harm you.”. Joseph Smith, Brother Everett wrote, “Said as they Ware Tran[s]lating the Book of Mormon at His Father In Laws in Susquhanah County Penny. Oliver Cowdery was called to be what? …, “Now, who would be better qualified to administer the sacred office of the Apostleship than the three men who held it while they were here on the earth? One such youth hiked into a beautiful valley. See also History of the Church, 1:40; Papers of Joseph Smith, 1:290–91. History of the Church, 1:44; see also Papers of Joseph Smith, 1:292. See letter of Addison Everett to Oliver B. Huntington, 17 Feb. 1881, St. George, Utah, recorded in “Oliver Boardman Huntington, Journal #14” under backdate of 31 Jan. 1881, Brigham Young University Archives. Though we don’t make a cake or break open a piñata to celebrate its birthday, we can give the Aaronic Priesthood a gift: the gift of using it. The lasting contribution of Brother Everett is in his relaying the dramatic circumstance in which the restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood apparently occurred. In contrast, he never gave a description of any vision in which he saw an angel separately confer the Melchizedek priesthood. “But you promised—” cried the youth. When they reached the account of Jesus Christ’s visit to … My Fear Disappeared. When this authority was restored, the Church was organized on the 6th day of April 1830, … and then there was power in existence, not only to baptize, but to confirm by the laying on of hands for the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost; and from the authority then sent down afresh from heaven has this Church been enabled to pass along, and receive the great blessings which the Lord has bestowed upon it.”14, Hiram Page, a son-in-law of Peter Whitmer Sr., and one who was present on the day of the Church’s 6 April 1830 organization, later confirmed that “Peter, James and John” had come and bestowed the Holy Priesthood “before the 6th of April 1830.”15, Brigham Young, confidant of the Prophet, began his examination of the gospel in 1830 and joined the Church in 1832. In 1881 he wrote a letter to a Church member named Oliver B. Huntington and then, in 1882, another letter to President Joseph F. Smith (Second Counselor to President John Taylor at the time), sharing at their request what he knew of that event.37 In his letter to President Smith, he recalled hearing the Prophet, in Nauvoo a few days before the Martyrdom, relate the circumstances surrounding the restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood. On 22 September 1823 Moroni taught Joseph that “when they [the gold plates] are interpreted the Lord will give the holy priesthood to some, and they shall begin to proclaim this gospel and baptize by water, and after that they shall have power to give the Holy Ghost by the laying on of their hands.”1. The restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood is one of many topics in “[The Priesthood Restored: A Joseph Smith Papers Podcast] ” — a new miniseries released January 14 that explores the context and events of the restoration of the priesthood and developments of priesthood organization and structure over time.. Even so, sufficient elements of the historical puzzle can be put together to give us a close approximation of the time sequence. This event soon developed into a competitive activity with the Laurels to see who could gather the most food. In Journal of Discourses, 1:137; emphasis added. “You knew what I was when you picked me up,” said the snake as it slithered away. As to time I cannot Be Very Explsit. Joseph said, “From this time forth many became believers, and some were baptized whilst we continued to instruct” (History of the Church, 1:51; see also Papers of Joseph Smith, 1:294). In the river, Joseph and Oliver baptized each other. The DHC makes for interesting reading, and it provides a nice way of studying the sections of the D&C in the context in which they were given. How have we come at the Priesthood in the last days? A special anniversary recently passed on May 15 th —that of the restoration of the Aaronic priesthood. Although the Isaac Hale family was in a position to assist them in their plight, Joseph Knight Sr. stated, “His [Joseph Smith’s] wifes father and familey ware all against him and would not h[e]lp him.”35 This difficulty was greatly alleviated through the exceptional generosity of the Knight family, who on more than one occasion supplied Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery with food and even paper for the Book of Mormon manuscript.36. Many details were provided about the Aaronic Priesthood. (1954–56), 3:96, 99. Peter James & John had it given to them & they gave it up [to us].”41. Author(s): Joseph Smith, Jr. (See accompanying sidebar article titled “An Early Quoting of Section 18,” p. 38). He planned to use a cart he had built for a parade and was determined that he was going to collect more food than anyone else. In fact, further evidence suggests that this restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood took place at least several days before the end of May 1829! Section 27 of the Doctrine and Covenants is a two-part revelation. As I thought about this, a true story came to mind. Movie Night; This is a great way to spend time together! On April 5, 1829, Oliver Cowdery finished a 150-mile journey across the state of New York. B. Huntington Diary #15,” 18 Feb. 1883, 44–47, where the letter is again recorded with a few additional particulars. Reuben Miller Journal, 21 Oct. 1848, MS 1392, LDS Church Archives; emphasis added. In D&C 84:28 we are told that John the Baptist was baptized in his “childhood,” and “ordained” by an angel when eight days old. Share. Don’t allow yourself to ever believe that you are “different” in that you can participate in unrighteous activities—even just once—and not be hurt. “Accordingly we went and were baptized. Joseph Smith in his writings states: A messenger from heaven descended in a cloud of light, and having laid his hands upon us, he ordained us, saying: ”Upon you my fellow … Thousands came together at the Conference Center in Salt Lake City to witness the event firsthand. Margaret McNeil Ballard’s Legacy of Faith, The Search for Early Members of the Church, “Lord, Is It I?”—What I Learned from Martin Harris and Jonah, Research and Perspectives: Recent Studies on the Book of Mormon, Program to Note President Benson’s Birthday, “Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood,” Ensign, July 1989, 76. The growth of the Church in the latter days can be seen as a stone rolling forth “until it has filled the whole earth” (D&C 65:2). The ‘Second Elder’ of the Church. Could the Melchizedek Priesthood restoration have occurred shortly after Joseph and Oliver removed to Fayette, New York? By Elder Quentin L. Cook. I couldn’t get his question out of my mind. I gave her all the food.”, The adviser said, “Jim, don’t you ever forget the way you feel tonight, because that’s what it is all about.”. Thus, by this point—sometime in June 1829—not only had Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery received the divine apostolic call, but David Whitmer also had received a calling to serve as a third special witness of the Lord (see accompanying sidebar article titled “David Whitmer’s Calling,” p. 37). 1:2]: “We diligently sought for the right of the fathers. …” These lines are undoubtedly an outgrowth of the translation of the Abraham papyri, which Joseph Smith Jr. had received in July 1835. I wondered if he was aware that the Aaronic Priesthood, which is sometimes referred to as the Levitical Priesthood, is an appendage to or part of the Melchizedek Priesthood and that this Melchizedek Priesthood is the power through which every important matter is revealed from heaven. The restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood is one of many topics in “ The Priesthood Restored: A Joseph Smith Papers Podcast ” — a new miniseries released Thursday, Jan. 14, that explores the context and events of the restoration of the priesthood and developments of priesthood organization and structure over time. Now “the word of the Lord” taught them that their ordination within that priesthood would be tied to the organization of the Church, and that this organizational event would be at a future time yet to be specified. It helps the priests to be more aware of the way they should treat the young ladies when they have the opportunity to date them. In the earliest days of the Restoration, only three office existed: Teachers, Priests and Elders/Apostles (p.26). The site comprises property once owned, and lived on, by Joseph Smith and is … In addition, when Oliver Cowdery and his family returned to the Church at Kanesville, Iowa, in the fall of 1848, he addressed the conference of the Saints on 21 October, bearing a strong personal witness of the priesthood to the congregation: “The channel is here, the priesthood is here, I was present with Joseph when an holy angle from god came down from heaven and confered, or restored the Aronic priesthood. The day, month, and year designation that so precisely identifies the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood (15 May 1829) is absent in the case of the Melchizedek Priesthood. As the sun set, he arrived at his destination in Harmony Township, Pennsylvania, and met Joseph Smith for the first time. Later, by revelation the Lord set the date of 6 April 1830 for the organization of the Church, for the attendant actions of common consent, and for ordinations of the Melchizedek Priesthood within the newly-organized Church.29 As a consequence, the Lord’s June 1829 “blueprint” for Church organization was formally carried out on the appointed day, 6 April 1830, by Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery at the Peter Whitmer Sr. home in Fayette, New York, in the very home wherein they had received the revelation instructing them concerning the unfolding of all these matters. Through its keys and powers, it helps us to live better lives, to be clean in our thoughts and actions, to show more love and respect to our parents and family members, to keep our bodies free from drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and other harmful substances. There was no one living in mortality who held the keys of this Priesthood, therefore it was necessary that this messenger, who held the keys of the Aaronic Priesthood in the Dispensation of the Meridian of Time, should be sent to confer this power. Joseph Fielding Smith, Essentials in Church History, 27th ed. Larry C. Porter is a professor of Church history and doctrine at Brigham Young University. A summary from Where was the Priesthood Restored? No doubt the Oake tree and the field fence was ajacent to the river. Preston Nibley (1958), 147. You may also want to walk the wooded path to the west of the visitors’ center. Below is a video that I found depicting the restoration of the priesthood. Aaronic Priesthood. The video seems to be a 1970s seminary video produced by the LDS Church, but it’s good and short (about 6 minutes). Undoubtedly Addison Everett, who served as a bishop in Winter Quarters and again in Salt Lake City, was a man of great faith and integrity.38 But good men not intimate to the details of an event may make mistakes of understanding—especially in their 76th year as they try to recall details they heard nearly four decades earlier. The Presiding Bishopric (then consisting of Joseph L. Wirthlin, Thorpe B. Isaacson, and Carl W. Buehner), as presidents of the Aaronic Priesthood, … The Lord cannot make your decisions for you, but he will always allow you to be aware of what is right when a decision or action is about to be made. (1954–56), 3:146–48; Daniel H. Ludlow, ed., Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 5 vols. As a preface to section 18, the Prophet recorded in his history, “The following commandment will further illustrate the nature of our calling to this Priesthood, as well as that of others who were yet to be sought after.”18 In verse 9 of that revelation, the Lord stated: “And now, Oliver Cowdery, I speak unto you, and also unto David Whitmer, by the way of commandment; for, behold, I command all men everywhere to repent, and I speak unto you, even as unto Paul mine apostle, for you are called even with that same calling with which he was called.”. Recalling a business trip to Catskill, New York, Joseph Knight Sr. related: “I Bought a Barral of Mackrel and some lined paper for writing. The Aaronic Priesthood originated when the Israelites began to break the law of the gospel. We still continued the work of translation, when in the ensuing month (May, … The reason it is sometimes called the Levitical Priesthood is because … Please protect the forest ecology by staying on the path and not disturbing the … Type: First-person account Source(s): Joseph Smith, History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 7 vols., introduction and notes by B. H. Roberts (Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1932-1951), 1: 39. The night came, and the priests and Laurels met at the chapel. 8–9, Historical Dept., Archives Division, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City; hereafter cited as LDS Church Archives. History of the Church, 1:77–78; see also Papers of Joseph Smith, 1:302–3. Joseph and Oliver experienced a decided increase in opposition to their work of translation and to their other activities in the area of Harmony, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, in the first part of 1829. A two-minute video about the Priesthood Restoration Site near Harmony (now Oakland), PA. 58-minute video below by Elder Nelson on the Restoration of the Priesthood. (1901–36), 4:702. Ms. in handwriting of Oliver Cowdery, LDS Church Archives. During the appearance of John called the Baptist, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery were informed that the Melchizedek Priesthood, with its power to bestow the gift of the Holy Ghost, “would in due time be conferred on us” (JS—H 1:72).8 Just when was that “due time”? 6. In fact, Joseph detailed just how busy they were with the many people seeking information.26 It is quite apparent that all these pressures kept Joseph and Oliver engaged at Fayette during all of June 1829 and that there was no intermediate six-day travel period in the first half of June to go back and forth from Harmony. President Joseph Fielding Smith wrote: “Now I am going to call your attention to something that is not, I regret to say, generally known. Grab everyone in your household along with some blankets and sit down to … He said this Aaronic Priesthood had not the power of laying on hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost, but that this should be conferred on us hereafter; and he commanded us to go and be baptized, and gave us directions that I should baptize Oliver Cowdery, and that afterwards he should baptize me. Bruce R. McConkie, 3 vols. Depicts where the priesthood actually took place and the events that occured. 2. Obviously, it was instruction of great joy to them and alerted them to a great future event for which they would need to be prepared. Lucy Mack Smith mentioned that the situation had become so bad that “evil-designing people were seeking to take away his (Joseph’s) life, in order to prevent the work of God from going forth to the world.”20 As a consequence, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery were searching for a safer location to complete the translation of the Book of Mormon. According to David Whitmer, the answer is no. Please protect the forest ecology by staying on the path and not disturbing the vegetation, … On 6 April 1830, after consent from the assembled brethren, Joseph and Oliver organized the Church and ordained each other to the office of elder. How the Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood Blesses You. He had been chosen by Heavenly Father to prepare the way for the Savior and to be the one to actually baptize Him. Search stock photos by tags. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints shared a link to the group: Newsroom of The Church of … Throughout this article, strike-through marks indicate words crossed out by the original author, and angle brackets (<>) represent material inserted above the line by the original author. L. Tom Perry, Ensign, May 1996, 54. After this we received the high and holy [Melchizedek] priesthood.”4. Joseph and Oliver then conferred the Melchizedek Priesthood on other brethren who had been previously baptized and ordained them to different offices in the priesthood. Matthew C. Godfrey and Spencer McBride discuss how Church leaders’ understanding of the Priesthood developed after authority was restored. Now as to time and Place. I took it and put it in my cart and went on up the street. Of that occasion the Prophet stated, “The Holy Ghost was poured out upon us to a very great degree—some prophesied, whilst we all praised the Lord, and rejoiced exceedingly.”12, Ordinations of other brethren to various offices in the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthoods were also performed by Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery both on that day and on the occasion of the first conference of the Church, which followed on 9 June 1830.13. Midway, Utah 254 contributions 128 helpful votes. Aaronic Priesthood: Restoration. In the case of the Aaronic Priesthood, the landscape helps divide the restoration of the priesthood into smaller parts that occurred in different places: In the woods, Joseph and Oliver heard the Lord’s voice and were given authority by a heavenly messenger. McConkie, Oscar W. Aaronic Priesthood. John the Baptist had a very specific mission on this earth. At last the youth tucked it under his shirt and carried it down to the valley. The letter contains wording very parallel to section 18 of the Doctrine and Covenants. Joseph and Oliver then conferred the priesthood on each other, establishing the pattern for the Church. The first step toward fulfillment of that promise took place on 15 May 1829 while Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery were in the process of bringing forth the Book of Mormon. Statement of Oliver Cowdery to Samuel W. Richards, 13 Jan. 1849, quoted in Deseret Evening News, 22 March 1884, 2; emphasis added. There was no such separations as the two priesthoods we have today. Later, while living in Harmony, the Prophet made a number of 28-mile trips from his Harmony home to the Joseph Knight farm, which was situated on the east side of the Susquehanna River in Colesville Township, Broome County, New York. Helpful. Aaronic Priesthood: Restoration. Even though the priesthood keys, ordinations to office, and restoration of ordinances extends into places such as Fayette, Kirtland, and Nauvoo, the Priesthood Restoration Site highlights the place near which Peter, James and John appeared to Joseph and Oliver. As the sun set, he arrived at his destination in Harmony Township, Pennsylvania, and met Joseph Smith for the first time. Suddenly, the snake coiled, rattled, and struck, biting him on the leg. History of the Church, 1:64–70, 75–79. The Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood. This talk was delivered at the Priesthood Commemoration Fireside broadcast by satellite from Temple Square on 7 May 1989. Cowdery, Oliver. Don’t allow yourself to ever believe that you are “different” in that you can participate in unrighteous activities—even just once—and not … THE RESTORATION OF THE AARONIC PRIESTHOOD The Prophet Joseph Smith described the circumstances surrounding the restoration of the Aaronic priesthood (JS–History 68–72). A comparison strongly suggests that Oliver was quoting and referring to the revelation,19 indicating that it had already been received by that date. As a worthy bearer of the Aaronic Priesthood, you will always be warned when danger is near. Read Restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood in the Church History Topics. Detail from Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood, by Del Parson, Joseph Smith Translating, by Dale Kilbourn, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery Inquire of the Lord, by Del Parson, Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood, by Del Parson, Joseph Smith Baptizes Oliver Cowdery, by Del Parson, Joseph Smith Ordains Oliver Cowdery to the Aaronic Priesthood As They Were Commanded, by Del Parson, Restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood, by Ken Riley, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery in Solemn Prayer in the Whitmer Home, by Del Parson, Detail from Establishing the Principle of Common Consent, by William Whitaker, Joseph Smith Ordains Oliver Cowdery, by William Whitaker. How have the ordinances of the Aaronic priesthood blessed your life? Fewer details are known about the Melchizedek. Some of the boys made fun of him and asked, “Where’s your food, Jim? In looking back six years later on that great and significant event of 15 May 1829, Oliver recorded a very interesting description of the physical setting and events of that day. Joseph and Oliver baptized each other in the Susquehanna River. Orson Pratt asked him the direct question: “Can you tell the date of the bestowal of the Apostleship upon Joseph, by Peter, James and John?” David replied: “I do not know, Joseph never told me.”24 So the visitation did not occur while the three men were traveling together for the estimated standard three-day travel time that it took to travel from Harmony to Fayette. The inspired content of this verse affirms that the higher priesthood had been restored before September 1830. Erastus Snow, in Journal of Discourses, 23:183. All of this was done in accordance with the design of the Lord so that he might “raise up a peculiar people to himself, a holy nation, a royal Priesthood—a kingdom of Priests, that shall be saviors upon Mount Zion, not only to preach the Gospel to the scattered remnants of Israel, but to save to the uttermost the nations of the Gentiles, inasmuch as they will listen and can be saved by the plan which God has provided.”44. Desires to come into the Church, 1:44 ; see also Papers of Joseph Smith had given on. Was hardly anything in it ].” Aaronic or Melchizedek Priesthood restoration spot is a significant in... Priesthood as a worthy bearer of the gospel, biting him on banks... Also p. 217, “Keys first given to Aaron and his heart swelled joy... Of any vision in which he saw an angel separately confer the Melchizedek Priesthood had been Restored before September,. April and May 1829 chosen by heavenly messengers, seen or unseen to Joseph and Cowdery! 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On April 5, 1829, near Harmony, Pennsylvania 28-mile stretch of bordering! In “Willard Richards Pocket Companion, Written in England, ” Brigham young University Studies 17 ( autumn )! A particular affinity for the needy as a worthy bearer of the restoration of the Lord ’ s today. And Oliver needed comfort Smith felt a particular affinity for the needy as a worthy of. Cowdery, LDS Church Archives ; emphasis added youth tucked it under his shirt and take me down to end!, 18 Dec. 1833, Kirtland, Ohio ; emphasis added despite threats, Joseph Smith, 14 June,. Melchizedek Priesthood had been chosen by heavenly messengers, seen or unseen that found. 15, ” 18 Feb. 1883, 44–47, Where the Priesthood believe that you are “different” in that can!