| Holly J. Copher Rollins Undergraduate Res J 2(1):9. Nasir S (2013) Microfinance in India: contemporary issues and challenges. Seiber EE, Robinson AL (2007) Microfinance investments in quality at private clinics in Uganda: a case-control study. The paper then outlines some of the benefits of re-casting the rural resource as ‘countryside capital’, Poor sanitation is a good source of infectious diseases such as malaria , dengue, leishmaniasis, cysticercosis (tapeworm), cholera and other diarrheal diseases that can easily spread in densely populated areas with poor sanitation. Gains and outputs—These are the resources derived from what they do that allows them to earn a living. Various initiatives in the recent past portrayed the significant role that the I.C.T plays in the realm of rural development. Lack of infrastructure for education also denies communities the basic education that is needed in order to obtain further skills . Factors that determine diversification include age, access and level of education , size of the family , dependency ratio , access and availability of land , assets, access and availability of irrigation facility, access to credit and ability to borrow, distance from town, training/skill development , and membership to social groups (Khatun and Roy 2012) . Dependency ratio: measures the pressure on the productive population . Davis JR, Wilson S, Brock-Martin A, Glover S, Svendsen ER (2010b) The impact of disasters on populations with health and health care disparities. There are also skills that can be attained by passing them on from one generation to the other, these are also called talents. Micro-irrigation pump, seeds and fertilizer. These assets play an important role in survival strategies both in rural and urban livelihoods. Ellis F (1996) Rural livelihood diversity in developing countries: evidence and policy implications, (40). These challenges can determine whether and how this individual or household will diversify., A Livelihood can be defined as the activities, the assets and the access that jointly determine the living gained by an individual or household (Ellis. Human capital is an asset in diversification for rural livelihoods because the more the skills attained by a household the easier it is to diversify. Conceptual framework Davis B, Winters P, Carletto G, Covarrubias K, Quiñones EJ, Zezza A, DiGiuseppe S (2010a) A cross-country comparison of rural income generating activities. Availability of new markets encourages communities to diversify as they try to exploit the new opportunities. This problem is worse in rural areas as the response from governments and aid agencies usually takes a couple of days or weeks before reaching the remote rural settlements. This has also led to the development of local microfinance schemes based in social networks within the community. Land is a source of food and income for the rural poor, lack of land therefore leads to lack of food and income hence hunger and malnutrition . Page 02 02 02 03 03 04 05 06 08 09 10 10 11 12 13 15 15 16 17 The lack of necessary infrastructure deters development of new activities and markets in such regions. The central proposition is that much can be achieved in raising the profile of rural www.elsevier.com/locate/jrurstud Social capital refers to relationships, institutions and norms that shape societal interactions. Agric Econ Res Rev 25(1). Nursing Care in Rural CommunitiesLiving in a rural community can present challenges for residents in receiving adequate health care. International cross-border travel; there has been an increase in international cross-border travel for work, leisure and/or study. Drawing on recent thinking by ecological economists, an approach based on the concept of the Based on empirical research conducted in Cameroon, Ghana and Tanzania, the study shows that improved connectivity is a major driver of rural livelihood This in turn fuels inequalities and vulnerable communities resort to livelihoods that are unsustainable, affecting the health and well-being of both men and women in different ways (Kim et al. Brian GarrodÃ, Roz Wornell, Ray Youell There have many debates over the years about who has the better quality of life, including less health problems, those who live in rural communities or those that live in the urban city communities. Distance from town: rural populations that are closer to a town are able to source markets for their produce and also have a chance to access facilities and infrastructure such as markets, banks, credit facilities and health facilities that can further develop their livelihood . of the rural tourism industry. Assets or possessions—this is what they own be it food, property, clothing, houses, livestock, stocks and all things that provide material and social income. Since the groups are comprised of individuals who know each other, there is a sense of belonging as well as a sense of ownership as each member has invested the same amount of money and is part of the decision-making process. Combining microfinance and health campaigns could assist in disseminating the needed information regarding health issues, including disease prevention and control. consumption of exotic foods , e.g. Social clubs have also been used in developing countries as ways of obtaining credit loans and as training grounds in skills that are necessary in livelihood diversification and improvement for communities in rural areas . With education come skills; an individual will acquire certain skills through their education, thus an educated household has a higher chance of gaining skills than a household without any education. Livelihoods have been affected by shocks such as natural disasters and disease outbreaks which have led to partial and/or complete loss of livelihoods. Age: Children for example will end up following their parents’ livelihoods; but as they grow older and gain more skills they have a better chance of diversifying into other livelihoods. A household or community that is further from town has poor access to these facilities and has less chance of diversifying. Cite as. Key words: Determinants, diversification, livelihood, rural, strategies. There are several factors that affect emergence and re-emergence of diseases, these include: Barbier EB, Hochard JP (2014) Poverty and the spatial distribution of rural population (SSRN Scholarly Paper No. These communities tend to develop habits that later on become the norm for that community from what surrounds them. Most developing countries suffer shortages of well trained-health personnel which have contributed to the underperformance of health systems and primary health care. Some of the natural disasters include floods, earthquakes, storms, fires, landslides and many more. Retrieved from. Due to the crowding, the displaced communities are at high risk of contraction of these diseases. Rural Community Health versus Urban City Health Key Words: Livelihood diversification, simpson index, rural Bangladesh INTRODUCTION Bangladesh is an agrarian economy with 54% of its total agriculture in rural livelihoods is also falling over time. Livelihoods are an important part of human existence . | Introduction Role of small and intermediate urban centres Young people are more energetic than older folks; hence the types of livelihoods that can be acquired by these two age groups will be different. After flooding or storms and earthquakes, there are water pools that are created and since the water is stagnant, these pools become breeding grounds for mosquitoes which in turn spread vector-borne diseases such as malaria . Introduction A common view shared by a number of empirical literatures is that majority of the population in low and lower-middle income countries reside in rural areas, where the agricultural sector Chambers R, Conway G (1991) Sustainable livelihood-chambers and conway1991.pdf, Chowdhury AMR, Aminul Alam M, Ahmed J (2006) Development knowledge and experience: from Bangladesh to Afghanistan and beyond. Membership of social groups: membership to social groups within the community is one way of creating social networks. The SARS outbreak originated from China, spread through Hong Kong and other parts of Asia , to Europe and America . In rural areas, the elderly population is at risk for not obtaining sufficient healthcare for numerous reasons such as knowledge deficit, lack of transportation, and financial woes. This has allowed for acquisition and introduction of new disease pathogens and/or re-emergence of diseases that were eradicated. A benefit to this is that the student to teacher ratio is about 15:1(Richardson), whereas bigger towns and cities have an average student to teacher ratio of 30:1(Blankenship). In the context of rural livelihood I will discuss mainly human behaviour and how this has contributed to emergence and re-emergence of infectious diseases . • There are some organizations like HUL, ITC, LG, Mahindra etc. 1. Weather patterns that affected agricultural productivity; A challenging partnership with microfinance institutions; BRAC in Afghanistan — A collaboration between developing countries (Chowdhury et al. In the past decades, there has been a reduction in farming as a source of livelihood in rural areas and an increase in participation in non-farm activities or a combination of both to sustain a household (Ellis 1996, 2000 ) . This may also be used as a survey to establish if a company may have rural branches. This has led to lack of willingness in participating in development projects with a microfinance component. Human capital is a combination of knowledge, habits, social behaviour and personality that contribute to economic benefits for an individual and/or community (Ellis 1996 ) . MacDonald N, Kabakyenga J (2008) Microresearch: borrowing from the microfinance experience. ## Read Rural Livelihood And Food Security ## Uploaded By Astrid Lindgren, rural livelihoods food security and rural transformation under climate change 5 1 introduction rural livelihoods in transition in 2017 34 billion people lived in rural areas most in low 15 and middle income 79 countriesi many deriving their income from Context - urban growth Sl.No. In general, natural capital refers to natural resources (Barbier and Hochard 2014; Ellis 1996, 2000 ) . Moreover, people of the same livelihood group share the same risks and kinds of vulnerability. Unfortunately, this has also led to introduction of diseases from wild animals to the human population . While a small family with a steady income will be able to invest in skills training that can allow for diversification . Keywords: Livelihood Diversification, Labour Engagement, Nigeria, Share of Income. It focuses on poverty dynamics, food security and local development. Availability of assets allows for collateral that can be used to obtain loans and credit that can be used to boost capital and start up new businesses and income generating activities. These networks are beneficial in obtaining knowledge that can be used to further livelihoods . Introduction Livelihood diversification is one of the most remarkable ch aracteristics of rural livelihood strategy. 11. And if the individual who is sick is the one who provides for the household (bread winner), illness may result in serious disruption of the household status. The users' perspective with a household focus has been, and continues to be, an important orientation of UPWARD research. But what does this new entry into the development Int J Bus Manag 8(19):99–106. Angelo State University 3 Kondo T, Orbeta A, Dingcong C, Infantado C (2008) Impact of microfinance on rural households in the Philippines. ID 2522735). The community health nurse plays an extremely important role in rural America. A concept of micro Research or microgrants was put forward where small grants could be provided to researchers in developing countries (Boccia et al. These bring serious threats to livelihoods with the rural poor being the most affected. 2. 2010-09-01 00:00:00 INTRODUCTION Livelihood diversification is defined as the process by which rural families construct a diverse portfolio of activities and social support capabilities in order to survive and improve their standard of living. Geissler KH, Leatherman S (2015) Providing primary health care through integrated microfinance and health services in Latin America. Owing to low human capital, the rural poor tend to diversify in less profitable labour markets than their wealthier counterparts. The main concern of RLDP is the high rural poverty in the Central Corridor of Tanzania, which is 2013; Sharma 2001). Those who did not have an education were able to access education through BRACS training programmes. Bull World Health Organ 87(11):824–832. In an urban setting, parents have a number of choices available for the education of their children and can often select from a long list of both public and private school districts. Social networks are considered as horizontal associations between individuals, which increase productivity by reducing the costs of doing business and facilitate coordination and cooperation. INTRODUCTION: By creating social groups and networks within the community, people have been able to start up credit cooperatives where each member can invest a certain amount of money, and thereafter the members are able to borrow the money for their own use. alteration of livestock management practices. Although these are found to account for only part of the total income of rural small farm households, the diversified non-farm sector has gained in importance for rural Asian Development Bank: At, Solesbury W (2003) Sustainable livelihoods : a case study of the evolution of DFID Policy London. Lack of Road Network and Transport Facilities. The focus of BRAC has been on human development through adult literacy, vocational training, public health and improvement of livelihoods. Changes in land use patterns have led to people encroaching into forest areas bringing individuals into close proximity to wild animals and new pathogens. Social Science Research Network, Rochester, NY. The sustainable livelihood approach offers a holistic and integrative approach with the capacity to analyse and understand the complexity of rural development (Chambers and Conway 1991; Solesbury 2003). Introduction In this paper we explore the concept of rural livelihood and demonstrate its relevance for research in the rural sector. Moll HA (2005) Microfinance and rural development: a long-term perspective. People who are surrounded by forests develop their livelihood around the forest, as they use the forest to survive. Fabusoro E, Omotayo AM, Apantaku SO, Okuneye PA (2010) Forms and determinants of rural livelihoods diversification in Ogun state, Nigeria. ICTs are those technologies that can be used to interlink information technology devices such as personal computers with communication technologies such as telephones and their telecommunication networks. If each member of such a household is able to attain a skill that brings in income, there is a high probability that the big family will do well. In 2002 BRAC, a Bangladesh-based NGO whose main focus is setting up development programmes, especially in the rural areas and targeting the most vulnerable populations, went into Afghanistan to assist the country with its development programmes. As shown in Table 1, estimates of urban population increases vary widely, from a doubling to a trebling over a 20-year period. ...Nursing Care in Rural Communities People lose their crop, livestock and source of income resulting in loss of their financial capital . The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH, Khatun D, Roy BC (2012) Rural livelihood diversification in West Bengal: determinants and constraints. Areas that are associated with harsh climates may avert investors. For a household to attain education and skills, they need to be in a good state of health. 09. Diarrheal diseases caused by Vibrio cholera , enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli , Cryptosporidium parvum , Salmonella , Hepatitis A and E are some of the common diseases occurring preceding floods. Land, being a natural capital is a valuable asset for the rural poor. Education and migration; where qualifications determine which field of work an individual can exploit . Wang, L.; Zhang, J.‐L. U.P. Human behaviour has resulted in a range of environmental and ecological changes, some of which have influenced emergence and re-emergence of infectious diseases . There is need for human, social, economic, financial, physical and natural capital for livelihoods to be sustainable. First off people have to understand what defines rural from urban. What is a rural livelihood? We call a “livelihood group” a group of people who access similar resources, share similar social and cultural values and have a comparable economic status. 2006). Being able to read and write allows an individual to access information in books, posters and any other literature that could be useful in developing their talent and learning new skills. Sustainable livelihoods are needed for economic growth and development of rural populations. The PC and laptop with e-mail and Internet provides the best example. The other aim is to ponder over the achievements and the failures of ICT in the sustainable development march. Access to credit and ability to borrow: Access to credit and ability to obtain loans allows for diversification . Therefore, the communities are at high risk of contracting infectious diseases from contaminated water. For the very poor, microfinance schemes may seem out of their reach, because they have neither the resources nor collateral to obtain the loans (Buckley 1997; Littlefield et al. PESTEL factors affecting rural market is entirely different compared to urban marketing. Subject Need a real rethink of marketing mix for rural markets. World Dev 38(1):48–63. | It outlines the purpose of the guide as a framework for studying market linkages. Being able to write allows an individual to express their views in writing. Associations and ties within a community are needed to give a sense of identity and purpose to these communities. This income can also be used to acquire assets as well as invest in other activities that will bring more income into the household, thereby improving livelihoods and allowing for diversification . The number of small and intermediate sized urban centres are also increasing and also have... ...Kellis Richardson In rural populations where their livelihood is dependent on land and other natural resources , a natural disaster deprives these communities of their human capital. – FMCG & consumer durables companies need to come up with innovative ideas on products, pricing, promotions & places (4 Ps) to penetrate into the rural markets & make a fortune. 1. Different published and unpublished documents were collected through different search engines from different databases, Google scholar and Google. Small-scale businesses such as hawking, selling of second-hand clothes, car parts and scrapped metal and goods, selling readymade food are on the rise. Education is extremely important when deciding to live in rural or urban areas. Delivery of quality education and training in rural areas is required to attain sustainable rural livelihoods. The concept of livelihood has now been added to A large number of rural e-Governance applications, developed as pilot projects were aimed at offering easy access to citizen services and improved processing of government to citizen transactions. Disaster Med Public Health Preparedness 4(1):30–38. On the scene the particular player was badly injured and was brought to the clinic.... ...PART A Right Livelihood Award Winners from India 2008 Krishnammal Jagannathan and Sankaralingam Jagannathan LAFTI 2006 Ruth Manorama 2004 Swami Agnivesh / Asghar Ali Engineer 1996 People's Science Movement of Kerala (Kerala Sasthra Sahithya Parishad 1993 1993 1991 Narmada Bachao Andolan 1986 International Society for Ecology and … Are found in their communities these, people also lose their crop, livestock and source of earning. Their property to the proportion of the world’s population are expected to sustainable. 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