This publisher is eagerly searching for COVER SONGS that could fit on a playlist with the following references we got directly from them: "Love Yourself" cover by Futuristic & Devvon Terrell. Please be sure that your production is generally competitive with the references and other artists like them. Submit online or per CD, and include lyrics, photos, and a bio. They’re looking for Mid-to-Up-Tempo Songs that would fall within the general range of the following references: "Blow The Speakers Up" by I Don't Speak French. This Music Library splits ALL sync fees 50/50 with you. Please submit as many Instrumentals as you'd like, online or per CD. Read the full story, 5010 N. Parkway Calabasas If you’re inclined to sign an Exclusive deal, please don’t submit material that’s already signed with other Companies, Catalogs, or Publishing or Administration deals, including any online distribution companies such as DistroKid, TuneCore, or CD Baby. Broadcast Quality is needed. Please submit as many Songs as you'd like, online or per CD. VINTAGE JAZZ COVERS of PUBLIC DOMAIN SONGS with Male or Female Vocals that were RECORDED BEFORE 1979 are needed by an A-List Music Publisher for Film and TV sync licensing. They’re on the hunt for lots of Mid-to-Up-Tempo Instrumental Cues that could be found on a playlist with the following references we got directly from our client: Please submit really cool, eclectic Instrumental Cues with a retro/throwback-influenced vibe and sound. Be sure that your production is slick and features state-of-the-art software sounds and samples – nothing dated or low-quality will work, here. Please do not send material for this pitch that has already been signed to other libraries or catalogs. Since this company offers an EXCLUSIVE deal, please be sure the material you submit for this pitch is NOT already signed to other Libraries or Catalogs. Lyrics that avoid references to specific names, dates, times, places, brands, and profanity could make your Songs more appealing to the Licensing Company and Music Supervisors. Jeorg was very accommodating to pick us up wherever our river ship docked which was not close to city centre, as it turned out, we caught a ship shuttle to the music hall where he picked us up. If you submitted to listing #D201217AM, please send different material this time around. Broadcast Quality is needed. Non-Faded, Buttoned/Stinger endings will work best for this request. Please submit top-tier Pop Songs with engaging melodies, infectious rhythms, and instantly memorable choruses. By the time the first single will be released, the artist will know some simple words and will be curiously exploring the world around her. *Note: The Instrumental If you plan to use virtual versions of "organic" Instruments (guitars, pianos, etc. Ultimately he dropped us at the train station where we bought train tickets for the next day and continued on our days journeys. You must own or control your Master and Copyright to submit for this opportunity. Broadcast Quality is needed. Please submit hit-worthy EDM Songs with fist-pumping rhythms, super catchy hooks, solid drop sections, and a healthy amount of mainstream appeal. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI. A WIDE RANGE of ORIGINAL, VINTAGE COUNTRY SONGS with Male or Female Vocals is needed by an Australian Indie Record Label with distribution through Sony! This is a golden opportunity to make money with music you might have thought had no hope in today’s market! Do NOT copy the referenced artists or songs in any way, shape, or form. NOTE: We’re not providing any references for this request, as they want to keep this pretty open. Genießen Sie hier leckere indische Spezialitäten, Curries, Reisgerichte und Brot aus dem Tandoor. Regensburger Studien zur Musikgeschichte, 13. Your Songs need to be original compositions (no covers), and you need to own or control the Copyright and Master recordings to submit for this pitch. You'll get 100% of the Writer's share, and the Publisher will get 100% of the Publisher's share. You’d be wise to highlight any licensing experience, fanbase, or impressive sales/streaming figures you may have in your bio. This is a golden opportunity to make money with music you might have thought had no hope in today’s market! Compelling vocal performances, really solid melodies, and memorable choruses could work to your advantage, as well! IMPORTANT: This Label is specifically looking to sign full back-catalogs of music, so please only submit to this opportunity if you have an album's worth (or more) of songs available to sign. Submissions must be received no later than 11:59 PM (PST) on Saturday, January 30th, 2021. Stripped-down demos and full productions are both okay to submit, as long as your Songs are great and your recordings are clean, clear, and well-balanced! All submissions will be screened and critiqued by a TAXI screener. This company is open to hearing forward-thinking, slightly left-of-center music (within reason, of course), so feel free to get creative with your arrangements, instrumentation, etc. NOTE: They DO NOT want material that was recently recorded and made to sound old. Your submissions must be received no later than 11:59 PM (PST) on Tuesday, January 19th, 2021. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI. Please submit as many Songs as you’d like, online or per CD. Broadcast Quality is needed. This Company offers both EXCLUSIVE and NON-EXCLUSIVE deals. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI. Mid-to-Up-Tempo Songs are usually more easily placed, but if you have really strong Ballads or Down-Tempo Songs, those could work as well in this context. CONTEMPORARY HIP-HOP TENSION INSTRUMENTALS Featuring STRINGS are needed by an EXCLUSIVE Music Library with Global Distribution. Musikalische Schätze in Regensburger Bibliotheken. Use them only as a guide for tempo, tone, and overall vibe. DO NOT SUBMIT FOR FRIENDS! If you’re inclined to do an Exclusive deal, please don’t submit material for this pitch that you've already signed with other libraries or publishers. ORIGINAL, VINTAGE JAZZ INSTRUMENTALS that were RECORDED BEFORE 1979 are needed by an A-List Music Publisher for Film and TV sync licensing. You must own or control 100% of your Master and Copyright. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by a TAXI screener. They like to sign full projects, so we are telling the Screeners working on these submissions to look for top-notch batches. Do NOT copy the referenced material in any way, shape, or form. Please be sure your Covers stay as close to the original melodies as possible, so the roots of the pieces are recognizable. Please submit as many Instrumentals as you’d like, online or per CD. Please submit as many Instrumentals as you’d like, online or per CD. This company offers an EXCLUSIVE deal, so please be sure the Instrumentals you pitch for this opportunity are NOT already signed with other Companies or Catalogs. You must own or control 100% of your Master and Copyright. Please submit as many Songs as you’d like, online or per CD. TAXI # S210210MR. Your production can range from more modern to traditional Latin styles, just be sure that your recordings are polished and feature high-quality software sounds and samples. Remember, simple is best for this pitch! You’d be smart to avoid genres that aren’t relatable to a wide audience. Please submit as many Instrumental Cues as you’d like, online or per CD. Please submit well-composed, emotionally upbeat Instrumentals that could work well in a range of Children's programming. Be sure that any software sounds or samples you use are high-quality and cutting-edge (nothing dated, please!). Your submissions' arrangements should be top-notch and capture the appropriate style of the era your pieces were recorded in, as well. Short intros (or no intro at all), easy edit points, and Non-faded, Buttoned/Stinger endings are all strongly recommended for this pitch. This Company offers both EXCLUSIVE and NON-EXCLUSIVE deals. Build your Cues around a simple motif, and create a subtle sense of movement and dynamics by layering instruments in and out as they progress. He is distributed internationally by Universal and has accumulated more than 100,000,000 Spotify streams. You must own or control your Master recordings. Well-performed vocals with compelling lyrical flows are essential for this pitch. IMPORTANT NOTE: This company has JUST started requesting music from TAXI's members, so this is a great opportunity to begin a new relationship with an awesome company! Please include lyrics. This Company offers an EXCLUSIVE deal with a 2-year reversion (they will also consider NON-Exclusive Deals). This Company offers both EXCLUSIVE and NON-EXCLUSIVE deals. Well-performed, compelling vocals with Indie flair are a must for this pitch, as well. Welche Informationen vermitteln die Bewertungen auf All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI. Your name needs to be on the copyright. Submissions must be received no later than 11:59 PM (PST) on Thursday, February 4th, 2021. They DO NOT want material that was recently recorded and made to sound old. If you do add choir parts, you would need to be able to send mixes without them at a moment's notice. We think it'd be a good idea to avoid submitting anything dark, sad, or melancholy. If you’re inclined to do an Exclusive deal, please don’t submit material that’s already signed with any other libraries or publishers, and that includes "monetization deals" you might have signed with online distributors – read the fine print. Um der schwankenden Preis-Leistung der Artikel gerecht zu werden, messen wir in der Redaktion eine Vielzahl von Faktoren. Please send well-produced, modern Pop Instrumentals that would work well in the context of Reality TV show placements. You must own or control your Master and Composition to submit to this pitch. Submissions must be received no later than 11:59 PM (PST) on Tuesday, January 26th, 2021. CELTIC ARTISTS or BANDS with Male or Female Vocals are needed by an eclectic Independent Record Label that’s eagerly looking for fresh, new talent to sign. Café Zafran - Indisches Restaurant in … Since this is an EXCLUSIVE deal, please be sure the material you submit for this pitch is NOT already signed with other Libraries or Catalogs. In case you’re unsure if they are, here’s a link that will help: Public Domain Popular Songs List, You need to own or control the Master recording to submit for this pitch. You must own or control your Master and Copyright to pitch for this opportunity. All submissions should be about 2 to 4 minutes long (give or take) with non-faded, buttoned/stinger endings. TAXI # S210127PS. Make sure your Songs were actually recorded between 1980 and 1989, otherwise this company cannot use them! You can incorporate a range of instrumentation into your submissions – Hip-Hop beats, pizzicato strings, glockenspiel, etc. You must own or control your Master and Copyright to submit. Your submissions must be received no later than 11:59 PM (PST) on Thursday, January 21st, 2021. Having top-notch vocals with lots of fun energy could help you seal the deal! You'll get 100% of the Writer's share, and the Publisher will get 100% of the Publisher's share. Submissions must be received no later than 11:59 PM (PST) on Monday, February 1st, 2021. Trotz der Tatsache, dass die Meinungen dort nicht selten verfälscht sein können, geben die Bewertungen in ihrer Gesamtheit einen guten Überblick! (monetization) deals can preclude you from entering into publishing deals with most other companies! TAXI Tip: We think you can have a little fun with this request! Please do NOT copy the referenced artists or songs in any way, shape, or form. Submissions must be received no later than 11:59 PM (PST) on Tuesday, February 9th, 2021. In case you’re unsure if they are, here’s a link that will help: Public Domain Popular Songs List, You need to own or control the Master recording to submit for this pitch. Please do not send material for this pitch that has already been signed to other libraries or catalogs. Please send as many Recordings as you’d like, online or per CD. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI. You'd also be smart to avoid lyrics that specifically say, "virus, COVID-19, Coronavirus," etc. Listener discretion is advised. IMPORTANT NOTE: Your lyrics DO NOT need to be in Chinese. This company offers an EXCLUSIVE deal, so please be sure the Songs you pitch for this opportunity are NOT already signed with other Companies or Catalogs. TAXI # S210131KP. NOTE: This company is NOT looking for modern-sounding Turkish music. Please send as many Songs as you’d like, online or per CD. Non-Faded, Buttoned/Stinger endings are strongly recommended. ORIGINAL, VINTAGE METAL SONGS with Male or Female Vocals that were RECORDED between 1980 and 1989 are needed by an A-List Music Publisher for Film and TV sync licensing. ANTHEMIC MODERN ROCK INSTRUMENTALS by CANADIAN COMPOSERS are needed by a top-tier Music Library for Sports-related placements on a variety of Canadian TV Shows. Give this Label danceable hits that could have people at a club on their feet dancing the night away – that's what they're looking for! Your submissions should have happy melodies, inviting rhythms, and lots of fun, kid-friendly energy. It doesn't have to be super hi-fi, but reasonably good, well-balanced recordings and mixes are needed. Please submit chart-worthy Pop Songs with top-notch melodies, super-catchy choruses, and slick production. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI. Well-performed vocals with excellent lyrical flows are essential for this request, as well. IMPORTANT TAXI Tip: Although they're looking for cool, new interpretations of the songs (but don't go too crazy), we recommend sticking pretty close to the original melodies and lyrics of the songs, so they're still recognizable! You must own or control your Master and Composition to submit to this opportunity. Submissions must be received no later than 11:59 PM (PST) on Friday, January 22nd, 2021. Your production should be polished and feature state-of-the-art software sounds and samples. In your bio, please include any touring, fan base, sales, streaming, and social media figures you may have. We suggest sticking with primarily typical Rock-band instrumentation, but some modern ear candy sprinkled in here and there couldn't hurt. Do NOT copy the referenced artists or songs in any way, shape, or form. TAXI # S210130CT, Matt Vander Boegh’s music has been placed in over 170 TV shows... Confident, well-performed vocals with excellent lyrical flows are essential for this pitch! Well-crafted lyrics coupled with well-performed vocals and a healthy dose of Folk charm are essential for this pitch. The forwards for this pitch go directly to the Show’s Executive Producer/Music Supervisor, so this is a great opportunity! TAXI # S210130PN. Please submit modern EDM Songs with top-notch melodies, unforgettable hooks, and well-crafted lyrics. This company offers an EXCLUSIVE deal, so please be sure the Songs you pitch for this opportunity are NOT already signed with other Companies or Catalogs. Please submit well-executed Jazz Covers of Public Domain Songs with excellent musicianship, top-notch arrangements, and lots of Vintage Jazz charm. This company offers an EXCLUSIVE, 50/50 deal with a 3-year reversion. TAXI Tip: If you plan on incorporating Orchestral instrumentation into your pieces, be sure that any virtual instruments you use sound realistic and convincing. 53 Unternehmen mit dem Suchbegriff Bauer in Memmingen und der Region Die besten Anbieter aus dem Branchenbuch von Alle Betriebe mit ☏ Telefonnummer Faxnummer und Anschrift des Betriebs Jetzt Bewertungen der Betriebe vergleichen! Sie suchen nach Bauer in Memmingen? This company offers an EXCLUSIVE deal. Please submit top-tier Vintage Jazz Instrumentals with solid rhythms, compelling melodies, and top-notch era/style-appropriate arrangements. Note: TAXI has been quite successful in helping our members sign deals via the playlists on previous compilations. Meaning, if any of the instruments sound too 'MIDI' then the Cues should be rejected.”. You must own or control your Master and Copyright. Broadcast Quality is needed. Von der Tiefgarage oder dem kostenpflichtigen Parkplatz darüber, ist in der Innenstadt, bis hin zur Plassenburg, alles problemlos zu Fuß zu erreichen. Fun rhythms, catchy hooks, and polished Pop production are all essentials for this request. Please submit well-produced EDM Songs that incorporate Rock instrumentation and production elements. Please submit as many Songs as you’d like, online or per CD. Please submit super modern Indie Rock Songs with memorable hooks, hit potential, and a cool vibe and sound! Please submit as many Songs as you like, online or per CD, and please include lyrics! Inselstadt The islands formed by the arms of the Regnitz and the Main-Donau-Kanal near the Main confluence were the basis of the citizens’ quarter, while the clergy tended to occupy the higher hills. Do NOT copy the referenced examples in any way, shape, or form. Please submit as many Songs as you’d like, online or per CD. NOTE: This company is looking for material that comes from artists that are Canadian for Canadian projects. Just make sure that your Songs still have plenty of commercial appeal! Use them as a general guide for tempo, tone, and overall vibe. music and for several formative years he was the city theatre’s musical director. TAXI # S210202RB. The specific deal points will be negotiated on a Song-by-Song basis directly with the Label. Please send as many Recordings as you’d like, online or per CD. Please send top-tier, modern Country Songs with  visually descriptive, storytelling lyrics, compelling melodies, and instantly memorable choruses. Genre-wise, we think you’d be wise to go with popular genres like Singer/Songwriter, Adult Contemporary, R&B, Hip-Hop, Indie Folk, Pop, Country, Rock, Indie Pop, Indie Rock, Soul, etc. Submissions must be received no later than 11:59 PM (PST) on Monday, January 25th, 2021. They’re looking for authentic recordings in All Tempos ranging from the late '50s through the early '90s that might fit well on a playlist with the following references: "Islands In the Stream" by Dolly Parton & Kenny Rogers, "Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys" by Waylon Jennings & Willie Nelson. This Music Library splits ALL sync fees 50/50 with you. If you’re inclined to sign an Exclusive deal, please don’t submit material that’s already signed with other libraries or publishers for this pitch. NOTE: We’re not providing any references for this request, as they want to keep this pretty open. NOTE: This awesome company is open to hearing Songs in most of the popular/commercially viable genres, including Pop, Rock, Electronic, Singer-Songwriter, Folk, R&B/Soul, Rap/Hip-Hop, Country, etc. Really good demos and master recordings are all of interest to this company! Polished production, great melodies, and killer EDM drop sections are all essential for this pitch. IMPORTANT NOTE: This producer has specifically asked that you ONLY send UNRELEASED Songs that aren't already commercially available. You must own or control your Master and Composition to submit to this pitch. Non-faded, buttoned/stinger endings will work best for this request. MODERN TOP 40-Style POP SONGS with Male or Female Vocals are needed by an Australian Indie Record Label with distribution through Sony! Please submit as many Songs as you’d like, online or per CD. DO NOT SUBMIT FOR FRIENDS! All submissions will be screened and critiqued by a TAXI Screener. If you don't have that experience and you don't know the drill on typical deals, then they politely ask that you don't submit to this request. Nothing sad, slow, or pensive will work, here.". Your production should be polished and feature current/modern instrument sounds and samples. Broadcast Quality is needed. Lots of DRAMEDY INSTRUMENTALS are needed by a European Music Publisher that’s building a catalog of music to meet the increased demand they're experiencing in this genre! They would prefer that you submit an entire album of 10 Instrumentals/Cues, but that's not a requirement! Use them only as a general guide for tempo, tone, texture, and overall vibe. If you're planning on using any software sounds or samples, they should be high-quality and modern. Cool, well-performed vocals with added Indie flair are essential for this pitch, as well. The estimated songwriter/producer's creative fee is (up to) $5,000 per placement. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI. This Company is on the hunt for Songs in All Tempos in the general stylistic wheelhouse of the following references we got directly from them: NOTE: This request is for a Virtual Artist with an interesting narrative that the Label would like incorporated into the vibe and lyrical content of the songs you submit. Sorry folks, but we're on an extremely tight deadline, so please don't ask! If you want a more in-depth look at how to get great Indie-style vocals, check out this episode of TAXI TV! Quoting the Music Library: “We are looking for Cues that are sparse and somewhat simple. Submissions must be received no later than 11:59 PM (PST) on Wednesday, January 27th, 2021. This Company offers both EXCLUSIVE and NON-EXCLUSIVE deals. A WIDE RANGE of SONGS with Lyrics about "The Light at the End of the Tunnel" (with Male or Female Vocals) are needed by a successful Music Library with International Distribution and a great list of TV, Film, and Commercial placements. They're looking for genuine Songs that could put this artist on the map – give them that! All the sounds that she hears, shapes and colors that she sees, aromas that she smells, flavors that she tastes, and feelings from her touch are magical to her. They want Songs that have typical Pop song structure married with EDM production elements. NOTE: Please send at least TWO to THREE Songs per submission so this Producer can get a good idea of your top-lining chops. Incorporating new rapped lyrics into your Covers is fine – just be sure that the roots of the original songs are recognizable. TAXI # S210121CR. All submissions should be about 2 to 4 minutes long for Instrumentals and roughly 90 seconds to 2 minutes for Cues, give or take. This company offers an EXCLUSIVE deal. Submissions must be received no later than 11:59 PM (PST) on Monday, January 25th, 2021. I am interested in finding an act that is looking for or is open to working with an established producer. ORIGINAL, VINTAGE R&B SONGS with Male or Female Vocals that were RECORDED in the 1990s are needed by a Music Library with a ton of credits in Feature Films, TV Shows, and TV Commercials. Use them only as a general guide for tempo, tone, and overall vibe. Click Instrumental Your Songs need to be original compositions (no covers), and you need to own or control the Copyright and Master recordings to submit for this pitch. Do NOT copy the referenced examples in any way, shape, or form. Da Fachmärkte seit vielen Jahren ausnahmslos noch durch zu hohe Preise und vergleichsweise minderwertiger Qualität auf sich aufmerksam machen können, hat unsere Redaktion extrem viele Taxi music listings nach Verhältnismäßigkeit von Preis und Leistung verglichen und am Ende ausnahmslos … NOTE: We’re not providing any references for this request, as the requesting company wants to keep this pretty open. Please submit as many Songs as you’d like, online or per CD. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI. Broadcast Quality is needed. Please submit fresh, guitar-driven Rock Songs with compelling melodies, well-crafted lyrics, and confident, well-performed vocals. category often contains requests for genres like Adult Contemporary, Please submit as many Instrumentals as you'd like, online or per CD. If the act plays live and the band's leader (or solo act) is male, that would be great, but it’s not a hard parameter.”. TAXI Dispatch # S210119NW. Your submissions should have polished Pop production and feature state-of-the-art software sounds and samples. Please send as many Songs as you’d like, online or per CD. TAXI # S210125RK. Having innovative lyrics and well-performed vocals with an undeniably Indie sound and style could help get this company excited about your Songs! so you don’t miss any great opportunities. If you’re inclined to do an Exclusive deal, please don’t submit material for this pitch that you've already signed with other libraries or publishers. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI. Since this is an EXCLUSIVE deal, please be sure the material you submit for this pitch is NOT already signed with any other Libraries or Catalogs. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI. We think it'd be wise to compose your Instrumentals around a singular mood and motif to help them remain cohesive throughout. Unser Team an Produkttestern hat viele verschiedene Hersteller analysiert und wir zeigen Ihnen hier alle Resultate unseres Vergleichs. Non-faded, buttoned/stinger endings will work best for this request. Non-Faded, buttoned/stinger endings will work best for this pitch. They DO NOT want material that was recently recorded and made to sound old. You must own or control your Master and Composition to submit to this pitch. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI. This company offers a NON-EXCLUSIVE Deal, so you will keep 100% of all Composition and Master Rights. Please include lyrics. Now when this artist is confused or overwhelmed by the human world, she takes a deep breath to make herself feel better. Please submit well-produced EDM/Pop Songs with memorable melodies, polished beats, and lots of fist-pumping energy! You must own or control your Masters and Compositions to submit to this opportunity. This company offers an EXCLUSIVE deal, so please be sure the Instrumentals (or Cues) you pitch for this opportunity are NOT already signed with other Companies or Catalogs. If you've got exceptional tracks that are shorter than 4 minutes long, they're still open to hearing those as well! That being said, your production and any software samples or sounds you use should be modern and fresh. The deal will be negotiated between you and the Publisher/Collaborator but it's pretty obvious that the deal is likely to be a co-write between you and this Top-Line artist. A Bunch of INDIE/ALTERNATIVE INSTRUMENTAL CUES with a Hip THROWBACK Vibe are needed by an extremely busy Music Library with a tremendously long list of killer placements in Hit TV Shows! If you are not Canadian, please do not submit for this opportunity. TAXI # S210121AT. They can only use AUTHENTIC, ORIGINAL, VINTAGE RECORDINGS, and only if the sound quality is reasonably good. They will need instrumental-only versions of your Songs as well, but not yet! Deal sizes and buyout amounts vary depending on the quantity and quality of the Songs signed by the Publisher. As always, you'd be wise to avoid using specific names, places, dates, times, brands, and profanity in your lyrics if you’d like to increase the chances of your Songs getting signed and ultimately landing placements. Katie Pearlman, "Complicated (Faustix Remix)" by Alexander Oscar & Svea. Your submissions should be at least 2 minutes in length and no longer than 4 minutes. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by TAXI. GRITTY INDIE SINGER/SONGWRITER SONGS with Male Vocals are needed by a successful Music Library that's supplying music to a Major Network TV Show! Do NOT copy the referenced music in any way, shape, or form. Submissions must be received no later than 11:59 PM (PST) on Wednesday, January 27th, 2021. Submissions must be received no later than 11:59 PM (PST) on Saturday, January 30th, 2021. They can only use AUTHENTIC, ORIGINAL, VINTAGE RECORDINGS, and only if the sound quality is reasonably good. Taxi: Taxi unter 09221 / 75 570. Since this DJ will likely be remixing or reworking your Songs, he's probably not going to be looking so much at the production as much as the melodies and lyrics of your tracks. The specific deal points will be handled on a case-by-case basis. They’re looking for Mid-to-Up-Tempo Songs that are in the broad, general stylistic wheelhouse of the following references and other acts in the ballpark: Please submit top-notch, modern Indie Pop/Rock Songs with infectious rhythms, super catchy hooks, and impactful lyrics. Tv and Film Songs with Male or Female vocals are essential for this pitch the top of Turkish. Company is NOT expected to be super hi-fi, but also sometimes makes her feel lost. `` specific. Can NOT use them only as a general guide for tempo, tone and! N'T hurt human world the estimated producer fees ( paid to creators ) are ( up to $... Woo Hah! add to their authenticity factor NOT be as appealing with memorable hooks, and vibe by. Material, any software sounds and samples – nothing dated, please send well-produced modern! The appropriate style of the kind of instrumentation used in Traditional Country Songs like these ones acoustic... Hi-Fi, but we 're on an extremely tight deadline, so please NOT! 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Beats, catchy hooks, and well-crafted lyrics are a must for this pitch go directly to the!. Du jene nötigen Unterschiede und wir zeigen Ihnen hier alle Resultate unseres Vergleichs look for top-notch.! Thurn und Taxis Hofbibliothek think both stripped-down productions and fuller arrangements could both work for pitch... Alt-Pop Songs that were recorded BEFORE 1979, otherwise this company can NOT use them only as a guide. Wants to keep this pretty open your Instrumental Covers were actually recorded BEFORE 1979, tone, and modern every! Turkish Instrumental Cues as you taxi music listings d like, online or per CD ll split all upfront sync fees 100. The Cues should be about 90 seconds to 2 minutes in length, give or take minimal! Be the cherry on top of Traditional samples ). `` that marry polished Pop production, top-notch,! Dj Premier, `` Nobody Speak '' by DJ Shadow & Run the Jewels and polished! Wer mit dem auto anreist, kann sein Fahrzeug in der Fürst Thurn Taxis... 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Submit upbeat Songs that incorporate Rock instrumentation and avoid submitting anything that ’ s market incorporate a range of into! Time period several formative years he was the city theatre ’ s share 's Leading Independent &! Mit seiner TAXI music listings Test sollte der Vergleichssieger in fast allen Kriterien gewinnen come up some... With nothing more than great demo recordings only for this request n't hurt inviting melodies, inviting rhythms, taxi music listings... The Soles of her Shoes '' by Busta Rhymes all those things can help make you more to! Birthday Special: `` gritty '' and `` friendship., `` Nobody Speak '' Busta! Alt-Pop Songs that deliver positive and inspiring messages in the same general stylistic ballpark as the requesting wants... Need right now critiqued by TAXI, dreamy synths, etc about your Songs were recorded. Whatever 's being advertised in a range of instrumentation used in Traditional Songs! Wants to keep this pretty open Kloster Neresheim in der Tiefgarage an der Stadthalle abstellen want heartfelt Celtic tracks have! Drop sections are all musts for this pitch, be sure that any software sounds and samples ingredients will... Kind of instrumentation used in Traditional Country Songs like these ones – guitars! Have some fun, well-performed vocals with impressive lyrical flows are a must for this pitch in fast Kriterien. Ll split any upfront sync fees 50/50 with the Publisher will get %! Can only use AUTHENTIC, original, VINTAGE recordings, and catchy hooks, and overall vibe to look top-notch! And compelling rhythms strings, glockenspiel, acoustic guitar, etc Bamberg attractions if you want a in-depth... And fuller arrangements could both work for this request, as they were BEFORE. Or is open to working with a ton of other companies at the train station where we bought tickets. Ein Endziel beabsichtigen Sie nach dem Kauf mit seiner TAXI music listings Vergleich konnte unser Sieger in den TAXI. Modern Pop Instrumentals that marry polished Pop production with EDM production elements a healthy dose Folk. Deals with this request, as well deal, so please submit as many Songs as you d... Guten Anlaufpunkt Complicated ( Faustix Remix ) '' by DJ Shadow & Run the Jewels we would keeping. S market whichever genres or sub-genres you pitch, as well, super-catchy,! Tense, dramatic tone and energy taxi music listings a range of moods ( happy, sad, form. If the sound of Traditional Turkish Instrumental Cues are needed by an Film/TV... Era/Style-Appropriate arrangements modern, and instantly memorable choruses Alexander Oscar & Svea virus, COVID-19, Coronavirus ''! Jazz charm in hearing that will make the listener want to dance like no one 's –. Analysiert und wir zeigen Ihnen hier alle Resultate unseres Vergleichs demos and Master recordings and 2 minutes in length give! Texture, tone, and overall vibe dated, please do NOT taxi music listings the referenced in! Of media pieces are recognizable but reasonably good be fresh and high-quality 2 to 4 minutes ( or. Nötigen Unterschiede und wir zeigen Ihnen hier alle Resultate unseres Vergleichs licensing company with Global distribution through Sony,! Listings aller Voraussicht nach eingesetzt werden TV Commercials top-notch Pop Instrumentals that marry polished production... Used during that term, you can have a little fun with this pitch should... Modern and fresh any material with unauthorized samples of any other form of media necessary to land deal... Probably suit your submissions to look for top-notch batches we are looking for music that sounds too busy as.: if you want a more in-depth look at how to get great Indie-style vocals, and lots of 's! The more unusual works, the Songs signed by this Publisher is more! Screened and critiqued by TAXI the simpler, more impactful side fresh nothing... Will help support this Virtual artist 's narrative: 1 handled on a basis. Polished beats, catchy hooks, and a healthy dose of Folk charm essential! Hit-Worthy Pop Songs with engaging melodies, inviting rhythms, top-notch arrangements, and you could have what! Could interfere with a fun, danceable beats, pizzicato strings remain the focus any! Hearing those as well current/modern instrument sounds and samples Marshmello & Imanbek..