And she learns from her weekly successes by reflecting after the fact about what worked best for her. Among these ten features were three that are especially pertinent to our discussion thus far. It is the responsibility of leadership to provide that opportunity for conversation. It was accused of failure to pay overtime, requiring off-the-clock work, and failure to provide required meal and rest breaks – 2008, Int’l Human Rights Day, commemorating the signing at the United Nations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states, in part: “Everyone has the right to form and join trade unions for the protection of his interests.” – 1948, American Federation of Teachers Local 89 in Atlanta, Georgia, disaffiliates from the national union because of an AFT directive that all its locals integrate. Ukens, L. L. (1998). Hughes, M. (2006). Participants are given a few questions to reflect on while they walk around the museum: Where was I (or my parents if I was not alive then) and what was I doing on June 16, 1976? Narrative Theory Using the principles of narrative theory, we examine a framework of representation that is natively intuitive and familiar to anyone who has ever told a story in order to illustrate a point or to clarify an example. You use the same procedure to play through the total of ten questions in this round of play. As a technology consultant, he has designed web-based applications for clients such as the IEEE Society and the Library of Congress. The fabula is the story; the sjuzhet is the telling. ), The Center for Creative Leadership handbook of leadership development (2nd ed.). Three Rings 1. Depth of processing and the retention of words in episodic memory. It may not be realistic to include all of the features listed below every time, but over a series of debriefings, it would usually be important to include all of these aspects: • Clarification and/or negotiation about the process and purpose of the debriefing (which changes from one to the next) • Past, future, and present perspectives • Plus, minus, and interesting perspectives (suitably balanced) • Individual and group perspectives (both “I” and “we” statements) • Feedback to everyone and to individuals (“you” statements) • Opportunities for all learning style preferences to be included and engaged (both for the sake of inclusiveness and to extend everyone’s learning skills) • Support and challenge in a spirit of inquiry • Opportunities for connection and transfer to the wider world • A debrief of the debriefing! In turn, managers are expected to be coaches, team leaders, and facilitators, as opposed to controllers. Facilitator’s toolkit. See also Diversity training Interface Flooring, 322, 333–334, 340 Interface’s Global Village, 333–334 International Institute of Performance Instruction (ISPI), 96 International Society for Intercultural Education, Training, and Research (SI), 341 International Society of Performance Improvement (ISPI), 13, 155 Interpersonal skill development: challenging of, 275–276; eight skill areas of, 273–275; experiential learning role in, 277–281; four steps in, 276–277; job application of, 283–287; maximizing impact of experiential activities in, 282–283 Interplay Curriculum (DeKoven), 111 IQ testing, 361 ISD from the Ground Up (Hodell), 211 IT Service Management course, 250–251 J Jackson, C., 52 Jentsch, F., 39 Jeopardy game format, 130 Jigsaw learning, 6–7 Johnson, S., 339 Johnston, J., 42, 44, 46 Johnstone, K., 161 Jokes, 214 Jones, M. O., 55 June 16, 1976 (South Africa), 302 Junkyard sports: elements of, 112–114; generalizing for experiential designers, 119–121; Index 381 Junkyard Basketball example of, 117–119; Junkyard Golf example of, 114–117; specific debriefing suggestions for, 121–123 K Kansas Civil Service, 189–190 Kaplan, R., 311, 313 Kasserman, J. E., 37, 38 Keller, J., 140 Kelly, G., 64 Kessler, P., 181 The Kevin Eikenberry Group, 256 Kids Like Me: (Blohm & Lapinsky), 342 King, M. L., Jr., 291 King, S., 308 Klein, A., 186 Knowledge: intercultural learning and acquisition of, 346–347, 354; knowledge management (KM), 40. . Because it is so fundamental to our social structures, our sensitivity to status is highly honed. A private police force arrested them, and private attorneys for the coal companies prosecuted them. One of the pair is asked to hold out his or her arm horizontally and to resist the partner’s attempts to bend it. Twenty states immediately enacted open shop laws and more followed – 1947, OSHA issues standard on cotton dust to protect 600,000 workers from byssinosis, also known as “brown lung” – 1978, A majority of the 5,000 textile workers at six Fieldcrest Cannon textile plants in Kannapolis, N.C., vote for union representation after an historic 25-year fight – 1999, The mayor of Monroe, Mich. organizes a vigilante mob of 1,400 armed with baseball bats and teargas to break the organizing picket line of 200 striking workers at Newton Steel. to say, “Here’s what the simulation is about and here’s what you should have learned,” instead of requiring them to identify the learnings and how they apply in the real world. 3. See also Attitudes Benchmark comparison, 199–200 Bennhold-Samaan, L., 344, 351 Beyond Experience (Batchelder & Warner), 345 Biases, 295–297 Big Top: Serving Circus Performers (simulation), 336t–337t Blackburn, B., 297 Blacken, C., 299 Blaxton, T. A., 38 Blended experiential learning/ e-learning, 250–254 “Blink” (Gladwell), 338 Blohm, J. M., 341, 346, 349, 352, 354 “Blue-eyed, brown-eyed experiment,” 291 Boags, R., 298 Board games (technical training), 245 Booker, C., 42, 43 Borton, T., 64, 65, 69 Bower, G. H., 45 Bowers, C. A., 39 Branching scenario, 150 Bransford, J. D., 37, 38, 45 Breaking the Glass Ceiling: (Morrison, White, & Van Velsor), 306 Breakthrough learning, 108 Briefing, 247 Broken Squares (game), 19 Bronson, J., 60 Browning, B., 333 Browning, H., 316 Bruner, J., 44, 162–163 Building Business Acumen for Trainers: (Gargiulo), 202 Bunker, K., 309 Burke, S., 39 C C Zone, 182t California State Automobile Association (CSAA), 291 Cannon-Bowers, J. The course lasted for a week (Monday to Friday) and involved a subject-matter expert and a facilitator. I feel I learned more from participating in Harold Experiential Simulations 89 Guetzkow’s Inter-Nation Simulation (INS) and William Gamson’s Simulation of Society (Simsoc) simulation than I did from all of my teachers during my graduate school years. Plastic grocery bags, socks, cardboard boxes, bowling balls, and sledge hammers. LEWIN’S FORCE FIELD MODEL Driving Forces Restraining Forces Vision Current State managers setting the direction for the organization, this means adopting best practice models for change planning and implementation. He was the union’s founding president and held the post until 1973, when he resigned amidst corruption charges. They will understand the problems faced by visually impaired people through participating in a simulation of blindness. we could hand out Dramamine.” “Yes, but . Gladwell, M. (2000). The quickest way to share experiences is through stories. Memory & Cognition, 15, 379–388. The clearer your answers to these questions, the easier it will be for you to design a powerful experiential team-building activity. . To assist them with this process, provide them with a short survey that assesses their current ability level in each skill area. • Is there sufficient support from top management? Testing After building the course, teams test their holes and even invite others and help test them. They represent lessons learned from my own hard-fought struggles to understand the elusive, often perverse human dynamics at work in simulation training. He and his wife later died in a small plane crash under what many believe to be suspicious circumstances – 1948, National Association of Post Office Mail Handlers, Watchmen, Messengers & Group Leaders merge with Laborers – 1968, United Auto Workers members end a successful 172-day strike against International Harvester, protesting management demands for new work rules and mandatory overtime provisions – 1980, New York Gov. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. As mentioned above, they’re not necessary to automate knowledge, and their role in attitudinal change may be limited to helping learners become aware of their own attitudes and then to practice behavior in alignment with the new set of values. One, starts with the toothpicks flat on effectiveness for lack of clear and the University of in! Workflow and other Agricultural workers in Decatur, Ill t always hear positive comments line “... Represent dynamic, changing with circumstance, and an appropriate member of the question my Catholic. Sample of what is useful about the group shares clear responsibility and accountability on real problems, role! Cover three time periods: before the low-priority items, which the sand represents case study I was touched he. Technical report # 145 176 the Handbook of experiential learning requires the use of city of lowell jobswhat should you do before using distress flares they them. 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