The procedure implemented to skim-coat a … Sometimes a concrete slab is just too unstable or too badly damaged to make resurfacing possible. J ... Ive already got 2 coats of skim coat on. Step 5b Spread and texture the concrete patch to match the surrounding concrete. roll on layer of bonding agent and smooth. This process is a good way to prepare a cracked and uneven cement wall for painting or other finishing. Concrete overlays can range in thickness from 1/8-inch to two inches. If you have a concrete garage floor, driveway, sidewalk, or patio that is starting to show its age, you are left with two options: You can demolish and remove the old surface, prepare the base, and pour a new slab; or you can use a resurfacing process to restore the slab to its youthful appearance. The application of concrete resurfacer is quite an easy process. This product is easily applied with flat to 1/8” v-notched rubber squeegees, brushes, skim coat thickness over cutback residue. If it’s really humid or temperature is colder, it may take a little longer. Let the final coat overnight dry. Question: What is the skim coat in a crawl space foundation? How to skim coat concrete Microtoppings are easily applied with trowels, squeegees, brushes, or rollers, depending on the desired look. New concrete looks new, and old concrete looks old. 6.5 quarts of water were added to each 55 pound bag of Thin Finish. Open the premixed concrete and scoop some with a flat metal trowel. Skim coating in floor preparation is a process in which a compound is applied to the subfloor as an underlayment to reduce variations in the floor and provide for a smooth and adherable surface over which new floor coverings can be installed. Total basecoat shall be a nominal ¾ inch thickness for lath and ½ inch for direct application to masonry substrates. 2 - 4mm. We did not have said countertops. I have known people go down to an inch, but any less needs something like polymer emulsion or epoxy resin screeds for a decent job. If you are resurfacing a slab with expansion joints, don't cover over the joints with resurfacer. Just three mm of thickness, micro cement Micro topping allows you to renew existing surfaces on different bases (concrete, self-leveling, ceramic, wood…) without having to … Stir Concrete Patching Compound using a margin trowel or putty knife. If you plan to resurface only part of a larger slab, be aware that it is hard to match colors. If you are fully resurfacing a concrete slab, make sure to use a resurfacer designed for the purpose, such as Flo-Coat Concrete Resurfacer from Sakrete, Concrete Resurfacer from Quickrete, or Re-Cap Resurfacer, also from Quickrete. Now it was time to mix up the concrete feather finish and start coating the fireplace! Jeff Beneke is a home renovation and conversion expert. Instead, cover the joints with duct tape to prevent the resurfacer from sticking to them. Chris was not sold on the durability or strength. Apply the Concrete Mix. Unlike other cement products, it is designed to be applied in very thin coats (no more than 1/2 inch thick), and its additives provide good adhesion to an existing slab. Coverage. 810 is a three-part urethane polymer concrete high-build coating. 3 hours. Skim-coating is the process of applying a thin layer of material, such as cement, over a wall to even out the surface. Spray the driveway with a hose so the finish will form a strong bond with the concrete.Spread the Thin Finish with a squeegee and wait for it to dry. CrownCrete U™ Skim Coat Product No. There are lots of concrete mix products on the market—including mortars, repair patchers, fast-setting concrete mixes—and it can be hard to choose among them. A 40-pound bag typically covers 15 to 90 square feet, and you usually apply two or sometimes three coats. Stains may seep through the resurfacing material unless they are removed prior to application. This type of product will be clearly labeled as "concrete resurfacer" rather than "floor leveler." The concrete was kind of..... wavy. Jump to Latest Follow 1 - 3 of 3 Posts. Repair and renew concrete surfaces by skim coating them rather than demolishing and starting anew. Re: Homemade Self Leveling Skim Coat Our floors here are often 4 inch concrete with a 2-3 inch sharp sand/OPC 3/1 dryish mix screed to level. Micro Topping (Skim Coat) Micro topping Renovation of old concrete with colored concrete layers not exceeding 3 mm thick. Roll over image to see After Image FEATURES Because resurfacer is an expensive product, some homeowners try to do the job with ordinary mortar mix, which has a similar consistency to resurfacer and is much cheaper. The concrete is poured over the visqueen thus holding the foundation walls from moving inward and holding the moisture out. 1.2kg / m 2 / mm thickness 20m 2 / 25kg bag at 3mm thickness… The skim (finish) coat is responsible for smoothness. Because of their high polymer content, vertical mixes require no curing. It's a project that just about anyone can tackle, and it's a lot more affordable than replacing the concrete slab. Finally, make sure there is no rain in the forecast for at least 8 hours after application. So if your layer doesn't cover the entire floor you'll need to deal with that by tooling at partial cure, or by skimming with another product such as a vinyl concrete patch. "A Duck's Tale" - Concrete skim coating in Lakeworth, TX - Duration: 5:55. Concrete resurfacer comes as a dry mix in 40-pound bags or 50-pound pails. Roll on a layer of bonding agent. You may also find both consumer-grade and commercial-grade products available; the commerical grades are designed to be more durable than the consumer grades. This can be hard to determine, but if the height of the slab is offset on adjoining sides of cracks, it is an indication that major heaving is occurring. Unlike other cement products, it is designed to be applied in very thin coats (no more than 1/2 inch thick), and its additives provide good adhesion to an existing slab. I found a handy tool when I was skim coating a wall that also made this job a lot easier. Free pizza and other things that keep me up at night. Skim-coating or resurfacing concrete patios, walkways, driveways, walls and stairs not only renews their appearance, but it extends their lifespan by improving drainage and waterproofing. Approx. This preparation involves pressure-washing the slab, repairing significant damage using a quality concrete patch product, and removing any stains from oil, paint, or tree sap. The Decorative Concrete Channel by SolCrete, LLC 5,081 views. Smooth the concrete onto the mesh with the trowel until the entire counter top is covered. That’s pretty much it. The first layer is Thin Finish and it should be 1/8 inch thick. If you really want to make the surface look new again, it's best to plan on resurfacing all of it. All barriers to Micro-Top adhesion and penetration should be removed prior to the cementitious skim coat application. Apply a second coat to a nominal thickness of 3/8-inch (9.5 mm) brown coat. The skim coat is applied to the backing coat at a thickness of 2-3 mm. D. … 1- 2mm. The finish will be quite smooth, so you can add texture to the final coat by brushing it with a broom while it is still slightly wet. How to Skim Coat Concrete Blocks. And 10 months ago (back when I thought I was going to be totally awesome at DIY and the whole reno would take 3 months), I figured that I could handle making concrete countertops. Resurfacers are self-leveling, meaning that they don't need to be worked extensively to create a level surface. A number of tools and materials are available to do-it-yourselfers that, in most cases, make skim coating preferable to demolishing and replacing old, damaged concrete. Water Penetration Testing of Stucco on Concrete Masonry Construction Page 4 Table 1—Wall Specimens and Stucco Thicknesses Stucco Thickness Number of Walls Description None 1 Control wall – no stucco ⅛ in. ... with a bead of approximately 1/8 inch thick. It's sometimes called a skim coat, a rapid coat, or a thin coat. Skim coating concrete entails applying two layers of finish. Concrete resurfacers are only available in one color—ordinary gray. … Approx. Average thickness is 12mm. Lots of high and low spots. These tutorials assume the pre-existence of countertops, albeit ugly ones. Usual thickness is 20 mils +/-. Final thickness of StoColor Lotusan shall be minimum 2.5 dry mils, per coat. But when the problem is just superficial cracking, discoloring, or minor chipping or spalling, resurfacing is a very good option. But a slab with small cracks, chips, and spalls where pieces of aggregate have come loose is an ideal candidate for resurfacing. Thorough preparation is the key to long-lasting results when resurfacing concrete. Concrete resurfacer is a special cementitious product that blends ordinary Portland cement, fine sands, polymer modifiers, and other additives aimed at providing adhesion. Integral color can be added to create a base coat of color for the acid stain (Image 2). The crawl space is graded with limestone and then six mil visqueen is laid as a moisture barrier. This highly flexible can be used to damp-proof existing block walls, as a scratch and brown or parge coat, or to build block walls without mortar joints – saving labor compared to traditional masonry construction. The objective is to hide the existing grout lines, but not by putting down one thick coat…you need to work up to it. Application thicknesses can range from 1/4 inch to 2 inches or more, depending on whether the overlay will be imprinted with a shallow or deep texture. Always invest in a true concrete resurfacer when renewing a concrete slab. 1.4kg / m 2 / mm thickness 10m 2 / 40kg bag at 3mm thickness. The process involves applying a … He was. Product instructions generally advise that resurfacing is a viable option if the slab has not cracked all the way through and when damage is limited to cosmetic issues. Skim Coat is a smooth, sand-free, hydraulic cement-based material used under flooring for patching and skim coating on interior and exterior projects. The dry powder is mixed with water to form a slurry, which is then spread over the concrete slab using a long-handled squeegee. NOTE: for patches or cracks over ¼-inch thick Concrete Patching Compound should be applied in multiple layers, allowing each layer to dry before applying the next. Scratch coat shall substantially cover the lath. Apply first coat directly to primed substrate and allow to dry completely before applying second coat. At $25 to $55 per 40-pound bag, or up to $70 for a 50-pound pail, resurfacing is not a cheap project, but it is less expensive (and much quicker) than tearing up an old slab and pouring a new one. I was nervous about this part but once you start, you get a nice rhythm going. This is a thinner mixture than the Texture Pave below and will be approximately one-eighth of an inch thick. You don't have to worry about trowelling to a level surface, as you do when pouring a slab with new concrete. Easiest wall FIX EVER! (3 mm) 4 Skim coat of stucco material ¼ in. Score in a horizontal pattern. Let dry at least 2 hours between coats. This is actually stronger than the slab itself, so properly applied, resurfacing layers can be very durable. A number of tools and materials are available to do-it-yourselfers that, in most cases, make skim coating preferable to demolishing and replacing old, damaged concrete. Make sure that the current temperature is at least 50 degrees Fahrenheit, and that the temperature will stay above 40 degrees for at least the next 24 hours. Bag of vertical concrete mix from Flex-C-Ment. Mix the Thin Finish with your paint mixer (Image 1). Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series. (6 mm) 4 ½ the code required thickness Trowel apply 2-3 coats – no more than 1/16” thick. Start with proper surface preparation and move on to creating a durable, attra… This does not work for very long, since mortar lacks the additives and bonding agents that allow resurfacer to adhere to the slab. They pour and spread easily, and your only real job is just to ensure that the resurfacer has been spread around the entire surface. Apply two coats of StoColor Lotusan at 5 – 7 wet mils, per coat, by brush, roller, or appropriate spray equipment. Use on vertical walls for repairs from 1/8 to 2 inches (3 to 50 mm) or apply it in lifts to maximum 3 inch (76.2 mm) thickness. A smooth finish is obtained by applying a skim coat of finish plaster. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. Concrete resurfacer is a very strong product, rated for a compressive strength of about 4,500 psi. Concrete should be skim only, unless lath is used. The process for skim coating concrete is much the same; however, the material used is not joint compound, but rather, a solution designed for use with concrete. Also, work when the area is most shaded, or at least when the sun's glare is at a minimum. Such a slab is probably not a good candidate for resurfacing. 5:55. There are some types of concrete resurfacers designed for use only on concrete substrates, while others can be used both on concrete or as a leveling compound when preparing plywood subfloors for flooring materials. It is designed as a thin film roll applied, concrete resurfacing classified, for concrete protection flooring product ranging from 8mils to 16mils thickness. Sakrete Surface Bonding Cement is a professional-grade, fiber-reinforced portland cement based coating for concrete block and masonry walls. As the overlay gets thicker, you need to increase the size of the sand being used. Play some tunes or listen to a book on audio. (Not liquid to dry.) Skim coating can freshen up old concrete blocks and give your home or a wall on your property a new look. Concrete resurfacer should not be applied in cold weather. Minimum recommended thickness for self-leveling concrete topping (skim coat) Ask Question Asked 3 years, 1 month ago. How to Apply an Epoxy Coating to a Garage Floor, Building Your Own Home: a Step-by-Step Guide, Concrete Flooring for Bathrooms: Pros and Cons, Tips for a Better Concrete Garage Floor Slab, Inexpensive Options for Flooring in Basements. But they can be tinted with colorants made specifically for concrete products. Answer: This is the three inch thick concrete which is poured as the covering of the soil in the crawl space. But then I found this little tutorial on using Ardex to skim-coat a wood countertop, over on Kara Paslay’s blog. He has also edited and written multiple articles and books on the topic. Expect to buy quite a number of bags if you are resurfacing a large slab. 2 hours. Coat Thickness. Most jobs require a second, and sometimes a third coat of resurfacer. Powered by WordPress, Pimp My Cabinets, Phase 3: Crowning Achievement, Chapter 1: Beginnings (September 2012 - May 2014),, Updating a Kitchen on a Budget - 15 Awesome (& Cheap) Ideas - Refresh Living. They can be applied in layers as thin as 20 mils (a mere 0.02 inch), or you can apply several coats to create a textured broomed or troweled finish. Concrete resurfacer is a special cementitious product that blends ordinary Portland cement, fine sands, polymer modifiers, and other additives aimed at providing adhesion. - Duration: 15:06. Apply from featheredge to 1" thick. Additives and bonding agents that allow resurfacer to adhere to the backing coat a! Total basecoat shall be a nominal ¾ inch thickness for lath and ½ inch direct., be aware that it is hard to match colors trowel apply 2-3 coats – more! Or a wall on your property a new Video Series other things that keep me up at night,... Also, work when the area is most shaded, or a Thin layer material! `` a Duck 's Tale '' - concrete skim coating concrete entails applying two of... 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