Oliver Cowdery, Martin Harris, and David Whitmer choose the first 12 members. Last Days timeline book LDS author James Prout. Their reign will be short, individually. The lion-creature says the eagle is the last of the four beasts which remain (probably referring to Daniel 7). If you are looking for Lds theme end time books. The second feather/President starts to rule and it rules for a “great” or long time. 14 In the same shall twelve kings reign, one after another: 15 Whereof the second shall begin to reign, and shall have more time than any of the twelve. Although we don’t know the hour in which the Lord will come, we can prepare for that time by studying the scriptures and writings about that time. 6 And I saw that all things under heaven were subject unto her, and no man spake against her, no, not one creature upon earth.”. Prepare Your Family for The Future. Thus, “none after thee” has been fulfilled. During these turbulent times (2020 as I write this), it sure feels like the end time is near. I’ve never seen or heard of any of the Revelation/interpretation as he has stated from the Church or our Prophets. Featured Stories The doors we walk through (A reflection on 2020) We saw a lot of doors close in 2020—the doors to our … This is a good place if you want to put an opt-in form or a scarcity countdown. That all … First, this book offers some new insight on the events and timeline of our Lords return. Remember, we have 20 total feathers/Presidents from the start of this Prophecy. The next section is where America elects a good ruler that will take “rule unto himself” away from the 3 “evil” Eagle Heads. Occurring within the last days of the world. Daniel's writings were meant to prepare the world for the events of the last days, including the miraculous restoration of the entire House of Israel. LAST DAYS TIMELINE. Note: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. I am just an ordinary man, and these are my personal thoughts and interpretations, but I have felt the Spirit confirm to me they are true. Then the last two short feathers are at the VERY End of all the feathers/presidents/rulers of the Kingdom. – Starting on the right side at the bottom: – Wing … Question . Billions of them. Ezra was an ancient Jewish priest and scribe who was one of the primary leaders of Israel when they returned from exile to rebuild Jerusalem and Solomon's Temple. However, when these last 2 official feathers/Presidents are in office, they serve under the “bad”side and with the last remaining Eagle Head. 11 The eagle, whom thou sawest come up from the sea, is the kingdom which was seen in the vision of thy brother Daniel. The Touch: 1996 10 min. If you seek professional advice, please see a licensed professional with your respective government. Confirmation there will be a “last-days” kingdom that shall be feared (or respected) above all kingdoms before it. Either the few good feathers are on the Eagle’s left, which is opposite to God keeping his good sheep on the right, and the goats on the left. Last days Timeline by James Prout, signs of end times, LDS view of the Apocrypha, Ezra's Eagle, great last days bird and US presidents. Ezra's Eagle tells the tale of America from 1929 to 2017+. The Nephites never had the book; neither did the Lamanites of ancient times. Meaning, look for 2 short feathers during the middle of all the Presidents/rulers. 2nd Esdras 11 and 12 in the Apocrypha. 21 And two of them shall perish, the middle time approaching: four shall be kept until their end begin to approach: but two shall be kept unto the end.”, A. The Last Days Timeline presents a thorough examination of the scriptural Standard Works of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints concerning prophecy of future events in timeline order. Happening within an “Eagle” Kingdom. Read about the 2021 Youth Theme. Leave Review Cancel reply. 11. And no other President would rule as long as he did? C. The eagle has three heads and the middle head is larger than the other two. The Last Days Timeline Book. If a day in God’s time is a thousand human years, then the earth has a temporal existence of 7,000 years, it says in the LDS Church’s Doctrine and Covenants Section 77. This is not an official site of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. All Catholic bibles still include it today. Satan will indeed accomplish his endgame and it will appear as though he is winning/has won. Monthly Newsletter | Book Reviews | Contact Author, Free Chapters | Free Audiobooks | Free eBooks | Free Videos | Free Tools, Click on The Product You Would Like Below. He was elected for 4 terms and died in office in April 1945. Do the work. Men will be disobedient and lovers of their own selves. Later on in the vision we will see that the wing count is 2 (not 12). Up to this point in Ezra’s Eagle Prophecy, we now have 12 long feathers/Presidents + 2 short feathers/Presidents = 14 Presidents. Dwyane Crouthers prophecy keys to the future is one of the first I read. With the context of the other beast kingdoms that I have already outlined…, (2nd Esdras 11:1–6) (emphasis added by me). Ezra's Eagle - America's Rise to Full Influence in the World (1929-2017 plus). They are spirits, without body, hell-bent on getting one by any means necessary. LDS.org; Church History; Chronology of Church History Timeline; Options. “In process of time” means “after a while” or “a length of time goes by”. Search. Including: Get the scriptural outline of The Ezra's Eagle Prophecy. In case you missed it: Top LDS Living articles from this week LDS Living Staff - Here’s a snapshot of what you may have missed on LDS Living this week. Being recorded by Ezra as a slave in Babylon 2600 years ago. Linking Nephi to John to Daniel to Isaiah to Jesus in 3rd Nephi to Ezra's Eagle and to many more. Another one is signs of the second coming. These two are JFK and Nixon. A LDS Church video taking place around the 5th century in Ancient North America in the downfall of the Nephite Nation. Remember that when Jesus comes again, the scene on Earth is not pretty. Last Days Timeline book according to LDS author Prout. Gramps, What’s your opinion of Michael Rush’s interpretations of Ezras Eagle? Welcome visitor … The wing structure of US presidents. His book is the last days timeline. 5282 Topics 112890 Posts Last post Re: Five Great Signs The Worl… by Michael Sherwin Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:09 am; Conspiracy Forum. *Significant credit for this article & original artwork goes to my brother James Prout and credit to his book, Last Days Timeline. We must be careful and think for ourselves. Thank you! As Ezra watches this eagle, a creature like a lion appeared and addressed the eagle (11:36-46). On the left wing of the eagle (Ezra’s right) the 1st feather/President rose up and reigned with great influence. Ezra hears a voice from the body of the eagle rather than from one of the mouths. His writings were included in the Septuagint (Original Greek and first known) translation of the Hebrew Old Testament. C. Some feathers/Presidents were set up, “but ruled not.” I do not know what this part means, but a possible conclusion is the Sleeping Heads meant for someone else to rule. Church of Jesus Christ Funds Initiatives to Shelter the Homeless . 26 And I … Think of it: 1/3 of all of God’s children followed Satan and are here, on Earth. Later in Chapter 12 we will see that the Eagle’s left Wing holds the 14 bad feathers/Presidents, all beholden directly to the 3 Sleeping Heads. Worse, many have confused Q with God, tried to predict the exact date and time of Jesus’ return, and co-mingled false interpretations of scripture with Q posts. Two of the eight short feathers “occur” during the middle of the time of the feathers/Presidents. ... Get The Last Days Timeline book below, to see the details. The “voice” tells the 2nd feather that none of the other feathers that come after it shall be even ½ as long as the 2nd feather. Apocrypha, Ezra Eagle, Last Days Timeline, Lion Kingdom, Reign of the Judges, Timeline, US Presidents. (2nd Esdras 11:25–27) “25 And I beheld, & lo, the [short] feathers that were under the [Eagle’s Right] wing, thought to set up themselves, and to have the rule. This article is focused on a little-known prophecy and quite possibly one of the THE most important and fascinating prophecies of #TheStorm. These special prophets saw our day and the Lord has been preparing us for what is to come if we are listening and watching for the signs. A secret, ancient, satanic, global cabal that fully governs the … A. A “short” feather is a President that does not complete his full term, either because he was assassinated, or by resignation (JFK & Nixon are the two short feathers mentioned above, and are in the middle of the 14). It’s found in 2 Esdras Chapters 11 & 12 (link). We will get into who the 3 heads are, later. There shall be 12 kings/feathers/Presidents/rulers, that come in order. C. The voice tells the feathers to “be alert and watch” in a consecutive fashion, not all at once, one after the other. This is WAY different than the political system of Ezra’s day, and altogether different than all others until Democratic republics took hold. Now we know WHEN we are…. Even now, I suggest that that current leadership of the C.F.R. Do you know the events of the “Last Days” Timeline? C. This right/left thing can be confusing. Released on Sept 23, 2020 An LDS view of last days prophecies, the mark of the beast, the antichrist, the battle of Armageddon and the second coming. It’s a revolving door and no coincidence. 15 February 1835 Orson Hyde, David W. Patten, Luke S. Johnson, William E. McLellin, John F. Boynton and William Smith ordained. The eagle has many feathers on both wings. RKY Young end day’s author, Roger K Young Books, Last Days Dreams and Visions, As a Thief in the Night and missionary work in the last days. Buff . That said, there has been a major lack of spiritual context and clarity of how Q’s #ThePlan, today’s events, and scripture, tie together, and a great deal of unintentional misinformation and false predictions, especially regarding the “Beasts” and the prophecies of Daniel, Isaiah, & John The Revelator. 5 Moreover I beheld, and, lo, the eagle flew with her feathers, and reigned upon earth, and over them that dwelt therein. “20 Then I beheld, and, lo, in process of time the feathers that followed stood up upon the right side, that they might rule also; and some of them ruled, but within a while they appeared no more: 21 For some of them were set up, but ruled not.”. Our system is rigged (understatement of the century). Remember, there are long and short feathers/Presidents in this initial 14 feather mix, and they succeed each other, one after the other. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. “19 And whereas thou sawest the eight small under feathers sticking to her wings, this is the interpretation: 20 That in him there shall arise eight kings, whose times shall be but small, and their years swift. Republicans in congress passed the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution limiting Presidents to 2 Terms in 1947; and was ratified by the States in 1951. The views and content on this site reflect only the opinions and teachings of the authors of the respective content contained herein. To me, this is a perfect description of the Deep State/Cabal whose acts are secret to the sleeping public. Do you know if this is legit or another wolf in sheepskin! This is the bottom slider area. Constitution Hangs by a Thread ... Conference Report, Ezra Taft Benson, October 1961. The Book of Esdras (his Greek name) appears in … Get The "Last Days" Timeline Book. Translation to translation, language to language, by hand, at candlelight…surely there were accidents, mistranslations, errors, typos, and evil designs to remove plain and precious truths. 4 But her heads were at rest: the head in the midst was greater than the other, yet rested it with the residue. The phrase "the last days" as it relates to prophecy, occurs exactly seven times in the King James Bible. “Today [1972] the C.F.R. Apr 23, 2018 - Ezra's Eagle - America's Rise to Full Influence in the World (1929-2017 plus). The TOP of the evil pyramid is NOT a small group of elite satanists or even the 3 sleeping heads of the Eagle Kingdom (though they are really close to the top). C. The second feather/king/President will rule twice as long as all the others.
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