Others opt to make it into more of a traditional ceremony citing various prayers (such as from the Book of Psalms), saying a special blessing over wine and having a festive meal. Eva's Simchat Bat: Dana's Speech Thank you for joining us this morning to celebrate the birth of our daughter. Bring a sapling and at the time of the planting read aloud the Talmudic source. Keep it short. Instead, there are customs for a Simchat Bat, celebration of a birth of a daughter.The Aramaic words for Simchat Bat are Zeved Bat which means gift -- G-d gave me a good present. The prayer starts off with mentioning the patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Install a mezuzzah on the door frame of Rebecca's bedroom, and call the group to order. The father is called up to the Torah and the child is given her name. The Aramaic words for Simchat Bat are Zeved Bat which means gift -- G-d gave me a good present. It is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate our daughters and are an important part of Reform Judaism’s egalitarian approach to Judaism. On the cover, include your daughter’s name (if you’re comfortable revealing it before the ceremony–some people follow the tradition of not “pre-releasing” this information), the date, and the city. Chava Leah is named for my maternal great-grandmother Eva Getzler and Joe’s paternal grandmother Betty Feldman, whose Hebrew name was Leah. Your Jewish Speech. We belong to a Modern Orthodox shul in Cape Town, South Africa and were one of the first families in Cape Town to have a simchat bat (baby daughter celebration) for our daughter. We celebrate births with a Brit Milah for boys and a Simchat Bat for girls. She was the congregation's first bat mitzvah. It can be a kiddush. (Or ask a guest to do so). She was the congregation's first bat mitzvah. When do you name her? Deb: This is the day that God made. If you wish to revive an early tradition that is documented in the Talmud, you can plant a tree during the ceremony for your daughter. Rabbi Moses Maimonides (Rambam), a 12th century philosopher, explains the words to mean that this is a good material or better yet this is a good branch -- that the daughter is the mother of the family in which many other branches stem. Naming a child is usually through the baptism ceremony in Christianity, especially Catholic culture, and to a lesser degree among those Protestants who practice infant baptism.In Eastern Orthodoxy infants are traditionally named on the eighth day of life in a special service conducted either in the home or in church. Sofia’s bat mitzvah would be Parasha Bereshit on Oct. 6, 2018, in Sofia’s seventh-grade year, which happened to be the Saturday of Columbus Day weekend and the day before the MDSC Buddy Walk. Or you can invite many of your family, friends and wider community for a large You may want to give a short dvar torah or speech. A naming/simhat bat is an emotional, powerful and meaningful experience. It’s great to involve your new daughter’s siblings and cousins in that part of the planning; get them to paint or draw signs of welcome that you can hang up. For more about Jewish parenting, visit our partner site, Kveller. Maximum 2 to 3 minutes (at most). Rabbi Herber will assist in personalizing this ceremony for your family. Keep it short. Catering to the needs and wishes of the family concerning the Bar/Bat mitzvah ceremony. A simchat bat is a nice idea and can come in various forms. What is Simchat Torah? Most Ashkenazi Jews name a baby girl the first Sabbath after she is born, but its acceptable to name her at any Torah reading (the Torah is read Monday and Thursday mornings as well as holidays and the Sabbath). As it only began to be used in the 20th century, it is more likely to be performed among Reform Jews. A special prayer is also said at this time for the well being of the mother and daughter. For a boy – they would plant a cedar sapling, and for a girl – a pine, cypress, or acacia tree. Professional and experienced guidance in all aspects of learning the prayers, blessings, Torah portion and Bar/Bat mitzvah speech. Simchat Bat / Zeved habat - A relatively new custom in Judaism is the Brit Bat - or the "daughter's covenant," also sometimes called simchat bat ("rejoicing over a daughter") or Zeved Habat (Sephardic). It is sometimes called Brit Habat or “Brita” (feminine of Brit) as a parallel to the Brit Mila of boys. ... Zohar was born Annie and I wrote her a letter about the origins of her name and her namesakes, which we read at her Simchat Bat naming ceremony at the Germantown Jewish Centre. Similarly, at a simchat bat or baby-naming ceremony for a girl — having traditionally received her name at the Torah, often on the first Shabbat after her birth — the infant also makes the rounds from one set of loving arms to the next, collecting kisses and blessings as she goes. the custom is to schedule them for up to two months following the birth of the daughter. Deb: This is the day that God made. Be sure to contact HNT prior to your daughter’s birth to begin planning the Simchat Bat. Similarly, at a simchat bat or baby-naming ceremony for a girl — having traditionally received her name at the Torah, often on the first Shabbat after her birth — the infant also makes the rounds from one set of loving arms to the next, collecting kisses and blessings as she goes. B'rit Bat: Ceremony for Welcoming a Baby Girl Image Traditionally, fathers were given an aliyah (the honor of reciting the blessing before and after a section of the weekly Torah portion was read) at the synagogue the first Shabbat after a girl was born. A Simchat Bat Baby Naming may take place any time before her first birthday. Tradition has long ordained circumcision for every male child on their eighth day of life. There are also various customs performed to ward off the evil eye. Unique is she, this nation striving for the truth; pure is she to Jacob who begot her. We affirm the power of introducing our babies into the covenant, and seek to extend a non-physical version of this to girls as well. The Simchat Bat is attended by family and friends. The Aramaic words for Simchat Bat are Zeved Bat which means gift -- G-d gave me a good present. From shop MickieCaspi. Simchat Habat (Zeved Habat) is the Ashkenazic (European) Jewish name for the ceremony for naming of baby girls. HIR – The Bayit Naming/Simchat Bat Ceremony Explanation – Page 1 Dear Bayit Family Member, Besha’ah tovah (may the birth come in the right time)/Mazal tov on the arrival of your daughter! If the mother is present she says a Thanksgiving Prayer, or her husband can say it on her behalf. The tradition for a daughter’s naming is for the family to come to the synagogue for an aliyah on a day the Torah is read. For boys, brit milah is held on the eighth day of his life (even if that falls on Shabbat or Yom Kippur). The program can include information about the concept of the Simchat Bat, or the significance of the birth of a Jewish girl, photocopied pictures of the people for whom your daughter is being named and a family tree showing your daughter’s roots. The best thing about having a “simchat bat” is there is no proscribed ceremony. Handmade personalized ketubot and other calligraphic art by Judaica artist Elaine Adler. Simchat Torah (Rejoicing with the Torah) marks the end of the annual cycle of weekly Torah readings and the beginning of the new cycle. And I am glad I helped create a new tradition for the women in our family, bringing them to the higher plane reached 90 years ago by Judith Kaplan. Nations saw her and acclaimed her; queens and concubines, and they praised her. Some have a light meal after synagogue the Sabbath in which the father has named the baby, while others invite family and friends to their home or to a hall on a different day to share in their joy (simcha). Simchat Bat (Baby Naming for Girls) Girls are also brought into our covenant with the Divine when they are babies. Some have a light meal after synagogue the Sabbath in which the father has named the baby, while others invite family and friends to their home or to a hall on a different day to share in their joy (simcha). For boys, brit milah is held on the eighth day of his life (even if that falls on Shabbat or Yom Kippur). What you may want to include is the meaning of the Simchat Bat to you and your spouse, the significance of this girl’s arrival in your particular family, or her role as another link in the chain of Jewish history and peoplehood. 2. Photo courtesy of Bruce Horwich, Roslyn's son. In general, the Thanksgiving Prayer is said when one has survived a life threatening situation and delivering a baby falls into this category.Many Sephardi Jews also name the baby at the Torah reading and in addition read a verse from Song of Songs, chapter 2, verse 14, At the sea He said to me, O My dove, trapped at the sea as if in the clefts of the rock, the concealment of the terrace. You can prepare a program with a guide for your guests. It is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate our daughters and are an important part of Reform Judaism’s egalitarian approach to Judaism. In contrast to the Ashkanzims blessing which begins with the patriarchs, the one by the Sepharadim begins with the matriarchs: Sara, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah.In some Sephardi communities the girl is only named at home. When should you throw the party? You can choose what works for you and your family. All rights reserved. Professional and experienced guidance in all aspects of learning the prayers, blessings, Torah portion and Bar/Bat mitzvah speech. You can encourage older siblings to participate in the ceremony, or help younger children make a gift for their new sister. If the mother is present she says a Thanksgiving Prayer, or her husband can say it on her behalf. She is named for two remarkable women we lovingly called Grandma. Rabbi Moses Maimonides (Rambam), a 12th century philosopher, explains the words to mean that this is a good material or better yet this is a good branch -- that the daughter is the mother of the family in which many other branches stem. It was a long journey for a person with short legs like mine, to be able to mark my becoming bat mitzvah on my 60th Simchat Torah – meaning 48 years after I legally became a bat mitzvah. If the baby is born around a festival, or the Simchat Bat is celebrated around the time of a festival you can connect the theme of the festival to the ceremony. Did you ever notice that brit/simchat bat speeches often make people very uncomfortable. Tradition has long ordained circumcision for every male child on their eighth day of life. The Simchat Bat ("celebration of the daughter") or Brit Bat (loosely, welcoming the new daughter into the covenant) are now becoming more common. The Mizrachi Jews (from Spain, Arab countries, Italy, … And I am glad I helped create a new tradition for the women in our family, bringing them to the higher plane reached 90 years ago by Judith Kaplan. Or any combination. The first thing to do is to sit down with your spouse, partner, or other close family member or friend, and get a general picture of what you want. Dr. Rumbak serves as the host of the Simchat Bat and leads the procession to make a beautiful ceremony. It can be a kiddush. How has your child grown into those qualities after 13 years. The Simchat Bat is a celebration of a daughter's birth. --A double Simchat Bat--Rachel Wachtfogel, a teacher, celebrated a double Simchat Bat for her twin girls at the end of a physically and emotionally difficult pregnancy. (Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Gittin 57a). The original is now held at the American Jewish Archives. by Aviva Blumstein | Uncategorized | 0 comments. That is why we, in modern day times, have created a more formal service of bringing our daughters into the world -- into the covenant with G-d -- the same as what we do for our sons. The ceremony that celebrates the birth of a daughter and her entry into the covenant of the Jewish people is known as either Berit Bat and or Simchat Bat. If the girl is the first born, an additional verse from Song of Songs is said, chapter 6, verse 9, Unique is she, My constant dove, My perfect one. (Or ask a guest to do so). You can use flowers, balloons, pictures, or you can choose a color scheme or a theme. They begin with the inductee reading a blessing and passage from the Torah, followed by a short speech. ... Zohar was born Annie and I wrote her a letter about the origins of her name and her namesakes, which we read at her Simchat Bat naming ceremony at the Germantown Jewish Centre. Simchat Bat Ceremony for Rebecca Gail Heller 16 January 1994 The Mezuzah. Catering to the needs and wishes of the family concerning the Bar/Bat mitzvah ceremony. You can include the traditional blessing for girls that many parents give their children on a Friday night,  the mother’s prayer for deliverance (birkat hagomel), the priestly blessing, a baby naming ceremony, Torah verses connected to the baby girl’s name, or an inspiring biblical woman, or your thoughts on life, birth and renewal. In general, the Thanksgiving Prayer is said when one has survived a life threatening situation and delivering a baby falls into this category.Many Sephardi Jews also name the baby at the Torah reading and in addition read a verse from Song of Songs, chapter 2, verse 14, At the sea He said to me, O My dove, trapped at the sea as if in the clefts of the rock, the concealment of the terrace. Other common blessings include the shehecheyanu or the hamotzi. There is no particular date following the birth of a daughter when they take place. The original is now held at the American Jewish Archives. See more ideas about bar mitzva, simchat torah, bar mitzvah. Brit Milah/Simchat Bat. Install a mezuzzah on the door frame of Rebecca's bedroom, and call the group to order. Whichever form of celebration is followed, Jewish families are increasingly finding formal ways of expressing joy on the birth of a girl as well as the birth of a boy. Simchat Bat Ceremony for Rebecca Gail Heller 16 January 1994 The Mezuzah. The first page of the original type-written speech that Roslyn Lieberman Horwich delivered at her bat mitzvah in 1940–41 at Temple B’nai Abraham Zion in Oak Park, Illinois. A naming/simhat bat is an emotional, powerful and meaningful experience. The ritual is comprised of Jewish blessings, prayers, and song to honor your baby girl. FOR PARENTAL SPEECH WHEN PRESENTING TALLIT 1. Simchat Habat (Zeved Habat) is the Ashkenazic (European) Jewish name for the ceremony for naming of baby girls. Simchat Bat Getty Images Naming Ceremonies for Jewish Girls Its a girl! Fresh and spiritual, traditional and contemporary text and designs for ketubot, Bar/Bat Mitzvah gifts, family trees, invitations, birth announcements, baby naming certificates, organizational gifts and plaques, and more. the custom is to schedule them for up to two months following the birth of the daughter. Sofia’s bat mitzvah would be Parasha Bereshit on Oct. 6, 2018, in Sofia’s seventh-grade year, which happened to be the Saturday of Columbus Day weekend and the day before the MDSC Buddy Walk. There are also various customs performed to ward off the evil eye. Since there is no specific format to go by, people have created their own traditions as to when to have a party for the baby -- celebrate the Simchat Bat -- and what rituals, if any, are performed at the festivity. See more ideas about bar mitzva, simchat torah, bar mitzvah. Simchat Bat (Baby Naming for Girls) Girls are also brought into our covenant with the Divine when they are babies. Officiating at the ceremony either locally or at a special destination. Singing together is a powerful way to create a sense of holy space, to distinguish the time of the ceremony from that which preceded it, and to bring everyone together in fellowship. This can be a very nice memory of the occasion for you and your guests as well as a special souvenir for your daughter (when she is old enough to appreciate it). I had been thinking about my eldest daughter’s bat mitzvah for a long time. This ceremony was particularly pertinent because it took place on the baby’s 31 day of life, 31 days after Ilan’s father had passed away. What you may want to include is the meaning of the Simchat Bat to you and your spouse, the significance of this girl’s arrival in your particular family, or her role as another link in the chain of Jewish history and peoplehood. Simchat bat, which means "Rejoicing in a Daughter" or "celebration for a daughter," it is a Jewish naming ceremony for newborn girls. The prayer starts off with mentioning the patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. For a baby boy, the … Eva's Simchat Bat: Dana's Speech Thank you for joining us this morning to celebrate the birth of our daughter. She is named for two remarkable women we lovingly called Grandma. Is your goal a big party or something more intimate? Naming ceremonies for girls vary throughout the Jewish community. Kids Name Art, Simchat Bat, Baby Gift, Girl Naming, Boy Naming Certificate, Unique, Personalized, Newborn Blessing, Hebrew Baby, Bris, KN-1 MickieCaspi. By using Learn Religions, you accept our, Hebrew Names for Girls and Their Meanings, Women of the Torah and Co-Founders of Israel. If the girl is the first born, an additional verse from Song of Songs is said, chapter 6, verse 9, Unique is she, My constant dove, My perfect one. Is your home the place you want to have your daughter’s ceremony, or a synagogue? HIR – The Bayit Naming/Simchat Bat Ceremony Explanation – Page 1 Dear Bayit Family Member, Besha’ah tovah (may the birth come in the right time)/Mazal tov on the arrival of your daughter! Simchat Bat. They believe that the mother and baby shouldnt leave the house for a month and therefore the naming is done at home so both mother and daughter can be present for it. The service itself can take place in a synagogue or in a private home. All sing: Hevenu Shalom Alechem Deb: Bruchim HaBaim Steve: Welcome Steve: Zeh hayom asah Adonai, nagilah vinismicha bo. You can decorate the house/hall. Some families choose to have the naming at home. (Or ask a guest to do so). 5 out of 5 stars (311) 311 reviews $ 85.00. The ceremony that celebrates the birth of a daughter and her entry into the covenant of the Jewish people is known as either Berit Bat and or Simchat Bat. Although the preference for a ceremony marking this may vary from family to family, here at Temple B’nai Torah we accommodate two types of ceremony. The Jewish naming ceremony for girls is referred to as the Brit Bat (welcoming the daughter to the covenant) or Simchat Bat (celebration of the daughter). From shop MickieCaspi. Chava Leah is named for my maternal great-grandmother Eva Getzler and Joe’s paternal grandmother Betty Feldman, whose Hebrew name was Leah. Nations saw her and acclaimed her; queens and concubines, and they praised her. Written by:Tali Tarlow Jewish Speech Writer We write speeches for every Jewish occasion including Bar Mitzvah speeches and Bat Mitzvah Speeches (for parents and children), Jewish Wedding speeches (including groom, bride and "best man" speeches), speeches for Brit Milah or Simchat Bat, speeches for Jewish educators, Rabbi's and community members. She was born two days before Rosh Hashanah, and we named her on chol hamoed (the intermediary days of) Sukkot. By Rabbi Yosef Goldman. Favorite Add to Simchat Torah Celebration, Art Poster 30"x20 ArtLevinStudio. Show Me your prayerful gaze, let Me hear your supplicating voice, for your voice is sweet and your countenance comely. Others opt to make it into more of a traditional ceremony citing various prayers (such as from the Book of Psalms), saying a special blessing over wine and having a festive meal.Whichever form of celebration is followed, Jewish families are increasingly finding formal ways of expressing joy on the birth of a girl as well as the birth of a boy. Here are a few ideas for your Simchat Bat: © 2020. The ceremony has been adapted for girls and is a perfect way … You and your child will tailor make the experience that is best for them. It is sometimes called Brit Habat or “Brita” (feminine of Brit) as a parallel to the Brit Mila of boys. Show Me your prayerful gaze, let Me hear your supplicating voice, for your voice is sweet and your countenance comely. • A song. Rabbi Meszler is happy to do either of these ceremonies either in our synagogue during Shabbat on a Friday night or in the home. Warming Up. While mushy gushy stuff in a brit/simchat bat speech really has nothing to do with shul or nusach, the fact that britot/smachot bat are often celebrated in a shul is good enough for me to include some discussion here on the blog. For boys who have their circumcisions in the hospital, we also do naming ceremonies for boys. Naming ceremonies for girls vary throughout the Jewish community. Rabbi Herber will assist in personalizing this ceremony for your family. You may want to tie this to the parshat hashavua or some other form of Jewish literature. After eight days, two weeks, a month? Out of the Darkness: On Pesach, Stigma and the Redemption of Speech Parshat Tzav - Shabbat Hagadol 5775/ 28 March 2015. Some families choose to have the naming at home. They believe that the mother and baby shouldnt leave the house for a month and therefore the naming is done at home so both mother and daughter can be present for it. The other term used is Brit Banot, "the covenant of our daughters." According to traditional sources, families would plant a tree in honor of the birth of a child. The celebration typically consists of a communal welcoming, a naming done over a cup of wine with the quotation of appropriate Biblical verses, and traditional blessings. The birth of a child is a momentous occasion that we all want to share with everyone around us. Simchat bat, which means "Rejoicing in a Daughter" or "celebration for a daughter," it is a Jewish naming ceremony for newborn girls. Simchat Bat Parents frequently call a Mohel to find out information regarding a Simchat Bat , or a baby girl’s baby naming. You may want to give a short dvar torah or speech. Brit Milah/Simchat Bat. Its a girl! Officiating at the ceremony either locally or at a special destination. The ceremony has been adapted for girls and is a perfect way … Approach 1: Revisit the qualities of the relatives for whom you named your child at his brit milah (circumcision for males) or her simchat bat (baby naming for girls). In an effort to fully mark the complete equality of boys and girls, many parents conduct a ceremony closely related to the "brit milah" ceremony for boys. The father is called up to the Torah and the child is given her name. Unique is she, this nation striving for the truth; pure is she to Jacob who begot her. Nussbaum Cohen also points out that a simchat bat often includes “a ritual welcoming of this new daughter into the Covenant or celebrating her membership in it.” The ritual might include wrapping the baby in a tallit (prayer shawl), lighting candles or something else. The first page of the original type-written speech that Roslyn Lieberman Horwich delivered at her bat mitzvah in 1940–41 at Temple B’nai Abraham Zion in Oak Park, Illinois. Simchat Bat / Zeved habat - A relatively new custom in Judaism is the Brit Bat - or the "daughter's covenant," also sometimes called simchat bat ("rejoicing over a daughter") or Zeved Habat (Sephardic). By Rabbi Yosef Goldman. Although the preference for a ceremony marking this may vary from family to family, here at Temple B’nai Torah we accommodate two types of ceremony. It is a joyous holiday that celebrates the Jewish love of Torah and study. The Jewish naming ceremony for girls is referred to as the Brit Bat (welcoming the daughter to the covenant) or Simchat Bat (celebration of the daughter). Favorite Add to Simchat Torah Celebration, Art Poster 30"x20 ArtLevinStudio. When do you name her? The marriage ceremony between two Jews, called simcha, officially celebrates the union. The Brit Milah is often held in the presence of a minyan (quorum of 10 Jewish men over the age of 13) but in cases where this is difficult, it is not strictly necessary. by Aviva Blumstein | Brit/Simchat Bat/Pidyon My friends Shani and Ilan wanted to celebrate the birth of their second daughter, their fourth child. 5 out of 5 stars (311) 311 reviews $ 85.00. All sing: Hevenu Shalom Alechem Deb: Bruchim HaBaim Steve: Welcome Steve: Zeh hayom asah Adonai, nagilah vinismicha bo. Rabbi Moses Maimonides (Rambam), a 12th century philosopher, explains the words to mean that this is a good material or better yet this is a good branch -- that the daughter is the mother of the family in which many other branches stem. The Mizrachi Jews (from Spain, Arab countries, Italy, … Fresh and spiritual, traditional and contemporary text and designs for ketubot, Bar/Bat Mitzvah gifts, family trees, invitations, birth announcements, baby naming certificates, organizational gifts and plaques, and more. In contrast to the Ashkanzims blessing which begins with the patriarchs, the one by the Sepharadim begins with the matriarchs: Sara, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah.In some Sephardi communities the girl is only named at home. Handmade personalized ketubot and other calligraphic art by Judaica artist Elaine Adler. Whether you call it a Brit Bat, a Simchat Bat, or something else, here are some key features of ceremonies celebrating the arrival of a new daughter. To welcome young Jewish adults into the Jewish community, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs take place for boys and girls. Instead, there are customs for a Simchat Bat, celebration of a birth of a daughter. We affirm the power of introducing our babies into the covenant, and seek to extend a non-physical version of this to girls as well. You can celebrate an intimate Simchat Bat for your close friends and family over a shabbat meal on the Sabbath in which the baby has been named. Upon birth or adoption of a baby of either gender, please contact our clergy. When the day of the Brit dawns, the ceremony should be scheduled to take place as early as possible, usually straight after morning services, to indicate the parents’ eagerness to perform the mitzvah. For a baby boy, the … After eight days, two weeks, a month?As opposed to a brit, circumcision, of a boy on the eighth day, there are no explicit rituals for a girl. Learn Religions uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Approach 1: Revisit the qualities of the relatives for whom you named your child at his brit milah (circumcision for males) or her simchat bat (baby naming for girls). As opposed to a brit, circumcision, of a boy on the eighth day, there are no explicit rituals for a girl. How is Simchat Torah celebrated? Upon birth or adoption of a baby of either gender, please contact our clergy. The tradition for a daughter’s naming is for the family to come to the synagogue for an aliyah on a day the Torah is read. Be sure to contact HNT prior to your daughter’s birth to begin planning the Simchat Bat. Simchat Bat ceremonies vary widely, though they usually include naming the daughter along with some readings and a festive meal. How has your child grown into those qualities after 13 years. Out of the Darkness: On Pesach, Stigma and the Redemption of Speech Parshat Tzav - Shabbat Hagadol 5775/ 28 March 2015. "It was very important to my husband and me to express joy, as well as gratitude to God for the miracles that we had been through. B'rit Bat: Ceremony for Welcoming a Baby Girl Image Traditionally, fathers were given an aliyah (the honor of reciting the blessing before and after a section of the weekly Torah portion was read) at the synagogue the first Shabbat after a girl was born. Warming Up. Maximum 2 to 3 minutes (at most). When should you throw the party? The celebration typically consists of a communal welcoming, a naming done over a cup of wine with the quotation of appropriate Biblical verses, and traditional blessings. Today, the name Simchat Bat which means "the joy of our daughter" is widely used to described these ceremonies. Oct 18, 2018 - Explore Necha David's board "ספר תורה" on Pinterest. It was a long journey for a person with short legs like mine, to be able to mark my becoming bat mitzvah on my 60th Simchat Torah – meaning 48 years after I legally became a bat mitzvah. 2. However, if holding the ceremony in the afternoon will accord it with greater ho… Simchat Bat is a ceremony that celebrates the birth of a baby girl. A special prayer is also said at this time for the well being of the mother and daughter. Photo courtesy of Bruce Horwich, Roslyn's son. In an effort to fully mark the complete equality of boys and girls, many parents conduct a ceremony closely related to the "brit milah" ceremony for boys. The truth is there is a tradition to name the baby girl in a synagogue followed by a traditional Kiddush where the parents and/or Rabbi would express words of gratitude for many blessings as well as the meaning of the name. Do you have a rabbi or knowledgeable friend in mind to lead it, or is that something you want to do yourselves?Do you have older children who you’d like to involve, and what would you like them to do? A simchat bat is a nice idea and can come in various forms. Some families invite the extended family to come under a giant talit and be part of the blessing to the baby.

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