Free elf As Winky favoured being Barty Crouch's house-elf, she apparently did not think much of her new master Albus Dumbledore when she was taken in by the Headmaster of Hogwarts, despite Dumbledore's reputation as being one of the most powerful wizards known to wizardkind. Also known as Original creator: Hiromu Arakawa 5. “You know,” Winry mused, “I almost miss when you were shorter than me. Bertha caught Winky speaking with the hidden Barty Jnr, and heard enough to deduce who was underneath the Invisibility cloak. The crowd shrieked with laughter, and Winry nodded her approval. It was a shame the younger girl hadn’t elected to join his class. Winry se mit à rire, rapidement suivit des deux garçons. Winky (fl. She has a slender, girlish figure and is slightly taller than Edward for most of the story. New content will be added above the current area of focus upon selection The match – and the rude commentary from the announcer – ended when Harry had caught the Snitch, it’s wings fluttering weakly in his grasp. Dumbledore then requested Madam Pomfrey to do all she could to comfort Winky before letting Dobby look after her. Hawkeye popped into his mind as the first example, and he suppressed a shudder at the thought of another terrifying and powerful woman. During such time, Winky persuaded Barty Snr to reward his son for good behaviour, despite it being a byproduct of the Imperius Curse, and Barty Jnr thought this love was no more than pity. Ron waved his hand dismissively as he took a monstrous bite of his food. “Not short,” he grumbled, allowing her to lead the way. On 2 May, 1998 Winky participated in the Battle of Hogwarts, led by Kreacher into battle against the Death Eaters. Winky fell into a state of depression after being fired by her master, believing she had shamed her mother and grandmother before her, and started drinking Butterbeer regularly, which contained very little alcohol, but was apparently potent for a house-elf. Ed knew that look, and made to leave but she grasped his wrist tightly and glared at him, “Of course he did,” she said waspishly before turning to Harry and taking a deep breath, as if she were preparing herself for something. However, she did participate alongside Kreacher and the other elves in the Battle of Hogwarts. Please consider turning it on! When the Death Eater responsible for the Triwizard Tournament's events was caught, Albus Dumbledore instructed Severus Snape to bring Winky to Professor Moody's office, to which they find the captured Death Eater was none other than Barty Crouch Jnr, much to Winky's shock. Her loyalty may have surpassed the mere magic-bound duty of an average house-elf, as she showed genuine affection for Crouch even long after her dismissal. With permission from her masters, she used her elf magic, a form of powerful, wandless magic that differs from the powers of wizards and witches. Luck of the Draw. your own Pins on Pinterest The pain of not being able to serve him any longer led her to sink into a Butterbeer-fuelled depression she would never truly recover from. She did not do much work, but took to sitting on a stool by the fireplace getting drunk. Famous real-life people named Winry Winry in song left kudos on this work! Ron, however, had become moody and pushed the remaining food on his plate. Unfortunately, Barty Crouch Jnr only cared about his master, and took advantage of her fear of heights to steal a wand in a moment of clarity from his father's Imperius Curse. Relationship information “What did I say?” Ed looked around the table, attempting to clear up the matter. See more ideas about Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood, Fullmetal alchemist, Alchemist. Ron left with a slight huff, and the room became quiet as Ed, Harry, and Hermione were left alone. Although Ron’s mood improved at this revelation – he had done well all on his own! Might send the wrong ideas.”, “To the students?” Harry asked him, puzzled. You heard Slughorn, it’s illegal.”. She had traditional views about house-elves and considered being set free or being paid disgraceful. “Don’t,” he hissed, gold eyes flashing. Winky and Crouch Jnr were then both stunned by Ministry officials. Occupation Buy Fullmetal Alchemist Winry Rockbell Funko Pop! She was a good witch, and would have been an excellent alchemist. He was very suspicious, after all.”. Winky also suffered from acrophobia, a fear of heights. Winry is an attractive young woman with long, light blonde hair and blue eyes. Crouch Snr's treatment of Winky led Hermione Granger to create the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare (S.P.E.W.). Despite being dismissed, Winky retained her loyalty towards her old masters, especially Barty Crouch Snr, and as a result was dismissive of Albus Dumbledore, her succeeding master. After being freed Winky fell into a depression and began drinking heavily. She didn't seem to show much gratitude that Dumbledore was kindly willing to give her a job when she was disgraced and tossed aside coldly by the master she so much adored. “But we thought it was Snape,” he argued. This allowed him to grant her requests on rewarding his son for good behaviour, including letting him go to the Quiddich Word Cup after months of persuasion. Upon the young Crouch receiving the Dementor's Kiss from a Dementor brought in by Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge, Winky's distress deepened. Following a riot instigated by Death Eaters at the camp grounds of the Quidditch Cup, Crouch Jnr was able to fight the Imperius curse and gain some control over himself. From her depression she developed alcoholism, drinking butterbeer severely, which she never truly recovered from. She had bat-like ears, a tomato-sized nose and huge brown eyes. “You did fantastic, Ron!” Ed said as he followed Hermione into the Gryffindor team’s changing room. “-Weasley saves it, well, he’s bound to get lucky sometimes, I suppose…” Ed didn’t know who had taken over the role of Quidditch announcer, but he did not like them one bit. She did not want to believe that her beloved master had committed such acts of evil, and took the news horribly, going from shock to sobbing tearfully by the end. Sure, she and Ron were friends, but shouldn’t she support him in his romantic endeavors? Despite her ongoing alcohol-fuelled depression, traditional views about house-elves and loyalty to her former masters, Winky participated in the Battle of Hogwarts alongside the other house-elves. Affiliation During her period of depression, however, her clothes were stained and burned. The two would not meet again until after Barty Crouch Jnr had inflitrated Hogwarts and had been Stunned and then given Veritaserum to force a confession when awoke, on Dumbledore's orders. Edward observou atento quando ela inclinou-se para frente e os cabelos caíram como uma cascata em seu rosto e Winry facilmente os as well as Mar 1, 2019 - 作者:はなやま,inunekokawaE, 公開日:2018-07-22 23:23:46, いいね:191373, リツイート数:63735, 作者ツイート:父親になったエドにホーパパと同じようなセリフ言わせたいという妄想 子供と会話するパパワードとかめっちゃ見たい…パパワード… Winky in the Hogwarts kitchen with her fellow elves. Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. 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