report. Aela the huntress is undoubtedly one of the best followers you can get in the whole world of Skyrim, so it’s no surprise that she’d also make an amazing wife. I understand that the Dunmer student at the College is fairly talkative and Ysolda is involved in a couple quests. Skyrim: The 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Romances. I recommend Brelyna Maryon, of the winterhold college. Who is the most beneficial to marry? Best Wife in terms of personalitydialogue? Her level cap is 50, which makes her one of the best followers in Skyrim. Who's hot and who's not in Skyrim? Ria is an Imperial. Sorex ViniusAre you one of those odd adventurers that loves to spend time living in an inn, fulfilling … She can be found in Shor’s Stone where she works as a miner. Sort by. Skyrim. You can expedite the waiting period by pressing the "Wait" button (T on PC and "Back" on a controller) and selecting the appropriate number of hours from the current time until around 8:00 AM the following day.If you miss your wedding window, you must find your spouse and apologize to them, then set up a new wedding time with Maramal. Fully voiced dialogue and immersive romance type quests with vanilla Skyrim NPCs. Discussion in 'General Skyrim Discussion' started by Oliverjames, Jan 19 ... Good! She has a level cap 30 and offensive spells, and can give you quite a bit of support during a battle. Can i stay at levle 1 and do everthing in the game Legendary Edition on ps3? 63 comments. If you marry any of them you’ll get their house or place as well. But you say your looking for a wife, so Brelyna is PROBABLY the best choice. If your spouse dies, or you're feeling murderous, you can not remarry. Aela is Supreme Werewolf Queen of Side-Boob, which makes her almost as popular a wife choice as cranky Lydia. chevron_right. Skyrim has been out for quite a while, and at this point, a great many people have completed the game. The forsworn armor looks great on Annekke and Aela. hide. Her level cap is 50, which makes her one of the best followers in Skyrim. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Recently added 26 View all 1,181. I have killed my last wife and is now trying to get another woman to marry me. Legendary Run experiences. All three are skilled warrior women and possible followers, but Aela’s level cap is 50, while the others max out at 25. Skyrim is home to 30 eligible bachelorettes, and some require a little more effort than others. 63 comments. hide. So, once your spouse has died, a Courier will bring you a letter informing you about the death of your spouse, and some small inheritance. ... Best wife in Skyrim. PC 6 years ago. Browse all chevron_right; When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. She's a good-doer and… How do I solve transcribe lexicon/retreive elder scroll? close. best. Jenassa. And also there are no Bosmer or Khajiit to marry unless you use some mod. You will find her at the Riverwood Trader shop in Riverwood, and you have to complete the Golden Claw quest to marry her. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - How to Choose the Best Race For Your Playstyle Choosing a race is about more than just visual appeal. Brelyna is one of my favourite wives in the game, if the game had upgraded face graphics (without mods), she'd probably look hotter. How to marry her: to make her like you, you need to agree that the Thieves Guild is evil, and you need to get her quest for which you must be level 14 or higher. Now, by this point in the list, you should see that I take into account what an armor set provides in terms of actual… This race is perfect for those looking to make their living as a … View all games. She has some trade skills, and when she inherits the Inn, you will get some nice gold rolling in. Aela and Njada are both Nords and trainers, in archery and blocking respectively. Who's hot and who's not in Skyrim? videogame_asset My games. (edited by Moonwatcher27) 0 But…. Jenassa can be found at The Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun. Who is the best wife in Skyrim? Learn more about the races of Skyrim, and the benefits that come with each. She is quite independent as a wife, and if left alone she will carry on with her mining. Aela the Huntress. I want as full a character as possible to be married to. share. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If you have the quest " Tending the Flames" active, Elisif will not give you the quest until you reach the stage where you need to speak to Jorn. Onmund should be relatively the same, he is also a mage, just male. The spouses differ in their voices and appearances (that’s obvious I know), the places where they live, their ability to become a follower (which is handy since you can use their inventory, and give them weapons, armor, etc.). It depends on what you want! I found a mod that lets me have multiple spouses and marry literally anyone, bar a few script-heavy NPCs. You can find her at Jorrvaskr in Whiterun, and you need to complete the whole Companions quest line to be able to marry Aela. I think the tavern clothes look best on the women who are more muscular, big-boned, and/or broad shouldered, like Mjoll, Iona, Jordis, and Lydia. Games. Sort by. For some reason people have always been interested in these sorts of lists, and since I happen to be in a unique position to gather relevant data about this question, I thought I'd post the results here. It's not as simple as just bigger or smaller. Intrepid adventurers playing The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim have more than exploration available to them. But I get no option to marry her. That’s because we all have our own preferences, and the choice can also depend on the particular play style. She is Nord and skilled in archery and blocking. chevron_right. So, keep this in mind before putting any efforts into trying to get her as a wife. Hottest Male and Female Characters in Skyrim. You can get rid of the guy by making Mjoll wait somewhere, kill Aerin, and then return to her. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. She is the most attractive female character the vanilla version of the game, which makes her the hottest girl (at least, judging by her appearance). A Nord woman who will be a housecarl to you upon marriage, since she wears steal heavy armor and can reach the level 50. 89% Upvoted. level 1. You have been warned xD For some reason people have always been interested in these sorts of lists, and since I happen to be in a unique position to gather relevant data about this question, I thought I'd post the results here. You will inherit their property or you can move your spouse to some of your other houses (not all of them will do so though). Hottest Male and Female Characters in Skyrim. Games. If we only have this list to go by, my vote is for Aela, but out of all female NPC's that can be married, I think Muiri is the best looking. A bit of adventure, romance and occasionally romantic comedy while exploring the vanilla NPC's backstories more. Looks like I was wrong, but 3DS accessories will not fit 3DS XL, so it's a waste of money. She is a simple Breton girl with a pleasant appearance, who runs an Apothecary in Markarth called The Hag’s Cure, so you can buy and sell potions and/or ingredients you don’t need; but she is not a good follower with her max level 6. chevron_left. You can marry whoever you want provided you meet the required conditions. Here are the best and worst romances in the game. I recommend Brelyna Maryon, of the winterhold college. If we only have this list to go by, my vote is for Aela, but out of all female NPC's that can be married, I think Muiri is the best looking. The spouse will provide your with a home cooked meal and 100 septims a day. She can also become an annoyance due to her constant thanking you for finding the claw each time you get home. These go on your feet and cannot be worn with armored boots. save. Mouth/Lips: Mouths can be just as complex as noses. What's the most advantageous choice for a wife in Skyrim. You can turn your spouse into a vampire in Skyrim once you have gotten “The Gift” quest or … Then you need to remove “The Bond of Matrimony” from your inventory – you can either store it or simply drop it. She is a Nord vigilante … To make her interested in you, you need to do a Special Delivery for her. In short, you will need to find a girl you like, fulfill her conditions (often it will be some kind of quest), and she becomes your candidate for marriage. But I get no option to marry her. chevron_left. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. No, no. , Well, that’s a somewhat controversial point, but many consider her as potentially among the hottest wives in Skyrim. Game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim So, keep this in mind before putting any efforts into trying to get her as a wife. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Required fields are marked *. close. Just like I mentioned before, in the post about the best destruction spells, it’s probably hard to figure out who is really the best wife in Skyrim. But, many players still enjoy the game. I'm looking to find out which wife has the most to say in general. 89% Upvoted. When The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim came onto the scene, it flipped the script on open-world action role-playing video games. You will find her at Dragonsreach / Breezehome, in Whiterun, and you will have to complete the “Dragon Rising” quest, and buy the Breezehome house to make her your spouse. For anyone looking for a companion with their priorities set straight, Mjoll is the ideal choice. Getting her as a wife requires intrinsic dialogue options, and of course you need to cure her vampirism to make the marriage thing possible. Aela's warpaint matches it really well. She can become a good follower, being a fighter with level cap 40 and considering the fact that she cannot be killed. This is probably one of the best wife's in Skyrim, because she carries some of the best items and gives you the best money every 24 hours! report. Sylgja is a … Aela's warpaint matches it really well. She is loved by Faendal the Bosmer archer and Sven the Nord bard, so if you marry her, these guys will keep visiting her at your home. Recently added 26 View all 1,181. This thread is archived. She is the Supreme Werewolf Queen and is a very popular choice for a wife. This thread is archived. This is How Armor Affects Magic in Skyrim. There are dozens of husbands waiting for you to marry them, each with their own perks too. Actually only one, but there are workarounds to get more, using a mod. I refuse to have a battle of wits with someone who is unarmed. Register. But the hottest women in the game are definitly Muiri and Sylgja. All wives will provide a certain amount of gold for you per day, but they have different way of greeting you upon your entering home, so keep this in mind since some phrases can become irritating over time. ? Most of the potential wives also have their own homes, and the goods they sell. ... 2014 1:44 pm . However it’s worth looking at the other side of the isle for one of the many many male spouses that Skyrim has to offer. Mods. level 1. Because both are male and would prefer to be called husband? Log in to view your list of favourite games. PC 6 years ago. Wait outside the temple until the following dawn. Once you complete the quest she will be available for marriage. I have killed my last wife and is now trying to get another woman to marry me. I found a mod that lets me have multiple spouses and marry literally anyone, bar a few script-heavy NPCs. 116.9MB There are 30 females, available as potential wives in the game and its expansions. This bug is fixed by version 2.0.5 of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch. She is Nord and skilled in archery and blocking. best. Giving your character the ability to do anything they want results in hours (if not days) worth of questing, crafting, equipping, foraging, home decorating — the list goes on. Good job, Ninty. Opinions? She can reach level 50, and you can get her pretty early on in your travels as a follower, where she’ll definitely be useful even in battle. As a general rule for a beginner, don’t rush into marriage; learn more about the potential spouses before you marry them: their greeting phrases (to avoid being annoyed from the constant hearing of them), their skills and the level cap. One guy shared on reddit, that he had 89 or so, but it took him ages to load his home upon entering it. Wait for around 48 in-game hours (24 hours may be enough, but who knows), then equip your Amulet of Mara, and try to marry again. Way to make the worst revision in history. Of course it’s better to save before you start doing the whole thing; and it works without any mods. She was my first wife, but I had to mod her hair to make her a little easier to look at.... That being said, if you decide not to mod her, keep her hood on. She is not only a good wife but a good follower as well, and her level cap is 40. If you marry her, Aerin will accompany Mjoll everywhere and can become a bit of annoyance. One reason is because of all the mods that fans have created and released over the years. How was it for you? You have been warned xD Skyrim. Log in to view your list of favourite games. But she can’t be a follower (in original game). Who do you think would win between your oblivion & Skyrim charectet? This is probably one of the best wife's in Skyrim, because she carries some of the best items and gives you the best money every 24 hours! Alduin is the primary draconic antagonist of Skyrim, so you know he loves attention. I haven't figured out yet which looks best on Rayya. Muiri is my top choice as well though Aela is a very close second. Browse all chevron_right; Sexy Skyrim mods have been topic of discussion in the gaming forums from almost a decade. I have seen online she is one of the women you can marry, I … share. She has got a small room in the said College, which you can use once you marry her. This. There’s no uncertainty that it’s a stunning game that carries long stretches of interactivity with exceptional missions and enemies. If you want a wife with incredible endurance, then Slygja is the best you can get. save. Sylgja. You will find Ysolda in Open Market, Whiterun, and to marry her, you simply need bring her a mammoth tusk. She is a good choice for those who wants to play the Sorcerer’s game, since she can be both a follower and a wife (to have her as a wife, you need to complete the Brelyna’s Practice quest). Includes all non-armor versions of boots. You'll find all the info you need on people you can marry in skyrim, and then some. She is great if you want to try a warrior style play, and she has got some good dialog options. Skyrim has been out for quite a while, and at this point, a great many people have completed the game. Your email address will not be published. I am the man in the relationship. I just wish Aela kept her attitude as a wife instead of changing her like they do. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2. She is the Supreme Werewolf Queen and is a very popular choice for a wife. When it comes to the absolute worst of the worst and most unreliable partners in the game, Sorex immediately makes the… By the way, if you got it yourself, here is how to cure vampirism in Skyrim. Do you want a wife that is merchant to begin with, or wife that can act as a merchant as part her daily schedule? Often referred to as the creator… Getting married in Skyrim is actually pretty easy; just head to the settlement of Riften, and enter the Temple of Mara. Available as a follower for just 500 gold, Jenassa can hold her own in combat and provide … She can be sarcastic at times. I haven't figured out yet which looks best on Rayya. She has a tiny house in Whiterun, and being an “essential” character, cannot die. Normally you won’t be able to do that in the original game, but there is a way to achieve that, though. Game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Who do you think looks the best out of these? View all games. If last one, then this might be a fitting mod for you. Lydia holds a certain appeal-almost like a childhood sweetheart! I think the tavern clothes look best on the women who are more muscular, big-boned, and/or broad shouldered, like Mjoll, Iona, Jordis, and Lydia. Mjoll is a very useful follower but she can be a wife as well! To have her as a spouse, you need to complete the Mourning Never Comes quest, which is a part of the Dark Brotherhood questline. The Best Skyrim Graphic Mods That Make The Game Look Awesome Bethesda released The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim in November 2011. She was my first wife, but I had to mod her hair to make her a little easier to look at.... That being said, if you decide not to mod her, keep her hood on. She wears heavy armor and uses a two-handed sword. Mods. Paarthurnax is the girl. She is a Nord, has a sweet voice and lives in Riften. She can be discovered in the Dimhollow Crypt. Her lack of desire for any relationship is due to the fact what Molag Bal did to her, turning her into a vampire. - Results (205 votes). She can be discovered in the Dimhollow Crypt. How do I solve the puzzle in Ansilvund Excavation. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. You can get her as a follower for just 500 gold, and that’s the condition to make her available for marriage. So if you’re looking for the best husbands in Skyrim then you’ve come to the right place. Seriously though, better looking and better tempered than my girlfriend. In order to complete the quest “The Gift” that is a part of the expansion Dawnguard, in Skyrim, you will need to do the gruesome task of turning your spouse into a vampire. You'll find all the info you need on people you can marry in skyrim, and then some. Your email address will not be published. Who is the most beneficial to marry? Along with a good archery, she also possesses nice skills in one-handed weapon, light-armor, sneak and speech, so having her as a wife and/or a follower will aid you substantially in your journey. She has a good appearance, and rather pleasant voice. Consider the appearance too if it matters to you. Mjoll the Lioness. If your spouse can be a follower, and when she is around, you will get Lovers Comfort (15%) experience boost in every bed you sleep. Unmodded, (no Resto glitch). This is probably not the most humane approach, but is a valid way to remove the potential source of annoyance. There’s no uncertainty that it’s a stunning game that carries long stretches of interactivity with exceptional missions and enemies. videogame_asset My games. You can only have one wife in Skyrim. Sexy Skyrim mods have been topic of discussion in the gaming forums from almost a decade. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. She is an apprentice mage at the College of Winterhold (she can be found in the Hall of Attainment there). I have seen online she is one of the women you can marry, I … Skyrim doesn't give you a lot of control over specific features (not as much as Oblivion) but it is still good to know what you are looking for so you can find the best match from the available options. The forsworn armor looks great on Annekke and Aela. Who is the best wife in Skyrim? 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