Green boxes indicate where a child should attempt to self-correct. Children should be encouraged to consider if a mental calculation would be appropriate before using written methods. Teachers should work together with other teachers, as well as use the “misconceptions in the key objectives” support document, to help them consider various possible misconceptions and plan for them. improve their spiritual, social, moral and cultural understanding to develop confidence in their own financial and numerical understanding. Our aim is to enrich every child's school experience by creating an environment where they are encouraged to succeed and be the best they can be. This gives students the opportunity to … At Madeley School, we are committed to providing a curriculum, which inspires excellence in all its forms and gives all pupils the opportunity to experience success. Curriculum Intent Organisers – Maths Year 9 Foundation Term 4. Conceptual misunderstandings will need to be addressed individually, in small groups or during whole class discussion (when a misconception is evident in a large number of books) as close as possible to the teaching moment. We worked with staff, governors, parents and pupils to encapsulate the core values we felt were the most relevant to us at Westcott Primary School. At Brecknock, we assess whether pupil has a deep understanding of a mathematical concept, idea or technique if he or she can: Appropriate homework activities are set for each year group. a curriculum that is successfully adapted, designed and developed for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities; a curriculum that is broad and balanced for all pupils. Created: Jan 17, 2020. Share this: Facebook; Twitter; Pinterest; Print; Email; More; Themes of Interest. A child’s book should provide evidence of how they have progressed, demonstrating aims outlined in medium term planning. Curriculum Intent: At The Oaks Infant School the curriculum is designed around our belief that each child is unique and should be empowered to be a confident, resilient, content, independent, inspired, self-motivated, life-long learner. Our long-term aim is to produce an ambitious, connected curriculum accessible to all pupils in schools right … In our dedicated Teacher Hub you can browse our full curriculum, search and view our lessons, and download, edit and share slides, worksheets and videos with your pupils and colleagues. Our curriculum is designed to give learners the opportunities to think mathematically. Curriculum Intent – Maths At Becket Primary School, we aim to ensure that a high-quality mathematics education is provided for all children. Curriculum Intent The Hayes School Curriculum. make decisions on what to do and how to do it, choosing the most efficient option for them, represent it in a variety of ways (e.g. reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language. They key facts for each year group are also listed on the school website. Our curriculum encompasses not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but goes beyond the experiences of the classroom to ensure that our children are exposed to the richest and most varied opportunities that we can provide. refer to the actual value of digits). Growth Mindset: Children are encouraged to believe they are all capable of learning and doing mathematics, given sufficient time, good teaching, appropriate resources and effort. Following support, children should be given time to practice and ‘consolidate’ their understanding. At the long-term planning stage, the guidance can be used to ensure that the most important elements that underpin the curriculum are covered at the right time, and to ensure that there is continuity and consistency for pupils as they progress from one year group to the next. You will be taught in small (<15) class sizes with ample opportunity for both individual and collaborative working. ‘if you know this, then you know this…’. Whilst teaching the National Curriculum, we follow a bespoke scheme in terms of materials and rate of coverage. The uniqueness of every child is recognised and valued. All new written methods should be presented alongside the previous method and children should be encouraged to explain ‘what’s the same’ and ‘what is different’. Secondary Curriculum Intent . Year 9 – Maths – Term 5. We ensure students are given the opportunity to consolidate and discuss mathematical problems and concepts. The current curriculum is the next step on our journey towards this curriculum intent: ... We are very proud of the fact that 60-70% of our pupils follow an English Baccaluareate curriculum (Maths, English, Science, Humanities and Languages) to GCSE and we place equal value on the contribution that vocational and technical learning makes to every child’s development. Marking and Feedback: ‘meaningful, manageable and motivating’. In addition to the core mathematics curriculum, a progression map is followed with regards to the teaching of multiplication and division facts. hildren will be en- couraged to do their best at all times. The curriculum is planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before and towards its clearly defined end points. The large majority of pupils will progress through the curriculum content at the same pace. The study of Numeracy and Mathematics empowers students to become active members of society. Using and applying activities which may involve problem solving is integrated into the teaching. They must demonstrate they are secure with what they have learnt before moving on. In KS2, children start all lessons with either times tables practice or arithmetic practice which recaps and consolidates prior learning. There are additional homework activities available on the school website, such as MyMaths. Teachers use the White Rose medium term yearly planner and use the small steps and key questions guidance as a basis for each unit. Our school have recently made us create curriculum intents for our subjects. Mathematics complements most combinations of A Levels and is very attractive to employers and course providers. Assessment is an ongoing process in the classroom which forms the basis of future action. does not just accept what others say, they question and test it. Curriculum Intent – Year 10 – Maths – Term 5. Teachers should use the government example assessment questions in the relevant year group guidance document. CIO – Maths – Year 10 – Higher – Term 5. The national curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils: become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and … Communicating Intent, Implementation and Impact. CIO – Maths – Year 9 – Foundation – Term 5. Teachers may provide hints or questions in written marking which lead pupils to underlying principles but will, most likely, need to provide extra guidance, modelling and scaffolded support in the next lesson. The intentions of our Curriculum are as follows: 1. Curriculum Intent. The aims of our mathematics teaching at Brecknock align with the aims of the National Curriculum: to encourage children to make connections across mathematical procedures and concepts to ensure fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving problems in maths lessons and in other areas of the curriculum. These Sequences of Learning (SOL) include the best up to date knowledge in the discipline. Blog: Dr Helen Drury, Founder and Director. Carefully designed variation within this builds fluency and understanding of underlying mathematical concepts in tandem. In KS1, the focus of the ‘Do Now’ tasks is to increase ‘arithmetical proficiency’ – being able to recall as many facts as possible (tables, number bonds and doubles) quickly and accurately, and then apply these facts to calculations. There is no expectation of a written comment but it should be clear in a child’s book that a teacher is regularly assessing their level of understanding and adapting their practice accordingly. Share this: Facebook; Twitter; Pinterest; Print; Email; More; Themes of Interest. At the short-term planning stage, the guidance can be used to inform teaching strategy, and the representations and ‘Language focus’ features can be used to make concepts more accessible to pupils. Our Curriculum Intent: A curriculum for all students of ambition, integrity and academic rigour that: • Provides inspiration and opportunity • Builds core knowledge and conceptual understanding • Develops skills and personal attributes • Supports all students to succeed and thrive This is crucial as it frees up the working memory to concentrate more on the underlying concepts being taught. Each week there is a differentiated ‘X Factor’ Times Tables quiz and an arithmetic quiz. As with our curriculum, we also spent a considerable amount of time shaping our ethos and values. Maths enables a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason and problem solve alongside a fluency for everyday life. Exploring – revealing new mathematics, multiple representations, building / deconstructing mathematical models/ ideas, explaining new language, identifying misconceptions, making connections, considering emerging generalisations, Clarifying – clear modelling and SC to help guide children, Practising – allowing teachers to assess a child’s level of understanding, Applying – deepening and mastering concepts by: questioning in unfamiliar contexts; through non-routine problems; making the children choose the technique/concept to be used; making links; connecting the unfamiliar with familiar. Slips are either dotted or highlighted in green and children should be given adequate time to self-correct. This is to ensure children retain key information and become more efficient. CIO – Maths – Year 10 – Foundation – Term 5. CURRICULUM INTENT: Mathematics Key Stage 3 The purpose of our KS3 Maths curriculum is to inspire pupils, secure strong academic outcomes and to drive learners to think and work independently and with a powerful sense of curiosity. Tasks are varied to challenge those with secure understanding; there should be no acceleration through new content. Practice and consolidation play a central role. There should be no acceleration through new content. When possible, each child should be involved in the review of his/her progress and be able to contribute to discussions about different aspects of his/her work. Learning and memorising key facts and procedures and practicing them regularly is essential – this involves developing a strong sense of number in KS1 and being able to solve problems using mental and written calculation methods with increasing efficiency. Posted: 16/12/19. The aims of our mathematics teaching at Brecknock align with the aims of the National Curriculum: to encourage children to make connections across mathematical procedures and concepts to ensure fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving problems in maths lessons and in other areas of the curriculum. Curriculum intent at Westcott Primary School. Curriculum Intent – Mathematics GCSE At REACH we believe that Maths should be taught not just as an independent academic subject, but as a life skill and as a gateway to achievement in all subjects. The national curriculum states ‘Mathematics is an interconnected subject in which pupils need to be able to move fluently between representations of mathematical ideas. Our mathematics curriculum will give students the opportunity to: become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability … There is no expectation for written feedback if it is clear in a child’s book that a misconception has been addressed in the next lesson. Curriculum Intent— Maths KS3 KS3 Subject Intent: What we want the pupils to know by the end of Year 7 and at the end of Year 8 in this subject: We are looking to give our learners a rounded balanced diet from the key areas within mathematics: number, algebra, data and geometry. The Vale Academy is a Delta Trust AcademyRegistered Office: Education House, Spawd Bone Lane, Knottingley, WF11 0EP Company Number: 07386086 (England and Wales)VAT number: 115 8112 43, The Vale Academy is a Delta Trust Academy, Extra Curricular Clubs, Visits & Residential, School Games Virtual Competition for Secondary Schools, Year 6 Virtual Open Evening Tuesday 22 September 2020. become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately. This is the one I created with my maths department. The teacher should be actively seeking to uncover possible difficulties because if one child has a difficulty it is likely that others will have a similar difficulty. This can be supplemented with White Rose end of unit tests, a ‘Test It’ end of unit quiz or in upper KS2 a Corbettmaths assessment. Units are designed to focus on one specific area of the mathematics curriculum so that pupils have time to deepen their understanding as well as making connections across the different areas of learning. Mistakes are ‘good’ if we can learn from them. Teachers are encouraged to teach ‘with a pen in hand’ as it allows them to identify mistakes in real time and provide immediate feedback. Covid-19 Recovery Adaptation. Teaching time can be weighted towards the ready-to-progress criteria. The ready-to-progress tables at the start of each year group and the ‘Making connections’ features support medium-term planning by demonstrating how to make connections between mathematical ideas and develop understanding based on logical progression. If children are to develop as competent, fluent readers it is essential that they have secure understanding of letters and sounds. This is reflected in the school’s calculation policy. When appropriate, for example with closed tasks or exercises where the answer is either right or wrong, children may mark their own work as it allows them to identify their mistakes. Thus, marking and evidence-recording strategies should be efficient, so that they do not steal time that would be better spent on lesson planning and preparation. Teachers use precise questioning in class to test conceptual and procedural knowledge, and assess pupils regularly to identify those requiring intervention so that all pupils keep up. Teaching focuses on children’s fluency and promotes reasoning and problem solving. Ms Fearn said that, in order to assess intent, inspectors will "consider the curriculum leadership provided by senior, subject and curriculum leaders". Children learn through active, practical enquiry and experiment using concrete materials, represent their mathematical ideas through pictures and images and follow a clear progression toward recording abstractly. If the teacher wishes to celebrate a child’s success, they may tick in blue or highlight in yellow that section of work. Lessons follow a gradual step-by-step teaching approach whereby the use of varied visual representations, carefully chosen resources, language structures and use of mathematical vocabulary foster deep conceptual and procedural knowledge. can communicate, justify, argue and prove using mathematical vocabulary. We want all pupils at Forest and Sandridge Primary School to experience the beauty, power and enjoyment of mathematics and develop a sense of curiosity about the subject with a clear understanding. Every lesson should include a form of formative assessment, based upon practical, written and oral work completed by the children. All students LEARN. Teacher Hub School support Parents & Carers. The most important activity for teachers is the teaching itself. Teachers should also use the relevant DfE Maths guidance documents to support long-term, medium-term and short-term planning. In addition to that, and among other things, you will also study calculus, logarithms, and applied mathematics topics. Curriculum Intent and Rationale. Teaching is focused, rigorous and thorough, to ensure that learning is sufficiently embedded and sustainable over time. Author: Created by charlotte_harris_ Preview. At the medium-term planning stage, teachers can use the guidance to inform decisions on how much teaching time to set aside for the different parts of the curriculum. Curriculum Intent Purpose. Children who make persistent mistakes should return to the method that they can use accurately until they ready to move on. Years 10 & 11 curriculum intent In Years 10 and 11, as well as following a core curriculum, students are able to choose from a range of courses to make up their studies. During and after every lesson, teachers should assess children’s levels of understanding and mathematical fluency, deciding on their readiness to progress to the next stage of their learning. How does our curriculum fit in with our aims and ethos? Aims The national curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils: ●become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately Maths urriculum Intent The aim of the maths curriculum is to prepare all of our children for life after school. Children should be given a challenge or consolidation task at least once a week. using concrete materials, pictures and symbols – the CPA approach), explain it to someone else or write an explanation for them clearly and systematically, make up his or her own examples (and non-examples) of it, see connections between it and other facts or ideas, recognise it in new situations and contexts (varied tasks and problem solving tasks), challenges him/herself, looking for further opportunities to develop understanding. This may include providing a ‘challenge’ task, which should vary slightly to the task set during the lesson (conceptually or procedurally). Teachers are encouraged to spend longer in class on a small number of fundamental maths topics, going into much more detail and depth. Discussion about difficult points can be stimulated by asking children to share thoughts about their own examples when these show errors arising from insufficient understanding. Difficult points also give an opportunity to reinforce that we learn most by working on and through ideas with which we are not fully secure or confident. We have made several significant alterations to our curriculum so that the experience we provide our students best meets these changing needs. develop their character, including resilience, confidence and independence, so that they contribute positively to the life of the school, their local community and the wider environment. From the onset of the course, we will be there to help you become more confident in using algebra in a huge variety of contexts. Teachers will use meta-language to talk through new written methods e.g. Curriculum Intent – Mathematics The Mathematics curriculum at Horizon Community College is designed to develop numerate students who are capable problem solvers, appreciate the value of working systematically and can extrapolate from incomplete sets of information. Teachers should use daily assessment, including looking in books, to inform the design and content of the next lesson, considering: the key discussion points (misconceptions), the best ways to model effective, efficient strategies, and the activities and tasks chosen to either move children forward in their learning or re-visit and consolidate key concepts. Teachers must make sure they know how much the child has understood during a lesson so they can plan and adapt the next lesson. Maths Curriculum Intent (no rating) 0 customer reviews. Teaching is underpinned by methodical curriculum design with key concepts revisited and interlinked with one another. At Barnwell the effective construction and delivery of an ambitious curriculum is key to ensuring that all students have the knowledge, skills and cultural capital in order to take advantage of opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. Throughout the curriculum you will see tasks that require learners to specialise and generalise, to work systematically, to generate their own examples, to classify and to make conjectures. Talking about maths is also important for without talking, we find it harder to absorb and learn. The White Rose, National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Maths (NCETM) and Maths No Problem offer support and guidance so that teachers can plan and write lessons that meet the needs of each class. Intent. We aim to achieve this by encouraging discussions during our lessons to help children learn social skills, be respectful of others and to help them build positive friendships with their peers. Curriculum Statements of Intent Teaching & Learning 2018-2019 Curriculum Statements of Intent At Oyster Park Primary Academy, we strive to develop the full potential of all our pupils so they become confident, literate readers. The Meridian Curriculum . Students who choose A level Mathematics do so because they are good at it, enjoy it, and want to do it. CIO – Maths – Year 9 – Higher – Term 5. It is diverse, engaging and essential in equipping students with the right skills to reach their future destination, whatever that may be. All students are CHALLENGED to think deeply, recall and skilfully apply information and supported to ensure they produce work of the highest standard. Teachers will set homework tasks, which may be games to play, facts to learn, or paper based questions to answer and return. Difficult points need to be identified and anticipated when lessons are being designed and these need to be an explicit part of the teaching, rather than the teacher just responding to children’s difficulties if they happen to arise in the lesson. Teachers reinforce an expectation that all pupils are capable of achieving high standards in mathematics if they work hard. Children should be encouraged to use the correct language and explain how they have answered a question (e.g. Test Base standardised tests are completed at the end of each term and are analysed in order to support ongoing teacher judgement about a child’s overall attainment in mathematics. Curriculum Intent. Teachers will discuss errors and diagnose problems then work through questions that caused difficulties step-by-step – not by simply re-teaching the method. All of our students receive 5 hours of teaching time weekly, split between two teachers covering all areas of expertise. Written praise should be genuine, sparing and related to ‘personal bests’, encouraging a growth mind-set. Maths needs to have a purpose and so applying maths in an everyday context is crucial for a child’s understanding. This curriculum, which is knowledge and experience rich, encourages depth of study and a life-long love of learning, celebrates British values and prepares our pupils with a wealth of transferable skills. A form of summative assessment should take place at the end of every unit and be used to compare attainment with the teacher’s assessment. The Covid-19 pandemic has instigated change in all areas of our lives including our approach to schooling. Mathematics is an important creative discipline that helps us to understand and change the world. These courses include traditional GCSEs, applied GCSEs and BTecs. Teachers should use DfE maths guidance to look at each ready-to-progress criterion, including core mathematical representations, language structures and discussion of connections to other criteria. Intelligent Practice – all tasks are chosen and sequenced carefully with purpose, offering appropriate variation (procedural and conceptual) in order to reveal the underlying mathematical structure, concept or process to pupils. What is the intent of the White Rose Maths curriculum? Certain principles and features of a mastery approach have been adopted: Teachers should provide a long-term vision with children, explaining the importance of making links and developing relationships when introduced to new concepts. Visit our online classroom to view all of Oak’s free lessons, searchable by key stage, year or subject. Hopefully it will help provide at least a springboard for other people, if they have been asked to do this also. Key Facts Home Learning Sheets – Reception to Year 6, Everyone can learn mathematics to the highest levels if they work hard, Mistakes are valuable if we learn from them and support others (“Good mistakes”), Asking questions is important (especially when unsure), Depth of understanding is more important than speed and providing quick answers, Children are working towards their own goals and personal bests. Planning is structured around the concrete – pictorial –abstract approach, providing opportunities throughout for using mathematical vocabulary, developing mathematical thinking and using multiple representations. 2. can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and preserving in seeking solutions. ’ Therefore, the intention for mathematics is to ensure that all pupils become fluent, reason mathematically and solve problems. 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