EFFECTIVE LESSON PLANNING, DELIVERY TECHNIQUES. Perhaps your local secondary could help out with loans of kit? WEBSITE MEMBERSHIP from £1 per month = VIP Resources, Insights + CPD ! In an effort to assist schools in assessing the quality of their curriculum, Ofsted has divided matters into three baskets: intent, implementation and impact. Danny Nicholson is an educational consultant and blogger at Think Bank Education. Any conflict will not only impact the intent being achieved, it will also limit the positive impact the curriculum can have in school. Curriculum: Intent, Implementation & the Impact - Wootton Park School ... Our teachers plan a wide variety of offsite educational visits, including residentials. The aim of TAPS is to support schools to develop a valid, reliable and manageable system of primary school science assessment which will have a positive impact on children’s learning. What is the potential impact on the subject teaching on the pupils? These cookies do not store any personal information. Curriculum is nothing new, but it is important to reconsider as our assessment demands evolve …. Ensure a starter and plenary for every lesson. By continuing using this site we'll assume you're OK with this. The groups are as follows: Eco-Warriors. What do you want the children to learn, and what skills do you want them to acquire? This would form part of what Ofsted term impact… Step 3 in our new curriculum design (Ofsted’s Impact): End of Unit Essay. Many schools are using this as an opportunity to take a fresh look at their science programme to ensure it’s as good as it can be and in line with the changes brought in with the revamped 2014 national curriculum. Details. Read Amanda Spielman’s commentary on … Ofsted will be looking for pupils using the correct science language – they should be able to use it to describe ideas, objects and phenomena. Map out the content of various topics and how they progress from year to year. Impact: What progress do your children make? Play vocabulary games but with a science twist. The question is, why? Micro level (individual lesson) Macro level (Across years/key stages) 168. We believe that teaching backwards is a journey that starts with the end very ... reflect, explain, justify and question is key to lesson design. Now can your teachers bring the content to life?! Good lesson planning is essential to the process of teaching and learning. For example, focus on a theme such as materials and track how it is taught from Y1 through to Y5. Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement ... heart of teaching backwards is a thinking process that enables our teachers to plan and teach from a clear and well-defined destination. Are pupils encouraged to develop a wide scientific vocabulary? These things should already be in place. Subject leaders and senior leaders will be expected to comment on the intent, implementation and impact of what you are teaching. Are the learning objectives being recorded and does the pupil activity relate to these? Are you covering all the statutory content of the national curriculum for science in each year group? Moving from lower to upper primary, children should become increasingly autonomous in their decision-making when carrying out investigations. When Ofsted comes, your headteacher should get some say in the subjects that will be inspected, based on your strengths or areas that have improved. The lesson plan is written around the new Ofsted draft framework requirements with an Intent, Implementation and Impact planning format. Implementation and impact. Learn how your comment data is processed. Sports Leaders. Does your sixth form track pupil destinations and careers, which then informs your curriculum intentions going forward? It’s well worth spending some time as a school going through the TAPS self-evaluation process (pstt.org.uk/resources/curriculum-materials/assessment). We intend children to use creativity and imagination to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts. An investigation into how to assess the quality of education through curriculum intent, implementation and impact. They should become systematic and accurate in collecting and analysing data and able to evaluate their results. Intent, Implementation & Impact Report for Physical Education (PE) Intent. It should also highlight joint concepts that link diagonally across both year groups and subjects. Does the curriculum reflect statutory requirements? If you are rethinking your curriculum, has it added to teacher workload? Intent will also look at the link between teaching across a time frame. Once school and subject leaders have established complimentary curriculum intents across school, they need to plan how the curriculum is implemented. --->. Are your curriculum plans mapped out? Are there particular big-ticket resources that your PTA could help fundraise for? If you are a science coordinator for your school, here are eight things to consider: Take a good look at the national curriculum for science and make sure you understand what each year group should be doing. Wherever you are on your journey, I’ve set a number of questions below to stir your thinking. The intent of the curriculum is synonymous with many of the Academy [s core aims: To provide a broad and balanced curriculum that is accessible to all pupils. If you are an academy, what ‘freedoms’ are you providing? Let’s end with the hardest question: How do you know you have a quality curriculum. Your email address will not be published. OPaL. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Update your science action plan and return to it regularly. How does this inform future planning/research? middle leaders to have all the schemes of work. Intent is everything up to the point at which teaching happens.” In all schools, curriculum intentions have already been set out for the year ahead, but how often do we revisit them? So, if you get the call, good luck! Be clear on exactly what these aims are. SEN support – Is online therapy the answer? Curriculum: intent, implementation and impact Development work for the new inspection framework Sean Harford HMI National Director, Education Curriculum survey Slide 1 2. This post was extracted from Exploring the Education Inspection Framework — a practical guide that aims to provide practitioners with a good understanding of the process of being inspected and the changes that the new EIF has brought into place. E-Cadets. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Ms Fearn said: “Intent is about what leaders intend pupils to learn. An example lesson structure in Jon’s new format. There is a post-publication PDF resource of this blog post with additional questions added. For example, if your school is located near the sea and the vast majority of your students leave and go on to work on an oil rig as an engineer, is your curriculum adapted to support more STEM-related teaching? Later, chemical changes can be introduced – non-reversible changes such as burning and rusting. What strategies do you use to assess learning? Be clear about the progression in your subject. The inspectorate has said that it will assess curriculum through intent, implementation and impact. Briefly describe a situation where your intent did not match the impact of … AND CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT SUGGESTIONS . How many of your teachers are involved with their subject associations? A good curriculum not only makes links horizontally between different subjects but also vertically within different years of a subject. Include literacy within schemes of work. A teacher who is prepared is well on his/her way to a successful instructional experience. intent, implementation and impact Phase 3 findings of curriculum research This report outlines what we have done in phase 3 of our research into the quality of curriculum in schools. Read through the new EIF, especially intent, implementation and impact. How many of your teachers are subject examiners? It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. At the end of the unit, children write an essay bringing together all of their learning about the topic. Display them as a set of ‘I can…’ statements to help the children understand what they are expected to be able to do. Is eSafety on the agenda, and not just during eSafety week? Do your teachers know where the children are in terms of science knowledge and ‘working scientifically’ skills? Take a good look at how you are assessing science learning. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). Are cross-curricular links highlighted? Intent, implementation and impact in early years An Ofsted inspection can be a worrying time even for the best of practitioners. You’ve got your curriculum plans all mapped out for the year ahead, so now what? You do not need to write down answers to these questions. Mindfulness. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Curriculum - Intent, Implementation and the Impact Our Curriculum is the beating heart of our school day. Have they gained the knowledge and skills that they need? Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Intent, Implementation, Impact Hillcrest Early Years Academy Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact Statements: At Hillcrest Early Years Academy, our curriculum is designed to be creative, inspiring, challenging, memorable and to provide all children with opportunities where doors are opened to … Arts On The Move – for all your drama needs… Arts On The Move, JORVIK Viking Centre boosts its lockdown educational offer JORVIK Viking Centre, Teach KS2 STEM with VEX Go from VEX Robotics VEX Robotics, Teach KS1 STEM with VEX 123 from VEX Robotics VEX Robotics, Team GB and Aldi recruit Kevin the Carrot to inspire healthy eating in schools with their latest primary resources Aldi. Add definitions to any words used in science displays. Implementation: How do you put your curriculum plans into practice, and how do you ensure that your intent is being carried out? Scientific development in children involves the use of a wide and increasingly scientific vocabulary. Most primary science can be tackled with a cheap and cheerful kitchen-science approach but some areas such as electricity require more specialist kit and for many school’s money is getting increasingly tight. When taking on this school, I wanted children to fall back in love with learning and be totally immersed in different worlds and times; to be excited with learning. Our rights, our ranking, and reach by @TeacherToolkit Ltd. And not just over the last 12 months …. Beyond examination results, how you demonstrate impact? 1.0 Curriculum Intent 1.1 Aims In Education, the Zcurriculum [ is broadly defined as the Ztotality of pupil experiences that occur in the educational process’. School Nutrition. Curriculum intent is: A frameworkof aims is very different from a bullet point list of aims When considering a curriculum intent framework, education and training providers need to ensure the following: ICT In Schools: 10 Pieces of Equipment for Every Classroom, Why Nobody Reads Your School Newsletter, 15 (Remote Teaching) Pedagogical Approaches. Have the children learnt what they are supposed to? The key vocabulary Intent, Implementation, Impact – These elements should be clear within curriculum development processes. Bacon Garth Primary School believes that Physical Education (PE), experienced in a safe and supportive environment, is essential to ensure children attain optimum physical and emotional development and good health. Inspectors will consider intent, implementation and impact in relation to the 4 key judgements. The new Ofsted Education Inspection Framework places a strong emphasis on the curriculum and uses more education-based words that you may initially find difficult. This, perhaps predictably, has caused some school leaders to panic and insist that planning documents be rewritten taking the ‘three Is’ into account, massively adding to teachers’ workload and stress. A great way to link intent through to impact is to undertake a tracking exercise. Consider an extra-curricular activity to offer in Term 2. He provides support and training for PGCE students and in schools. Read the ‘developing academic language in writing’ slide/article. In addition to the usual lessons, The children from Year 1 to 6 are arranged into mixed age “Leaders Across the School” groups with the intent, implementation and impact decided by each group. Is there a logical sequence to the lessons? Highlight these cross-curricular opportunities in your lesson plans. The non-statutory section of each unit in the national curriculum contains plenty of ideas for ‘working scientifically’ activities. Do your lessons include a ‘working scientifically’ lesson objective, alongside the science content? PDF, 1.5MB, 54 pages. What do your students say about their personal, social and health curriculum? In KS1, children are introduced to the idea of different materials, and the properties that they have. Encourage this by using resources like science word mats and having a science vocabulary wall in your classroom. Map all the ways your science curriculum links with other subjects. Ofsted inspectors will be exploring the intent, implementation and impact of the curriculum in schools. In terms of standards attained across the curriculum, what barriers to learning are improving or hindering groups of students when compared to those of their peers? The report is structured by reference to the three 'I's. Everything you need for every subject across Key Stages 1 and 2. Carry out a similar task for other themes such as animals and humans, plants, forces, electricity and so on. What methods do you use to ensure evaluations are robust? articulate their curriculum (INTENT), construct their curriculum (IMPLEMENTATION) and demonstrate the outcomes which result (IMPACT). What curriculum monitoring activities do you use? Reversible changes are also introduced at this time, with changes of state as the main example. What about ‘working scientifically’ skills? I’m sure there are one or two schools that are panicking, overhauling all of the curriculum maps, schemes of work and lesson plan templates to demonstrate intent, implementation and impact. Do you have an up-to-date action plan which identifies weaknesses and outlines steps to address them.
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