heard and bear record that the name of the apostle of the Lamb was John” (1 Nephi 14:27). . They know the emperors and the historical milieu in which John wrote. (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1966–73), 3:476–77; hereafter cited as DNTC. [21] The whole sermon is an exposition of John’s revelation. It is a key. 2. Since the rest of the vision describes what John sees as each of the seven seals is opened by the Lamb, an understanding of the sealed book is critical to our whole understanding of the book of Revelation. 3. As Matthews concludes, It is unlikely that the work would have progressed consecutively in the short of two weeks from Chapter 5 of John to the Book of Revelation. The JST makes it clear that he specifically addresses the leaders (the bishops or branch presidents, as it were) of each of these branches. Again the evidence does not substantiate this. Chapter 12, where this explanation begins, was altered more by the Prophet in his revision of the book of Revelation than any other chapter. Twelve percent is not a staggering proportion, but the percentage does not convey the importance of the contribution made by the Prophet’s work on the text of the apocalypse. Joseph Smith, aided by the Holy Spirit, made dozens of changes to the Book of Revelation. Once the seven letters are finished, John is invited to come into the heavens so that he can see things which will be “hereafter” (4:1). A key is a very small part of the house. Now the imagery is consistent and logical. Monte S. Nyman and Robert L. Millet (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1985), 251–70. The Prophet gave us access to the mysteries of Revelation through four major means: 4. In a way it is an impossible task—trying to use the finite to describe the infinite. However, he could use the term differently, such as with the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible. These people will be subject to the political government, even though they are not members of the ecclesiastical kingdom which is the Church. Demonstrating he plagiarized Adam Clark to produce it conclusively refutes that claim. If Smith’s introduction to the Joseph Smith Translation had said that all the changes were a result of direct revelation, or that all of them were his own ideas—or even some combination of the two—then his borrowing from Clarke would be something that could be reasonably called plagiarism. The war that began in heaven is continued on the earth. 185 Heber J. More than half of the current Doctrine and Covenants consists of revelations received during the three-year period in which Joseph Smith labored over the Bible translation. 17 Therefore, the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. In this case, his “translation” consisted of looking at an English text and giving us a text that was not present in the first text at all but rather came as pure revelation. 4 And there appeared another sign in heaven; and behold, a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. [22] Two such changes involved verses in the book of Revelation. makes that interpretation no longer tenable. Others have suggested, since it is specified the child is male, that the baby represents the priesthood. Three months after the organizational meeting of the Church, Joseph Smith began what would be one of his most significant contributions to the Restoration: the production of an inspired revision of the Bible, or what is now known as the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible. Now that we have briefly discussed the four areas of contribution made by the Prophet, we shall begin an analysis of the Revelation of John to see how the Prophet has opened this book to our understanding. For example, the Gospel of Matthew is not generally considered to be a mysterious or difficult book. [29] Bruce R. McConkie, Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 3 vols. Before the angels of destruction are loosed, the servants of God will be sealed and thus saved from destruction, through the restoration of the gospel, with its priesthood and ordinances. No one except the Savior was worthy to open the book because the atoning sacrifice was what made the whole of world history possible and meaningful. Finally, the Prophet added to the concept of Christ’s second coming that he would come clothed in “the glory of his Father” and be accompanied by “ten thousand of his saints” (JST 1:7). In verse 18 and angel of GOD tells John "these things saith the Son of God." 2. This is a very different imagery from that of the KJV. 21 Many revelations were received as direct answers to questions Joseph was inspired to ask as his understanding of the gospel expanded during the effort to restore plain and precious parts of the Bible. The rather bizarre imagery of beasts covered with eyes and wings is actually symbolical of their celestial nature (see D&C 77:4). Your effort to equate creative infusions Joseph put into the plagiarized material to divine inspiration is absurd. Lenski, The Interpretation of St. John’s Revelation (Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1963), 221–22. [25] Hyrum M. Smith and Janne M. Sjodahl, Doctrine and Covenants Commentary, rev. Nearly identical imagery is used in 19:15, and so most scholars assume of the man child is none other than the Savior. The imagery of Nephi’s vision shows that the iron rod is a symbol of the word of God (see 1 Nephi 15:23–24) which helps somewhat, but in the JST, the Prophet dropped the imagery of smashed pottery and turned it instead into the idea of potter shaping and molding vessels. Grant Building
[28] But knowing that the first seal represents the first thousand years of the earth’s history (approximately 4000 to 3000 B.C.) 11 For they have overcome him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; for they loved not their own lives, but kept the testimony even unto death. Joseph Smith Translation Friday, January 8, 2021. [9] Joseph Smith, History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 7 vols. That they should be tormented five months] Some take thee months literally, and apply the to the conduct of the Zealots. Revelation Book 1, the spine of which is labeled “Book of Commandments and Revelations,” was begun less than a year after Joseph Smith organized the church. He said that those who were faithful in keeping the commandments would rule the nations “with the word of God; and they shall be in his hands as the vessels of clay in the hands of a potter; and he shall govern them by faith, with equity and justice (JST 2:26–27). destroy no palm-trees, nor burn any fields of corn. . This endeavor occupied much of his time from June 1830 until July 1833—a period of just … In the quote above, where he talked about it being understandable, Elder McConkie added the qualifying phrase, “if we apply ourselves with full purpose of heart.” He went on in the same article to say: “The language and imagery [of the book of Revelation] is so chosen as to appeal to the maturing gospel scholar, to those who already love the Lord and have some knowledge of his goodness and grace.” [13]. The dragon is clearly identified as Satan (see JST v. 8) Most commentators agree that the woman represents the Church of Jesus Christ, a fact which Joseph Smith definitely confirmed (see JST v. 7). The Prophet said it was one of the plainest of books, and so it should be. One simple phrase added by the Prophet in this chapter brings the whole matter into perfect clearness. For example, a man on a white horse is seen in 6:2. Though initially the volume was probably intended to be a record book for preserving revelation texts, it was later used as a copy text from which the revelations were published. Joseph Smith’s Revelation: Polygamy Provides Church Membership for Spirits. The common notion that it deals with beasts and plagues and mysterious symbolisms that cannot be understood by us is just not true. Under the sounding of the fifth trumpet, John saw a “star fall from heaven” and open the “bottomless pit” (Revelation 9:1–2). The JST contains at least 3,410 verses that are different from and add thousands of words and many concepts to the King James Version. [16] Merrill C. Tenney, Interpreting Revelation (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1957), 75. . Certainly more than any other single thing, his answers to those questions (see D&C 77:6–7) become the key to gaining access to the “house” of Revelation. [35]. It also tells us that any attempt to tie these judgments with past historical event is not justified. Our eighth article of faith states that “we believe the Bible to be the word of God, as far as it is translated correctly.” Joseph, in relating this belief, stated: 4. Scorpions may signify archers; and hence the description has been applied to Cestius Gallus, the Roman general who had many archers in his army. Bible scholars pay the price in terms of time and effort. Such a clear and reasonable explanation of this chapter is made possible only through the JST and the instrumentality of the Prophet Joseph Smith. [30] Applying that interpretation to John’s vision makes perfect sense. While the Prophet made a few textual changes in these chapters, which we will note, the major contribution comes from section 77 of the Doctrine and Covenants. Why else did the Lord reveal it? Monte S. Nyman and Robert L. Millet (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1985), 251–70. But in chapter 12, if that is the correct interpretation, there is a problem with the imagery. . The Prophet made very few changes, the most significant of which include: 1. Yet in his work on the book, the Prophet made changes in 618 of the 1071 verses in Matthew, or 58 percent of the total. Then, much as a teacher pauses in the course of his lecture to explain an important point, the Lord pauses in his vision of the judgments to explain some significant things about these kingdoms he has just mentioned. for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. Though often neglected in favor of the prophetic visions, these seven letters are choice, individualized pieces of personal revelation. He also saw that no one in heaven or earth was able or worthy to open the book, except for the Savior (vv. Click here for the lowest price! This seems puzzling at first, but again the information revealed through the Prophet Joseph Smith helps us with the interpretation. It is so far overstated that it gives an entirely erroneous feeling about this portion of revealed truth. The “angel from the east” is Elias (D&C 77:9). The third area of contribution in which the Prophet Joseph added to our understanding of the book of Revelation is section 77 of the Doctrine and Covenants. 2 And the woman being with child, cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. Perhaps here is a good time to note that in Greek the largest named number was ten thousand, which is the world “myriad.” [26] Often it is used symbolically to express uncountable numbers. . . John says it was on Patmos, on a Sunday, that he received the grand and glorious visions recorded in Revelation (vv. . (In another revelation the Prophet indicated that these 144,000 would also stand on Mt. The problem with this book is it only has the changes, not the entire text of the bible. In a few instances, the Prophet verbally corrected passages in the New Testament, but for one reason or another those changes never made it into the Joseph Smith Translation. Home; Revelations and Translations: Manuscript Revelation Books (Facsimile Edition); Revelations and Translations: Manuscript Revelation Books (Facsimile Edition). One example of the Prophet’s contribution through his non-scripture sermons or writings is where he said that John “saw the same things concerning the last days, which Enoch saw.” [20] That is a significant clue to help us as we interpret the Revelation. As the scorpions of the earth have power] Namely, to hurt men by stinging them. 14 Therefore, to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might flee into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. 6 And there was war in heaven; Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought against Michael; 7 And the dragon prevailed not against Michael, neither the child, nor the woman which was the church of God, who had been delivered of her pains, and brought forth the kingdom of our God and his Christ. But again we have the same problem. It fulfills and justifies its title as a book of Revelation. During the meridian of time, the Church was not able to bring forth that political kingdom, but itself was taken into the wilderness, or went into apostasy (see JST Revelation 12:14; D&C 86:3). They are a great missionary force of the sixth seal (see D&C 77:10). That political kingdom will grow out of, and is made possible by (that is, is given birth by) the Church of Jesus Christ. Joseph Smith Translation revisions of the text of Revelation. JESUS is speaking the following words. This seems contradictory in the KJV. They are his servants and he honors them for their faithfulness. Joseph Smith shows us that they are ordained high priests chosen from among every nation to carry forth the gospel and bring as many as will come to the true Church (see D&C 77:11). [1] Canon Leon Morris, The Revelation of St. John (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1969), 15. And here it is that Joseph Smith’s work becomes significant, becoming the key to our understanding. The Joseph Smith Translation (JST) of the Bible, also known as the Inspired Version (IV), was written by Joseph from 1830 to 1833. [15] Tenney cites Mauro who concludes that since trees are used elsewhere as symbols for human greatness or people of eminence (e.g., see Jeremiah 7:20; Ezekiel 31:3), the “grass of the earth” (Revelation 9:4) would be the masses of common people. The fulfillment of that stewardship is found in what we call the Apocalypse, or the book of Revelation. Since the focus of this paper is the contributions of the JST to our understanding of the book of Revelation, we shall skip over the first two quickly, giving only an example or two of each. 801-422-6975, The Book of Revelation: Meant to Be Understood, The Sealed Book and the Seven Seals: Chapter 5, The Opening of the Seals: Chapters 6 to 11. It is a book that stands revealed, as the Prophet said, as “one of the plainest books God ever caused to be written.” [36]. Those who are faithful in Thyatira are promised that they will be given power over nations and will rule them with a rod of iron, smashing them to pieces like clay pots (2:26–27). [22] Robert J Matthews, “A Plainer Translation”: Joseph Smith’s Translation of the Bible: A History and Commentary (Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press, 1975), 210–12. For most of my life I have been confused about how Joseph Smith translated The Book of Mormon. Revelations and Translations: Manuscript Revelation Books (Facsimile Edition) Purchase: The first volume of the Revelations and Translations series, published in 2009, features two manuscript books into which many of Joseph Smith’s revelations were copied by early church scribes. Hardback, $70. 9 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ; 10 For the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. The Song of Solomon is deleted. Joseph Smith has evoked wide acclaim from his devotees as well as strong criticism from those who became disillusioned with him for reasons that begin with skepticism about his testable scriptural and religious claims, financial dealings, extend to his infidelity and polygamous “revelations,” his relationships to close associates that so frequently soured, and his psychology. And the dragon stood before the woman which was delivered, ready to devour her child after it was born. It is his testimony and witness that is being recorded (see JST Revelation 1:1, 2, 4, 5). Similarly, the rather ingenious interpretation mentioned above—the locusts not hurting grass and trees being interpreted as the Arab general’s order to his troops to leave vegetation alone—can now be rejected, since the events described occurred midway in the fifth seal, and John sees the locusts appear after the opening of the seventh seal. Haley worked with BYU Professor Thomas A Wayment in looking into what possible sources Joseph Smith used in his Bible translation. [2] Joseph Henry Thayer, Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament, s.v., apo and kalypto. Finally, we learn from the Prophet’s revelations that the “two witnesses” seen by John as playing a pivotal role in the great battle of Armageddon were two prophets raised up to the Jewish nation (not necessarily Jewish themselves, as some have maintained) in the last days, who would work among the Jewish people in their homeland (see D&C 77:15). Fifteen questions seems at first to be a woefully inadequate amount when one considers the number of questions raised as the text is read. Just the opposite is true. Most of the book—and it is no problem to count the verses so included—is clear and plain and should be understood by the Lord’s people. . A more plausible conclusion suggests that the brethren were not following the New Testament consecutively. Another is found in Moses 4:1–4 and Doctrine and Covenants 76:25–30, which give more information about the war in heaven, which John barely mentions (see Revelation 12:7). 185 Heber J. This revelation marked the beginning of Joseph Smith’s efforts to prepare an inspired revision or translation of the Bible. The Old Testament version used is the “Joseph Smith Translation” and incorporates all changes he made, including punctuation changes. Slaves shall rise up against their Masters. They know all of that, and yet there is till no consensus as to what is truly revealed by John. Comment. 3 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron; and her child was caught up unto God and his throne. Their in-depth study of the Joseph Smith Translation and related scriptures clarifies the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and show how Joseph Smith restored many plain and precious truths to that holy book. What I did was bought the Joseph Smith New Translation of the Bible which you can get on Amazon here, where on each page there is one column with the King James Version of the Bible and on the other side the versus as Joseph Smith modified them. 8 Neither was there place found in heaven for the great dragon, who was cast out; that old serpent called the devil, and also called Satan, which deceiveth the whole world; he was cast out into the earth; and his angels were cast out with him. Brigham Young University
Note the amount of time spent on earth of the seven seals. (Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1946), 1:245; hereafter cited as History of the Church.). We do have decent evidence that he was translating this way from papyrus, but at the same time, some evidence points to his receiving revelation in a manner more similar to the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible, meaning he may have been looking at the papyrus and receiving revelation regarding something that was not at all present on that document. Some years after his First Vision, Church members believe that Joseph was led to a hill near Palmyra, New York, where he received an ancient record from an angel known as Moroni. While there is much we could study in these changes, space permits us to focus only on the most important insight derived from those changes. He was allowed to write most of the things he saw, including some things fulfilled in our own generation (e.g., see 1 Nephi 14:12). No. . Published in 1985 Contact. John explains the symbols of the woman, the child, the rod of iron, the dragon, and Michael. Some might think those figures could be the result of the fact that the Prophet worked through the Bible sequentially. Even some latter-day Saints find it difficult to believe that the book reveals or uncovers much truth. Elder Bruce R. McConkie said that these two prophets would be “followers of that humble man, Joseph Smith. (Los Angeles: Voice of Prophecy, 1972), 23. As Champollion, by the key furnished in the brief text on the Rosetta stone, was able to open the secrets of Egyptian hieroglyphics, so the Bible student should be able to read the Apocalypse with a better understanding of it, by the aid of this key. First, he revealed that the trumpets represent the judgments of God which will prepare the world and cleanse it for the millennial reign of Christ (see D&C 77:12). But, one asks, doesn’t this very confusion disprove your statement that the book of Revelation was meant to be understood? 299: Haley Lemmon – The Joseph Smith Translation – Revelation or Plagiarism Haley Wilson Lemmon sits down with us today to discuss the Joseph Smith translation of the Bible . Thus, clearly, the majority of the revelation focuses on that period “after the opening of the seventh seal, before the coming of Christ” (D&C 77:13). We have not made that spiritual progression which qualifies us to understand its doctrines. From the key thus given, from the Old Testament prophecies, and from history, ecclesiastical and political, it should be possible to interpret the rest. My transitions today aren’t so spectacular, so I’m going t… It is a book of eminent importance to Latter-day Saints. While translating the Book of Mormon in June 1828, Joseph Smith gave the translated manuscript to his scribe Martin Harris. This volume brings together those addresses, illuminating this inspired translation as perhaps no other book had done. . [3] Hence its title in English, the book of Revelation (or the uncovering or unveiling). Though the Prophet did not give us specific help in interpreting the various images mentioned under the sounding of the seven trumpets that begin in chapter 8, two things he revealed are of great help as we study this section of Revelation. The book of Revelation is one of the most intriguing and controversial books in the biblical library. He dispatched a circular letter to the Arabian tribes which reads as follows: “When you fight the battles of the Lord . (See D&C 77:2–3; see also the Prophet’s discourse on the meaning of the beasts. As Robert J. Matthews notes, while the Prophet did not generally indicate which portion of the scriptures he was working on at various times, nor how long he spent on any one book, we do have some solid evidence that “in the work of revision the Prophet was moving back and forth in the New Testament rather than working continuously through the Bible in a consecutive order.” [8] We find this entry in the Prophet’s history: “Upon my return from Amherst conference, I resumed the translation of the Scriptures. [11]. Genesis 14:25-40. The concept of the "spirit of prophecy" as found in the LDS Church was first described by Joseph Smith, who believed that each individual person was capable of receiving revelation for themselves and those they presided over in their group or family. He says, “from the smoke issue evil spirits with the appearance of locusts. Faithful saints are promised the power to smash the nations to pieces. He explains that the book is symbolic of the mission of John himself during these great events, which mission is to help gather the tribes of Israel (see D&C 77:14). In this sense, the word translation is used in a broader and different way than usual, for Joseph’s translation was more revelation than literal translation from one language into another. Purchase: The first volume of the Revelations and Translations series, published in 2009, features two manuscript books into which many of Joseph Smith’s revelations were copied by early church scribes. And it is through the instrumentality of the Prophet Joseph Smith, and especially his work on the new translation of the scriptures, that the book of Revelation has become just that for us. Animals from our own world and from other worlds are celestialized and dwell in the presence of God. Following Hyrum, Joseph Smith said "they make a criminality for a man to have a wife on earth while he has one in heaven" and that "the Revelation was given in view of eternity": 'He received for answer, men in this life must marry in view of eternity, otherwise they must remain as angels, or be single in heaven, which was the amount of the Revelation referred to[.] [4] Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, comp. This six page intro discusses “Joseph Smith as Revelator and Translator,” noting that a revelation at the Church organization describes him as “a seer & Translater & Prop[h]et” (xix). Joseph Smith Translation. [5] Compare these changes with the book of Revelation, where he added only three new verses (JST Revelation 1:7; 2:27; 12:7) and made changes in only 90 of the 394 verses, or 23 percent of the total. But with what the Prophet has revealed it becomes understandable. La Traduction de Joseph Smith est le titre d'un recueil présenté comme une version révélée des textes originaux de la Bible à Joseph Smith.Selon Joseph Smith, Dieu lui commanda de faire ce travail qu'il commença en juin 1830.Le terme « traduction » n'est pas utilisé ici dans son sens habituel (puisque Joseph Smith ne travaillait pas depuis un document à traduire). As noted above, throughout these letters the Prophet changed the wording to make it clear that each letter was addressed to the presiding authority of each church. Joseph Smith called the JST an inspired translation of the Bible. 01/17/2021 by lifeafterministry. Paperback $45, eBook $40. And since the creation of the political kingdom of Christ signals the end to the kingdoms of the world, it is little wonder that Satan seeks to destroy the man child. 2. [Page 257] Abstract: Producing Ancient Scripture is a collection of sixteen … For the textual history of Joseph’s revelations, see Robin Scott Jensen, Robert J. Woodford, and Steven C. Harper, eds., Revelations and Translations, Volume 1: Manuscript Revelation Books, vol. We are left with the clear conclusion that John’s Revelation was meant to be understood when it was first written, and was meant to be understood today. For a more detailed discussion of these and other examples, see: The Joseph Smith Translation and 2 Samuel 12:13; The Joseph Smith Translation and John 1:1 [8] Robert J. Matthews, Joseph Smith’s Revision of the Bible (Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press, 1969), 10. The JST clarifies what time is meant when it says “for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh” (JST v. 3). Hebrew masculine plurals generally end in -im. The Prophet also said, shortly before his death, “I attended prayer-meeting with the quorum in the assembly room, and made some remarks respecting the hundred and forty-four thousand mentioned by John the Revelator, showing that the selection of persons to form that number had already commenced.” [32] This statement would seem to indicate that this great body of missionaries may be composed of mortals and immortals together. There the Prophet explained the meaning of two important symbols used by John, namely the sea of glass before the throne of God (see Revelation 4:6), and the white stone given to the faithful (see Revelation 2:17). But it is the man child that has caused commentators the most difficulty. Manuscript Revelation Books (2) Published Revelations (7) Book of Mormon Manuscripts (2) Book of Mormon Editions (4) Bible Revision Manuscripts (6) Book of Abraham and Other Egyptian Material (19) Additional Revelations and Translations ; Related Materials. 3. One example of a contribution from latter-day scripture is found in Doctrine and covenants 130:7–11. The seven seals represent the seven thousand-year periods which the earth will have during its temporal existence. The revelation is dated July 1828 and was received after Martin Harris lost the 116-page manuscript of the Book of Mormon. It unlocks the door through which an entrance may be gained, but after the key has been turned, the searcher for treasure must find it for himself. Elder Joseph Fielding Smith said: After Christ comes, all the peoples of the earth will be subject to him, but there will be multitudes of people on the face of the earth who will not be members of the Church; yet all will have to be obedient to the laws of the kingdom of God, for it will have dominion upon the whole face of the earth. . Chapter 1 provides the prologue to all that follows, and interestingly enough the Prophet made more changes in this opening chapter than in any other chapter except chapter 12. Reference (JST) Summary/Quotation. [23]. Instead, Joseph Smith’s revelation is thoroughly connected to the Bible, even if his extrapolations from those biblical passages are admittedly unique. Namely, to hurt men by stinging them vision for which the earth generally considered be. Arabian tribes which reads as follows: “ when you fight the battles of the Smith! What possible sources Joseph Smith Translation of the scriptures s given of nay private will of God ''! Has caused commentators the most significant of which include: 1 a consensus of opinion came not in time! Introducing them into English is incorrect cried, travailing in birth, and pained be. Suggested, since it is specified the child, the child, the most significant one I have found in... 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