Western Washington University - Make Waves. WWU Transfer Course Equivalency Guide. These reports will be updated, if needed, once final transcripts have been received by the Office of Admissions. By completing and submitting this form, you are certifying that the information in this application is true and correct to the best of your knowledge. Degree Works will help you track degree progress, prepare for future courses, and plan your path to graduation. Since spring term grades will generally not be processed in time to be included in your TER and Degree Evaluation, you should plan to bring unofficial copies of all college transcripts with you to Transitions and whenever you meet with departmental advisors. An official course description for each course must be attached to the e-form request. INTERPRETING THE TRANSFER COURSE EQUIVALENCY GUIDE. Credit earned by International Baccalaureate, Military Credit, and CEEB Advanced Placement Exams are considered transfer credits. The TER provides information about the number of credits that have been accepted in transfer and details the courses that transfer to Western as well as their Western course equivalent. Semester credits are converted to quarter credits. You can check the Transfer Course Equivalency Guide to see if any of the courses you took at your previous college are equivalent to our English 202. Woodring College of Education Western Washington University MS 9088 516 High Street Bellingham, WA 98225-9088 (360) 650-3000 Additional information can be obtained by contacting the Office of Admissions (before enrolling) or the Academic Advising Center at 360-650-3850; Old Main 387 (after classes have begun). We are available at biologyadvising@wwu.edu or (360) 650-6165. The department you submit the information to will depend on the course subject. A maximum of 24 credits for electives will be granted for technical or vocational classes taken at an accredited two-year college. Western Washington University Login. All students register for classes online using Web4U. TRAN 1TT: Transfer course that does not correspond to any one WWU department/major but may be used as a general elective, ACGM - Comparative, Gender, and Multicultural Studies (Block A), BCGM - Comparative, Gender and Multicultural Studies (Block B), QSR - Quantitative and Symbolic Reasoning. In addition to Basic Proficiency and Science requirements, undergraduate students need to complete General Education courses. Students who were working towards or have completed an AS-T (Associate in Science - Transfer) Track 2 are the most prepared to transfer … You can view how multiple courses would complete requirements on your worksheet. SUBJ 1TT (i.e. Transfer Course Equivalency Guide To find an institution that you wish to compare course work at another institution to UCA courses, scroll to the name of the university and open the link. Contact Western, Calendar Access our inclusive Tribal Lands Statement. The student's major department determines the applicability of transfer courses toward the student's degree program. Prior to registration, we recommend you bring a current copy of your TER. Click here open_in_new. Your TER and Degree Evaluation are based on the course work that is on file by June 1 and do not necessarily reflect the total number of credits we will accept in transfer once your final transcript is received. Search for all courses at an institution by selecting country or state and institution and leave the subject and entry term fields blank. Submit course syllabus and other required material for evaluations. Courses which share a Texas Common Course Number are equivalent at any other Texas public institution which also utilizes the TCCN system. All public, Washington state colleges and universities have had all courses evaluated by our transfer credit specialists. If you wish to remove a course you are considering, select the course … Courses transfer to Western Washington University at the same level (lower or upper division) as taken at the original institution. If you have completed or will be completing additional courses between the time you apply for admission and the time you register, you should run an updated TER before your registration appointment in case additional courses have been added to your TER. To find out how courses taken at a Washington state community or technical college will transfer to the University of Washington, click the college name below. If you are just starting at a Washington community college, focus on Track 1 of the Associate in Science-Transfer (AS-T). ENGL 1TT): Transfer course that has no WWU equivalent but a) corresponds with a WWU department/major; and b) may not be used as an elective in the major. New Student Services/Family Outreach Advising & Orientation. Fairhaven College's interdisciplinary Core Curriculum replaces Western's GUR. We express our deepest respect and gratitude to our indigenous neighbors, for their enduring care and protection of our shared lands and waterways. Select the "Web4U" icon (in the header section, above the tabs), Select "Transfer Equivalency Report" or "Degree Evaluation". Here you will find information about orientation and advising programs for new students, critical registration information, and additional resources to assist you in making a successful transition to Western. Office. If you are searching for a course that is not listed, it may be for one of the following reasons: The course is new. If you have earned a degree such as an Associate Degree with Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA), it will show up under the institution name, as in this example with Whatcom Community College. For a complete list of transferable courses in Political Science (and other fields), please consult the Transfer Course Equivalency Guide available on the Registrar’s Office website. This Transfer Course Equivalency Guide is a tool to assist you in understanding how college courses transfer to Western. Click on a school to view the drop-down list of courses that are … | To view a timetable of classes, visit ClassFinder. As a transfer student who has already earned college credit, we encourage you to review your Transfer Equivalency Report (TER) before registering for classes or contacting an advisor in your intended major. We strongly recommend that you contact your academic department prior to course registration because you may need special permission to register for your intended courses. (One semester credit equals 1.5 quarter credits.). Your online registration time is based on the number of college credits completed at the time of admission and occurs at the same time as continuing Western students. This information is for advisement only and does not constitute any guarantee of equivalency at the time of transfer. The first search option is designed for community college students and advisers. Transfer work does not affect the official Western Washington University institutional grade point average. A relatively new course may not have been submitted yet for equivalency review. Click here to view CWU equivalencies. or MIT- if you need to take WWU courses prior to applying to SEC program WWU post-bac. The Transfer Course Search selection is used to display the WSU course equivalency if the transfer course is known. If you are planning to transfer without earning a Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA) associate degree, you will usually have additional General University Requirements (GUR) to complete at Western. Once an equivalency is created, the information is recorded in the EWU Transfer Guide. *Assumes eight courses per year at $880 per course (max 20 courses) Transfer to Success Scholarship. Please carefully review the additional details about transcript processing for the quarter you will begin at Western below. Many of the courses you will need are part of sequences, and some may be offered only certain quarters. To see how your college courses will transfer to Western, check out the Transfer Course Equivalency Guide. If the course is not listed, check with Western’s Office of Admissions. The following guides list acceptable courses that meet our prerequisite requirements for each program. Western's Admissions Office maintains a list of Washington State Community College and University transfer equivalencies for foundation courses. … The Office o… You will need to provide a copy of your TER, current transcripts, and any in-progress courses for departmental advising. | University Directory If you are close to earning your degree, we encourage you to seek advising in the event it is advantageous for you to complete your DTA degree rather than Western GUR. Just choose your institution and and determine the course equivalencies. Use the Transfer Equivalency Guide tool to determine whether the courses are equivalent. Your TER will otherwise include only the coursework submitted at time of application. This is possible, but there are restrictions. The Transfer guide only displays courses that have been transferred into EWU previously and what they transferred in as. If you are earning an Associate in Arts or Associate in Arts and Sciences degree from a Washington state community college that meets the Intercollege Relations Commission guidelines for the Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA), you will have fulfilled Western's General University Requirements (GUR), provided you completed English … If you are transferring credits from a public Washington state college or university, see our Transfer Equivalency Guide This guide will outline all courses, including General University Requirements (GURs). Welcome to the UW Equivalency Guide for Washington state community and technical colleges. If you are earning an Associate in Arts or Associate in Arts and Sciences degree from a Washington state community college that meets the Intercollege Relations Commission guidelines for the Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA), you will have fulfilled Western's General University Requirements (GUR), provided you completed English Composition with a grade of C- or better, or earned an Advanced Placement (AP) score of 4 or higher on either English Language & Composition or English Literature & Composition exams. HIST 1XX): Transfer course that has no WWU equivalent but a) corresponds with a WWU department/major and b) may be used as an elective in the major if needed. Your online registration time is based on the number of college credits completed at the time of admission and occurs at the same time as continuing Western students. Not all community colleges offer equivalents to WWU courses. If your course is not found on this guide, contact the Pre Major Advisor for assistance. Contact us at transfer.credit@cwu.edu if you have questions regarding course transferability; Transfer Admission Criteria; Test Equivalencies Students who believe that they have taken coursework at a regionally accredited institution that is applicable to their current program may submit an e-form waiver either through the student portal or with the assistance of an admissions advisor. Courses may be used in the general elective area. It lists courses that have been added to a course list report, maps them to the data set you choose, and then generates a report. Students who are completing an AS-T degree are encouraged to review our transfer credit policies as multiple options for completing GUR are available. This will assist you in developing your academic plan, help you prepare for registration and prevent you from unnecessarily repeating a course at Western. APPENDIX B: COURSE EQUIVALENCY GUIDE San Diego City College, CA 2016-2019 Transfer Course Code Transfer Course Title Transcript Credit GCU Course Code GCU Course Title GCU General Education Category (if applicable) Applied Semester Credits ARAB-201A THIRD COURSE IN ARABIC 5.0 Effective Communication Transfer - LD 5.0 This guide includes course equivalency information for community colleges and public baccalaureate institutions in Washington State, excluding The Evergreen State College. For students unable to attend Transitions, registration begins early September and continues until the day before classes begin. WWU Homepage :: Admissions :: Major Planning :: Department Advising, SUBJ 1XX (i.e. Please note: as a new summer student, you must attend summer quarter classes in order to attend WWU in the fall. If students repeat a course at another institution that they have already completed at Western, the original attempt will be … HIST 1XX): Transfer course that has no WWU equivalent but a) corresponds with a WWU department/major and b) may be used as an elective in the major if needed. Western Washington University endorses the Policy on Inter-college Transfer and Articulation among Washington Public Colleges and Universities and the Transfer Student Rights and Responsibilities. If transfer equivalency is determined, you will be notified via email and the department will make a request to the University Registrar on your behalf to have your TER updated. Fairhaven students who are transferring college credit should contact a Fairhaven advisor to determine if some of the Core Curriculum can be waived. If certain requirements are met, transferred college credit can replace the First-Year Sequence. Miller Hall 250 (MH 250) Mailing Address. Nursing Transfer Guide Listed below are several colleges and universities located in the Northwest. You do not need to complete a transfer equivalency request if the course is already on the approved list. Fall students: Registration for new transfer students occurs on campus during Transitions. If a course is not listed, it does not mean that it will not transfer in. Enter the course subject and course number and click Add Course. If you are taking college courses winter quarter/spring semester, we recommend that you submit an updated official transcript to the Office of Admissions by June 1. If you can't remember your login information you can access your username or password online. Scan millions of course credit equivalency guides published by the best transfer colleges and universities Major or Program: (For example: Accounting, Psychology) Find exact match by Major or Program Equivalent Course Information: SUBJ 1XX (i.e. Please note that these charts are only for comparison purposes and final articulation will be the sole discretion of UCA and its policies . You can enter search criteria including state, transfer institution, WSU expected entry term, and subject. If there is a lab component of the course, please upload an accurately labeled (e.g. The transferable course lists are historically cumulative and include courses offered between 1998 and the present. For more information, please review, For additional information, or to request a review of an unlisted course, please contact. Winter & Spring students: New transfer students register for courses during Phase I registration. The number of credits earned for an accepted transfer course will be used even if the number of credits for the equivalent Western course differs. Western Washington University Advanced Placement One quarter of successful performance in an advanced course in a sequence which is developmental in nature can, upon departmental recommendation, qualify a student for credit in the preceding course; admission to the advanced course is subject to permission of the department. Transfer Course Equivalency Guide- self-check the courses from other institutions that can serve as WWU substitute course; Academic department advisors; Post-bac. How Prior College Credits Will Transfer to CWU. Since the DTA fulfills Western GUR, you will not need to run a Degree Evaluation for GUR. | To verify if coursework is transferable, visit the Transfer Course Equivalency Guide (wwu.edu/Advising > Advising Tools and Resources). If you are currently enrolled in courses, you should plan to send an updated official transcript to the Office of Admissions as soon as grades are posted. To ensure consideration of your complete academic history, you are advised to bring unofficial copies of all transcripts with you to orientation and whenever you meet with departmental advisors. By following the above steps, you can run your report at any time in the future to determine if additional transcripts have been received and processed and see how previous coursework applies to Western degree requirements. Your TER and Degree Evaluation are based on the course work that is on file at the time you confirmed your enrollment. To check the transfer equivalency for previously completed or in progress college credit taken at a WA state school, visit the Transfer Equivalency Guide clicking here. to see if your course transfers to Western. The course may not be transferable to Western. This list is updated annually in the fall; however, these courses are subject to change. Summer students: New transfer students will register for both Summer and Fall quarters during the Phase I registration session for each term. Transfer courses with exact course equivalents at … syllabus_CHEM121_Lab.pdf) lab syllabus as well. More information about Degree Works can be found on the Registrar's Office website. To determine how courses will transfer to Western Washington University, Western has created a website to help students determine how each of the courses transfer to Western. Workforce Education Course Equivalencies (WECM) Courses bearing a Workforce Education designation in … MPAR - Transfer course meets part of the QSR GUR; satisfactory completion of one additional course is required to satisfy QSR in full. If students repeat a course at another institution that they have already completed at … Access our inclusive Tribal Lands Statement. To schedule an advising appointment with your department, locate them on our Departmental Directory, or call (360) 650-3000 and ask for the appropriate department. Qualified California or Nevada community college students, or students from another approved out-of-state community college transferring to National University are eligible for the Transfer to Success Scholarship – an award of up to $5,000. The site allows students to search by school and subject and includes Washington state … See GUR QSR Option 3 at: MSAT - Transfer course meets the QSR GUR in full, UD - Transfer course applies to Western's 60 credit upper division requirement, NUD - Transfer course does not apply to Western's 60 credit upper division requirement. Transfer students should verify course equivalencies using the Transfer Course Equivalency Guide. We often allow transfer students who haven't taken an equivalent course to declare the major on the condition they agree to take English 202 during their first quarter at Western. Log into myWestern. Please enter your Username and Password Added courses will appear in the “Courses you are considering” area. Course descriptions can usually be obtained directly from the issuing institution, copied from an institution’s catalog, or found online through an institution’s course catalog. Transferring with a Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA) Associate Degree. Western Washington University's main campus is situated on the ancestral homelands of the Coast Salish Peoples, who have lived in the Salish Sea basin, all throughout the San Juan Islands and the North Cascades watershed from time immemorial. Detailed transfer advising information, including course equivalency information, is … If you haven't done so already, we encourage you to review the New Student Services/Family Outreach Advising & Orientation website. Out of State College Credit. This guide includes course equivalency information for community colleges and public baccalaureate institutions in Washington State, excluding The Evergreen State College. Western's web-based academic planning and degree evaluation tool is called Degree Works. Therefore, you are encouraged to run a Degree Evaluation for GUR to determine which GUR you have left to complete. For courses offered by any other institution, please see the UW’s Transfer Credit Policies. If you are earning your Associate in Science - Transfer (AS-T) degree, you will have additional General University Requirements (GUR) to complete at Western. To verify if coursework is transferable, visit the Transfer Course Equivalency Guide. Use these pathways to plan your courses at your community college. Map. The WWU Equivalent Courses are listed in the right column. If you have any questions about your TER or Degree Evaluation, feel free to contact the Office of Admissions. As a student who has already earned college credit, you are encouraged to run a Degree Evaluation for GUR Completion. If you are transferring from a community college, you may transfer a maximum of 124 credits (for schools on a quarter system) of course work. If the course is not listed, check with Western’s Office of Admissions. You should take time to familiarize yourself with your TER now and then review it again prior to registering for your first quarter's courses. One transfer course may be equated to two different Western courses, however credit will only be given for one course. Transfer students considering Western are encouraged to reach out to the Biology Department as soon as possible to discuss transfer equivalencies and the process of applying to the Biology Major or Biology Minor. An Equivalency Report is a function of the Course List Report that utilizes course equivalency relationships created with the Equivalency Manager. Transfer students then typically take 4 Honors Seminars and complete an Honors Capstone Senior Project. The TER provides information about the number of credits that have been accepted in transfer and details the courses that transfer to Western as well as their Western course equivalent. Transcript deadlines can be found in your admit packet in and in the admitted student guides. Determines the applicability of transfer courses toward the student 's Major department determines the applicability of transfer toward... 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