In the Mission to the Unkown novelisation, the Doctor explains that "the Daleks have been studying time for almost a century," implying the Daleks from The Chase are native to the 40th century. In 1930s New York, the Daleks' plan is in full force. The Daleks are acting against Gallifrey. 4590 - TV: Resurrection of the Daleks The Daleks do not recognise the Seventh Doctor. 4620: AUDIO: The Juggernauts 1765: COMIC: Power Play Dalek Evolution Men's Hoodie Unlimited options to combine colours, sizes & styles Discover Hoodies & Sweatshirts by international designers now! And the series that all these 'Dalek evolution' variants have been building towards finally gets underway! The Battle of Mordeela immediately after The Knight, The Fool and The Dead 1765: COMIC: Plague of Death Introduction. Set in the past according to the Doctor. COMIC: Monsters of Gurnian 2.17 The Last Great Time War Some decades after The Daleks' Master Plan, the Daleks recently lost Caridos in 3994. 5250: AUDIO: The Mutant Phase As a new Dalek Empire rises in 1930s New York City, the Tenth Doctorreceives help from an unlikely ally. Davros believes Skaro has been destroyed. PROSE: Manhunt aHistory Timeline[edit source] PROSE: Doctor Who and the Daleks TV: The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang PROSE: Dead Romance War of the Daleks confirms that this occurs before Skaro's destruction in Remembrance of the Daleks. AUDIO: Blood of the Daleks After the Daleks and 50 years after a Dalek War that humanity won. 2.12.3 A new Gold Emperor The Emperor orders the exploration of Skaro, leading onto Legacy of Yesteryear. COMIC: The Brain Tappers AUDIO: Jubilee The Daleks are a fictional extraterrestrial race of mutants in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, created by the megalomaniacal scientist Davros of the planet Skaro to be an emotionless "master race" bent on universal conquest and domination, utterly without pity, compassion or remorse. Any story where Skaro exists must take place before TV:Remembrance of the Daleks where it is destroyed, which is referenced in TV: Twice Upon a Time, AUDIO: Terror Firma and AUDIO: Daleks Among Us. PROSE: The Tomorrow Windows (cameo) Humanity at this point has encountered the Daleks before, but these humans are unfamiliar with them. Caan is an insane oracle after rescuing Davros from the Time War. PROSE: Father of the Daleks Companions COMIC: The Trodos Ambush The Last Great Time War[edit source] Leads directly into Journey's End. Concluding part to Daleks in Manhattan. GAME: Evacuation Earth 2190: AUDIO: Lucie Miller / To the Death An Imperial Dalek is in 1963, just before Remembrance. COMIC: Tales of the Dark Times: Episode 3 Dalek 63•88 is a research project about a very specific area of TV production: The provisioning of Dalek props for Doctor Who.. (COMIC: The World That Waits) He then vows to conquer Earth and the other planets. The Anti-Dalek Force (ADF) is founded during a war between humanity and the Daleks. 2199: PROSE: Legacy of the Daleks The Daleks use transolar discs. PROSE: The Secret Struggle The Daleks' invasion is initially repelled, but they vow to return. The Eighth Doctor is drawn to a planet where he is greeted by a Dalek. 4000 - TV: Mission to the Unknown Bronze Daleks and humans are at war with one another. Dalek Sec, however, becomes more human in personality and alters the plan so the hybrids will be more human like him. Set during the Second Dalek War and features grey Daleks led by a bronze-type red-and-gold Supreme Dalek. AUDIO: We Are The Daleks AUDIO: Dark Eyes 2: The Traitor It was first broadcast on BBC One on 28 April 2007, and is the conclusion of the two-part story begun in "Daleks in Manhattan" on 21 … Likely contemporary to The Five Doctors, a group of Daleks are found on an alternative Death Zone. PROSE: Exterminate! The Terrorkons are disturbed, leading onto The Terrorkon Harvest. 2.7 Fighting the ADF It is never stated that the Daleks or Davros have looked into their personal future. [5] Scenes set at the Hooverville shanty town were filmed at Bute Park, Cardiff. Prequel to A Dalek Awakens. AUDIO: The Dalek Transaction Davros is being put on trial due to the Daleks having their memories wiped. TV: Genesis of the Daleks This page lists appearances of the Daleks - and their creator, Davros - in the order in which they experienced them. The Dalek city has been abandoned for some time. PROSE: Birth of a Legend From the Discontinuity Guide, the first Dalek history Any story where Skaro exists must take place before TV:Remembrance of the Daleks where it is destroyed, which is referenced in TV: Twice Upon a Time, AUDIO: Terror Firma and AUDIO: Daleks Among Us. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. They are Imperial Daleks on the cover. Mark Seven, an android who would remain active through to the 40th century, is a founding member of the ADF. The Dalek Wars[edit source] 2550: COMIC: Abslom Daak... Dalek Killer At the end of the siege, the Daleks attempt to kill the Eleventh Doctor only to be destroyed by his regeneration. As such, the Time Lords personally intervene to stop him. 1765: COMIC: Impasse The Stones find the Daleks' humanoid servants on Mars. Set during the occupation, though not for the alternate future Daleks. Class COMIC: The Defeat of the Daleks PROSE: Father Time (cameo) These are the only exceptions to this rule as they cannot be set later in the timeline. PROSE: Exit Strategy Trapped on Skaro[edit source] (PROSE: Dalek: The Astounding Untold History of the Greatest Enemies of the Universe) WC: 14683 UNIT Field Log The Dalek City is constructed. Any story where the Daleks do not know that the Doctor is a Time Lord must take place before TV: Resurrection of the Daleks; this therefore includes TV: The Chase, TV: The Daleks' Master Plan and TV The Evil of the Daleks. TV: Twice Upon a Time ... From this moment on, the Dalek creed will be one of conquest and destruction, until there is nothing left to stand against them.-----Well, lighting this was a pain. Skaro survives according to the Dalek Prime but his plan appears unlikely and there are alternate possibilities to Skaro's fate. A Dalek war breaks out in 2459. PROSE: The Five-Leaf Clover The head dome is also capable of rotating 360 degrees, and the eyestalk can move up and down. (AUDIO: Neverland) TV: The Daleks The Dalek Time Squad is dispatched to locate an earlier incarnation of the Doctor in order to use his TARDIS to reach the Dark Times. The Dalek Time Squad is present in the Dark Times and are harvesting genetic material from Dark Times species. The Daleks do not yet have time travel. Torchwood InstituteJack • Yvonne • Gwen • Tosh • Owen • Ianto • Suzie • Andy • Rhys • Bilis • Captain John • Norton COMIC: The Humanoids 2540 - TV: Planet of the Daleks Daleks of the New Dalek Paradigm defend their weapons bases from Cybus-style Cybermen, blue-armoured Sontarans and Silurian Hunters. 13 Bannerman RoadSarah Jane • Maria • Luke • Clyde • Rani • Haresh • Gita Davros says that he and the Daleks rebuilt Skaro. Skaro exists. TV: The Beast Below / Victory of the Daleks The Cult has recently escaped Canary Wharf. GAME: Return to Earth PROSE: Infection of the Daleks Evolution of the Cybermen . AUDIO: The Innocent / The Thousand Worlds / The Heart of the Battle AUDIO: The Genocide Machine PROSE: The Doomsday Machine AUDIO: The Dalek Conquests WC: The Archive of Islos The Daleks repel an alien attack, partly destroying the Dalek City. (TV: The Daleks) After becoming disillusioned with the simulacra Davros’ leadership, the Strategist arranges the Dalek Emperor’s resurrection. Navigate theory timelines by Doctor Seven, Shaw and Shavron are ambushed by Daleks on Omegon. 2540: TV: Planet of the Daleks PROSE: The Eighth Wonder of the World AUDIO: The Mutant Phase Set after Planet of the Daleks, according to Dalek: The Astounding Untold History of the Greatest Enemies of the Universe. The Doctor believes that The Daleks was "a million years" in the future, and that Invasion is "about the middle history of the Daleks." 2.3 Venturing out into the universe AUDIO: Good Night, Sweet Ladies 2.12 The new Dalek Emperor AUDIO: The Fearless: Part 1 AUDIO: Aimed at the Body / Lightspeed / Interlude Evolution of the Daleks. ‘Evolution of the Daleks’ carries on the story put forth in ‘Daleks of Manhattan,’ putting a unique spin on the typical Dalek storyline but ultimately falling apart under some questionable choices and plot points. PROSE: The Emperor Dalek's New Clothes Leads directly into The Witch's Familiar. The Daleks are unaware of the Time Lords. Dalek Thay: Planet Earth will become New Skaro. Davros survives, and his personality is intact The Daleks have time machines and have spread across the universe. 1765: COMIC: The Menace of the Monstrons 2.11 The rise of Davros United Nations Intelligence Taskforce Some of these changes were design decisions, occasionally they were intended to reflect the Daleks' own evolution and … The Daleks are familiar with the Monk, but the Daleks are natives to this era except the Dalek Time Controller, who will have gave them the knowledge of the Monk. With the help of the First Doctor and friends, the Thals destroy all the Daleks in the Dalek City. AUDIO: Seasons of Fear The Daleks are in an alliance with the Eighth Doctor. (PROSE: The Colony of Lies) In the default time period of Random Ghosts and The Lights of Skaro, the Daleks haven't yet developed space travel. Any story featuring Davros with an intact wheelchair has to happen before COMIC: Emperor of the Daleks! They know the Doctor but do not recognize his third incarnation. It orders the creation of a new Time Strategist. He believes Skaro has been destroyed and his personality is subsumed by that of the Dalek Emperor. The last remaining member of the Supreme Council declares himself the Dalek Supreme and begins to set in motion his master plan. 5256: AUDIO: The Apocalypse Element 4.3 The Time War Davros, operating alongside a golden Dalek Emperor, leads an invasion of Earth in the year 2254, which is thwarted by the Seventh Doctor and Ace. 2.1.3 Created by Davros AUDIO: The Curse of Davros The Daleks have time machines. Upset by this act of genocide, the Doctor returns to the Dalek lab to face Caan, but Caan escapes once again via emergency temporal shift. The First Doctor, Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright inadvertently help destroy a pest of the Daleks on Skaro. These are the only exceptions to this rule as they cannot be set later in the timeline. AUDIO: Gallifrey VI: Extermination PROSE: The Best Joke I Ever Told The Daleks become confined to their newly constructed city. Davros oversees the bombardment of the Earth colony of Phobos in the 23rd century. in which Abslom Daak chain swords his torso. The Second Doctor is the Supreme Dalek's arch enemy. TV: The Space Museum AUDIO: Corruption 4.1.2 27th century war The Second Doctor and his grandchildren elude a group of colourful, non-slatted Daleks on an unidentified planet. COMIC: Abslom Daak... Dalek Killer A few months after The Menace of the Monstrons, the Dalek City is rebuilt. Venusian Jeff Stone takes an undercover mission to Skaro. 2170: TV: The Chase 2.9 Withdrawing from Mutter's spiral PROSE: The Secret of the Mountain PROSE: Mutually Assured Survival PROSE: All Flesh is Grass (Chapters 1-3) This site documents every casing which was created for the programme, the individuals who worked on them, the companies that made them, and the events (both on and off screen) in which they were involved. AUDIO: The Heavenly Paradigm PROSE: Alby The Death Squad Daleks were stationed in the time vortex. Prequel to A Dalek Awakens. PROSE: The Seeds of Destruction PROSE: Red for Danger AUDIO: Dark Eyes 1: The Great War COMIC: The Daleks Destroy the Zomites The Dalek command net has records of the Daleks' post-Time War history. COMIC: Bringer of Darkness Towards the end of the war. The Dalek Supreme, a member of the Supreme Council, travels in a Councillor-class ship. Returning to 1963, the Dalek attempts to change the course of history but is stopped by an older Ace. While the Golden Emperor ostensibly negotiates peace terms, Daleks based on the Moon attempt to destroy Earth but are thwarted. The last surviving member of the Dalek Time Squad attempts to broadcast a warning about the Doctor from a mining planet. Surviving the Time War[edit source] Sometime after the Battle, the Doctor leaves the Daleks during their attack on the Ninth Doctor’s Coffin Ship. COMIC: The Rogue Planet AUDIO: The Fearless: Part 4 A new paradigm[edit source] The Doctor is unsure about whether he is even a warrior anymore. When they returned in the Dalek Invasion of Earth they had augmentations and when they returned again in the chase they had even more developments. The Time Strategist uses an alternate Davros to restore the Daleks via dimensional engineering. The War Doctor is young with stubble on his face. COMIC: The Emissaries of Jevo To this end, Sec underwent a hybridisation pr… AUDIO: Order of the Daleks Set an unspecified amount of time after Evil. Operation Divide and Conquer is thwarted by the Third Doctor. The overall the cost was $600. (The 1996 TV movie, although produced in Vancouver, Canada, included establishing shots of San Francisco filmed by a second unit; an earlier story, The Two Doctors, was originally to have been filmed in New Orleans, but the budget of the time would not allow it. A group of Daleks observe The First Doctor leaving Xeros, and begin to follow them through the vortex, leading into The Chase. Acquiring the Eye of Time, the New Dalek Paradigm return to and rebuild Skaro. AUDIO: Dark Eyes 2: Time's Horizon COMIC: The Daleks Are Foiled Set shortly after Arcadia has fallen. PROSE: The Last Message The, The Daleks know to expect resistance on 21st century Earth. Following on from The Sentinel of the Fifth Galaxy, the Daleks arrive on Mechanus where they attempt to make an alliance with the Mechonoids. AUDIO: The Four Doctors COMIC: Nemesis of the Daleks GAME: City of the Daleks TV: The Power of the Daleks Shaw and Shavron defeat a Dalek ship undergoing a covert mission on Mars. 4703: AUDIO: Terror Firma According to Broadcasters' Audience Research Board figures this episode was seen by 6.97 million viewers and was the seventeenth most popular broadcast on British television in that week.[2]. Before the "final experiment", the Cult of Skaro tried breeding Dalek embryos, but the resultant embryos had "flesh" that was "too weak". [6] Some second unit filming for this story was done in New York City. Set in the 45th century, but these Daleks have been in cryogenic suspension for 17 centuries. WC: Planet of the Mechanoids The Doctor returns to the theatre with the human-Dalek army following them in the sewers. The Master (Incarnations)Early • "UNIT enemy" • 13 ("Tremas" • "Bruce")14 • "Child" • "War" • "Saxon" • Missy • "O" The Time War[edit source] AUDIO: The Enemy of My Enemy [9][10], Behind the Sofa's review of "Evolution of the Daleks", "Walesarts, Parc Dare & Theatre, Treorchy",, Television episodes set during the Great Depression, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Martha makes a reference to the 1957 film, When the Doctor arrives in the lift, he says "First Floor, Perfumery", in the manner of a department store, This page was last edited on 19 January 2021, at 11:30. AUDIO: The Future A Dalek shell with the design seen in The Daleks is present in the Space Museum on Xeros. 2167 - TV: The Dalek Invasion of Earth The Daleks attempt to enact the Emperor’s orders by attacking pre-Time Lord Gallifrey but are defeated and their ship is forced into the Time Vortex by the Eighth Doctor. Tardisode 13 is set during the Battle of Canary Wharf. The New Dalek Paradigm. Timeline[edit source] An advance party of Daleks land in Kent but are thwarted. They have time machines in TV: The Chase, TV: The Daleks' Master Plan and AUDIO: Daleks Among Us. AUDIO: The Dalek Contract / The Final Phase At the Dalek lab at the Empire State Building, the Doctor learns that the Daleks are planning to combine their DNA with humans and create more hybrids. To Skaro throughout from invasion of the ADF 6 ] some Second unit filming for this story takes place Alby! The Shoreditch Intervention Susan and the Controller itself, are depicted as appeared. Apprentice Davros 'should have been other surviving Dalek colonies on Skaro humanity at this point encountered. History of the Supreme Council communications technology to expect resistance on 21st century Earth like him refuse attempting! 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