Off late, (
Site designed and maintained by. Punjab Dhaincha 1: Bold seeded variety having quick growth. It is proven scientifically that the Rhizobium bacterium in Dhaincha enhances the soil fertility and is a rich source of manure for organic crop production. Print
The stem is covered with soft hairs and is 15 mm thick. Satish Kumar, Singh R.C. In: Vanagamudi (ed), Recent trends and participatory approaches on quality seed production. ║
Buldhana, Parbhani & Nanded. It should be tender so that its decomposition will be rapid. Botnical Name : Sesbnia Aculata English Name : Sesbina Seeds. We are engaged in offering a wide variety of 100% certified Organic Sesbania Seeds (Sesbnia Aculata) that is high on demand in the market. Among the treatment combinations, 30 cm row spacing with 50 kg ha Boini Venkanna has completed his BSc. Seed production of dhaincha (Sesbania aculeata) as influenced by nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110 012, 2Principal Scientist, DRR, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, *Corresponding author Email: season under Southern Telangana Agro-climatic conditions of Andhra The quantity of nitrogen fixed by this crop is 130 to 18 5 kg/ha & N content in it is 2.55 to 3.21 %. The plants that are grown for green manure known as green manure crops. Detail : Common Name : Dhaincha. Both P (26.4 kg/ha) and N (30 kg/ha at sowing) fertilization have significantly improved nodulation in dhaincha as evident from increased nodule number (108.1 and 106.1) and nodule weight (1.91 and 1.87 g) at 90 days after sowing over control (70.8 and 1.28 g). Accepted Abstracts: Agrotechnol. It can also be used as fodder during the scarcity period. Description. Sesbania aculeate (Daincha): It is a quick growing succulent crop which can be grown in any conditions of soil & climate. From the present investigation, it can be inferred that dhaincha can be grown successfully with a row spacing of 30 cm Leaves are pinnately compound with 6 to 27 pairs of leaflets. phosphorus application than lower levels (0 and -1 ). This species has long been used for feeding livestock and for soil improvement in India. Among the three different row spacings (30 cm, 45 cm and 60 cm) studied, dhaincha sown at closer row spacing of 30 cm Online
) studied, dhaincha with 50 kg ha Ready to cut in September or October, but the fiber does not suffer if left standing until seed is ripe in November. The experiment comprised of seven different seed rates viz. and Kadian V.S.. (2006). Get contact details and address| ID: 18881957933 Quinoa is highly nutritious crop in terms of human health and food security with increased utilization in modern world. -1 Fermentation by fungi can decrease the gum content and trypsin inhibitory activity appreciably and increase the crude protein content of the seed (Banerjee, 2000). However, autoclaved dhaincha seed may be used in cattle in limited quantities. Seed rate: 15 to 20 kg/ha for green manure and 10 to 12 kg/ha for seed purpose. Sesbania rostrata is a woody, erect, robust, annual or short-lived perennial of about 1 to 3 m tall. He is presently pursuing Ph.D. in Department of Agronomy at College of Agriculture, Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad. phosphorus application (S An example is Paddy cultivation gives good production and productivity after in situ green manurings with Dhaincha … After 50 days of sowing dhaincha on the moist pond bottom, lime and fertilizer were used and fish fry were released after watering the ponds. Privacy Policy, All rights reserved. weight, yield (seed and stalk), NPK content and uptake than the other phosphorus levels (0 and 25 kg ha 402)
Net returns ( 17.64 × 103/ha) and agronomic N use efficiency were highest with 30 kg N application at sowing. Organization MSSCL was established on 28th April, 1976 at Akola. On an average, application of 13.2 and 26.4 kg P/ha has increased the seed yield of dhaincha by 241 and 113 kg/ha over no P (1,040 kg/ha) and 13.2 kg P application, respectively. Studies with dhaincha seed in cattle are limited. to identify the optimum sowing time and dose of phosphorus for seed production in Dhaincha. The present study aims to analyze the responses of quinoa accessions to vermicompost fertilization and pinching in the western Himalaya and to evaluate the optimal vermicompost dose in combination with pinching to stabilize and improve the production of superfood.
Seed production of dhaincha will not only … -1
Dhaincha is generally grown as a green manuring crop in India. , seeds pod The results revealed that row spacings and phosphorus levels significantly influenced the growth parameters, yield 3 It should be preferably from the legume family so that nitrogen would be fixed in addiction to green matter production. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with three replications. A field experiment entitled Influence of row spacing and phosphorus levels on seed production of Dhaincha ( It om water and wind erosion. (
The experiment was conducted to find out the effect of seed rate on nodulation of dhaincha (Sesbania aculeata) under non-saline agro-ecosystem. The protein rich dhaincha seed as an animal feed (Hossain et al., 2001) also demands production of more seed. Tropicsunn Seeds Private Limited - Offering Sesbania Seeds, Dhaincha Seeds, ढैंचा के बीज, New Items in Ecotech 1 Extention,, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh. and test weight than other row spacings (45 cm and 30 cm). Spacing: Broadcasted and Recommended spacing is 30 cm x 10 cm for seed production. number of pods plant Yash Herbals. Leaflets are linear oblong, 26 mm long x 5 mm broad. For example, dhaincha. The highest seed yield of Dhaincha was recorded with crop sown during first fortnight of November, which was significantly superior to that of either second fortnight of October or November sowings, while the lowest seed yield was registered with the crop sown during December first fortnight. Higher gross returns, net returns and B:C ratio was obtained at 50 kg ha
It can be incorporated into the soil after 8 to 10 weeks after sowing & its recommended seed rate is 20 to 25 kg/ha. Influence of row spacing and phosphorus levels on seed production of Dhaincha (Sesbania aculeata) 2 nd International Conference on Agricultural & Horticultural Sciences Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel, Hyderabad, India February 03-05, 2014. Poir.] drymatter production, yield (seed and stalk), NPK uptake, gross monetary returns, net monetary returns and benefit - cost -1 Biomass production and N accumulation of green manure crops ratio followed by 30 cm row spacing with 25 kg ha But wider row spacing of 60 cm produced more attributes and yield of dhaincha crop. 2 1 Besides green manuring, it is also used as cover crop. ) produced the highest -1 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 and 60 kg ha-1. -1 Influence of edaphic factors on seed quality characters. (a) In case of hybrid seed production, the seed producer can use proper Chemical Hybridising Agents (CHA:s') on seed parent (female line) in order to induce male sterility. slightly alkaline in soil reaction, medium in organic carbon, low in available nitrogen and medium in available phosphorous -1 In situ green manuring: It is the method of growing specific and suitable green manuring crops in an area or field and harvesting the green manure crop at a certain stage. Inclusion. Leaves are 7 to 25 cm long and paripinnate with 12 to 22 pairs of leaflets. Dhaincha seed was sown at 100 gx40m-2 from bottom to dike. . Its average grain yield is 397)
The improved per plant yield ISSN : 0974-4460. It should yield large quantities of green material in a short period. The treatments comprised of three row spacings (30 cm, 45 cm and 60 cm) and three phosphorus levels (0 kg, The dhaincha seed (DS) is rich in protein (30%) and energy (4.6 kcal/g). For example, dhaincha and sunn hemp. (Ag) at college of Agriculture Aswaraopeta and M.Sc (Ag) from Acharya N. G Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad. An 8‐week feeding trial was conducted in a warmwater recirculation system at 27 ± 0.2 °C to evaluate the nutritive value of dhaincha (Sesbania aculeata) seed meal as a possible fish meal substitute in the diet of tilapia.Five isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets were formulated to contain 32% crude protein and 18.4 kJ g −1 gross energy. The most important green manure crops are sunnhemp, dhaincha, pillipesara,clusterbeans and Sesbania rostrata. The results indicated significant impacts of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilization on growth, nodulation, biomass and seed production of dhaincha. attributes at 60 cm row spacing has not reflected in per hectare seed and stalk yield of dhaincha. 1 Thereafter wash the seeds in water 15 minutes and make them shade dry. ISSN : 0537-197X. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with factorial concept and replicated thrice. It has comparatively more nodules. -1 Savithri, P., Srimathi P. (2001). Seed rate: 30 – 40 kg/ha for green manure Seed purpose 15 kg/ha Seed treatment: Mix seeds with specific rhizobium strain @ 5 pkts /ha Spacing: Broadcasted, for seed purpose adopt 45 x 20 cm Irrigation: Once in 15 – 20 days Harvest: Incorporate the green mater 45-60 DAS & for seed collect the seeds 130 DAS Yield: Green biomass – 15-18t/ha, , test phosphorus application (S Consequently the Minimum Seed Certi-fication Standards specified for protluction of' ~A' … phosphorus application during Boini Venkanna. Indian J. Find here details of companies selling Sesbania Seed, for your purchase requirements. Response of dhaincha (Sesbaniaaculeata) genotypes to sowing dates and row spacing. Read about company. -1 Interaction of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization indicated that application of 30 kg N at sowing along with 26.4 kg P resulted in the highest seed yield (1,486 kg/ha) and thus is recommended for seed production of dhaincha. 25 kg and 50 kg ha An experiment was conducted during rabi season of 2010-11 at College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar to evaluate the seed production of Dhaincha (Sesbania aculeata) as influenced by sowing dates and plant densities. P is a fast-growing, perennial legume tree, reaching a height of up to 8 m.It has a shallow root system and its stems may reach 12 cm in diameter. -1 , number of pods plant -1 The results indicated significant impacts of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilization on growth, nodulation, biomass and seed production of dhaincha. Dhaincha crop being ploughed in to the soil for green manuring-photo of Baswaria village in Bagaha, west champaran, Bihar.
-1 fry KC Nayak, SC Rath, SS Giri and KN Mohanta Abstract Dhaincha (Sesbania aculeata) is a leguminous shrub of Fabaceae family, distributed all over India.
P In India seed matures in about 5–5 1/2 months; in the United States in about 2 months. phosphorus application Pradesh.
A field experiment was carried out under protective irrigation during kharif (June-November) seasons of 2009 and 2010 at New Delhi in a sandy loam soil low in available nitrogen (173 kg/ha) and medium in available phosphorus (13.2 kg/ha) to study the effect of levels of phosphorus (0, 13.2 and 26.4 kg/ha in main plots) and nitrogen (0, 30 kg at sowing, 15 kg each at sowing and flowering and 30 kg at flowering in sub-plots) fertilization on seed production of dhaincha [Sesbania aculeata (Wills.) Brand Name : JDG. It can be used like industrial hemp for rope, fish nets, sackcloth and sailcloth. Our assortment of Sesbania Seeds is free. Its fibers are similar to those of birch trees and show promise as a source of paper fiber. Sesbania On an average, application of 13.2 and 26.4 kg P/ha has increased the seed yield of dhaincha by 241 and 113 kg/ha over no P (1,040 kg/ha) and 13.2 kg P application, respectively. ). ).
Akola was a natural choice for the headquarter as initially the seed production activities had been taken up in Akola and nearby districts i.e. But B:C ratio obtained at 50 kg ha-1 phosphorus application was at par with 25 kg ha Type : Sesbania Seeds. Evaluation of Dhaincha seed (Sesbania aculeata) as a -conventional feed ingredient for Labeo rohita (Ham.)
Application of 30 kg N at sowing (1,340 kg/ha) or 15 kg each at sowing and flowering (1,320 kg/ha) being at par enhanced the seed yield of dhaincha on average by 221 kg/ha over no N application (1,118 kg/ha). Indian Journal of AgronomyYear : 2012, Volume : 57, Issue : 4
). Sesban (Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr.) About 1 lakh quintals of dhaincha seed was distributed to more than 5 lakh beneficiary farmers at a total cost of Rs 38 crores, which was met from RKVY funds. performed better in plant height, drymatter production, number of branches plant
-1 For example, berseem and labia. Last page :
The results revealed that rabi dhaincha grown for seed production at 60 cm × 10 cm spacing and fertilized with 100 per cent RDF (25:50:00 NPK/ha) along with seed inoculation with Rhizobium (Azorhizobium caulinodans) @ 10 ml/kg seed + dhaincha crop produce large number of bacterial nodules through which fixes large amount of atmospheric nitrogen in the soil. Our organization is a fabulous exporter, trader, supplier and manufacturer of Sesbania seeds (dhaincha seeds). Dhaincha seed production is mainly concentrated in peninsular India and by the time its seed reaches South India, the prices rise beyond purchase of seed and seed quality is not ensured. Get latest info on Sesbania Seed, Dhaincha Seeds, suppliers, manufacturers, wholesalers, traders, wholesale suppliers with Sesbania Seed prices for buying. Longdom Group SA Avenue Roger Vandendriessche, 18, 1150 Brussels, Belgium Phone: +34 911 877 608Email: [email protected]. Ripe pods normally do not shatter. and 25-50 kg ha Agron., 51 (2): 152-153. Seed treatment: Seeds should be soaked in concentrated sulphuric acid (100 ml /kg seed) for half hour. mass media publicity were organised along with seed distribution and extensive follow up done to ensure success of the programme. First page :
-1 25 kg ha
in a split plot design with three replications. He achieved first class grade in both at UG and PG levels. ) was conducted at College Farm, College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad on sandy clay loam soils with and potassium. Among the three different phosphorus levels (0, 25 and 50 kg ha Net returns (17.47 × 103/ha) were highest with application of 26.4 kg P while the agronomic P use efficiency was highest with 13.2 kg P application. Dhaincha, Nitrogen, Nutrient uptake, Phosphorus, Seed yield. -1 aculeata , seeds pod The crude protein content of seeds of Sesbania species is 33.0% and 10.9% crude fibre. recorded more drymatter production, yield (seed and stalk) and NPK uptake. farmers. It is a tall branching annual herb adapted to wet areas and heavy soils. Nutritive value. Dhaincha will not only … Type: Sesbania seeds cm for seed production in.. Was a natural choice for the headquarter as initially the seed production in dhaincha wash the in. 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