The Silver Eye is a webcomic I discovered back in May and have been a hardcore fan of ever since. Although he didn’t exactly intrigue me. And Discord from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (you gotta love ‘im). XD (Which I am totally cool with.). Because yes, yes, I do love me a good ol’ villain (erm, fictional villain I should clarify). I totally agree to that! <333333 Ahem. EXTREMELY slightly with Siegfried v.s. . Barbarian Tribe: Primal, chaotic warriors who excel at raping, pillaging, and burning. But not sentient entities aside, I do like a good villain-to-hero arc. But Axel’s arc is one of my favorites OF ALL TIME. Making up ridiculous nicknames for people while wildly swinging his axe at them… yep. I was the saaame! This happens to Jiraiya when he fights his former student, Pain. See his page. Yes, all she wanted was family. I had forgotten about him. But swaggering, sassy villains? I like the different villain personality types you examine here; they’re all varied and colorful! Thanks, girl! Beauty and the Beast uses this with ugly hero The Beast and Handsome Lech villain Gaston. But you are SO RIGHT about Dr. You are totally right about Scar! (Obviously I am a decisive person. , And my goodness yes. This was a fun post to write! Okay and Loki actually totally fits here too. Did I tell you I started watching Rebels??? In most stories involving Scrooge McDuck's animated appearances, his rivalries listed above usually still stand, The Beagle Boys and Magica De Spell most notably. Discord from My Little Pony totally would go here as well before he reformed. all. I’d say Erik/The Phantom from Phantom of the Opera could probably fit quite well here too. When I read the description of “creepy but intriguing” I immediately thought of the Keeper and was so happy you included him on there! A character to represent the billionares of the 21st century, Beaks is a tech billionaire who made his money on popular technology, including smartphones, headphones, multiple apps, and crazy weird inventions, many which turn out to all be a hoax. ;D. Heartless was the ultimate Feels Destroyer. Probably not. Alternatively, their desired ends are evil, but they are far more ethical or moral than most villains and they thus use fairly benign means to achieve it, and can be downright heroic on occasion. From what little I know I already love Zuko and that gif! The ones who reform get me every single time. In fact, now I’m thinking about changing some of the villains I write. I was cackling so hard and rolling in my chair. Luckily, the transition was temporary in the TV series. Maleficent, yes, so very much so! Arguably my favorite series EVER. Ah, what can be said about this year? Or maybe they realized that, hey, they were actually WRONG and decide to do something about it. But the others you mentioned are such fantastic villains. I love this list and the tropes on it are some of my favourites, though I’ve never really been a fan of chaotic villains. Ah yisss. Yeesss, you picked such perfect ones! Is anyone surprised I’m starting out with this one? Oh, my, that poor boi! There is so much goodness here, so get ready for a long reply! have a knack for stylin’ villains and it’s great! See Antagonistic Offspring for when the Younger Villain is the Older Hero's child. The bad guy finding his inner-hero or redeeming themselves is a trope present in any form of storytelling and one of the best there is when it's done right. She wanted Thanos to truly be a father to her and Gamora as a sister, she didn't want to go around the galaxy killing people, but if that's what it took to gain Thanos' love? YOU UNDERSTAND. Black coats, black capes, black boots that make that oh-so powerful click when they stride across the room like they’re on an evil runway. THG are some of my favorite books of all time and I’m so ecstatic about this prequel. It is about innovating on them and making them your own. It adds so much tension! And honestly so very many Disney villain. *wild applause*. XD After further thought, Axel actually goes from hero, or at least good guy, to villain and then back to hero. I mean, I guess Darth Vader as well??? Someone who understands! And Morgana… oof. Contrast Pick on Someone Your Own Size, Evil Old Folks, and Kid Hero. Villains-to-heroes! Except Hans, I think it’s safe to say everyone hates Hans. This seems to be a fairly common villain trope and I am 100% on board with that. . His arc was e v e r y t h i n g. BUT YES. The drama kings/queens. All my favourites! There is only chaos. XDDD. You can just never go wrong with ’em! I’m so glad you approve! IT’S GREAT. He was…something. #ifyouknowyouknow. My favorite redemption arc in the history of fiction. Reluctant villain – This type is one of my very favourites. *evil grin*. And, yes, Loki is absolutely the best. So her smirk IS legendary if it’s inspiring characters before you even officially “met” her. I mean, not just with villains, but like…anytime. <333 I 10000% recommend it! For characters whose behavior is horrifying, see Byronic Hero. This guy is a hero, pure and simple. Often they’re two-faced. XD And GAH. <3 But yes, on the flipside, as fun as hero-to-villain arcs can be, they’re also just PAINFUL. Disney does have a knack for stylin’ villains and it’s great! , YAAAAY!!! While this trope extends past the shounen genre, it makes a prominent appearance both there and within My Hero Academia. ), Creepy but intriguing villains are SO FUN to write!!! The plot ends with a big fight that has the young villain sneering that his victory is inevitable because he's younger than the older hero. That’s a point about Bucky! Your glee in this post is just hilarious and infectious. My goodness! Straight: Alice is a villain who follows a strict moral code and does what she does because she sees heroes as ineffectual in getting good done. Sassmasters – Yes, yes, yes, yes! A collection of classic Rockerduck stories mentioned in the introduction that by what passes for canon in Disney stories, Rockerduck is Scrooge's superior in some markets - like media and entertainment, because Scrooge doesn't "get" the concepts well enough to apply his talent for business to it. I don't think I've seen it before.}). XD, Yes! But, of course, that usually leads to a dagger in the back. The former's age isn't specified, but he's probably middle-aged, and significantly older than Shigaraki. I love all these so much! I’m thrilled it made you laugh. XD) ^_^. Oh, I really need to watch ATLA!!! I find his descent into darkness fascinating because it’s such a complex blend of his own flaws and faults + a not-the-best-envoironment-for-his-trauma + flawed mentors + being manipulated + legitimate fears and concerns that weren’t addressed and that he didn’t control…gah, see what I mean about the complexity? Ok and Loki wins title of the Best Villain Ever. Fun fact: BBC’s Morgana was my inspiration for my villain before I even knew who she was, because of that smirk. Oh my goodness, THANK YOU!!! There’s something strangely alluring about their personalities that draws you in. The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes was sooo cool! So many sassy Disney villains. ANYWHO, thanks for this post! Ooh, yeah, The Phantom definitely has flair, though I've only seen the movie with Gerard Butler, I've yet to actually read the book. They get me every time. SO SO MUCH. There is such a number of ways these people chose the dark side—from less-than-helpful counselors who nudged them that way, to maybe the protagonist wronging them, to the Big Bad actually making a good point, to just, hey, the dark side has cookies why shouldn’t I be over there??? Oh yeah! I’m also thinking quite a few of the villains from the Afterverse books by Kyle Robert Shultz? Beware: Anime and Manga spoilers may be untagged due to organization factors and to be able to be added at all. ^_^ I SO, SO badly want to watch Merlin, I mean, who doesn't want to watch something where Merlin is a teenager? Also, the conflict between Granny Weatherwax and Diamanta, in, Much like the above example of the Sontarans, the Dominion's enforcers in, Gloriously subverted in with the two main characters. *grins*, Awww! One day (hopefully sooner rather than later), I will get to share them with the world., YES. This is "borrowed" from Jean Cocteau's film La Belle et la Bête.Interestingly, in Cocteau's version, the same actor played both the Beast and the Gaston-equivalent, and when the latter is killed, he takes on the Beast's appearance and the Beast's human form is that of the handsome villain. And VILLAINS. In this plot, a principal character who is supposed to be significantly older than most is opposed by a villain who is relatively young and apparently in his physical prime. Oooh! Siegfried is only in his 20s. And THAT is why we are here today during the middle of this crisp, spoopy season. ), *GASP* How could I forget Rumple???? RIGHT???? I totally understand if you can’t or don’t want to or something. ALL OF THEM. Make a mess and make it FABULOUS. We need them allllll!!! Love this! I still need to read The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes!!! Haha. These are the villains who got thrust into a life of villainy against their will. *SOBS* That ending will forever be ingrained in my mind. #Ifyouknowyouknow #butmaybeIdidn’twanttoknow #sobs That ending was so…heartless. You love to hate them or maybe even genuinely love them or some confusing mix of the two. Oh, lol, though it’s perfect for your post! The hero can do a service for the villain (save someone important to the villain, or team up against a greater evil). LOL. Furthermore, the other principal characters quickly agree that the older hero is still a valuable member of the team. Man, can you imagine if those two met? -I’m pretty sure Aetius Nimrod from The Silver Eye webcomic is like the dictionary definition of a sassmaster villain. RIGHT??? Oh no. Maybe they act like the good guys for a while and you almost want to believe their intentions are right. I just haven’t gotten my hands on it yet. >.> BUT OH MY GOODNESS YES YOU NEED TO WATCH MERLIN. THE SHAME. Hahaha. ... watch the Moral Event Horizon and Complete Monster -entries on TV Tropes. Time is an elusive thing. GOLD, BABY. (We all have our hobbies.). And all the other Disney villains! second, here me out on this: villain finds out hero's address and decides to pay them a visit to threaten/intimidate/attack them, but they're dressed in their civilian clothes to avoid raising any suspicions. You know they’re bad, you know they’re probably going to kill absolutely everyone. (I actually have no clue where that gif came from myself! But I don’t want to spoil things… And OF COURSE Morgana in BBC’s Merlin. “This is what you begged me for.” This shall be funnnn. *grins*, Okay but YESS to the sassmaster villains! These are those who undergo most glorious redemption arcs. . He wants to be so bad but he’s really not. At the beginning of the book I was totally loving the Keeper and thinking he may be all right but THEN. Pshaw. I didn’t think of Uncle Andrew as falling into the “Villains with Style” trope, but once you mentioned him, I could totally see that. In fact, I almost listed nearly every Disney villain for that category because, like, they’re all so sassy??? (Still mad about not getting at least half a movie of him helping the Avengers. To read AND write! The Anti-Villain is a villain with heroic goals, personality traits, and virtues. xD. Unlike in the. Loki all the way!!! A couple others: In these kinds of plots, the young villain will typically be introduced as he one-ups the old hero as a part of his scheme, because You Can't Thwart Stage One. , Also you kinda forgot to mention Anakin in the “Hero-turned-villain” slot? However, A new example of the trope in this series Mark Beaks. It made me laugh out loud and want to scream about all the fictional villains I ever encountered, but that would probably blow up your comments page along with the rest of the internet. So yeah, I can’t say I’m all, familiar with the story, but I suspect he’s a drama king in all his forms. All For One's Lieutenants. Because if you’re going to be evil, why not add a little chaos? Ah, villains. I’m only like…4 episodes in, but I’m really liking it so far! XD. There’s just something so intriguing about a seemingly good person spiraling to the dark side. MORIARTY from BBC’S Sherlock. One day I shall get my hands on the Merlin series and then I can fangirl right along with you because I am positive I’m going to love that show! *cackles* And, ya know, Loki has some moments of absolute fabulousness as well. Yes, we all have our hobbies, we can't help if the most intriguing characters have a penchant for murder and mayhem. *looks back at immature past self and shakes head* Should’ve seen the signs. SO MUCH YES. Oh, I hope this isn't too much of a spoiler, but Murtagh from Inheritance Cycle totally fits in this category and his story breaks my heart. *cackles along with you* Yeah, lolz! XD. Then averted when she put out an open challenge to the "Shinosaurs", While it's hard to find any unambiguously genuine hero in the, Even if the age difference isn't that visible between. (I'm guessing that's him in the gif?) Non-sentient antagonists can be really, really fun and clever! OH OH. Chaotic evil – The Joker is very chaotic! “Or blow it up, which is cool, too.” THERE’S A REASON WE’RE FRIENDS, I’M TELLING YOU. It is my favorite show of. However they got to their title of villain, it really wasn’t their choice but they can’t seem to find a way out. Do we share any? You can never go wrong with the sassy, dramatic, styling ones! UGH. . OKAY BUT I ADORE YOUR LONG COMMENT. The guy has problems. Villains are just so fascinating. *clutches heart* My boy. Or blow it up which is cool too. And YES. Perhaps they will stab you, but you better believe they’ll do it with a well-polished, well-crafted, utterly sleek knife (that matches their outfit). Nothing’s better than writing a villain who’s all style and drama, with an absolutely chaotic personality). Sometimes those types can drive me up the wall. I think Scar from Lion King was a sassmaster too, another of my favourite villains. Nightmare is basically Soul Edge's evil animating armor without Siegfried, and Soul Edge has been around for a LONG time. 7 types of villains I will immediately claim as my own even as they go off murdering people and conquering worlds. BUT if they’re well written they can be a blast! The QUEEN OF HEARTS. Can be the result of someone Avenging the Villain. XDD. ALWAYS LOKI. LOKI IS THE BOMB. So glad you enjoyed it! Also mad laughing, there is a lot of mad laughing involved. *still laughing* What a fabulous composition on villainy. *sobs* And no worries! ^_^. (The poor protagonists. LIKE THANOS THE JERKFACE. There are a LOT of fantabulous redemption arcs out there now that I think of it, but I’m spoiling things right and left so I’m gonna stop now. I just typed in “villain gif” or something like that in Google and got that one. Nebula! Villains truly make the fictional world go ‘round. A lot of the old 2-D animated Disney villains fall into these categories. ), But of course! *coughs* Because obviously I want to see them redeemed of course….though I don’t mind them staying evil because VILLAINS…. Usually, what eventually causes the scales to tip back in the hero's favor is that him being older also means that he is wiser and the fact that Youth Is Wasted on the Dumb. MY. when they get there, they find out that it's hero's birthday and their home's crowded with their friends throwing them a surprise party. I mean, wow, these guys must be extremely happy. , I write a lot of the creepy but intriguing villains. Perfect topic for the month of October! High School Students Class 1-A note Yuga … He would have never turned villain on his own, ya know? Ya know, evil isn’t always fun and games (even if there are cookies). You know I will happily discuss good stories all the live long day. UGH. Usually it takes time, and maybe a lot of pain (pretty much always a lot of pain let’s be real), but ohohoho is it worth it to watch this glorious 180 transformation. Often preceded with a Sneaky Departure from the team, or a More Hero Than Thou dispute. (You’ve given me so many ideas. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from The dapper guys with top hats and white-toothed smiles who walk away from destruction (that they caused) with that perfect swish of their trench coat. AND YET I kept holding out on hope that it’d be different. I don’t know why, but that’s just really fun to me. Blank Mastermind is a finished serial story by writefury. RIGHT??? Sometimes this type overlaps with the “creepy but intriguing” AND “sassmaster” types as well, which I am 10000000% okay with. And villains with style (those two seem to go together a lot from what I’ve seen, which is great). I mean, sure, maybe he’s good with a sword, but why bother when his tongue is the sharpest thing on hand? XD. Rules? Okay, sassmasters are THE BEST. And the SASS. Extra, extra bonus points if they were already an antagonist but then spiral into complete madness. This type of villain is also one of my very favourites. (They also have really epic names, I gotta say. A villain with pure evil flowing through their veins—with no redeeming qualities or motivations beyond chaos and pain—is a clearly identifiable foe. It is fine and it's an interesting premise, but despite It's a good book and worth a listen but it wasn't really what I was expecting. I read Heartless about two years ago, and I am STILL SCARRED because she was such a good girl, and then…argh! Also Alexander Miracle from the Outlaws of Time series is the perfect example of hero-to-villain, villain to hero, and reluctant villain. Happens a lot in comics featuring superheroes from, While it is not constant across all adaptations since DC insists on making Diana young every time they do so with Superman and Batman. But a villain doesn’t have to be particularly villainous in order to get in the hero’s way. They may literally have a sword protruding from their abdomen, but if you think that’s going to stop them from spouting one last sharp-edged one-liner of snark, then you are sadly mistaken, my friend. . Although I never really considered him a villain since he was being brainwashed. BUT, I agree with the rest of the world. ), I mean, Loki totally fits in this category too, so there we are. This trope can conversely be a very humanising trait for an Anti-Villain. I totally agree! May also overlap with a Type IV and Type V Anti-Hero and/or Sociopathic Hero. . It is all about how you address these genre conventions and obligatory scenes. Sassmaster, chaotic, creepy/intriguing… I’m gonna throw him in there with the “evil with style”, too. Despicable Me is a case of Older Villain Protagonist vs. HYDRA is the actual villain. I just wanted him to die. ;D, All of your choices of villains types are great. My personal favourites from this collection are the sassmasters, the redeemed villains and the evil with style. Maybe they were dealt a hard blow during childhood and the only way to survive was to lead a life of thievery. But I think I have to go with the sassmasters and evil with style for favorites. You just gotta love the drama and pizzazz–they are so much fun to read, watch, AND write! This… YAAAAY!!! But you are SO RIGHT about Dr. I am absolutely with you there. My personal favourite villains are the kind where the person does terrible things to ensure their loved one is kept safe and doesn't have to suffer the same thing they have, which I guess would put them in the reluctant villain category, bonus points if they are siblings and it's the older one protecting the younger. Mrs. Dervish from N.D. Wilson’s Outlaws of Time series is an awesome example of creepy-but-intriguing, and YEs for the Queen of Hearts being chaotic evil. I love that ridiculous show so much.) Or maybe it’s just more fun to be in the winning side. That is the best thing. *sobs*, I’m so sad that I don’t know either of these you mentioned! And on that note: so many of my characters fit into these roles you described above. *BEEEEAMS* There is absolutely a reason we’re friends and I’m so glad you enjoy my insanity! TWO. He’s like Loki in that he fits like…every single character? If the Heroic Sacrifice was pre-planned, it's a Self-Sacrifice Scheme. Totally one of my favourites, even as a kid I never hated him because he was just too funny. They are amazing! Ooooh yes. Super protective villains who do awful things to protect a loved one are FASCINATING. I’d be honored to check it out! AHHH, THIS POST IS JUST THE GREATEST. I love the sassy, creepy mysterious and stylish villains! OF COURSE. Evil with STYLE – I looove the drama kings/queens too! Well, guys, I'm gonna be re, Have you recovered from NaNoWriMo yet? But YES. BUT I’M EXCITED. The sassmasters are legends, and maybe it’s their own sarcasm that is their downfall, but I will stand by them to my dying breath. *blech* He was annoying (no offense to anyone who liked him if such a person exists). What are rules? Well, except whatever one houses insane sociopathic mass murderers like Thanos. The entitled, spoiled brats are always a hoot. And Hades! You just can’t help but be intrigued by them. ], so yeah, it’s been a while for me too! o.o Yeah. My siblings and I love Phineas and Ferb to pieces and we actually own the entire series on dvd. BONUS POINTS: This person also is a Sassmaster and still is a thorn in the protagonist’s side even if they’re working together. Along with not making a lot of his money square, his, A bizzare adaptational inversion to this is John C. Rockerduck. Bait the Dog: The villain is set up to be likeable, only to be revealed to be the opposite. The last book I read had a magical artifact as the antagonist. I am thrilled I’ve given you ideas! YES. Okay CLEARLY I need to read this Outlaws of Time series! Hehe. preserving him, a Pupil of the Older Hero Until He Turned To Evil. Obviously the only important one to list here is ZUKO FROM AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER. ( So, um, sorry in advance? Copyright 2021 @ Christine Smith | OceanWP Theme, Doofensmirtz in the chaotic evil category but…I don’t even know if he really. Pro, Merry Christmas! And then there's Dr. Hamsterveille from Lilo and Stitch, he's crazy and chaotic. Like, I knew it was going to happen, but at the same time I still believed it wouldn’t. , Haha, yeah, Doof isn’t exactly evil, but I couldn’t resist adding him. The heroic character may become a Morality Pet, and can be fairly certain that their villainous admirer will never harm them or allow harm to come to them, barring certain exceptions. I’ll give you cookies if you dooo. XD I’m grinning so hard right now over your whole comment. Oooh, President Snow yes. These can be tropes - but if a story doesn't address them it often won't "feel right" to a reader. A Friend in Need often requires it. U.A. #rude. But sassmasters and creepy villains are also amazingly alluring. YES! Heh, we should start a Kingdom Hearts campain and build the fandom! . So much smiling and laughing. (Can we all just agree that Loki fits in all these categories??? Since both are. 2020 ma, {SEMI-HIATUS NOTICE} I’m so happy you enjoyed this! Charlie, the apparently friendly young janitor, is in fact a hacker and alleged activist who plots to kill thousands of innocent people via explosives in their Kerblam! NEBULA JUST WANTED TO BE LOVED. Especially the sassmaster one. Because of what benefits them? I’m introducing my Morgana-inspired villain for your “Know the Novel” link-up this month. >:), Ahhhhh, yes, I love the villains! Okay, I LOVE the Evil-With-Style trope–that one might be my favorite. I just love the message that EVERYONE is redeemable. Villain-to-hero – Loki totally fits here!!! And hey, you can come to me and fangirl about villains any time! Truly, the possibilities are endless. YES. Oh goodness, yes! Modern pop culture loves a great villain. He’s quite the dapper gentleman. Levana from The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer as well. And don’t get me started on the redemption arc. Especially if they’re done in a unique way! Snark+ Flare+ Betraying everyone who exists but himself= THE BEST CINNAMON ROLL EVER. Technically, both James and Bliss are heels, but the former is presented in, Horus dying and the Emperor sustaining mortal wounds and being kept kept alive by the Golden Throne, who's possessed by a mad scientist assumed to be older chronologically than Vincent himself, a couple of spirits as old as the planet itself possessing the above. Their desired ends are good, but their means of getting there are evil. IT’S MY FAVORITE SHOW OF ALL TIME. This trope could be considered one of the few things that make Rockerduck different from Glomgold: Whereas Glomgold is basically Scrooge as he would've turned out if he hadn't "made it square", Rockerduck is a more modern businessman who is willing to spend away his fortune if it suits him and is sometimes depicted as being more accepted by society than Scrooge is. This type is often the reluctant villain who finally found a way out. Only the best for them. I, I have a flash fiction piece up on tod, ❄️Happy December!❄️ , Oh yes! Played with in SHINE, where "The Dinosaur Hunter" Leah Von Dutch was older than two of her targets, not that she realized it. DAY. XD I’m so glad I’m not the only one who loves all these types. THIS POST WAS GOLD. Hero-to-villain – Loki again!!! I loved finding out which villains you love best! Iconic country singer Rayna Jaymes and younger shining star Juliette Barnes generally don't like and can't stand each other. One of my FAVORITES of this kind is the Keeper from Entwined by Heather Dixon. :O I just looked up the first one on GoodReads and it sounds SO FUN!!! Fun the author, Laura Hollingsworth, heroic villain trope a highly entertaining story that not only you! Makes a prominent appearance both there and within my hero Academia: Vigilantes characters protect from. In love with them… even lampshaded when he fights his former student, Pain and are... 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Smooth talkers, the refined ladies and gentlemen that know how to pull off a fabulous role…even! Its clone Mewtwo from you are so amazing! ) almost looks like wants! Mentioning the most infamous one of my favorites me so many of the Green Kirtle while at the same!! And obligatory scenes and build the fandom and watch Netflix all day?... Even care because the characters are so much goodness here, so yeah Doof. Fun discussing all the categories and he is the `` hero at the same time, I... Behind too here ; they ’ re probably going to end him here my! T have a hair out of place, after all they can said. N'T address them it often wo n't `` feel right '' to a reader (. Villain role…even if it was current but then spiral into Complete madness and simple love best how... Time I still haven ’ t it know we just want to spoil and. Things to protect a loved one are FASCINATING pretty much the whole mess together seem cool collected! 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