Shop my planner: widgets and app icons TUTORIAL!! iOS 14 has brought with it some substantial updates in store for Shortcuts now that it's launched. Mit iOS 14 ist eine universelle und geräteübergreifende Möglichkeit hinzugekommen, Screenshots am iPhone zu erstellen – und zwar allein durch Tippen auf die Rückseite und komplett ohne Tasten. Schritt 2: Scrollen Sie ganz runter und aktivieren Sie „Auf Rückseite tippen“ > Dann wählen Sie eine Aktion für Doppeltippen oder Dreimal tippen aus. How to Take a Screenshot on Your iPhone with Back Tap (New for iOS 14), How to Turn Your iPhone Flashlight On & Off with Back Tap (New for iOS 14), Use iPhone Life Insider to Master Your AirPods, iPhone & More, Fastest, Most Compatible, Rugged—This Drive Has it All, The Evolution of the iPhone: Every Model from 2007–2020, How to Know If Someone Blocked Your Number on Their iPhone (Updated for 2020), How to Find Your iPhone Even If It’s Dead or Offline (Updated for iOS 14), What iPad Do I Have? If you are using an iPhone with a Home button, you can also take a screenshot by pressing the … For more tutorials about how to use your iPhone features, including Apple's accessibility features, check out our free Tip of the Day. Primary phone: (641) 472-6330, How To Find a Lost iPhone That Is Turned Off, Leanne Hays is an SEO Content Strategist and Feature Writer at iPhone Life, and has written hundreds of in-depth how-to and troubleshooting articles. One of the new iOS 14 features Apple has rolled out is Back Tap, a set of shortcuts that allow iPhone users to double or triple tap the back of their phones to perform various tasks. She has over nine years of experience with SEO, social media management, and web development and writing. To make shortcuts faster on iOS 14, you need to download the "OneNee" App on your App Store. She's a former Associate Editor for. Keine Artikel mehr verpassen? iOS 14 has allowed everyone to get creative with their home screens and there are mixed reviews on the update. Shortcuts is getting a new widget with iOS 14, one in line with the overhauled widget system on the iPhone. iPhone users are loving the ability to create their own icons in iOS 14. Next, tap on “Add Action” to get started with a new shortcut. As mentioned earlier, iOS 14 will allow you to customize or change app icons on the Home screen using the Shortcuts … Wir zeigen euch, wie es funktioniert! Set it up as a quick-access button by putting the shortcut on your home screen, making it a widget, or viewing it from your Apple Watch. Wenn ihr auf diesem Wege öfter Screenshots erstellen möchtet, macht es Sinn, das Hauptmenü von AssistiveTouch anzupassen und ein Shortcut für das Erstellen eines Bildschirmfotos zu verwenden. Click the "+" button on your upper right. After you take a screenshot, a thumbnail temporarily appears in the lower-left corner of your screen. Öffnet dazu zunächst die Einstellungen-App auf eurem iPhone. Eine Miniaturansicht des Screenshots … Screenshots beim iPhone SE, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5, iPhone 4s, iPhone 4 . Mango Life Media, LLC Der Vollständigkeit halber wollen wir euch noch eine zweite Methode zeigen, bei der ihr mithilfe von AssistiveTouch ebenfalls Screenshots ganz ohne physische Tasten machen könnt. Here's how. Screenshots beim iPhone SE, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5, iPhone 4s, iPhone 4. iOS 14 Lets You Change App Icons on Home Screen - Here's How to do it. Auf der nächsten Ebene tippt ihr auf „Mehr“ und wählt „Bildschirmfoto“, um ein Foto des aktuellen Inhalts auf eurem Display zu erstellen. With a smart shortcut like the one that works with the super handy Back Tap feature, performing certain tasks like launching apps, translating a web page, or extracting ZIP files is a breeze. Leanne has an associate's degree in education, with a focus on curriculum development, as well as a bachelor's degree in science. Quickly release both buttons. (Android users, feel free to skip—y’all have had this feature for years.) However, one of the problems with Siri Shortcuts and automations is the annoying little notification that pops up every time the automation … Ihr könnt AssistiveTouch ab sofort für Screenshots verwenden – direkt im AssistiveTouch-Hauptmenü! Gegenüber der klassischen Tasten basierten Methode hat das den Vorteil, dass ihr euer Bildschirmfoto besonders schnell und bequem erstellen könnt. Now, your screenshot shortcut is paired to Double Tap or Triple Tap, whichever you chose. Featuring a ton of hacks, the Shortcuts app is designed to boost automation on iOS. In off-work hours, Leanne is a mother of two, homesteader, audiobook fanatic, musician, and learning enthusiast. But my favorite changes primarily focus on automation, one of my favorite features in Shortcuts on iPhone. Let’s take a look at the necessary steps. How to Identify Apple's Different iPad Models & Generations (Updated for 2020 Models), iOS 14 Draining Your iPhone Battery Life? One of many hidden new features in iOS 14 is an option to set new shortcuts that are activated by tapping the back of your iPhone. Generell können Sie von jedem iPhone-Bildschirm einen Screenshot erstellen. Das Display hellt dann kurz auf und schon hast du Deinen Screenshot erstellt. Scroll down and tap on ‘Open App’ under the Actions section. Leanne Hays is an SEO Content Strategist and Feature Writer at iPhone Life, and has written hundreds of in-depth how-to and troubleshooting articles. Apple's iOS 14 update means iPhone users can now get really creative with how their app icons look on their Home Screen. Apple introduced Siri Shortcuts with iOS 12 back in 2018, and since then they have come a long way. September für alle kompatiblen iPhones … Despite years of web work, Leanne is by no means an early adapter; she's only owned a smartphone for five years, which makes her highly sympathetic to the learning curve of new iPhone owners. Open the Shortcuts app on your iPhone (it's already preinstalled). iPhone Screenshot durch Klopfen auf Rückseite. 1. Fairfield, Iowa 52556, USA Despite years of web work, Leanne is by no means an early adapter; she's only owned a smartphone for five years, which makes her highly sympathetic to the learning curve of new iPhone owners. Klickt nun auf „Doppeltippen“, setzt das Häkchen bei „Bildschirmfoto“ und tippt auf „Zurück“. While iOS 14 brings some much-needed customizability to iOS, iPhones are still missing some key features when it comes to customization. Ab sofort müsst ihr nur zweimal hintereinander auf die iPhone-Rückseite klopfen, um einen Screenshot zu machen. I take a screenshot on my iPhone several times a day, so I'm happy that Apple has introduced a new way to take a screenshot. Street, Suite 108 Back Tap works with the iPhone 8 and later, including the iPhone X, iPhone XR, iPhone 11, 11 Pro, and the new iPhone 12 line. , as well as web content for education marketing. 402 North B. iOS 14: Etwas mehr Android-Feeling für iPhones. You can choose these two Shortcuts from the list provided or create a shortcut in the Shortcuts app. Mit dem flächendeckenden Release von iOS 14 am 16. Ab iOS 14 könnt ihr Screenshots ganz ohne physische Tasten machen, indem ihr auf die iPhone-Rückseite tippt. Related: How to Turn Your iPhone Flashlight On & Off with Back Tap (New for iOS 14). How to Take a Screenshot on Your iPhone with Back Tap (New for iOS 14) iPhoneLife - Leanne Hays. Wie ihr vielleicht wisst, gibt es für den Screenshot am iPhone eine spezielle Tastenkombination, die je nach iPhone-Modell etwas anders aussieht. She's a former Associate Editor for iPhone Life magazine, and has written for the Iowa Source, as well as web content for education marketing. iPhone Hintergrundbild automatisch wechseln lassen (Video), iPhone Screenshot durch Klopfen auf Rückseite, iPhone Hintergrundbild automatisch wechseln lassen. 13 Ways to Save Battery on Your iPhone, How to Retrieve Deleted Text Messages on Your iPhone (Updated for iOS 14), What Kind of iPhone Do I Have? Standardmäßig werden hier sechs Symbole angezeigt. If you want to add third-party Shortcuts, you'll have to go through an approval screen on iOS 12. iOS 13 and 14 users need to head to their Settings to manually "Allow Untrusted Shortcuts." Now, let's go over a new way to take a screenshot, using Back Tap. In the pop-up window that appears, select File, … One of the types of widgets that you can have on iOS 14 is called a Smart Stack. 2. Here's how to customize your smartphone's home screen and mix them with long-awaited widgets. ios-14-screenshot-doppeltipp. Using widgets on your iPhone's Home Screen in iOS 14, you can quickly see information from an app without having to open it. An iOS 14 device; Shortcuts app | Download; Procedure. At this time, you can only select two Shortcuts to enable with Back Tap; one with the double tap and one with the triple tap. For example, you can set Siri to turn off DND, Bluetooth, reduce brightness, turn off location, and more when the iPhone goes into Low Power Mode. Download the Shortcuts app on your iOS device and launch the app. Ab iOS 14 könnt ihr Screenshots ganz ohne physische Tasten machen, indem ihr auf die iPhone-Rückseite tippt. If you've never used Apple's Shortcuts app or you've only dabbled, it's well worth getting to know the ins and outs of this app. Jetzt Newsletter abbonnieren ». Namely, the ability to use custom icon packs. This shortcut is great for the Apple Watch, iPhone, and iPad. Gegenüber der klassischen Tasten basierten Methode hat das den Vorteil, dass ihr euer Bildschirmfoto besonders schnell und bequem erstellen könnt. Choose Screenshot. To begin: Sign up to iPhone Life's Tip of the Day Newsletter and we'll send you a tip each day to save time and get the most out of your iPhone or iPad. Your iPhone home screen is it right now. How to take a screenshot on iPhone models with Touch ID and Top button Press the Top button and the Home button at the same time. Beachten Sie allerdings, dass etwa bei Banking-Apps - aus Sicherheitsgründen - die Screenshot … Lasse beide Tasten gleich wieder los. Find Your Model Number & Generation, Save Data on Your iPhone: How to Check What Apps Are Using the Most Data, How to Save (All) Pictures from Messages & Facebook on Your iPhone, What Is HDR & How to Use It on Your iPhone Camera (Updated for 2020), Live Photos: The Complete Guide to the iPhone's Moving Pictures (Updated for iOS 13), How to Refresh & Speed Up iPhone 7, 8 & X, as Well as Older Models, How to Power Off, Power On & Hard Reset the iPhone X & Later, Best Protective Cases for iPhone 8 & 8 Plus: Waterproof, Rugged & Tough. While the app has always been good in most aspects, it surprisingly lacked a proper shortcut management tool. The options list will show up, you can choose whatever categories you want to choose as your shortcuts, then after you decide the shortcuts you want, click "add to action" and name your shortcuts. In iOS 14, Siri Shortcuts has received some welcome changes. The traditional way of taking screenshots does make its way into iOS 14. Here’s how to use Shortcut Folders in Widgets on iOS 14: Press and hold an application on the home screen and click on edit home screen when the pop up appears Applications should start jiggling and the user needs to click on a ‘+’ sign on the top right-hand corner to add a widget Scroll for the shortcuts widget and select that She enjoys making reader's lives easier and putting her education experience to work by walking them through the most practical ways to use Apple devices, step-by-step. Aktiviert das Feature mit einem Tipp auf den Schalter rechts daneben, woraufhin ein kleiner Kreis eingeblendet wird. However, there is one limitation that can be really annoying if you use a lot of custom slick icons to make your iOS 14 home screen aesthetic. Leanne has an associate's degree in education, with a focus on curriculum development, as well as a bachelor's degree in science. Redaktionstipp: In iOS 14, iPhone and iPad users can finally use custom app icons using the Shortcuts app. - … Auch defekte Tasten und Knöpfe, die den Screenshot ansonsten verhindern würden, könnt ihr so … Then, Open the app. Now you can set automation when the device is charging or using Low Power Mode. If your social media feed looks anything like mine, it’s filled people discussing how they’re customizing their home screens after the new iOS 14. Custom icon packs help you drastically change the look of your device which can be a huge plus point for some users. Halte ebenfalls den Power- und Home-Button parallel gedrückt. All the way, in fact to iOS 14 where people are using Shortcuts and iPhone widgets to create some incredible home screen customisations on iPhones. I take a screenshot on my iPhone several times a day, so I'm happy that Apple has introduced a new way to take a screenshot. Ihr könnt die Einstellungen nun beenden und die AssistiveTouch-Einblendung wird weiterhin sichtbar sein, bis ihr die Funktion in den Einstellungen wieder deaktiviert. Launch the “Shortcuts” app on your iPhone. Ihr könnt jetzt ohne Sperrtaste und Home Button ein Screenshot aufnehmen, und zwar ganz egal, ob ihr euch gerade in einer App befindet, auf eurem Homescreen oder ob ihr euch ein Video anseht. Tap on ‘Add action’. It’s a new accessibility option … The action will now be added to your new shortcut. Set it up as a quick-access button by putting the shortcut on your home screen, making it a widget, or viewing it from your Apple Watch. Ein Bildschirmfoto auf einem iPhone-Modell mit Touch ID und oberer Taste aufnehmen Drücke gleichzeitig die obere Taste und die Home-Taste. Alternativ zum Doppelklick könnt ihr auch die Option „Dreimal tippen“ wählen, falls ihr „Doppeltippen“ bereits mit einem anderen Befehl belegt habt. Tap Add to Home Screen and tap the icon next to your shortcut under Home Screen Name and Icon. People are desperate to know how to get the notification settings on shortcuts. Then you will be able to screenshot your iOS 14 with double taps on the back of your iPhone. But it gets better: this palm-sized drive is also rugged and waterproof, and includes specially designed heat-dissipating housing to keep it cool, even while transferring gigabytes of data in a matter of seconds. At long last, iPhone owners can finally customize their home screens with widgets. Ihre Screenshots können Sie auch ganz einfach auf den PC übertragen (siehe Video unten). It’s no longer necessary to jailbreak your iPhone to completely overhaul the appearance of its Home screen. Schritt 1: Öffnen Sie „Einstellungen“ auf Ihrem iPhone > Tippen Sie auf „Bedienungshilfen“ > Wählen Sie „Tippen“ aus. Copyright © 2020 3. Wählt hierzu im „AssistiveTouch“-Menü in den Einstellungen den Punkt „Hauptmenü anpassen“. Geht unter „Bedienungshilfen“ → „Tippen“, scrollt nach unten und wählt „Auf Rückseite tippen“. Tippt in der Sektion Physisch und Motorisch auf „Tippen“ und geht auf „AssistiveTouch“. 6. Tap the plus icon in the top right corner. And of course, OWC back this drive with up to three years of warranty coverage and lifetime support. Now search for ‘Open app’ in the search bar. Head over to the “My Shortcuts” section of the app and tap on the “+” icon at the top-right corner of your screen. This portable drive "for All Computerkind" works with past, present, and future Macs, Windows and Linux PCs, iPad Pro, Chromebook, and Surface devices with data speeds up to 2800MB/s. We've written several tips about how to take a screenshot on your iPhone, including how to take a screenshot on any iPhone, and how to screenshot with Siri. She enjoys making reader's lives easier and putting her education experience to work by walking them through the most practical ways to use Apple devices, step-by-step. Tap Double Tap or Triple Tap, here Double Tap is suggested. The new iOS 14 update finally lets you customize apps to your liking. You can now double tap the back of your iPhone to take a screenshot. Beachte: Der Powerknopf befindet sich an der oberen rechten Ecke des iPhones. Now tap on the ‘+’ in the top right corner of your screen. For example, you can see the date, or … I take a screenshot on my iPhone several times a day, so I'm happy that Apple has introduced a new way to take a screenshot. New UI in Shortcuts Gallery. Back Tap is a great iPhone accessibility feature for people with reduced dexterity or limited vision, but being able to take a screenshot with a few taps on the back of our iPhones is convenient for everyone. Bestätigt das Ganze mit „Fertig“. iOS 14: 11 cool tricks your iPhone's Shortcuts app can do for you now. Tippt einfach auf das AssistiveTouch-Symbol auf eurem Display und dann auf „Gerät“. Auch defekte Tasten und Knöpfe, die den Screenshot ansonsten verhindern würden, könnt ihr so umgehen. There are new actions, folders, Apple Watch support, and so much more. Let's learn how to take a screenshot on your iPhone using Back Tap. Dazu müsst ihr zunächst einmal die AssistiveTouch-Funktion aktivieren. While I've loved the Shortcuts widget that we've had before iOS 14, the new one has proven useful in particular ways. Öffnet hierzu auf eurem iPhone die Einstellungen-App und wählt den Punkt „Bedienungshilfen“. Diese Funktion ist normalerweise deaktiviert und soll in erster Linie Menschen helfen, die Schwierigkeiten mit der Bedienung des Touchscreens haben. Individuals with iPhone 8 or earlier can take screenshots by holding the home button and the side button simultaneously and that would take the screenshot. Geht auf das Plus-Symbol, scrollt ein wenig nach unten und wählt „Bildschirmfoto“. She has over nine years of experience with SEO, social media management, and web development and writing. „ Bedienungshilfen “ iOS 14 has allowed everyone to get started with new. Assistivetouch “ -Menü in den Einstellungen wieder deaktiviert, setzt das Häkchen bei „ Bildschirmfoto “ und tippt auf Gerät! Unten ) für alle kompatiblen iPhones … the new iOS 14 am 16 Tastenkombination, die den Screenshot iPhone. Traditional way of taking Screenshots does make its way into iOS 14, you can set automation the. Iphone users can finally customize their Home Screen and Tap on ‘ Open app ’ in the lower-left of. ) iPhoneLife - Leanne Hays übertragen ( siehe Video unten ) “, nach! Knöpfe, die je nach iPhone-Modell etwas anders aussieht 5, iPhone, and has written hundreds of how-to! Lower-Left corner of your Screen hundreds of in-depth how-to and troubleshooting articles favorite features in Shortcuts on iPhone 14 ihr. 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