(Perhaps the link to the folder could be put into the main page so that people wouldn’t need to look through a comment thread?). I would still advise that you only revise what is in the syllabus. I do single maths so it’s not something I’ve done yet and I wanted to know if I should go do it on my own. Hopefully this site can be of some help to all of you. When there are no external forces acting on a system its centre of mass won’t move. I wouldn’t worry too much about this. i got 0/8 on parametrics See https://oxfordpat.wordpress.com/#comment-1250. Cheers for the solutions. In no particular order: Book your PAT Tutor now. (1) I’d agree that it’d be easier with only one main copy. first round was mcq, second pi, third hr round easy interviw process questions were tough. If you can factorise and differentiate, then you can graph almost anything with the right method! Thanks for the kind words Tony. The syllabus isn’t clear on the subject though. It’s just because they gave the length of the spring (L) so I thought you would have to include it in some way. well, you see i found multiple choice questions very easy, but last 4-5 questions IMPOSSIBLE to solve. In a week or two I will be posting some information about how the syllabus has changed over the years and how this impacts the past papers. We haven’t covered C4. Please could you take a look at question 14 from the 2006 paper? Bc the older Pats (around 2010) have a lot of higher sin cos and tan in them, and radiants. This part has been removed in the updated 2018 spec and there doesn’t seem to be any mention of magnetism except for transformers. I’m afraid I have no idea what will come up. The people I know about got letters from a college, but it might vary. Hi should we know about lenses in addition to mirrors because the syllabus did not specify. Hmmmm. But we must suffer to achieve our goals. Sorry I’m afraid I have no idea about that — I would ask them direct if I were you. Thank you so much, I’ve had a look at available links and I think this page does a pretty good job of covering everything you need to know about diodes, LDRs and thermistors, without going into too much spurious detail: http://www.a-levelphysicstutor.com/elect-simple-circuits.php, Thank you again and again. In fact just to do the PAT I had to self teach so much C3/C4 I basically don’t attend the C3 lessons at school now but I remember not learning integration by parts because it looked really chunky and it was the fun bit of C4 so I left it so there would be 1 thing (along with vectors) to look forward to. These exams become much easier if you know that distance is the integral of velocity with respect to time, work done is the integral of force with respect to distance, force is the differential of momentum with respect to time, and so on. Thank you very much! Did you already get the results and where do you see them? I’m really sorry but I won’t get time to do the answers for the 2001 and 2002 papers for several weeks because I’m quite busy at the moment, so any answers I do will come out some time after this year’s PAT. If you think there are questions that should be added to a category than just paste the relevant links into a comment on that page, and then everyone can see them immediately, and I can pull them into the page text later. Have a look at https://oxfordpat.wordpress.com/#comment-769 and the link in the subsequent thread. So don’t worry about having to study Further Maths. In general, the more (sensible) questions you ask, and the more good points you make to the interviewers, the better. Amazing site! Thanks. As far as plane mirrors are concerned, it’s a shame that there has hardly ever been a PAT question on this subject so there isn’t much to revise. Looks like simple harmonic motion is one of the past-paper questions but that’s not on the spec? I am certain that the top of each circle had a y co-ordinate of 3.5 and the tangent had length 8. Hello, am i meant to study angular momentum it’s not in my a2 syllabus neither in the syllabus. Cheers best of luck to everyone. I thank you for such a beautiful initiative to provide very authentic solutions to the PAT questions. Prof. Povey is a great writer, those problems look appropriate. + do not forget the charge and discharge graphs of capacitors, For the section Structure of solar system, what kind of things are they looking at. I hope it went well for you! Hard integrals; Thank you so very much for the work you put into this website and for the attention you give to us, students preparing for the PAT. Confidence especially is really important in this test. I know you’re just trying to help and I don’t want to remove it. How much integration do we need to know, not having done C4 yet? Other than that, looking at what has been asked in exams, I expect it means just knowing the planets and what order they’re in – basic general knowledge really. Exactly right. I hope you will continue with this work and I wish to support you by making a donation. You are absolutely right about answering to 2sf. A practical assessment task (PAT) mark is a compulsory component of the final promotion mark for all candidates offering subjects that have a practical component and counts 25% (100 marks) of the endof-the-year examination mark. Hey ! Again, these are really minor things, so it might not be worth the time to fix them especially if you’d have to refix them each time you upload. That’s really good to know, and a great attitude to take into the exam. We halved the distance and didnt take the vertical component. Hi Raya — do you mean UK year 10 or India class 10? This site is designed to help you succeed in the Oxford PAT. There’s 4 papers published by oxbridge admissions, which are of equal difficulty to those of the PAT. And thanks for your kind comments — it’s good to know the site is appreciated. I like this question because you only need to know one fact, that du/dx = du/dv dv/dx, but you also have to be comfortable using that fact and following it through to its logical conclusion. Evaluate yourself against 7,00,000+ aspirants in a real-test environment and get powerful analytics-driven test results which focuses on your weaknesses and areas of improvement. Yeah, that’s what I meant. Nah, I think this was really one of the hardest ones. Make sure you read through https://oxfordpat.wordpress.com/changes-to-the-syllabus/ carefully. If not, most probably I’ll get a 40. (3) it’s useful to me to get statistics on which answers and other pages people actually look at because it is closely correlated with what people find difficult (e.g. However, i thought the plank will move to the left to balance the weight of the student. Physics Aptitude Test (PAT ) 2019, Problem 12- Solution, University of Oxford Admission Test. Review past exams and solutions for SOA's exams. Go to page 10 onwards for the summary of the strategy and the sign table. If half the remaining drug is excreted every T seconds then our function becomes D 2^(-t/T) 2^(-t/T), which equals D 2^(-2t/T). So at time t, when the student is moving at velocity v(t) to the right, the plank has to be moving with velocity u(t), where u(t) = -Mv(t)/m. 1. Of course our friend here Mr Oxford PAT will be here to guide the next batch of Physics wannabes, but I think if this is the course that the test takes, it is one we should be comfortable to acknowledge hereon-in; a difficult test for a difficult course. Remember, it’s not an exam, it’s a face-to-face dialogue, so if you have never learnt some specific details then that will be obvious, and not too big a deal. Thank you! a mistake) I know that there won’t be incorrect copies circulating, because everyone gets the answers from a single server; Whatever i score i am very grateful to you for this site, you are a blessing to those of us who could not get good help. I don’t remember the question exactly. Is it just me or was this years PAT more difficult than any other since 2006, the questions were from previously untested areas as well??? In specifics could you tell what of A2 physics and c3,c4 to cover as time is valuable and I don’t want to waste it on things that aren’t needed Nice to see someone enthusiastic about education and challenge. If so, can you ask it on the page for the question? cheers. Thank you once again for the help you’ve provided , Thanks for your kind words. I’m afraid I really have no idea. I wondered whether you could advise me as to what I sort of revision activities you think would be most effective at this stage: I’ve been doing PAT preparation since the beginning of summer, and I’ve done all the past papers a few times (apart from the most recent one which I’m saving for a mock nearer the time), as well as most of the relevant Physics Olympiad questions and the problems on the Issac Physics website that’s mentioned on the Oxford Physics site. Yes, I accidentally wrote ‘seconds’ instead of ‘hours’ above. I’ve just written them up and am uploading them. Well done everyone. was it the one where the other quadratic with the same roots was the original but with a 2 factored out? The last equation uses the definition v=ωr and the third equation. So, I can’t say for certain but it seems that the PAT could play a bigger part than ever. and btw don’t forget about circle and differentiation of circle equation. I don’t think so. And if you can sketch confidently it kind of makes you look like a badass . All of the questions are here in their relevant exam paper though. capacitance= Permittivity of dielectric x Area of overlap / distance between the plates If you feel this is unsatisfactory, by all means, do remove it. That’s pretty cool, I tried to derive it somehow but couldn’t! As long as you indicated what kind of displacement it was, (I. E. from mass m or from its starting position) either with words or a diagram or evenvaguely made it evident, you would get the marks. What do everyone think. Im sure they’ll give you the formula in the interview if you forget though. Would you recommend I only focus on the A2 content and get it out of the way as soon as possible or do PAT prep alongside learning the A2 content? Ahh I see. I just did mg u static =k(x-l) and solved for x . I’m just a bit perplexed.. I’m not an expert on the details of the qualifications, but I’ve worked with UK and US engineers and the basic content of engineering courses doesn’t vary that much; I think that a good degree in engineering science from Oxford would be highly valued in the US. Yes — I think you should probably have mastered all the differentiation techniques you mention. Hi! It’s essentially the 2015 paper IIRC (at least it has sections of it) so you can say 65 will be the cut off, do you have to know how to differentiate and integrate log? Hi Nial, Thank you so much for your comment: all the effort that I have put in to this site is made worthwhile by the knowledge that it has been useful. But is this really such a bad thing? Thank you so much for this invaluable resource – It has been vital to my preparation for the Pat so thank you! Name Description The toggle menu icon will collapse or expand the System Menu on the left side of the screen. That’s very kind of you Saiyed, thanks. Hey, thanks for this website! A few years ago I realised that not everyone is lucky enough to get the level of coaching I got, and that’s why I set up this site. Will we have to simplify our fractions for our answers? If one of the masses is much bigger than the other then the answer is almost identical to the one you were taught. No problem it’s a pleasure to help. an energy problem related to catapult: I’m really pleased to hear that. I am a class 10 student ..how should I study physics to succeed PAT ? Thanks alot Oxford PAT! You shoud do yes, if you have covered C4 anyway. Thought you might know more since you’re part of the department. The minimum notice is 1 week before the assigned interview dates for your course, which have been published on Oxford’s website, if you haven’t heard from them by then, you should email your college. If, for example, it is asking for the displacement as part of a suvat equation (unless it states otherwise) 2 sig figs will do. It is absolutely amazing that somebody has gone out of their way to do so much for others. People often discuss questions on thestudentroom if I recall. I don’t know much about the A level modules, but by googling around I think for at least some boards this is covered in C1 (see https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/A-level_Mathematics/OCR/C1/Error_bounds_and_Inequalities#Solving_Inequalities_involving_Fractions). The blog format means you can post your own comments, get clarification of things you don’t understand, suggest improvements or corrections to our answers, and explain your thinking to others. If, like previous papers, the value of g that should be used hasn’t been explicitly mentioned – should I just use 9.81 as this is the most accurate value? I think some of the problem solving questions have required you to understand the relationship between how much objects float and thus how their densities are related. Sorry for the delay in responding to you! https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/request_for_physics_aptitude_tes. The fact that the examiners are talking about what you should do with extra sheets that you want to hand in implies that they expect you to be able to get hold of extra sheets if you need them. My answer turns out to be sqrt(2P/MT), but looking at various solutions, the correct answer should be sqrt(P/2MT). For the second part, why is the velocity 3u rather than just u? This year’s PAT has been confirmed to be going ahead, and the date is available on the Oxford physics website: This year’s exam will be on Wednesday 4th November. Hi – when will the 2018 solutions be up? Basic knowledge of bodies in our Solar System, including planets, moons, comets and asteroids. Thanks a lot for the site btw. So, in a complex system of pulleys, the tension in the string is the same everywhere. No I don’t think so. But that’s the only thing I think you need to know about electromagnetism. volume Just a specific question–is knowledge about thin films recommended for the PAT? Trust me, you wish that there were more graph sketching questions. I think that’s it as far as angular momentum is concerned. This is material that my teacher gave me so I can’t source its origin. If you want things to be stated absolutely formally, a more formal way of stating the fact that “When there are no external forces acting on a system its centre of mass won’t move” is to consider momentum. I wasn’t too sure, I think they would accept either. paramatrics , sound wave and refractive index i couldnt wrote anything, srely loosing 27 marks. I was wondering if you had any advice for final preparation? Would we be fine if we said something like pi(sqrt(4x^2))/sqrt(3)? I just downloaded the pack and checked it out, yes this works very well. Just wondering if we need to know summation notation equation for the test. 3 Header Icons The header options at the top of the screen give options to enhance or change the system functionality. Thank you for that Jess. This site has been extremely helpful ! In each system of stars they all followed the same circular path of the same radius, and the radii of the two systems were the same; the only difference between the stars in each orbit was that they were evenly spaced around the orbit, so in the binary system they were always directly opposite each other, and in the triple star system they formed the vertices of an equilateral triangle. I would like to say thank you! Huh, thanks Kainaat. The older papers, to some, started to become almost like an A-level exam, and became devalued – as seen by the very high “pass marks”. Take care now! Any words of wisdom/advice for the last hours of prep left? The Physics, Engineering, Materials and Maths questions are relevant. Trigonometric substitution when solving integrals; http://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/undergraduate/applying-to-oxford/interviews/interview-timetable. Like MAT has their solution out on Oxford Math YouTube channel already. I was wondering whether they could ask us to use archimedes principle and elements of fluid dynamics in questions. I’ve collated the ones I’ve downloaded (2010, 2014, 2015, 2015 sample), if you’re agreeable I could post them here/invite you to the google drive so that you could upload as well? Here it is: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3Ih-llX8PqqczNwSEtxMmRVMzA/view?usp=sharing. I’m afraid I actually don’t know any at an appropriate level. Probably ‘no’ I think. The Practical Assessment Task (PAT) in Computer Applications Technology (CAT) is a research project that provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate your information management skills. Stewart , I’m with you on that one. Good luck tomorrow. I think this comment sums it up really. You mean this question: https://oxfordpat.wordpress.com/oxford-pat-2015-question-10/? Another question: are we still expected to know anything on magnetic fields? I hope you have a great time at Oxford. Hi Dave! For example the 20 marks question in 2013? Thank you! I’m more comfortable with reflection of plane mirrors but I might have missed a few key details, do you have any tips/resources leading to any possible reading on this? See the answer to your question on the 2014 paper: https://oxfordpat.wordpress.com/oxford-pat-2014-question-15/comment-page-1/#comment-597, Hi, I absolutely love this website! You’d think they’d spread them out. Therefore, if it is maths and it’s a surd, it’s a good idea to keep it exact. Any tips or advice for preparation for the interview? I am not an expert- I’m taking it this week too, actually!- but in the last 4 months during which I’ve gone through every paper and had a look at the syllabus I have not seen angular momentum at all. Honestly really appreciate it! Sorry I’m afraid I have no idea what’s on the AQA syllabus. So your best bet is to learn the bits of A2 that are on the PAT syllabus and do lots of past paper questions on this material. Wasnt spring masses pretty straight forward? (1) files get copied — currently if I need to change something (e.g. I’m afraid I can’t answer with total confidence as I don’t mark it. My Dad started this site because when I was doing the PAT in 2013 there were no free solutions available, and, even worse, lots of the paid ones were incorrect! PAT 2019 paper solutions. Does that mean we need to memorise these? But don’t worry, they will find a way of contacting you. On the minus side, this looks a bit stupid and takes some time; on the plus side, it’s only 2sf. (3) Semiconductors & electronics? Thanks! they also asked you puzzle question. Thanks. Do we have to know about integration by parts for the interview? That is the sort of thing you’d cover in the first year mechanics course at uni though. It was nothing like the past papers. Is knowledge of thermodynamics and fluid dynamics required for the test? If you know all the material then I’d tentatively say yes. “Elementary electrostatic forces and magnetism; electromagnets, motors, generators” Hi, I’m really glad the site has been useful. I’ve just un-Approved them and I’ll enable them again in 24 hours. Huge thanks for your reply,I can not express how grateful I am. Do you think that this would be enough for at least 3 out of 5 marks? I think it only requires you to remember that if you multiply both sides of an inequality you flip the sign of the inequality. seattlehttps joomlaxe com document david-cook-sunday-school-lesson-1-2019-september-1-2019 html department of education 2016 tourism pat memorandum If you don't see any interesting for you, use our search form below: probability That is some solid advice! Hard? I haven’t looked in detail but this looks OK: http://www.purplemath.com/modules/ineqsolv.htm. (Covered by “Understanding circuit diagrams including batteries, wires, resistors, filament lamps, diodes, capacitors, light dependent resistors and thermistors.”). Though, I think it is covered by fair dealing within fair use. 4, 5, 9, 14, 23 [2] A B C D E 28 34 37 39 42 2. PAT paper 2019; PAT report 2019; PAT paper 2018; PAT report 2018; PAT paper 2017 I need it for FP2 and it feels atm like I’m kind of guessing when sketching graphs. Thank you again for the amazing content on the webpage. I’d imagine so, yes. The solutions are for the questions I could do, or figured out after the exam. The syllabus includes the phrase “elementary properties of prisms and lenses”. It’s a pleasure to be able to help; that’s what this site is all about. Page 2 of 21. To do well on mechanics in the physics section it helps to understand the differential equations for exponential decay and harmonic motion, and to understand how to add and subtract vectors. Hi Subhendu. i recieved an e mail from the British Council that it will last 1 h and 20 min sum of geometric series Of course, I have been working hard to earn those achievements. Thank you so much for this site and your comments, it’s made a huge difference to my revision and confidence. 2) Integration by substitution has been useful in the past. I’d say don’t worry. I understand air wedges and single/double slit interference but just have a hard time for some weird reason getting my head around thin films and bubbles!! They’re quite simple and you might end up using them in your a level maths exams. I have been doing past papers and BPhO questions and it seems to be going well. I know how much effort and commitment the candidates put into the PAT and it’s just a pleasure to be able to help them out. Like you I can only remember 9 non-multiple choice questions, but hopefully the ones I can’t remember you can. Good luck! Do you have any advice for the last couple of days and what we should be doing? Just integer powers, although it may be useful to know the formuls for fractional powers as it can be easier than the binomical expansion. Otherwise I ’ ve read the front page ) 17 of 2010 paper of 3.5 and the link a!, writing down some key equations … ) local site that is hosting the exam I like! And eclipses access to the one for Physics and ideally further maths can find discuss... Are studying things that are still covered required in the past hours of prep left at once you. 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