Sikaflex 221 SDS Number: 000000601552 Revision Date: 14.11.2019 Version 2.0 7 / 8 Persistence and degradability No data available Bioaccumulative potential No data available Mobility in soil No data available Other adverse effects Product: Additional ecological infor-mation : There is no data available for this product. Sikaflex 221 CHEMTREC: 800-424-9300 INTERNATIONAL: 703-527-3887 Sika Corporation, Industry 30800 Stephenson Highway Madison Heights, MI 48071 1. Sika Sikaflex 292i Assembly Adhesive White is a one component, moisture-curing, high strength marine adhesive that is used for bonding boat building components such as floors, metallic frames, shower stalls, bulkheads, cabinets, trims, molding, exterior and interior panels, and also used to replace rivets and mechanical fasteners. Not exactly sure how much product to buy? Sikaflex ®-221 is a high-quality multi-purpose nonsag 1c polyurethane - - sealant that cures on exposure to atmospheric humidity to form a durable elastomer. 0
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ݫ Avoid exceeding the given occupational exposure limits (see section 8). 0000030009 00000 n
0000052980 00000 n
PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : Sikaflex 221 Product code : 000000601552 Type of product : liquid Manufacturer or supplier's details Company : Sika (NZ) Ltd. 85-91 Patiki Road Avondale Auckland AKL 1026 Telephone : +64 9 820 2900 Emergency telephone num-ber : 0800 734 … 0000029609 00000 n
Product name Supplier Manufacturer Validation date Print date In case of emergency::::: Product type :Solid. 0000001366 00000 n
0000053472 00000 n
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40 0 obj
Sikaflex-221 bonds well to a wide variety of substrates and is suitable for making permanent elastic seals of high adhesive strength. 0000076529 00000 n
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/�z Sikaflex®-221 US Version 1.5 Revision Date: 12/21/2016 SDS Number: 000000604251 1 / 12 SECTION 1. What solvent is recommended to smooth out Sikaflex… See Answer. (see diagram) Shrinkage (DIN 52451) 5% approx. ���F�0��*i~ [�� �0�aUC��� >�yL�k�B�6�<2���}CX�(�H/���cUXr�iF �` }-<
Direct glazing adhesive for glass windows in the ship building industry Sikaflex®-295 UV. |�`��fT�X�Y��. 0000029744 00000 n
The optimum temperature for substrate and sealant is between 15 °C and 25 °C. Sikaflex®-219 LM. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Risks : sensitising effects May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing difficul-ties if inhaled. � Sikaflex®-265. 0000000980 00000 n
Sikaflex 221 from just £5.55 Per tube + VAT (Box 12 Price) Sikaflex 221 is a polyurethane sealant, fantastic for bonding and sealing a wide and varied amount of applications. h�b```�JAw!b`��0p\``PX���A��}5���l_�u�n����8[r#��fo��#� Telephone no. �$��AGpL"��q�g�w}�G��ׂ^A��*�K?�>�|�
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View All Sealants. June 2009. Meets approvals ASTM C920 types and Federal Specifications TT-S-00230C. endstream
1300 0 obj
It is a one part, high quality sealant and adhesive. Sikaflex®-221. I�~8�(��Q(�J�!����&����K�o�?���LH��7�T=O�IZ�%(�Z��Q(�g��l� ���鮳��8U�T�)�b���[��Ě(rRX�DF��/�Z���ii@�3���!t�G9����O~��U�B�sN{& 4���G⫦�}֘�����]ְ"��v�c�n:��&b� 1330 0 obj
Sikaflex ®-221i Überarbeitet am 12.01.2016 Version 8.1 Druckdatum 16.03.2016 Land CH 000000131725 1 / 11 ABSCHNITT 1: Bezeichnung des Stoffs bzw. }��Pf������T�#�V��QЊ�c��?�F3��_��ʡh���@���ޜs�՛��ctz�ޥ ���+ �q �a�?$�7C �!�������C:$,jh��;��I���՛)� C�c��G���U��` u�
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des Gemischs und des Unternehmens 1.1 Produktidentifikator Handelsname : Sikaflex®-221i 1.2 Relevante identifizierte Verwendungen des Stoffs oder Gemischs und Verwendungen, von de- nen abgeraten wird Produktverwendung : Dicht- und … Sikaflex®-221 kan påføres med manuel, tryk-luft- eller elektrisk fugepistol, såvel som med pumpeudstyr. %PDF-1.4
Sikaflex®-221 can be processed with hand, pneumatic or electric driven piston guns as well as pump equipment. Related Questions. 0000052161 00000 n
View Support. Sikaflex-221 Safety Data Sheet (SDS) PDF - 672 KB (en) Sikaflex-521 UV Normal Sikaflex®-221 One-component adhesive sealant Technical product data: Chemical base one-part polyurethane Colour white, grey, black, brown Density (DIN 53479) (uncured) 1,25 kg/l approx. Type in your metrics and we'll let you know. Product Details. Sikaflex®+ Self-Leveling Sealant.
What can be used to clean tools that I have used in the… See Answer. 0000031124 00000 n
How Much Do You Need? Sikaflex® PRO November 2020, Version 01.02 020511010000000012 PRODUCT DATA SHEET Sikaflex® PRO Sealant for concrete and masonry facades DESCRIPTION Sikaflex® PRO is a 1-component, moisture-curing, elastic joint sealant. Für den Bau und die Industrie bieten wir Produkte für vielfältige Anwendungen an. 0000031206 00000 n
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Sikaflex-221 SDS Number Version 2.0 : 000000601552 Revision Date 2019/06/21 1 / 9 SECTION 1. June 2009. Sikaflex®-221 SAFETY DATA SHEET Product name Sikaflex®-221 Conforms to Regulation (EC) No. H��WmOG�n��a>�E��ξoEZ�B 8�*�.1�� u���wf�g��m Un�{v癗��j�nus5�\�����j5��}�.���Ӈj��yu:��Y�V7�ś7�?��p`�����F8p^x��W����ÁW"Z���}�
��.���pP�ή�&K8K;�|�ho�����*���+X48:��۟��C$�W�&.�lb ΑH�� May cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure if inhaled. 0000001921 00000 n
Sikaflex-221 is a high-quality multi-purpose non-sag 1-C poly-urethane sealant that cures on exposure to atmospheric humidity to form a durable elastomer. Sikaflex®-221 can be processed between 5 °C and 40 °C but changes in reactivity and application properties have to be considered. Sikaflex ®-211 US is manufactured in accordance with ISO 9001 / 14001 If the paint requires a baking process (> 80 °C), best performance is achieved by allowing the sealant to fully cure first. endstream
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Sikaflex ®-221 Revision Date 13.07.2020 Version 7.0 Print Date 13.07.2020 Country GB 000000029841 4 / 15 and symptoms. %%EOF
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Exterior sealant and direct glazing adhesive for organic glass in Marine applications Sikaflex®-268 PowerCure. 1317 0 obj
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: Sika Australia Pty. endstream
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0000052575 00000 n
For personal protection see section 8. 0000053554 00000 n
USES Sikaflex® PRO is designed for movement and connec-tion joints on porous substrates as well as indoor and outdoor general sealing applications. xref
34 22
0000000647 00000 n
It bonds well to a wide variety of substrates and is suitable for making permanent elastic seals of high adhesive strength. Handling and storage Advice on safe handling : Do not breathe vapors or spray mist. Sikaflex®-221 kan anvendes mellem 5 °C and 40 °C, men ændringer i reaktivitet- og applikationsegenskaber skal tages i betragtning. Sikaflex®-296. Sikaflex 291 Identification of the material and supplier Material Safety Data Sheet Product name 1 . 6��eZ�|.���c���5T]o}Yšl/q�~��6�7�f����2p��\�.���/���
Af�Vl � #�a ����P�P���`O�� ���9oXf�#� ��>BO� ��:�|IJ�G,|r[���:�dV|rj;��>�|2+>�;��'cm>����-�l>��{�;�ᓳ6��C=}x?4��Q��G�P�����x�(M=|#��Ɇ|��(�Q��Gysφ|r����T��C>JmY}�K�@��Jj}�Q�{c�� (|�˔*|��)|[�|o�V�(��~�*��-�O����Z���(ߛ���V)|��9�O�C�� ��>������ޘ �'�86Z��3Ə��T�a�F�<=1��!ִ�s��]�L���_��G� Den optimale temperatur for underlag og lim er mellem 15 °C og 25 °C. trailer
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(888) 832 - 7452 Fax no. Sikaflex®-201 US Version 1.5 Revision Date: 12/21/2016 SDS Number: 000000604224 1 / 11 SECTION 1. +61 2 9725 11 45 Fax no. Džs,��-��p|!��OZ0��ł]x�o�����t��kmn����EK��K�68�J�/^2s��w�`��"G^��_��
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Sikaflex 221 1 . Suitable substrate materials are: timber, metals, metal primers, paint coatings (2-C systems), ceramic materials and plastics. Non sagging and has a moisture curing system (cures in contact with moisture in the air). Sikaflex®-221 can be best painted after formation of a skin. Sikaflex ®-211 US is a one-component non-sag elastomeric, high performance purpose built interior/exterior sealant that cures on exposure to atmospheric humidity to a tough, durable, flexible seal with good weatherability system capable of +/-25% joint movement. depending on colour Stability (non-sag properties) Good Cure mechanism Moisture-curing Tack-free time* 45 - 60 minutes Rate of cure* 3 mm per 24 hrs. Painting could be improved by treating the joint surface with Sika® Aktivator-100 or Sika® Aktivator-205 prior to paint process. Accelerated assembly and glazing adhesive and sealant for rail applications Sikaflex®-201 US. x���~ A� Sikaflex® ist als weltweit führende Marke für elastische 1- und 2-komponentige Klebstoffe und Dichtstoffe auf Polyurethanbasis (PU) oder silanterminierter Polymerbasis (STP) bekannt. Sikaflex®-221 is tested and classified in accordance with ANSI/UL 723 “Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials”. Sikaflex®-211 US. 1. SECTION 13. 0000030529 00000 n
Sika Australia Pty Ltd. 55 Elizabeth Street Wetherill Park, NSW, 2164 Phone: +61 2 9725 1145 Fax: +61 2 9725 2605 ABN 12 001 342 329 Sikaflex 221 SDS Number Version 1.1 : 000000601552 Revision Date 2017/07/11 1 / 9 SECTION 1. To atmospheric humidity to form a durable elastomer Number: 000000604251 1 / SECTION! ), ceramic materials and plastics for surface Burning Characteristics of Building materials ” system cures. Sealant and direct glazing adhesive and sealant for rail applications sikaflex®-201 US 1.5. Treating the joint surface with Sika® Aktivator-100 or Sika® Aktivator-205 prior to paint.... Materials are: timber, metals, metal primers, paint coatings ( 2-C systems ), ceramic materials plastics! Cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing difficul-ties if inhaled Anwendungen an og 25 °C be to!: 12/21/2016 SDS Number: 000000604251 1 / 9 SECTION 1 30800 Highway... Or repeated exposure if inhaled form a durable elastomer to atmospheric humidity to a... 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