-.0151 Tc -.01 Tw -.0196 Tc -.0199 Tc 18.1421 4.7999 TD 0 Tw )13.8( T)-5.9(h).7(e)13.8( remaining)13.9( sect)5.3(ions)-6.2( )20.2( )]TJ 43 0 obj [(I)-20.9(t).9( c)-18.6(o)-12.7(m)-12(p)-12.7(r)-15.3(i)-13.5(s)-15.3(e)-19(s o)-9.1(f).9( s)-15.3(e)-13.6(n)-8.2(i)-13.6(o)-12.2(r).9( e)-4.9(x)-3.9(e)-15.2(c)-12(u)-12.4(t)-7.6(i)-15.7(v)-1.2(e)-19(s).9( w)-15.3(i)-13.9(t)-7.7(h).9( r)-13.4(e)-13.1(l)-12.6(e)-1.6(va)-14.7(n)-7.3(t).9( ove)-13.2(r)-22.3(s)-13.7(i)-13.1(g)-10.6(h)-8.7(t a)-14.7(n)-10.8(d)-19.1( )]TJ -.0141 Tw q 1 0 0 1 56.669 713.33 cm 0 0 m There are over 2,460 paid relocation entry careers waiting for you to apply! [(st)-21(ance,)-20( )]TJ -.02 Tc 6.4972 0 0 6.4972 39.668 575.3628 Tm 0 -1.176 TD -.0002 Tw 0 -1.1759 TD 0 Tc [(a)-14.7(r)-17.5(r)-18(a)-15.1(n)-10.1(g)-13.5(e)-14.1(m)-13(e)-14.1(n)-7.7(t)-10.4(s)-25.3(. -.0194 Tc 20.787 3.9781 TD T* -.0069 Tc 0 -1.176 TD 0 -10.004 l [(the 20)47(1)41(7)0( D)20(A)0(B)-42(P)0( rules, the following provisions will normally apply:)]TJ /F3 1 Tf 29 0 obj -.02 Tc /F1 1 Tf -.0138 Tw [(p)-14.6(a)2.4(y)-16.4(m)-13.3(e)-14.4(n)-8(t)-10.7(s).2( i)-12.5(n).2( a m)-13.4(a)-15.4(n)-11(n)-11.5(e)-13.9(r).2( w)-17.4(h)-10.2(i)-14.7(c)-13.9(h wo)-11.5(u)-9.6(l)-13.3(d b)-15.9(e)-14.4(n)-11.5(e)-16.8(“)-19.6(t).2( a)-15.4(n).2( E)-40.8(x)-4.6(e)-15.9(c)-12.7(u)-13.1(t)-8.2(i)-16.5(v)-1.9(e D)-19.5(i)-12(r)-14.1(e)-15.9(c)-16.9(t)2(o)-13(r)31.7(. -.0211 Tc 19.9914 0 0 19.9914 39.668 750.3378 Tm -.0055 Tc [(aw)-5.6(a)-15.4(r)-15.4(d)-.2( h)-13.4(a)-22.9(s b)-16.3(e)-16.3(e)-14.8(n g)-12.2(r)-18.7(a)-15.8(n)-8.4(te)-16.3(d)-17.2(. 6.997 0 0 6.997 56.6686 808.252 Tm ET .013 Tc [(F)20(or awards made under the approved rules of the 20)47(1)41(7)0( P)-21(S)-21(P)103(, the following provisions will normally apply:)]TJ [(s)-8.1(a)9(t)5.7(i).2(sf)-23.6(ying)14.2( a)13.9(w)8.8(ards)14.3( of)14.2( v)9.8(a)-1(riable)14.2( remunera)9(t)5.7(ion)14.3( and,)14.2( in)14.2( rela)9(t)5.7(ion)14.2( t)16(o)14.2( an)-5.8( )18.4( )]TJ -.0144 Tw 6 0 obj >> -.0197 Tc 0 -22.667 4.041 -22.667 v ET 0 -1.176 TD -.554 -1.578 TD /Resources 32 0 R /F3 1 Tf >> [(rela)9.2(t)15.5(e)-1.8(d)14.3( pa)16.5(y)36.8(. /F3 1 Tf No termination payment is made in respect of any part of a notice period that extends beyond the contract expiry date. 0 Tc /F3 1 Tf -42.3937 -1.2 TD 0 -22.667 5.667 -22.667 v )Tj [(A)14( c)-5.5(o)0(mbina)8.8(t)5.5(ion)14( of)14( per)-29.4(f)7.8(ormanc)-5.9(e-rela)8.8(t)15.2(e)-2.1(d)14( and)14( re)-5.9(strict)15.2(ed)14( share)14.1( plans)-6( )]TJ [(c)-21.7(o)-15.9(n)-10.5(t)-11.4(r)-20.8(a)-13.3(c)-19.4(t)-13.3(s f)-8.7(o)-15.5(r n)-14(e)-6.3(w a)-17.5(p)-15.9(p)-17.5(o)-14.4(i)-15(n)-10.5(t)-11.9(m)-15.8(e)-16.9(n)-10.5(t)-13.2(s)0( w)-18.6(i)-13.5(l)-12.2(l)0( e)-8.1(x)-19.4(p)-14.9(i)-14.5(r)-16.5(e)0( i)-15(n)0( l)-11.3(i)-15(n)-14(e)0( w)-18.5(i)-17.1(t)-10.9(h)0( t)-10.9(h)-15.4(e a)-17.5(p)-15.9(p)-15.8(l)-11.3(i)-17.2(c)-25.4(a)-17.5(b)-16.3(l)-15.8(e)-20( )]TJ [(20)23.6(1)49.8(6)0( b)-16.1(e)-14.6(n)-11.7(e)-17(“)-19.8(t)-10.9(s a)-15.6(n)-11.7(d p)-15.7(e)-14.6(n)-10.5(s)-14.6(i)-14.5(o)-13.6(n “)-18.3(g)-11.4(u)-11.2(r)-14.2(e)-19.9(s)0( h)-13.2(a)3.6(ve b)-16.1(e)-16.1(e)-14.6(n u)-13.5(s)-16.2(e)-16.1(d)0( f)-6.2(o)-13.2(r t)-8.6(h)-13.1(e C)-23.7(F)-21.6(O,)-20( )]TJ -.0005 Tw /Cs8 CS .4 SCN BT (Investor information)Tj (Strategic report)Tj S -.0002 Tw 0 -1.176 TD .0004 Tw >> .0001 Tw 74 0 R] -.01 Tc 0 -1.1759 TD Q 0 Tw S /F1 1 Tf [(Cla)13.6(w)-4.1(back)13.9( and)-6.9(/)43.5(or)13.9( malus)13.9( pro)12.4(v)-.9(isions)13.9( apply)13.9( a)-8.8(s)14( de)-5.9(scribed)13.9( on)14( page)13.9( 1)78(4).8(0. q 1 0 0 1 39.668 262.397 cm 0 0 m /GS2 gs 0 Tc /F3 1 Tf f ET 8.7871 4.435 TD 146.008 -17.001 l )]TJ /GS1 gs T* -.0051 Tc [(wo)-9.1(r)-14.1(k)-31.1(fo)-9.1(r)-10.4(c)-16(e)-10.6(. 0 -1.176 TD -.0202 Tc /F1 1 Tf -.006 Tc )]TJ -.0197 Tc 7.4968 0 0 7.4968 38.5347 86.7689 Tm -.0137 Tw /Font 40 0 R ( )Tj F)20(or awards made prior to the)-15( )]TJ /Cs6 cs .38431 .73333 .27451 scn 241.051 -22.667 l [( Remuneration element)-11417.1( Pr)20(op)-21(osed c)20(hanges to p)-21(olicy)-9217( Rationale for the c)20(hange)]TJ 0 -1.1759 TD 0 -22.668 5.667 -22.668 v .0002 Tw -.0066 Tc [(g)-13.6(e)-15.7(o)-14.3(g)-12(r)-18.5(a)-15.2(p)-13.2(h)-.6(y i)-12.7(n)0( w)-17.6(h)-10.4(i)-14.9(c)-14.1(h t)-8.6(h)-13.1(e i)-12.7(n)-11.7(d)-9.8(i)-16.6(v)-14.8(i)-14.9(d)-11.2(u)-14.5(a)-15.6(l)0( o)-13.2(p)-15.7(e)-14.1(r)-18.4(a)-5.3(t)1.2(e)-19.9(s)-25.8(. [(S)-26.7(i)-16.2(m)-19.8(o)-20.4(n D)-30.7(i)-16.2(n)-19.3(g)-21.8(e)-22.1(m)-23.9(a)-18.1(n)-15.9(s)-39.9(,)0( C)-27.7(F)-17.5(O \()6.4(£)-36.8(0)-44.3(0)-44.3(0)-3(\))]TJ BT f 212.507 0 l T* -.058 Tc -.58 0 TD 31 0 obj q 1 0 0 1 311.124 268.732 cm 0 0 m -.58 0 TD -.0197 Tc T* T* .0002 Tw T* ET S 1 0 0 1 0 -42.112 cm 0 0 m ET [(pen)4.2(s)-.3(ion)14.7( con)6.5(t)5.6(ribut)6.2(i).2(on. endobj -.018 Tc 71 0 obj 0 Tw /ColorSpace 42 0 R 74 0 R] 0 Tw 0 Tw -.0202 Tc 1.134 -1.2001 TD /F3 1 Tf /Cs8 CS .1 SCN 0 Tw 0 -1.176 TD -63.8028 -2.258 TD .58 -1.1765 TD 0 Tw )]TJ 10.9953 0 0 10.9953 45.3349 698.873 Tm 0 -1.176 TD T* endobj /Cs8 cs 1 scn There was, however, a relocation of 150 staff from London to its offices at the Ansty Technology Park near Coventry. /GS2 gs -.0198 Tc )Tj [(…)-554(Provide additional ”exibility for the Committee)-20( )]TJ [(D)-18.4(e)-11.6(f)-6.9(e)-13.7(r)-17.6(r)-13.7(e)-15.8(d).3( b)-15.4(o)-13.7(n)-8.2(u)-13.2(s s)-14.7(h)-12.9(a)-14.8(r)-13.7(e)-19.6(s).3( a)-14.9(r)-13.7(e e)-13.7(l)-8.6(i)-13.7(g)-9.4(i)-11.9(b)-13.7(l)-13.2(e).3( f)-5.9(o)-12.9(r d)-9.5(i)-16.3(v)-14.5(i)-14.5(d)-13.7(e)-14.3(n)-11.4(d e)-15.4(q)-11.2(u)-8.6(i)-16.3(va)-15.3(l)-13.1(e)-14.4(n)-7.8(t)-10.6(s u)-10.8(p).3( to)-19.7( )19.8( )]TJ q 1 0 0 1 39.668 713.33 cm 0 0 m endobj -8.716 -21.488 TD ).3( G)-24.2(e)-16.5(n)-13.7(e)-16.2(r)-20.4(a)-17.7(l)-11.9(l)-16.2(y)22.8(,)-19.7( )]TJ 0 -1.677 TD -.02 Tc ET [( Generally)40.9(, performance will be assessed following the end of the “nancial)-15( )]TJ S 1 0 0 1 0 -107.67 cm 0 0 m q 1 0 0 1 56.669 666.161 cm 0 0 m [(on)16.3( page)16.3( 1)73.3(2)34.5(4. [(Purp)-21(ose and link to strategy)]TJ /Contents 19 0 R 0 -1.677 TD [(Alignment with shar)20(eholders:)-20.1( )]TJ /TrimBox [0 0.2860000134 595.0200195312 841.8140258789] -33.5018 -1.2 TD -5.1879 -12.958 TD /F3 1 Tf 243.758 0 l /Cs6 cs .95294 .43529 .12941 scn What makes this award unique, is our ranking is determined based on feedback from those who know us best – our employees. -.0004 Tw [(r)-14.1(e)-14.8(m)-10.9(u)-11.3(n)-11.5(e)-13.9(r)-18.3(a)-5(t)-8.3(i)-14.3(o)-13.4(n).2( o)-9.8(f).2( e)-5.6(x)-4.6(e)-15.9(c)-12.7(u)-13.1(t)-8.3(i)-16.4(v)-1.9(e)-19.7(s).2( a)-5(t).2( c)-19.3(o)-13.4(m)-12.7(p)-14.8(a)-15.4(n)-8.8(i)-14.8(e)-19.7(s o)-9.8(f).2( s)-14.8(i)-12.5(m)-10.8(i)-11.1(l)-13.8(a)-14.8(r s)-14.8(i)-16(ze)-14.8(, c)-19.3(o)-13.4(m)-12.7(p)-13.3(l)-13.3(e)-5.6(x)-14.8(i)-14.8(t)-29.1(y)-19.8( )]TJ stream -.0194 Tc BT S 0 -17.001 5.667 -17.001 v H)-18.8(o)-2.4(weve)-13.5(r)31(,).5( i)-12.2(n).5( c)-19.4(e)-13.5(r)-40.6(t)-17.6(a)-14.2(i)-12.2(n c)-13.5(i)-11.7(r)-13.5(c)-12.4(u)-10.9(m)-13.5(s)-15.6(t)-17.6(a)-15.1(n)-11.2(c)-19.4(e)-19.4(s)-23.8(, to e)-14.1(n)-11.3(a)-14.7(b)-13.5(l)-13(e).5( t)-8.1(h)-12.6(e)-19.5( )]TJ endobj /Cs8 cs 1 scn 5 0 obj [(Simpli“c)-21(ation of the Annual b)-20.9(onus)]TJ [(T)-20(h)-13.3(e C)-29.5(o)-13.8(m)-13.3(m)-11.2(i)-15(t)-28.6(te)-16.3(e i)-14.6(s)-.2( m)-11.2(i)-12.9(n)-11.9(d)-16.8(f)-14(u)-10(l o)-10.2(f)-.2( t)-8.7(h)-13.4(e s)-16.4(e)-14.8(n)-10.7(s)-14.7(i)-15(t)-8.7(i)-16.8(v)-15(i)-15(t)-29.5(y r)-14.5(e)-14.2(l)-14.2(a)-5.4(t)-8.7(i)-12.9(n)-10.9(g)-.2( to r)-14.5(e)-16.3(c)-14.8(r)-18.2(u)-9.1(i)-15(t)-9.8(m)-13.7(e)-14.8(n)-8.4(t)-20.2( )]TJ -.0002 Tw << [(Governance and r)20(emuneration)]TJ .58 -1.178 TD -.02 Tc 0 Tw 8.742 9.7589 TD /Cs6 cs 0 .71373 .78824 scn )13.3(8)15.3(0)12.1(m)]TJ 478.709 572.25 19.833 58.369 re /Cs8 [/Separation /PANTONE#20Warm#20Gray#209#20C [/ICCBased 73 0 R] -.0197 Tc -.0007 Tw [(16)-63.3(%)]TJ [(r)-14.2(e)-19.8(s)-15.3(p)-15.1(o)-13.5(n)-10.4(s)-14.5(i)-12.1(b)-13(i)-11.2(l)-8.8(i)-14.7(t)-8.4(i)-14.8(e)-19.7(s).1( b)-16(e)-13(i)-12.6(n)-10.6(g a)-15.1(p)-13.6(p)-15(o)-12.1(i)-12.5(n)-8.1(te)-16(d)-17.4(,).1( f)-7.1(e)-16(e l)-13.4(e)-2.4(ve)-13.9(l)-12.9(s).1( w)-16.1(i)-11.2(l)-9.8(l).1( b)-16(e).1( b)-16(e)-14.5(n)-11.6(c)-14(h)-12.5(m)-13.5(a)-15.1(r)-17.9(ke)-16(d a)-15.5(n)-11.6(d)-19.9( )]TJ /BleedBox [0 0.2860000134 595.0200195312 841.8140258789] [(t)-21(aking into account the proportion of the performance period that has elapsed. [(r)-14.3(e)-19.9(s)-15.4(p)-15.7(e)-16.1(c)-17.1(t o)-10(f)0( d)-9.8(i)-16.6(v)-14.8(i)-14.9(d)-13.6(e)-14.6(n)-11.7(d)-14.4(s r)-14.3(e)-13.1(i)-12.6(n).7(ve)-19.9(s)-16(t)1.2(e)-16.1(d)0( a)-15.7(n)-11.6(d d)-13.3(o)0( n)-11.1(o)-7.6(t f)-12.4(a)-10.9(c)-17.1(t)1.8(o)-13.2(r)0( i)-12.7(n)0( c)-14.1(h)-13.2(a)-15.6(n)-10.7(g)-13.6(e)-19.9(s to)-20( )]TJ T* -.0131 Tw -.0003 Tw [(w)-15.9(i)-11(l)-9.6(l).3( b)-15.8(e).3( p)-13.3(r)-12.6(ov)-14.5(i)-14.6(d)-13.3(e)-15.8(d).3( i)-12.4(n).3( l)-8.6(i)-12.4(n)-11.4(e).3( w)-15.8(i)-14.6(t)-8.2(h).3( c)-19.2(o)-13.3(m)-12.6(p)-14.5(a)-15.3(n)1.1(y p)-14.9(o)-12.8(l)-8.6(i)-14.6(c)-10.2(y)22.8(. 1 scn /F1 1 Tf W n [(B)-19.5(e)-14.5(n)-11.6(e)-16.9(“)-19.7(t).1( p)-13.5(r)-12.8(ov)-14.7(i)-14.3(s)-14.5(i)-14.4(o)-13.5(n i)-14.4(s).1( t)-18(a)-14.6(i)-11.2(l)-13(o)-13.1(r)-14.2(e)-16(d).1( to r)-14.2(e)-16.9(”)-18.2(e)-16(c)-17(t).1( m)-13.5(a)-15.1(r)-17.9(k).1(e)-9.5(t).1( p)-13.5(r)-18.4(a)-10.8(c)-17(t)-8.4(i)-14.8(c)-19.8(e).1( i)-12.6(n).1( t)-8.5(h)-13(e)-19.9( )]TJ 153.005 0 l -.0203 Tc [(complexity subject to the limits cont)-21(ained)-20( )19.9( )]TJ 396.68 780.915 198.341 15.584 re 498.684 0 l -.0195 Tc -.0001 Tw [(O)-26.7(t)-8.4(h)-12.9(e)-13.9(r b)-15.9(e)-14.4(n)-11.5(e)-16.8(“)-19.6(t)-10.7(s w)-16(i)-11.1(l)-9.7(l).2( b)-16(e).2( p)-13.4(r)-12.6(ov)-14.6(i)-14.7(d)-13.4(e)-15.9(d).2( i)-12.5(n).2( l)-8.7(i)-12.5(n)-11.5(e).2( w)-16(i)-14.6(t)-8.4(h).2( t)-8.4(h)-12.9(e p)-15(o)-12.9(l)-8.7(i)-14.7(c)-10.3(y).2( f)-6(o)-13(r e)-5.6(x)-15(i)-14.2(s)-15.9(t)-8.3(i)-12.5(n)-10.5(g)-19.8( )]TJ 23.1597 0 TD q 1 0 0 1 56.669 139.143 cm 0 0 m -.0009 Tw [(F)-17.5(e)-15.6(e)-19.4(s).5( w)-15.7(i)-10.8(l)-9.4(l).5( b)-15.6(e).5( s)-15.7(e)-9.1(t a)-4.7(t).5( a l)-13(e)-2(ve)-13.5(l t)-8.1(h)-12.7(a)-4.7(t).5( i)-13.9(s).5( c)-19(o)-13.1(m)-12.4(p)-15.2(e)-9.2(t)-7.9(i)-14.3(t)-8(i)-16.1(v)-1.6(e w)-15.7(i)-14.3(t)-8.1(h).5( t)-8.1(h)-12.1(o)-15.2(s)-15.7(e p)-14.3(a)-14.2(i)-14.4(d).5( by)-19.5( )19.7( )]TJ [(Purp)-21(ose)]TJ .5 w 10 M 17 0 obj 498.684 0 l Elder care assistance:A list of nursing homes or care centers will be provided. 0 Tw q 1 0 0 1 56.669 820.333 cm 0 0 m /Cs6 cs .95294 .43529 .12941 scn -.0138 Tw /F1 1 Tf /F3 1 Tf /ExtGState 67 0 R -.0123 Tc ET /ProcSet [/PDF /Text] [(from)13.4( shareholder)-9.7(s)13.4( in)13.4( det)14.6(e)-.6(rmining)13.4( t)4.8(h).3(e)13.4( P)8.2(o).3(l)4.5(i)-1.5(cy)13.4( which)13.4( shareholder)-9.8(s)13.4( are)-6.5( )]TJ S 1 0 0 1 164.338 0 cm 0 0 m -.0194 Tc 0 -1.578 TD ET 0 -1.176 TD (Operation)Tj 52 0 obj -2.7979 -1.711 TD 6.7471 0 0 7.4968 399.5138 802.8964 Tm A typica… -1 -1.6771 TD /F1 77 0 R 0 -1.1759 TD [(T)103(ermination by notice by the company and r)20(etir)20(ement \(US executives\))-50(:)]TJ /F3 1 Tf -.0251 Tc ( )Tj 0 Tw GlaxoSmithKline is setting up a global vaccines hub in Rockville, MD, in the wake of its big asset swap with Novartis. John K Smith opened his fi rst drugstore in 1830; the Beecham’s Pills brand was launched in 1842; and the Glaxo trademark was registered in 1906. -.0004 Tw 6.997 0 0 6.997 351.5257 556.3828 Tm 11.8681 0 TD [(T)103(ermination payment)-20( )]TJ 0 Tw << /MediaBox [0 0 595.2199707031 842] f /Cs6 cs .95294 .43529 .12941 scn 9 0 obj .0001 Tw [(Chairman�)39(s fees)]TJ Q T* T* 0 -1.1759 TD 40 0 obj 0 -1.6771 TD )]TJ 8.5194 0 TD /F1 1 Tf 76.503 0 l [(a)-8.9(c)-12.1(h)-8.4(i)-12.9(eve)-14.1(d)-15(. BT 0 -1.1759 TD [(T)-20.1(h)-13.4(e C)-29.6(o)-13.9(m)-13.4(m)-11.3(i)-15.1(t)-28.7(te)-16.4(e d)-13.9(e)-9.9(te)-14.4(r)-18.8(m)-11.3(i)-13(n)-12(e)-20.2(s)-.3( t)-8.8(h)-13.5(e r)-14.6(e)-14.8(m)-11.5(u)-11.7(n)-12.1(e)-14.3(r)-18.8(a)-5.6(t)-8.7(i)-14.8(o)-13.9(n)-.3( p)-15.1(a)-11.2(c)-14.9(k)-23.5(a)-10.3(g)-14(e o)-10.3(f)-.3( n)-12(e)-4.2(w)-20.3( )]TJ /Cs6 cs .95294 .43529 .12941 scn 0 -19.595 TD 0 -1.767 TD -.0058 Tc 243.676 0 l [(on)14.6( an)14.6( ann)6.1(u).1(al)14.6( ba)-8.1(sis)-11.2(. 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