With so many cover crop options to choose from, these mixes will be driven by your specific goals. If you’re mixing a lot of warm- and cool-season species, Berns says you can get up to 150% full rate or higher because the cool-season crops won’t be growing aggressively when it’s hot, and once you have a frost the warm-season crops will die. On the other hand, long-lasting residue and weed suppression are complementary goals because they both need species that will provide a lot of soil coverage and take longer to break down. SS Supreme N-Boost Mix Berns recommends playing “what if?” scenarios in the calculator to see how changes in your seeding and termination dates affect your goal scores and C-N ratio. Having the farmer select their needs and priorities allows the calculator to customize mixtures that provide the most benefits and protection to the field. 3 Factors to Consider. Welcome to AgFuse’s fourth year of hosting a 31 Days of Cover Crops Photo Cont... Our 31 Days of Cover Crops Photo Contest has now come to a close. The calculators below will help with many of these questions. SS Supreme Soil Cover Mix. “How do you know if it has been a success if you didn’t know what you were trying to accomplish?” Berns asks. Webinar Case Study - Transition to Cover Crop for a Beginning Farmer The Corn Story the First Year: Lynn Knight, ENTSC: Cover Crop Cost-Return Budget; An Excel spreadsheet to analyze the economics of planting a cover crop based on short-term benefits. AgFuse’s 31 Days of Cover Crops Photo Contest is Starting! If you believe this message is in error please contact us at admin@agfuse.com. Berns says they’re currently working to add short videos on the species selection page where growers can learn more about the cover crop and see how it performs out in the field. The calculator starts by requesting some basic information about your location and your plans for the mix. You’ll also need to decide your seeding and termination dates, which will tell you the length of your selected growing period, as well as the number of base 50 growing degree days and base 40 growing degree days, which indicate warm- and cool-season crop growth, respectively. One of those is Green Cover Seed’s SmartMix Calculator. Instead, they prefer to look at the percentage of a full rate (what the rate would be if you were seeding a species by itself). Berns says they will take growers through a series of questions, such as “Do you think you have compaction issues? There are a variety of different types of cover crop seed mixtures that suit the needs of a variety of different types of farmers. Early summer plantings are commonly utilized as a forage source for livestock when summer heat begins to reduce cool season grass and forage production. Our Story; Blog; Contact Us; Have questions? He notes that with new SmartMix users, they may recommend substitutions or some changes to better achieve their goals while keeping the seed costs the same or lower. You need to determine what kind of species you’ll use, how many you’ll use, and at what seeding rates. Elbon has a shorter dormancy period than northern cereal rye and will give more fall growth as well as earlier spring growth. “The next year you may want to push your seeding rate a little higher, or if you didn’t see much of a difference, cheat back a little to save a little bit of money,” he says. Employee Owned. The calculator starts by requesting some basic information about your location and your plans for the mix. The reason for this is because it’s hard to determine what species to select if you don’t know what you’re trying to do. Developed by Green Cover Seed, the SmartMix calculator is the best cover crop mix decision making tool in the industry and it can help you design the perfect mix for your farm. “Cover crops can do so many different things — everything from erosion control to suppressing weeds to breaking compaction to fixing nitrogen to supplemental grazing,” he says. Mix Name. Picking the right mixture is important to maximize your output and help give your field the best protection. For more information on using the cover crop calculator, Green Cover Seed has video tutorials to help guide you into creating the perfect mix for your operation. Timing: Seeding will typically occur once soil temperatures can sustain 40°F and field conditions are dry enough to allow traffic. A Florida based worldwide supplier of Lawn, Pasture and Turf Grass Seed at wholesale pricing direct to the public! Berns says these ratings aren’t always perfect — sometimes a species is listed as marginal that maybe shouldn’t be — but in general you should stick to the excellent and good categories. He adds that C-N ratio is not only dependent on the species you choose, but how long your growing period is. Spring mixes are also used in the western Great Plains as a 'fallow replacement' where a living cover provides extra residue and biological diversity for the soil. See the Winning Photos from AgFuse’s 31 Days of Cover Crops Photo Contest! SmartMix. Per-acre seed costs from a 2013-2017 ISU trial are listed below. Some individuals may not be listed above if they shared content without first signing in. Home. An economical cover crop blend that will establish quickly and will winter kill for easy termination. Hairy Vetch Seeds. “We always follow up with everybody and we always review everything.”. / acre; Broadcast 30 lb. Delivered straight to your inbox, the AgFuse Digest is a weekly newsletter that’s packed with curated content to help you stay up to date with what’s going on in the world of ag. The 55 Series seeders are best known for their value, versatility, and adaptability. Berns says if you pick goals that complement each other, you may be able to get them all over 90% on their goal progress. Buckwheat is widely grown as a grain crop, bee pasture, soil improving cover crop and as wildlife cover. Can You Use Legume Cover Crops in Your Peanut Rotation? Star Seed Inc is a leading provider of high quality seed with distribution across North America. At the bottom of the screen, you’ll also see Mix Effect Potential Ratings for nitrogen fixation, grazing, drought tolerance, frost tolerance, winter hardiness, diversity and salinity tolerance. While we are creating these mixes, we will always make sure they are compatible seed sizes and fit for your geography. Berns explains that it’s been a good benchmark to shoot for when you have four to six different species in a mix. VALMAR PULL-TYPE AIR BOOMS 9620 AIR BOOM8700 AIR BOOM8600 AIR BOOM 5500 AIR BOOM246 PNEUMATIC BOOM245 PNEUMATIC BOOM VALMAR CHASSIS MOUNTED AIR BOOMSJOHN DEERE® CHASSIS MOUNTED AIR BOOMCASE IH® CHASSIS MOUNTED AIR BOOM, GRANULAR APPLICATORSST-SERIESFERTI-GO 4SST-10 PATHFINDER CARTST-6 PATHFINDER CARTST-12 FRAME MOUNTST-10 FRAME MOUNTST-6 FRAME MOUNTST-4 FRAME MOUNT56 SERIES6056 PULL-TYPE4056 PULL-TYPE6056 FRAME MOUNT4056 FRAME MOUNTSMALL GRANULAR APPLICATORS1255 INTER-ROW BANDING OR BROADCAST APPLICATOR456 PERSERVATIVE APPLICATOR, BBI SPINNER SPREADERSHYDRAULIC DRIVEMAGNASPREADMAGNASPREAD 2MAGNASPREAD 3JOHN DEERE® CHASSIS MOUNTED SPINNER SPREADERCHASSIS MOUNTED SPINNER SPREADERJAVELIN SPINNER SPREADER OPTIONSNIPERLIBERTY HDR (Hydraulic Drive)GRASSHOPPER HDR (Hydraulic Drive)MECHANICAL DRIVE TROOPER LIBERTY GRASSHOPPER CRICKET AG & TURF CRICKET VINEYARD, LITTER / LIME SPREADERS ENDURANCE HYDRAULIC DRIVE PULL-TYPE ENDURANCE TRUCK MOUNT ENDURANCE MECHANICAL DRIVE PULL-TYPE SPECIALTY SPREADERS SIDE SHOOTER PULL-TYPE ROCKBODY TRUCK MOUNT, INDEPENDENT SERIES I-1100I-1200I-2100I-2200I-4100I-4200HARROWS FOR I-SERIES, VERTICAL TILLAGETHE INDEPENDENT SERIES AERWAY® AG, CONVENTIONAL TILLAGE5200 ENFORCERCULTIVATORS450 S-TINE550 S-TINE700 S-TINEMOLDBOARD PLOWS6200 MOLDBOARD PLOW8200 TANDEM FLEX-TRAIL PLOW, AERWAY® AGAERWAY® CCT DOUBLE ROWAERWAY® C-FLEX SINGLE ROWAERWAY® HAY & PASTUREAERWAY® CLASSICAERWAY® AWMAERWAY® HARROWS & ATTACHMENTSAERWAY® AWATS SEEDERAERWAY® HARROWS. Cover crops help retain the soil, lessen erosion, and add organic tilth to the soil if tilled in. We know that you’re very busy and you’re being bombarded with all kinds of information and statistical data about cover crops and cover crop mixes along with many other ways to improve your farming operation and productivity. Salford Group, with facilities in Iowa, Georgia, Ontario, Manitoba, and Russia, is a global leader in the manufacturing of tillage, seeding, and precision nutrient application equipment. As more producers utilize cover crops, the benefits they can have for your land and livestock continue to become more apparent. Green Cover Seed is trying to solve that by providing educational content on each cover crop. By planting between growing seasons, farmers can literally turn field negatives into field positives. With over 30 years of farming experience, our team works to provide the highest quality cover crop seed mixtures. Farmers are up to the challenge for better nutrient management. Seed one strip 25-30% higher, the next strip 25-30% lower, and the rest of the field at the recommended rate. For example, nitrogen fixation and long-lasting residue are two goals that are not complementary to each other. Berns also recommends farmers start playing around with the calculator ahead of time to educate themselves on the different options and plan for what they’d like to do in the future. For anyone new to cover crop blends, these decisions can be overwhelming. If you’re not sure what your goals are, Green Cover Seed can help. Having the farmer select their needs and priorities allows the calculator to customize mixtures that provide the most benefits and protection to the field. For instance, in a field of corn, the most competition to corn is another corn plant because they need the same nutrients and water, and they’re rooted at the same depth and have the same canopy height. When it comes to creating a cover crop mix, the options are endless. Good news for farmers: Quantity discounts and other factors often make seed costs lower than those recorded by ISU. Next to every species is an information icon (see image below) where it will take you to a page that provides information on how that species can be used, its advantages and disadvantages, tolerances and more. To fix nitrogen you need a lot of legumes, Berns says, which are typically pretty poor for having long-lasting residue. / acre. The greater the diversity in your mix, the higher you can push the full rate percent. Just click to … We are committed to the adoption of cover crops wherever agricultural land exists. Have you seen erosion? You're not allowed to send a request anymore because you exceeded your limit. We can help! Are you trying to suppress weeds? Another situation where the seeding rate can be pushed higher is when you’re grazing the mix, because those species are not likely to reach full maturity. These cover mixes are used to 'prime' the soil biology ahead of a later spring planted crop. Buy Sweet Clover $2.35 per lb. We are big on performance and believe that clean, quality seed, with blends matched to the growing season, provides the most benefit to our customers. “That’s how you learn, by just taking a little extra time to do those types of things.”. Toggle navigation. Create Date. We have taken the hassle out of seeding crops. Contact Us. Home Garden Ordering Available Tues–Wed ET. You can also learn more about a species after you’ve added it to the mix. Elbon Cereal Rye . Healthier soils begin with seed. (0) Open menu. But when you start mixing things together that have different rooting depths, canopy heights and nutrient needs, it’s not as competitive of an environment. In this article, we’ll walk you through how to use SmartMix to create a multispecies blend that gives you the results you want. This includes how many acres of the mix you plan on seeding, how you will seed it, and what the following cash crop will be. Interactive crop calculators for farmers and gardeners. Get access to a complimentary whitepaper "Top 10 Ways To Increase Your Farm's Profits This Year" when you sign up on AgFuse today. How to Use the SmartMix Calculator to Create the Perfect Cover Crop Mix, https://agfuse-web.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/production/article_images/1dbc1e412e07fa8c73ac038b06f4e2e6.png, https://agfuse-web.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/production/article_images/e2f2f2526e5e39299993b1ceaffc73e1.png, https://agfuse-web.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/production/article_images/55481c80f6bb6853c06f58ab53b4d2e1.png, https://agfuse-web.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/production/article_images/39b5e7f996dd138575c512101167215f.png, https://agfuse-web.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/production/article_images/c15758fd0b3940143ced94914e823b52.png, https://agfuse-web.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/production/article_images/4b137e1284e921e626e568efc9462140.png, https://agfuse-web.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/production/article_images/7f783c568ead0efff7a0db4ac52ee250.png, https://agfuse-web.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/production/article_images/5e3dc63c8957b09b15b11714f1dc0390.png, https://agfuse-web.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/production/article_images/fea61eb0d4630d6ee962ac1e119c0cbe.png, https://agfuse-web.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/production/article_images/5246d8cc506e152c00eefea73f64b121.png, https://agfuse-web.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/production/article_images/a1c2d5d577c815a50b8dbc3e498472f8.png, https://agfuse-web.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/production/article_images/684074bc652ab33d8a76fdc402200cde.png, https://agfuse-web.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/production/article_images/d5fd22bc7c5ed904285dfecf9fa6e42c.png, contact them with any suggestions or ideas. “If you’re doing just one thing, you wouldn’t necessarily want to do more than 100% or you start the law of diminishing returns.”. Warm season species will decline after the first killing frost leaving the cool season species to continue to thrive and be productive. No products in the cart. Timing: These mixtures consist primarily of warm season species so the soil temperature need to sustain 55-60°F and the last frost risk has passed. Iowa Learning Farms has a spreadsheet tool that compares cover crop costs, taking into account seed and termination costs for different mixes and species. Elbon Cereal Rye was developed by the Noble Foundation in Oklahoma and has a great combination of winter hardiness and fast grwoth. Once you’ve selected your species and added them to your mix, you’ll see several meters update. Search. Whether you are farming conventionally, organically, or aiming for a no-till system, soils should have a living crop growing on each field for as many months of the year as possible. Before you start selecting species for your mix, you need to decide what you want to achieve with your cover crops. Variable-Rating Fertilizer: Does It Pay Off? This calculator will calculate a mix and estimate a seed density for drills or broadcast seedings for any grouping of forage species in the calculator list: Cereal Seeding Calculator : This calculator determines how much seed is needed to plant a cereal crop with the desired plant density and includes seed drill calibration information. Find your first or last Frost Dates Tell us about your field Take a look at the multiple advantages learned from planting appropriate cover crops. If you find your goals are not complementary to each other, you’ll either need to decide to let go of one of the goals or choose different ones. Skip to content. He adds they always appreciate getting feedback from users and you can contact them with any suggestions or ideas you have. About UsAsk SalfordFind a DealerFinancing, CONTACT US AccessibilityTerms of UseCookies & Privacy Notice, From the Ground Up Podcast with Jim Boak: 4R Nutrient Stewardship, Nutrient Stewardship to Meet the Needs of Your Farm, Comply with Regulations, Equipment Spotlight: Salford Valmar 55 Series, Sustainable and Yes, Profitable Farming with Cover Crops, 1255 INTER-ROW BANDING OR BROADCAST APPLICATOR, JOHN DEERE® CHASSIS MOUNTED SPINNER SPREADER. So if you have five species in a mix, each would be seeded at 25% of its full rate. Picking the right mixture is important to maximize your output and help give your field the best protection. Green Cover Seed is always trying to improve the tool, Berns says, and they plan to come out with some new features and updates periodically. The 2019 edition of our “31 Days of Cover Crops Photo Contest” has ended. A Living Soil. July August Planting: With ample heat units remaining, warm season species will dominate these mixtures. Mix ID : 1663366. Cover Crops Canada is your cover crop resource for reliable, quality cover crop seed, cover crop coaching and advice, and soil health renewal. Cover Crops Can Help, Corn Fungicides 101: Tips for Protecting Your Crop and Your Bottom Line from Foliar Disease, Are Nitrogen Stabilizers Worth Using? With certain types of cover crops, you can select a seed or seed mix whose primary purpose is to fix primarily the nitrogen and/or the potassium levels of your soil. The downloadable Excel file calculates the total cost of establishing a cover crop—including seed, application and chemical termination. Drilled 25 lb. What this looks like. Cereal rye: $18.78 Oats: $17.44 Rye/rapeseed/radish: $30.46 Oats/hairy vetch/radish: $63.29 Make it Easy Spending $10 to $12 per … If your goals aren’t compatible, then you’ll probably struggle to achieve all of them. While some prefer to look at creating mixes by seeds or pounds per acre for each species, Berns says Green Cover Seed didn’t feel it was a strong way to determine how much seed you need. You need to determine what kind of species you’ll use, how many you’ll use, and at what seeding rates. “Once you start having some experience and seeing what you’ve done on your own farm in the past, you can just leave that off and plug your own numbers in,” Berns says. The 55 series tools quickly and accurately meter a variety of seed and granular product sizes at a range of rates suited for cover crop seeding. For new cover crop users, it may be overwhelming trying to decide which species to choose. Learn More. These mixes can also be used on prevented planting acres to add biological diversity, suppress weeds, and produce nitrogen and cycle nutrients during the prevented plant year. Seed Planting Calculator Use this calculator to determine the optimal time to start your seeds. On the other hand, if a grower is in a really dry environment or is interseeding into another crop, they may only seed at a rate of 75%. The SmartMix calculator recommends achieving a full rate of 125%, and if the AutoAdjust is turned on (see top right of calculator), it will automatically set your mix to achieve that rate. If you think the time your cover crops will be growing will be drier, you can input a negative number, while if you expect it to be wetter than usual, you can input a positive number. In a separate video, I went over tips for making a cover crop mixture. smartmix calculator Green Cover Seed's SMARTmix Calculator is a great tool that makes finding the right cover crop mixture easy. Demand for annual cover crops is growing, with interest in building soil health and supplementing perennial forage use. While mono cover cropping is better for soil health than no cover crops, the more diversity you bring into the mix, the more benefit you get from the cover crop. According to the OSU cover crop calculator (Andrews et al., 2012), that would result in an estimated PAN of 13 lbs/acre for the 2-species mix, 54 lbs/acre for the 4-species mix, and 59 lbs/acre for the 6- species mix, assuming the cover crop was tilled to incorporate it at the time of termination. Fortunately, there are several free tools available today that can guide both new and experienced cover crop users through the process of developing their own mix. “It’s going to be very difficult to get a C-N ratio above 30 if it’s only growing for 60 days.”. 800-782-7311. One important piece is figuring out the appropriate amount of seed to include for each species when planting a mix. Converting the ample hours of summer sunlight into forages and soil nutrients is one of the best ways to improve the biological health of your soil. “Even the high-carbon crops are going to have a low C-N ratio when they’re in the vegetative stage,” he explains. What’s so great about cover crops? Buy Sunn Hemp $1.45 per lb. Many producers seed cover crop mixes, often called “cocktails,” in order to benefit the soil ecosystem, improve soil aggregation, and support a variety of soil microbes, fungi, and other biodiversity, such as earth worms. We believe that a no-till cover crop approach reduces soil disturbance, improves water infiltration, and improves soil health. Some calculators can be useful for specific aspects of cover crop use, like Oregon State University Extension’s calculator that estimates the fertilizer value of cover crops and compares the cost to purchased fertilizers. The company dedicates its ongoing innovation efforts to precision, durability, versatility in the field, and improving the economics of farming for producers worldwide. Forages; Wheat & Small Grains; Cover Crops; Native Grass; Pollinators & Wildflowers; Lawn & Turf; Wildlife & Food Plot; Seed Care; Contact Us; Account Login; Cover Crop Mix Calculator. 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